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Example 1 with TIntDoubleIterator

use of gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class LightweightStateGraph method serialize.

public String serialize(boolean featureIndex) {
    StringBuilder ret = //numNodes
    new StringBuilder().append(this.nodeSize()).append("\t").append(this.edgeCount).append(// waiting for label dependency size
    int labelDependencies = 0;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    boolean first = true;
    if (featureIndex) {
        for (int fi = 1; fi <= this.featureTab.size(); fi++) {
            if (!first)
                first = false;
            Feature f = this.featureTab.getSymbol(fi);
    // foreach src node
    for (TIntObjectIterator<TIntArrayList> it = this.near.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        int ui = it.key();
        TIntArrayList nearu = it.value();
        HashSet<Integer> outgoingFeatures = new HashSet<Integer>();
        //foreach dst from src
        for (TIntIterator vit = nearu.iterator(); vit.hasNext(); ) {
            int vi =;
            //foreach feature on src,dst
            for (TIntDoubleIterator fit = edgeFeatureDict.get(ui).get(vi).iterator(); fit.hasNext(); ) {
                int fi = fit.key();
                double wi = fit.value();
            // drop last ','
            sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
        labelDependencies += outgoingFeatures.size() * nearu.size();
    return ret.toString();
Also used : TIntIterator(gnu.trove.iterator.TIntIterator) TIntDoubleIterator(gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator) Feature( TIntArrayList(gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 2 with TIntDoubleIterator

use of gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class AdaGradSRW method agd.

	 * AdaGrad Descent Algo
	 * edits params using totSqGrad as well
	 * @author rosecatherinek
protected void agd(ParamVector<String, ?> params, PosNegRWExample ex) {
    TIntDoubleMap gradient = gradient(params, ex);
    // apply gradient to param vector
    for (TIntDoubleIterator grad = gradient.iterator(); grad.hasNext(); ) {
        // avoid underflow since we're summing the square
        if (Math.abs(grad.value()) < MIN_GRADIENT)
        String feature = ex.getGraph().featureLibrary.getSymbol(grad.key());
        if (trainable(feature)) {
            Double g = grad.value();
            //first update the running total of the square of the gradient
            totSqGrad.adjustValue(feature, g * g);
            //now get the running total
            //				Double rt = totSqGrad.get(feature);
            //w_{t+1, i} = w_{t, i} - \eta * g_{t,i} / \sqrt{ G,i }
            //				Double descentVal = - c.eta * g / Math.sqrt(rt);
            params.adjustValue(feature, -learningRate(feature) * g);
            if (params.get(feature).isInfinite()) {
                log.warn("Infinity at " + feature + "; gradient " + grad.value() + "; rt " + totSqGrad.get(feature));
Also used : TIntDoubleMap( TIntDoubleIterator(gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator)

Example 3 with TIntDoubleIterator

use of gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class PosNegLoss method computeLossGradient.

public int computeLossGradient(ParamVector params, PosNegRWExample example, TIntDoubleMap gradient, LossData lossdata, SRWOptions c) {
    PosNegRWExample ex = (PosNegRWExample) example;
    int nonzero = 0;
    // add empirical loss gradient term
    // positive examples
    double pmax = 0;
    for (int a : ex.getPosList()) {
        double pa = clip(ex.p[a]);
        if (pa > pmax)
            pmax = pa;
        for (TIntDoubleIterator da = ex.dp[a].iterator(); da.hasNext(); ) {
            if (da.value() == 0)
            double aterm = -da.value() / pa;
            gradient.adjustOrPutValue(da.key(), aterm, aterm);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("+p=" + pa);
        lossdata.add(LOSS.LOG, -Math.log(pa));
    //negative instance booster
    double h = pmax +;
    double beta = 1;
    if ( < 0.5)
        beta = (Math.log(1 / h)) / (Math.log(1 / (1 - h)));
    // negative examples
    for (int b : ex.getNegList()) {
        double pb = clip(ex.p[b]);
        for (TIntDoubleIterator db = ex.dp[b].iterator(); db.hasNext(); ) {
            if (db.value() == 0)
            double bterm = beta * db.value() / (1 - pb);
            gradient.adjustOrPutValue(db.key(), bterm, bterm);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("-p=" + pb);
        lossdata.add(LOSS.LOG, -Math.log(1.0 - pb));
    return nonzero;
Also used : PosNegRWExample( TIntDoubleIterator(gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator)

Example 4 with TIntDoubleIterator

use of gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class SRW method load.

/** fills M, dM in ex **/
protected void load(ParamVector<String, ?> params, PosNegRWExample example) {
    PprExample ex = (PprExample) example;
    int dM_cursor = 0;
    for (int uid = 0; uid < ex.getGraph().node_hi; uid++) {
        // (a); (b): initialization
        double tu = 0;
        TIntDoubleMap dtu = new TIntDoubleHashMap();
        int udeg = ex.getGraph().node_near_hi[uid] - ex.getGraph().node_near_lo[uid];
        double[] suv = new double[udeg];
        double[][] dfu = new double[udeg][];
        // begin (c): for each neighbor v of u,
        for (int eid = ex.getGraph().node_near_lo[uid], xvi = 0; eid < ex.getGraph().node_near_hi[uid]; eid++, xvi++) {
            int vid = ex.getGraph().edge_dest[eid];
            // i. s_{uv} = w * phi_{uv}, a scalar:
            suv[xvi] = 0;
            for (int lid = ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid]; lid < ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid]; lid++) {
                suv[xvi] += params.get(ex.getGraph().featureLibrary.getSymbol(ex.getGraph().label_feature_id[lid])) * ex.getGraph().label_feature_weight[lid];
            // ii. t_u += f(s_{uv}), a scalar:
            tu += c.squashingFunction.edgeWeight(suv[xvi]);
            // iii. df_{uv} = f'(s_{uv})* phi_{uv}, a vector, as sparse as phi_{uv}
            // by looping over features i in phi_{uv}
            double[] dfuv = new double[ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid] - ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid]];
            double cee = c.squashingFunction.computeDerivative(suv[xvi]);
            for (int lid = ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid], dfuvi = 0; lid < ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid]; lid++, dfuvi++) {
                // iii. again
                dfuv[dfuvi] = cee * ex.getGraph().label_feature_weight[lid];
                // iv. dt_u += df_{uv}, a vector, as sparse as sum_{v'} phi_{uv'}
                // by looping over features i in df_{uv} 
                // (identical to features i in phi_{uv}, so we use the same loop)
                dtu.adjustOrPutValue(ex.getGraph().label_feature_id[lid], dfuv[dfuvi], dfuv[dfuvi]);
            dfu[xvi] = dfuv;
        // end (c)
        // begin (d): for each neighbor v of u,
        double scale = (1 / (tu * tu));
        for (int eid = ex.getGraph().node_near_lo[uid], xvi = 0; eid < ex.getGraph().node_near_hi[uid]; eid++, xvi++) {
            int vid = ex.getGraph().edge_dest[eid];
            ex.dM_lo[uid][xvi] = dM_cursor;
            // create the vector dM_{uv} = (1/t^2_u) * (t_u * df_{uv} - f(s_{uv}) * dt_u)
            // by looping over features i in dt_u
            // getting the df offset for features in dt_u is awkward, so we'll first iterate over features in df_uv,
            // then fill in the rest
            int[] seenFeatures = new int[ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid] - ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid]];
            for (int lid = ex.getGraph().edge_labels_lo[eid], dfuvi = 0; lid < ex.getGraph().edge_labels_hi[eid]; lid++, dfuvi++) {
                int fid = ex.getGraph().label_feature_id[lid];
                ex.dM_feature_id[dM_cursor] = fid;
                double dMuvi = (tu * dfu[xvi][dfuvi] - c.squashingFunction.edgeWeight(suv[xvi]) * dtu.get(fid));
                if (tu == 0) {
                    if (dMuvi != 0)
                        throw new IllegalStateException("tu=0 at u=" + uid + "; example " + ex.toString());
                } else
                    dMuvi *= scale;
                ex.dM_value[dM_cursor] = dMuvi;
                //save this feature so we can skip it later
                seenFeatures[dfuvi] = fid;
            // we've hit all the features in df_uv, now we do the remaining features in dt_u:
            for (TIntDoubleIterator it = dtu.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                // skip features we already added in the df_uv loop
                if (Arrays.binarySearch(seenFeatures, it.key()) >= 0)
                ex.dM_feature_id[dM_cursor] = it.key();
                // zero the first term, since df_uv doesn't cover this feature
                double dMuvi = scale * (-c.squashingFunction.edgeWeight(suv[xvi]) * it.value());
                ex.dM_value[dM_cursor] = dMuvi;
            ex.dM_hi[uid][xvi] = dM_cursor;
            // also create the scalar M_{uv} = f(s_{uv}) / t_u
            ex.M[uid][xvi] = c.squashingFunction.edgeWeight(suv[xvi]);
            if (tu == 0) {
                if (ex.M[uid][xvi] != 0)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("tu=0 at u=" + uid + "; example " + ex.toString());
            } else
                ex.M[uid][xvi] /= tu;
Also used : TIntDoubleHashMap( TIntDoubleMap( TIntDoubleIterator(gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator) PprExample(

Example 5 with TIntDoubleIterator

use of gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class SRW method accumulateGradient.

public void accumulateGradient(ParamVector<String, ?> params, PosNegRWExample example, ParamVector<String, ?> accumulator, StatusLogger status) {
    log.debug("Gradient calculating on " + example);
    initializeFeatures(params, example.getGraph());
    ParamVector<String, Double> prepare = new SimpleParamVector<String>();
    regularizer.prepareForExample(params, example.getGraph(), prepare);
    load(params, example);
    inference(params, example, status);
    TIntDoubleMap gradient = gradient(params, example);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Double> e : prepare.entrySet()) {
        if (trainable(e.getKey()))
            accumulator.adjustValue(e.getKey(), -e.getValue() / example.length());
    for (TIntDoubleIterator it = gradient.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        String feature = example.getGraph().featureLibrary.getSymbol(it.key());
        if (trainable(feature))
            accumulator.adjustValue(example.getGraph().featureLibrary.getSymbol(it.key()), it.value() / example.length());
Also used : TIntDoubleMap( TIntDoubleIterator(gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator) SimpleParamVector( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) TIntDoubleHashMap( TIntDoubleMap(


TIntDoubleIterator (gnu.trove.iterator.TIntDoubleIterator)13 TIntDoubleMap ( PosNegRWExample ( TIntDoubleHashMap ( PprExample ( DprExample ( Feature ( SimpleParamVector ( TIntIterator (gnu.trove.iterator.TIntIterator)1 TIntArrayList (gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList)1 BufferedWriter ( FileWriter ( IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1