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Example 41 with ContinuousVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class NormalityTestAction method createNormalityTestDialog.

 * Creates a dialog that is showing the histogram for the given node (if null
 * one is selected for you)
private JPanel createNormalityTestDialog(Node selected) {
    DataSet dataSet = (DataSet) dataEditor.getSelectedDataModel();
    QQPlot qqPlot = new QQPlot(dataSet, selected);
    NormalityTestEditorPanel editorPanel = new NormalityTestEditorPanel(qqPlot, dataSet);
    JTextArea display = new JTextArea(NormalityTests.runNormalityTests(dataSet, (ContinuousVariable) qqPlot.getSelectedVariable()), 20, 65);
    editorPanel.addPropertyChangeListener(new NormalityTestListener(display));
    Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    Box vBox = Box.createVerticalBox();
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    panel.add(vBox, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    return panel;
Also used : ContinuousVariable( DataSet(

Example 42 with ContinuousVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class ScatterPlot method addConditioningVariable.

// ========================================PUBLIC METHODS=================================//
 * Adds a continuous conditioning variables, conditioning on a range of values.
 * @param variable The name of the variable in the data set.
 * @param low      The low end of the conditioning range.
 * @param high     The high end of the conditioning range.
public void addConditioningVariable(String variable, double low, double high) {
    if (!(low < high))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Low must be less than high: " + low + " >= " + high);
    Node node = dataSet.getVariable(variable);
    if (!(node instanceof ContinuousVariable))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variable must be continuous.");
    if (continuousIntervals.containsKey(node))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please remove conditioning variable first.");
    continuousIntervals.put(node, new double[] { low, high });
Also used : ContinuousVariable( Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)

Example 43 with ContinuousVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class QQPlot method testPlot.

// ============================ Private Methods =======================//
 * Used to test this class.
 * Generates a continuous test variable and q-q plots it.
private void testPlot() {
    ContinuousVariable c = new ContinuousVariable("test");
    if (dataSet.getVariable("test") == null)
    ContinuousVariable c2 = new ContinuousVariable("test2");
    if (dataSet.getVariable("test2") == null)
    this.selectedVariable = c;
    int columnIndex = dataSet.getColumn(c);
    Normal g = new Normal(1, 1);
    Exponential e = new Exponential(1);
    double mean = 0.0;
    double sd = 0.0;
    this.minData = 10000000000000.0;
    this.maxData = 0.0;
    this.minComparison = 1000000000000.0;
    this.maxComparison = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumRows(); i++) {
        double value = g.nextRandom();
        double value2 = e.nextRandom();
        dataSet.setDouble(i, columnIndex, value);
        dataSet.setDouble(i, columnIndex + 1, value2);
        mean += value;
        if (value < this.minData)
            this.minData = value;
        if (value > this.maxData)
            this.maxData = value;
    // System.out.println(value);
    // System.out.println(mean);
    // System.out.println(this.dataSet.getNumRows());
    NormalityTests.kolmogorovSmirnov(dataSet, c2);
    // sort the dataset
    for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumRows(); i++) {
        for (int k = i; k < dataSet.getNumRows(); k++) {
            if (dataSet.getDouble(i, columnIndex) > dataSet.getDouble(k, columnIndex)) {
                double temp = dataSet.getDouble(i, columnIndex);
                dataSet.setDouble(i, columnIndex, dataSet.getDouble(k, columnIndex));
                dataSet.setDouble(k, columnIndex, temp);
    if (mean == 0.0)
        mean = 1.0;
        mean /= dataSet.getNumRows();
    for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumRows(); i++) {
        sd += (dataSet.getDouble(i, columnIndex) - mean) * (dataSet.getDouble(i, columnIndex) - mean);
    // System.out.println(dataSet.getDouble(i, columnIndex));
    // System.out.println(sd);
    if (sd == 0.0) {
        sd = 1.0;
    } else {
        sd /= dataSet.getNumRows() - 1.0;
        sd = Math.sqrt(sd);
    // System.out.println("Mean: " + mean + " SD: " + sd + " Min: " + this.minData + " Max: " + this.maxData);
    this.comparison = new cern.jet.random.Normal(mean, sd, new MersenneTwister());
    calculateComparisonSet(this.comparison, this.dataSet);
    if (this.minData < this.minComparison)
        this.min = this.minData;
        this.min = this.minComparison;
    if (this.maxData > this.maxComparison)
        this.max = this.maxData;
        this.max = this.maxComparison;
// end test code
Also used : ContinuousVariable( Exponential(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.dist.Exponential) Normal(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.dist.Normal) MersenneTwister(cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister)

Example 44 with ContinuousVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class IndTestMultinomialLogisticRegressionWald method expandVariable.

private List<Node> expandVariable(DataSet dataSet, Node node) {
    if (node instanceof ContinuousVariable) {
        return Collections.singletonList(node);
    if (node instanceof DiscreteVariable && ((DiscreteVariable) node).getNumCategories() < 3) {
        return Collections.singletonList(node);
    if (!(node instanceof DiscreteVariable)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    List<String> varCats = new ArrayList<>(((DiscreteVariable) node).getCategories());
    List<Node> variables = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String cat : varCats) {
        Node newVar;
        do {
            String newVarName = node.getName() + "MULTINOM" + "." + cat;
            newVar = new DiscreteVariable(newVarName, 2);
        } while (dataSet.getVariable(newVar.getName()) != null);
        int newVarIndex = dataSet.getColumn(newVar);
        int numCases = dataSet.getNumRows();
        for (int l = 0; l < numCases; l++) {
            Object dataCell = dataSet.getObject(l, dataSet.getColumn(node));
            int dataCellIndex = ((DiscreteVariable) node).getIndex(dataCell.toString());
            if (dataCellIndex == ((DiscreteVariable) node).getIndex(cat))
                dataSet.setInt(l, newVarIndex, 1);
                dataSet.setInt(l, newVarIndex, 0);
    return variables;
Also used : ContinuousVariable( DiscreteVariable( Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)

Example 45 with ContinuousVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class FactorAnalysisRunner method execute.

// ===================PUBLIC METHODS OVERRIDING ABSTRACT================//
public void execute() {
    DataSet selectedModel = (DataSet) getDataModel();
    if (selectedModel == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Data not specified.");
    FactorAnalysis analysis = new FactorAnalysis(selectedModel);
    threshold = .2;
    TetradMatrix unrotatedSolution = analysis.successiveResidual();
    rotatedSolution = analysis.successiveFactorVarimax(unrotatedSolution);
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
    output = "Unrotated Factor Loading Matrix:\n";
    output += tableString(unrotatedSolution, nf, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
    if (unrotatedSolution.columns() != 1) {
        output += "\n\nRotated Matrix (using sequential varimax):\n";
        output += tableString(rotatedSolution, nf, threshold);
    SemGraph graph = new SemGraph();
    Vector<Node> observedVariables = new Vector<>();
    for (Node a : selectedModel.getVariables()) {
    Vector<Node> factors = new Vector<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < getRotatedSolution().columns(); i++) {
        ContinuousVariable factor = new ContinuousVariable("Factor" + (i + 1));
    for (int i = 0; i < getRotatedSolution().rows(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < getRotatedSolution().columns(); j++) {
            if (Math.abs(getRotatedSolution().get(i, j)) > getThreshold()) {
                graph.addDirectedEdge(factors.get(j), observedVariables.get(i));
Also used : ContinuousVariable( FactorAnalysis( DataSet( Vector(java.util.Vector) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat)


ContinuousVariable ( DataSet ( Node (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)46 Test (org.junit.Test)42 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)28 Graph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph)22 ColtDataSet ( SemPm (edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemPm)18 SemIm (edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm)16 DiscreteVariable ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)13 EdgeListGraph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.EdgeListGraph)12 TetradMatrix (edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix)8 DMSearch ( Dag (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Dag)6 CovarianceMatrix ( RandomUtil (edu.cmu.tetrad.util.RandomUtil)5 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)4 CovarianceMatrixOnTheFly ( Knowledge2 (