use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class DescriptiveStats method generateDescriptiveStats.
* Constructs a readable table of normality test results
public static String generateDescriptiveStats(DataSet dataSet, Node variable) {
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
int col = dataSet.getColumn(variable);
double[] data = new double[dataSet.getNumRows()];
boolean continuous = false;
if (variable instanceof ContinuousVariable) {
continuous = true;
for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumRows(); i++) {
data[i] = dataSet.getDouble(i, col);
} else {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumRows(); i++) {
DiscreteVariable var = (DiscreteVariable) variable;
String category = var.getCategory(dataSet.getInt(i, col));
int value = Integer.parseInt(category);
data[i] = value;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return "Not a numerical discrete column.";
String result = "Descriptive Statistics for: " + variable.getName() + "\n";
result += "------------------------------------\n\n";
double[] normalValues = normalParams(data);
result += "Sample Size:\t\t" + dataSet.getNumRows() + "\n";
result += "Mean:\t\t\t" + nf.format(normalValues[0]) + "\nStandard Deviation:\t" + nf.format(normalValues[1]) + "\nVariance:\t\t" + nf.format(normalValues[2]) + "\n";
result += "Skewness:\t\t" + nf.format(StatUtils.skewness(data)) + "\n";
result += "Excess Kurtosis:\t" + nf.format(StatUtils.kurtosis(data)) + "\n";
if (continuous) {
result += "SE Mean:\t\t" + nf.format(standardErrorMean(normalValues[1], dataSet.getNumRows())) + "\n";
double[] median = median(data);
result += "Median:\t\t\t" + nf.format(median[0]) + "\n";
if (continuous) {
result += "Minimum Value:\t\t" + nf.format(median[1]) + "\nMaximum Value:\t\t" + nf.format(median[2]);
return result;
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class LogisticRegressionRunner method serializableInstance.
* Generates a simple exemplar of this class to test serialization.
* @see TetradSerializableUtils
public static LogisticRegressionRunner serializableInstance() {
List<Node> variables = new LinkedList<>();
ContinuousVariable var1 = new ContinuousVariable("X");
ContinuousVariable var2 = new ContinuousVariable("Y");
DataSet dataSet = new ColtDataSet(3, variables);
double[] col1data = new double[] { 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 };
double[] col2data = new double[] { 2.3, 4.3, 2.5 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
dataSet.setDouble(i, 0, col1data[i]);
dataSet.setDouble(i, 1, col2data[i]);
DataWrapper dataWrapper = new DataWrapper(dataSet);
return new LogisticRegressionRunner(dataWrapper, new Parameters());
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class DataConvertUtils method toNodes.
public static List<Node> toNodes(List<String> variables) {
List<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<>();
variables.forEach(variable -> {
nodes.add(new ContinuousVariable(variable));
return nodes;
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class TestEdgeListGraphSingleConnections method testSequence3.
public void testSequence3() {
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 50; i1++) {
nodes.add(new ContinuousVariable("X" + (i1 + 1)));
Graph graph = new Dag(GraphUtils.randomGraph(nodes, 0, 50, 30, 15, 15, false));
Node node1 = graph.getNodes().get(0);
Node node2 = graph.getNodes().get(1);
List<Node> cond = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 2; i < 5; i++) {
boolean dsep = graph.isDSeparatedFrom(node1, node2, cond);
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class TestFas method test1.
public void test1() {
int numVars = 10;
double edgesPerNode = 1.0;
List<Node> vars = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
vars.add(new ContinuousVariable("X" + i));
Graph graph = GraphUtils.randomGraphRandomForwardEdges(vars, 0, (int) (numVars * edgesPerNode), 30, 15, 15, false, true);
IndependenceTest test = new IndTestDSep(graph);
Graph fasGraph = new FasStableConcurrent(test).search();
Graph pcGraph = new Pc(test).search();
assertEquals(fasGraph, GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(pcGraph));