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Example 1 with Sig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method addModelName.

 * Add the "MODULE" declaration.
void addModelName(Pos pos, String moduleName, List<ExprVar> list) throws Err {
    if (status > 0)
        throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "The \"module\" declaration must occur at the top,\n" + "and can occur at most once.");
    this.moduleName = moduleName;
    this.modulePos = pos;
    boolean nextIsExact = false;
    if (list != null)
        for (ExprVar expr : list) {
            if (expr == null) {
                nextIsExact = true;
            String name = expr.label;
            dup(expr.span(), name, true);
            if (path.length() == 0) {
                Sig newSig = addSig(name, null, null, null, null, WHERE.make(expr.span()));
                if (nextIsExact)
            } else {
                params.put(name, null);
                if (nextIsExact)
            nextIsExact = false;
    // This line must be at the end, since "addSig" will
    this.status = 1;
// otherwise bump the status value to 3
Also used : ExprVar( PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( ErrorSyntax(

Example 2 with Sig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveAll.

// ============================================================================================================================//
 * This method resolves the entire world; NOTE: if it throws an exception, it
 * may leave the world in an inconsistent state!
static CompModule resolveAll(final A4Reporter rep, final CompModule root) throws Err {
    final List<ErrorWarning> warns = new ArrayList<ErrorWarning>();
    for (CompModule m : root.getAllReachableModules()) root.allModules.add(m);
    resolveParams(rep, root.allModules);
    resolveModules(rep, root.allModules);
    for (CompModule m : root.allModules) for (Sig s : m.sigs.values()) root.sig2module.put(s, m);
    // Resolves SigAST -> Sig, and topologically sort the sigs into the
    // "sorted" array
    root.new2old.put(UNIV, UNIV);
    root.new2old.put(SIGINT, SIGINT);
    root.new2old.put(SEQIDX, SEQIDX);
    root.new2old.put(STRING, STRING);
    root.new2old.put(NONE, NONE);
    HashSet<Object> topo = new HashSet<Object>();
    for (CompModule m : root.allModules) for (Sig s : m.sigs.values()) resolveSig(root, topo, s);
    // (since fields in subsigs are allowed to refer to parent's fields)
    for (Sig oldS : root.new2old.keySet()) resolveFieldDecl(root, rep, oldS, warns, false);
    // Typecheck the function declarations
    JoinableList<Err> errors = new JoinableList<Err>();
    for (CompModule x : root.allModules) errors = x.resolveFuncDecls(rep, errors, warns);
    if (!errors.isEmpty())
        throw errors.pick();
    // Typecheck the defined fields
    for (Sig oldS : root.new2old.keySet()) resolveFieldDecl(root, rep, oldS, warns, true);
    if (Version.experimental && root.seenDollar)
    // Reject name clash
    // to function declarations)
    for (CompModule x : root.allModules) {
        errors = x.resolveFuncBody(rep, errors, warns);
        errors = x.resolveAssertions(rep, errors, warns);
        errors = x.resolveFacts(root, rep, errors, warns);
        // root module's list of exact sigs
        for (String n : x.exactParams) {
            Sig sig = x.params.get(n);
            if (sig != null)
    if (!errors.isEmpty())
        throw errors.pick();
    // Typecheck the run/check commands (which can refer to function bodies
    // and assertions)
    if (!errors.isEmpty())
        throw errors.pick();
    for (ErrorWarning w : warns) rep.warning(w);
    for (Sig s : root.exactSigs) rep.debug("Forced to be exact: " + s + "\n");
    return root;
Also used : PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( Err( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ErrorWarning( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) JoinableList(

Example 3 with Sig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveSig.

 * The given Sig will now point to a nonnull Sig.
private static Sig resolveSig(CompModule res, Set<Object> topo, Sig oldS) throws Err {
    if (res.new2old.containsKey(oldS))
        return oldS;
    Sig realSig;
    final Pos pos = oldS.pos;
    final CompModule u = res.sig2module.get(oldS);
    final String name = base(oldS);
    final String fullname = (u.path.length() == 0) ? ("this/" + name) : (u.path + "/" + name);
    if (!topo.add(oldS))
        throw new ErrorType(pos, "Sig " + oldS + " is involved in a cyclic inheritance.");
    if (oldS instanceof SubsetSig) {
        List<Sig> parents = new ArrayList<Sig>();
        for (Sig n : ((SubsetSig) oldS).parents) {
            Sig parentAST = u.getRawSIG(n.pos, n.label);
            if (parentAST == null)
                throw new ErrorSyntax(n.pos, "The sig \"" + n.label + "\" cannot be found.");
            parents.add(resolveSig(res, topo, parentAST));
        realSig = new SubsetSig(fullname, parents, oldS.attributes.toArray(new Attr[0]));
    } else {
        Sig sup = ((PrimSig) oldS).parent;
        Sig parentAST = u.getRawSIG(sup.pos, sup.label);
        if (parentAST == null)
            throw new ErrorSyntax(sup.pos, "The sig \"" + sup.label + "\" cannot be found.");
        Sig parent = resolveSig(res, topo, parentAST);
        if (!(parent instanceof PrimSig))
            throw new ErrorSyntax(sup.pos, "Cannot extend the subset signature \"" + parent + "\".\n" + "A signature can only extend a toplevel signature or a subsignature.");
        PrimSig p = (PrimSig) parent;
        realSig = new PrimSig(fullname, p, oldS.attributes.toArray(new Attr[0]));
    res.new2old.put(realSig, oldS);
    res.sig2module.put(realSig, u);
    for (CompModule m : res.allModules) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Sig> e : m.sigs.entrySet()) if (e.getValue() == oldS)
        for (Map.Entry<String, Sig> e : m.params.entrySet()) if (e.getValue() == oldS)
    if (res.exactSigs.remove(oldS))
    return realSig;
Also used : PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( SubsetSig( ErrorSyntax( ErrorType( Pos( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) PrimSig(

Example 4 with Sig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method getRawSIG.

 * Lookup a Sig from the current module (and it will also search this.params)
private Sig getRawSIG(Pos pos, String name) throws Err {
    List<Object> s;
    Sig s2 = null;
    if (name.equals("sig$") || name.equals("field$"))
        if (world != null) {
            s2 = world.sigs.get(name);
            if (s2 != null)
                return s2;
    if (name.equals("univ"))
        return UNIV;
    if (name.equals("Int"))
        return SIGINT;
    if (name.equals("seq/Int"))
        return SEQIDX;
    if (name.equals("String"))
        return STRING;
    if (name.equals("none"))
        return NONE;
    if (name.indexOf('/') < 0) {
        s = getRawNQS(this, 1, name);
        s2 = params.get(name);
    } else {
        if (name.startsWith("this/")) {
            name = name.substring(5);
            s2 = params.get(name);
        s = getRawQS(1, name);
    if (s2 != null && !s.contains(s2))
    return (Sig) (unique(pos, name, s));
Also used : PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig(

Example 5 with Sig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveCommand.

 * Resolve a particular command.
private Command resolveCommand(Command cmd, ConstList<Sig> exactSigs, Expr globalFacts) throws Err {
    Command parent = cmd.parent == null ? null : resolveCommand(cmd.parent, exactSigs, globalFacts);
    String cname = ((ExprVar) (cmd.formula)).label;
    Expr e;
    Clause declaringClause = null;
    if (cmd.check) {
        // We prefer assertion in the
        List<Object> m = getRawQS(2, cname);
        // topmost module
        if (m.size() == 0 && cname.indexOf('/') < 0)
            m = getRawNQS(this, 2, cname);
        if (m.size() > 1)
            unique(cmd.pos, cname, m);
        if (m.size() < 1)
            throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "The assertion \"" + cname + "\" cannot be found.");
        Expr expr = (Expr) (m.get(0));
        e = expr.not();
    } else {
        // We prefer fun/pred in the
        List<Object> m = getRawQS(4, cname);
        // topmost module
        if (m.size() == 0 && cname.indexOf('/') < 0)
            m = getRawNQS(this, 4, cname);
        if (m.size() > 1)
            unique(cmd.pos, cname, m);
        if (m.size() < 1)
            throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "The predicate/function \"" + cname + "\" cannot be found.");
        Func f = (Func) (m.get(0));
        declaringClause = f;
        e = f.getBody();
        if (!f.isPred)
            e =;
        if (f.decls.size() > 0)
            e = ExprQt.Op.SOME.make(null, null, f.decls, e);
    if (e == null)
        e = ExprConstant.TRUE;
    TempList<CommandScope> sc = new TempList<CommandScope>(cmd.scope.size());
    for (CommandScope et : cmd.scope) {
        Sig s = getRawSIG(et.sig.pos, et.sig.label);
        if (s == null)
            throw new ErrorSyntax(et.sig.pos, "The sig \"" + et.sig.label + "\" cannot be found.");
        sc.add(new CommandScope(null, s, et.isExact, et.startingScope, et.endingScope, et.increment));
    if (cmd.nameExpr != null) {
    return new Command(cmd.pos, cmd.nameExpr, cmd.label, cmd.check, cmd.overall, cmd.bitwidth, cmd.maxseq, cmd.expects, sc.makeConst(), exactSigs, globalFacts.and(e), parent);
Also used : ExprVar( Func( PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( ErrorSyntax( Expr( TempList( Command( Clause( CommandScope(


Sig ( PrimSig ( SubsetSig ( Field ( Expr ( ExprVar ( ErrorSyntax ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Func ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 TupleSet (kodkod.instance.TupleSet)7 Pos ( XMLNode ( Command ( A4Solution ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)6 Err ( SafeList ( Decl ( ExprHasName (