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Example 16 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class ExampleUsingTheAPI method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Err {
    // Chooses the Alloy4 options
    A4Options opt = new A4Options();
    opt.solver = A4Options.SatSolver.SAT4J;
    // abstract sig A {}
    PrimSig A = new PrimSig("A", Attr.ABSTRACT);
    // sig B {}
    PrimSig B = new PrimSig("B");
    // one sig A1 extends A {}
    PrimSig A1 = new PrimSig("A1", A, Attr.ONE);
    // one sig A2 extends A {}
    PrimSig A2 = new PrimSig("A2", A, Attr.ONE);
    // A { f: B lone->lone B }
    Expr f = A.addField("f", B.lone_arrow_lone(B));
    // Since (B lone->lone B) is not unary, the default is "setOf", meaning
    // "f:set (B lone->lone B)"
    // A { g: B }
    Expr g = A.addField("g", B);
    // The line above is the same as: A.addField(null, "g", B.oneOf()) since
    // B is unary.
    // If you want "setOf", you need: A.addField(null, "g", B.setOf())
    // pred someG { some g }
    Func someG = new Func(null, "SomeG", null, null, g.some());
    // pred atMostThree[x:univ, y:univ] { #(x+y) >= 3 }
    Decl x = UNIV.oneOf("x");
    Decl y = UNIV.oneOf("y");
    Expr body = x.get().plus(y.get()).cardinality().lte(ExprConstant.makeNUMBER(3));
    Func atMost3 = new Func(null, "atMost3", Util.asList(x, y), null, body);
    List<Sig> sigs = Arrays.asList(new Sig[] { A, B, A1, A2 });
    // run { some A && atMostThree[B,B] } for 3 but 3 int, 3 seq
    Expr expr1 = A.some().and(, B));
    Command cmd1 = new Command(false, 3, 3, 3, expr1);
    A4Solution sol1 = TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(NOP, sigs, cmd1, opt);
    // run { some f && SomeG[] } for 3 but 2 int, 1 seq, 5 A, exactly 6 B
    Expr expr2 = f.some().and(;
    Command cmd2 = new Command(false, 3, 2, 1, expr2);
    cmd2 = cmd2.change(A, false, 1);
    cmd2 = cmd2.change(B, true, 1);
    A4Solution sol2 = TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(NOP, sigs, cmd2, opt);
    while (sol2.satisfiable()) {
        sol2 =;
Also used : PrimSig( Sig( Expr( Func( Command( A4Options( Decl( PrimSig( A4Solution(

Example 17 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class DemoFileSystem method makeInstance1.

/* Here is instance number 1. */
void makeInstance1() throws Err {
    // file = F1, F2, F3
    // dir = Root, D1, D2
    // F1.parent = D1
    // F2.parent = D2
    // F3.parent = D2
    // D2.parent = D1
    // D1.parent = Root
    PrimSig file1 = makeSig(file, "F1", false, true);
    PrimSig file2 = makeSig(file, "F2", false, true);
    PrimSig file3 = makeSig(file, "F3", false, true);
    PrimSig dir1 = makeSig(dir, "D1", false, true);
    PrimSig dir2 = makeSig(dir, "D2", false, true);
    fact = file1.join(parent).equal(dir1).and(fact);
    fact = file2.join(parent).equal(dir2).and(fact);
    fact = file3.join(parent).equal(dir2).and(fact);
    fact = dir2.join(parent).equal(dir1).and(fact);
    fact = dir1.join(parent).equal(root).and(fact);
Also used : PrimSig(

Example 18 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class DemoFileSystem method makeSig.

PrimSig makeSig(String name, boolean isAbstract, boolean isOne) throws Err {
    PrimSig ans = new PrimSig(name, (isAbstract ? Attr.ABSTRACT : null), (isOne ? Attr.ONE : null));
    return ans;
Also used : PrimSig(

Example 19 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method populate.

 * Resolve the name based on the current context and this module.
private Expr populate(TempList<Expr> ch, TempList<String> re, Decl rootfield, Sig rootsig, boolean rootfunparam, Func rootfunbody, Pos pos, String fullname, Expr THIS) {
    // Return object can be Func(with > 0 arguments) or Expr
    final String name = (fullname.charAt(0) == '@') ? fullname.substring(1) : fullname;
    boolean fun = (rootsig != null && (rootfield == null || rootfield.expr.mult() == ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF)) || (rootsig == null && !rootfunparam);
    if (name.equals("univ"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, UNIV);
    if (name.equals("Int"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, SIGINT);
    if (name.equals("seq/Int"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, SEQIDX);
    if (name.equals("String"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, STRING);
    if (name.equals("none"))
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, NONE);
    if (name.equals("iden"))
        return ExprConstant.Op.IDEN.make(pos, 0);
    if (name.equals("sig$") || name.equals("field$"))
        if (world != null) {
            Sig s = world.sigs.get(name);
            if (s != null)
                return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, s);
    final List<Object> ans = name.indexOf('/') >= 0 ? getRawQS(fun ? 5 : 1, name) : getRawNQS(this, fun ? 5 : 1, name);
    final Sig param = params.get(name);
    if (param != null && !ans.contains(param))
    for (Object x : ans) {
        if (x instanceof Sig) {
            Sig y = (Sig) x;
            ch.add(ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, y, null, 0));
            re.add("sig " + y.label);
        } else if (x instanceof Func) {
            Func f = (Func) x;
            int fn = f.count();
            int penalty = 0;
            if (resolution == 1 && fn > 0 && rootsig != null && THIS != null && THIS.type().hasArity(1) && f.get(0).type().intersects(THIS.type())) {
                // If we're inside a sig, and there is a unary variable
                // bound to "this",
                // we should consider it as a possible FIRST ARGUMENT of a
                // fun/pred call
                ConstList<Expr> t = Util.asList(THIS);
                // penalty
                ch.add(fn == 1 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 1 + penalty) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 1 + penalty));
                // of
                // 1
                re.add((f.isPred ? "pred this." : "fun this.") + f.label);
            if (resolution == 1) {
                ch.add(fn == 0 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, null, penalty) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, null, penalty));
                re.add((f.isPred ? "pred " : "fun ") + f.label);
            if (resolution == 2 && f != rootfunbody && THIS != null && fullname.charAt(0) != '@' && fn > 0 && f.get(0).type().intersects(THIS.type())) {
                // If there is some value bound to "this", we should
                // consider it as a possible FIRST ARGUMENT of a fun/pred
                // call
                ConstList<Expr> t = Util.asList(THIS);
                ch.add(fn == 1 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 0) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 0));
                re.add((f.isPred ? "pred this." : "fun this.") + f.label);
            if (resolution != 1) {
                ch.add(fn == 0 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, null, 0) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, null, 0));
                re.add((f.isPred ? "pred " : "fun ") + f.label);
    // All else: we can call, and can refer to anything visible.
    for (CompModule m : getAllNameableModules()) for (Sig s : m.sigs.values()) if (m == this || s.isPrivate == null)
        for (Field f : s.getFields()) if (f.isMeta == null && (m == this || f.isPrivate == null) && f.label.equals(name))
            if (resolution == 1) {
                Expr x = null;
                if (rootsig == null) {
                    x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
                } else if (rootsig.isSameOrDescendentOf(f.sig)) {
                    x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
                    if (fullname.charAt(0) != '@')
                        x = THIS.join(x);
                } else if (rootfield == null || rootfield.expr.mult() == ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF) {
                    x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 1);
                // penalty of 1
                if (x != null) {
                    re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: " + f.label);
            } else if (rootfield == null || rootsig.isSameOrDescendentOf(f.sig)) {
                Expr x0 = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
                if (resolution == 2 && THIS != null && fullname.charAt(0) != '@' && f.type().firstColumnOverlaps(THIS.type())) {
                    re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: this." + f.label);
                    if (rootsig != null)
                re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: " + f.label);
    if (metaSig() != null && (rootsig == null || rootfield == null)) {
        SafeList<PrimSig> children = null;
        try {
            children = metaSig().children();
        } catch (Err err) {
            return null;
        // exception NOT possible
        for (PrimSig s : children) for (Field f : s.getFields()) if (f.label.equals(name)) {
            Expr x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
            re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: " + f.label);
    if (metaField() != null && (rootsig == null || rootfield == null)) {
        SafeList<PrimSig> children = null;
        try {
            children = metaField().children();
        } catch (Err err) {
            return null;
        // exception NOT possible
        for (PrimSig s : children) for (Field f : s.getFields()) if (f.label.equals(name)) {
            Expr x = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
            re.add("field " + f.sig.label + " <: " + f.label);
    return null;
Also used : Err( Func( PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( Field( Expr( ConstList( PrimSig(

Example 20 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class SimInstance method visit.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public SimTupleset visit(Sig x) throws Err {
    if (x.isSame(Sig.NONE))
        return SimTupleset.EMPTY;
    if (x.isSame(Sig.SEQIDX))
        return SimTupleset.make(0, maxseq - 1);
    if (x.isSame(Sig.SIGINT))
        return SimTupleset.make(min, max);
    if (x.isSame(Sig.STRING)) {
        if (cacheSTRING == null) {
            cacheSTRING = SimTupleset.EMPTY;
            for (Map.Entry<Expr, SimTupleset> e : sfs.entrySet()) if (e.getKey() instanceof Field || e.getKey() instanceof ExprVar) {
                for (SimTuple t : e.getValue()) for (int i = t.arity() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    String a = t.get(i).toString();
                    if (a.length() > 0 && a.charAt(0) == '"')
                        cacheSTRING = cacheSTRING.union(SimTuple.make(t.get(i)));
        return cacheSTRING;
    if (x == Sig.UNIV) {
        if (cacheUNIV == null) {
            cacheUNIV = SimTupleset.make(min, max);
            for (Map.Entry<Expr, SimTupleset> e : sfs.entrySet()) if (e.getKey() instanceof PrimSig && ((PrimSig) (e.getKey())).isTopLevel())
                cacheUNIV = cacheUNIV.union(e.getValue());
            cacheUNIV = cacheUNIV.union(visit(Sig.STRING));
        return cacheUNIV;
    Object ans = sfs.get(x);
    if (ans instanceof SimTupleset)
        return (SimTupleset) ans;
        throw new ErrorFatal("Unknown sig " + x + " encountered during evaluation.");
Also used : ExprVar( Field( ErrorFatal( Expr( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) PrimSig(


PrimSig ( Sig ( Expr ( SubsetSig ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Field ( ErrorFatal ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 TupleSet (kodkod.instance.TupleSet)5 ConstList ( ErrorSyntax ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 Err ( ErrorType ( Pos ( SafeList ( ExprVar ( A4Tuple (