use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.
the class SRW method load.
/** fills M, dM in ex **/
protected void load(ParamVector<String, ?> params, PosNegRWExample example) {
PprExample ex = (PprExample) example;
int dM_cursor = 0;
for (int uid = 0; uid < ex.getGraph().node_hi; uid++) {
// (a); (b): initialization
double tu = 0;
TIntDoubleMap dtu = new TIntDoubleHashMap();
int udeg = ex.getGraph().node_near_hi[uid] - ex.getGraph().node_near_lo[uid];
double[] suv = new double[udeg];
double[][] dfu = new double[udeg][];
// begin (c): for each neighbor v of u,
for (int eid = ex.getGraph().node_near_lo[uid], xvi = 0; eid < ex.getGraph().node_near_hi[uid]; eid++, xvi++) {
int vid = ex.getGraph().edge_dest[eid];
// i. s_{uv} = w * phi_{uv}, a scalar:
suv[xvi] = 0;
for (int lid = ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid]; lid < ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid]; lid++) {
suv[xvi] += params.get(ex.getGraph().featureLibrary.getSymbol(ex.getGraph().label_feature_id[lid])) * ex.getGraph().label_feature_weight[lid];
// ii. t_u += f(s_{uv}), a scalar:
tu += c.squashingFunction.edgeWeight(suv[xvi]);
// iii. df_{uv} = f'(s_{uv})* phi_{uv}, a vector, as sparse as phi_{uv}
// by looping over features i in phi_{uv}
double[] dfuv = new double[ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid] - ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid]];
double cee = c.squashingFunction.computeDerivative(suv[xvi]);
for (int lid = ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid], dfuvi = 0; lid < ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid]; lid++, dfuvi++) {
// iii. again
dfuv[dfuvi] = cee * ex.getGraph().label_feature_weight[lid];
// iv. dt_u += df_{uv}, a vector, as sparse as sum_{v'} phi_{uv'}
// by looping over features i in df_{uv}
// (identical to features i in phi_{uv}, so we use the same loop)
dtu.adjustOrPutValue(ex.getGraph().label_feature_id[lid], dfuv[dfuvi], dfuv[dfuvi]);
dfu[xvi] = dfuv;
// end (c)
// begin (d): for each neighbor v of u,
double scale = (1 / (tu * tu));
for (int eid = ex.getGraph().node_near_lo[uid], xvi = 0; eid < ex.getGraph().node_near_hi[uid]; eid++, xvi++) {
int vid = ex.getGraph().edge_dest[eid];
ex.dM_lo[uid][xvi] = dM_cursor;
// create the vector dM_{uv} = (1/t^2_u) * (t_u * df_{uv} - f(s_{uv}) * dt_u)
// by looping over features i in dt_u
// getting the df offset for features in dt_u is awkward, so we'll first iterate over features in df_uv,
// then fill in the rest
int[] seenFeatures = new int[ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid] - ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid]];
for (int lid = ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid], dfuvi = 0; lid < ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid]; lid++, dfuvi++) {
int fid = ex.getGraph().label_feature_id[lid];
ex.dM_feature_id[dM_cursor] = fid;
double dMuvi = (tu * dfu[xvi][dfuvi] - c.squashingFunction.edgeWeight(suv[xvi]) * dtu.get(fid));
if (tu == 0) {
if (dMuvi != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("tu=0 at u=" + uid + "; example " + ex.toString());
} else
dMuvi *= scale;
ex.dM_value[dM_cursor] = dMuvi;
//save this feature so we can skip it later
seenFeatures[dfuvi] = fid;
// we've hit all the features in df_uv, now we do the remaining features in dt_u:
for (TIntDoubleIterator it = dtu.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
// skip features we already added in the df_uv loop
if (Arrays.binarySearch(seenFeatures, it.key()) >= 0)
ex.dM_feature_id[dM_cursor] = it.key();
// zero the first term, since df_uv doesn't cover this feature
double dMuvi = scale * (-c.squashingFunction.edgeWeight(suv[xvi]) * it.value());
ex.dM_value[dM_cursor] = dMuvi;
ex.dM_hi[uid][xvi] = dM_cursor;
// also create the scalar M_{uv} = f(s_{uv}) / t_u
ex.M[uid][xvi] = c.squashingFunction.edgeWeight(suv[xvi]);
if (tu == 0) {
if (ex.M[uid][xvi] != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("tu=0 at u=" + uid + "; example " + ex.toString());
} else
ex.M[uid][xvi] /= tu;
use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.
the class SRW method inferenceUpdate.
protected void inferenceUpdate(PosNegRWExample example, StatusLogger status) {
PprExample ex = (PprExample) example;
double[] pNext = new double[ex.getGraph().node_hi];
TIntDoubleMap[] dNext = new TIntDoubleMap[ex.getGraph().node_hi];
// p: 2. for each node u
for (int uid = 0; uid < ex.getGraph().node_hi; uid++) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled() && status.due(4))"Inference: node " + (uid + 1) + " of " + (ex.getGraph().node_hi));
// p: 2(a) p_u^{t+1} += alpha * s_u
pNext[uid] += c.apr.alpha * Dictionary.safeGet(ex.getQueryVec(), uid, 0.0);
// p: 2(b) for each neighbor v of u:
for (int eid = ex.getGraph().node_near_lo[uid], xvi = 0; eid < ex.getGraph().node_near_hi[uid]; eid++, xvi++) {
int vid = ex.getGraph().edge_dest[eid];
// p: 2(b)i. p_v^{t+1} += (1-alpha) * p_u^t * M_uv
if (vid >= pNext.length) {
throw new IllegalStateException("vid=" + vid + " > pNext.length=" + pNext.length);
pNext[vid] += (1 - c.apr.alpha) * ex.p[uid] * ex.M[uid][xvi];
// d: i. for each feature i in dM_uv:
if (dNext[vid] == null)
dNext[vid] = new TIntDoubleHashMap(ex.dM_hi[uid][xvi] - ex.dM_lo[uid][xvi]);
for (int dmi = ex.dM_lo[uid][xvi]; dmi < ex.dM_hi[uid][xvi]; dmi++) {
// d_vi^{t+1} += (1-alpha) * p_u^{t} * dM_uvi
if (ex.dM_value[dmi] == 0)
double inc = (1 - c.apr.alpha) * ex.p[uid] * ex.dM_value[dmi];
dNext[vid].adjustOrPutValue(ex.dM_feature_id[dmi], inc, inc);
// skip when d is empty
if (ex.dp[uid] == null)
for (TIntDoubleIterator it = ex.dp[uid].iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
if (it.value() == 0)
// d_vi^{t+1} += (1-alpha) * d_ui^t * M_uv
double inc = (1 - c.apr.alpha) * it.value() * ex.M[uid][xvi];
dNext[vid].adjustOrPutValue(it.key(), inc, inc);
// sanity check on p
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
double sum = 0;
for (double d : pNext) sum += d;
if (Math.abs(sum - 1.0) > c.apr.epsilon)
log.error("invalid p computed: " + sum);
ex.p = pNext;
ex.dp = dNext;