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Example 1 with ExprHasName

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class SimInstance method validate.

 * Checks whether this instance satisfies every fact defined in the given model.
 * @param world - this must be the root of the Alloy model
 * @return an empty String if yes, nonempty String if no
public String validate(Module world) {
    try {
        for (Sig s : world.getAllReachableSigs()) if (!s.builtin) {
            if (s.isLone != null && !(visit(s).longsize() <= 1))
                return "There can be at most one " + s;
            if (s.isOne != null && !(visit(s).longsize() == 1))
                return "There must be exactly one " + s;
            if (s.isSome != null && !(visit(s).longsize() >= 1))
                return "There must be at least one " + s;
            if (s instanceof SubsetSig) {
                SubsetSig p = (SubsetSig) s;
                Expr sum = null;
                for (Sig par : p.parents) sum =;
                if (p.exact) {
                    if (!equal(s, sum))
                        return "Sig " + s + " must be equal to the union of its parents " + p.parents;
                } else {
                    if (!isIn(s, sum))
                        return "Sig " + s + " must be equal or subset of its parents " + p.parents;
            } else if (s != Sig.UNIV && s != Sig.NONE) {
                PrimSig p = (PrimSig) s;
                if (!isIn(s, p.parent))
                    return "Sig " + s + " must be equal or subset of its parent " + p.parent;
            if (s.isAbstract != null) {
                Expr sum = null;
                for (Sig x : ((PrimSig) s).children()) sum =;
                if (sum != null && !equal(s, sum))
                    return "Abstract sig " + s + " must be equal to the union of its subsigs";
            for (Decl d : s.getFieldDecls()) for (ExprHasName f : d.names) if (!((Field) f).defined) {
                if (!cform(s.decl.get().join(f).in(d.expr).forAll(s.decl))) {
                    return "Field " + f + " violated its bound: " + visit((Field) f) + "\n" + d.expr;
                SimTupleset setS = visit(s);
                SimTupleset setF = visit((Field) f);
                for (SimAtom x : setF.getAllAtoms(0)) if (!setS.has(x))
                    return "Field " + f + " first column has extra atom: " + setF + " not in " + setS;
            for (Decl d : s.getFieldDecls()) {
                if (d.disjoint != null && d.names.size() > 0) {
                    if (!cform(ExprList.makeDISJOINT(null, null, d.names)))
                        return "Fields must be disjoint.";
                if (d.disjoint2 != null)
                    for (ExprHasName f : d.names) {
                        Decl that = s.oneOf("that");
                        Expr formula = s.decl.get().equal(that.get()).not().implies(s.decl.get().join(f).intersect(that.get().join(f)).no());
                        if (!cform(formula.forAll(that).forAll(s.decl)))
                            return "Fields must be disjoint.";
            for (Expr f : s.getFacts()) {
                if (!cform(f.forAll(s.decl))) {
                    f = f.deNOP();
                    if (f instanceof ExprUnary) {
                        ExprUnary u = (ExprUnary) f;
                        f = u.sub.deNOP();
                        if (f instanceof ExprBinary) {
                            ExprBinary b = (ExprBinary) f;
                            if (b.op == ExprBinary.Op.JOIN && b.left.isSame(s.decl.get()) && b.right.deNOP() instanceof Field) {
                                String n = ((Field) (b.right.deNOP())).label;
                                if (u.op == ExprUnary.Op.SOME)
                                    return "The " + n + " cannot be empty.";
                                if (u.op == ExprUnary.Op.LONE)
                                    return "The " + n + " cannot have more than one value.";
                                if (u.op == ExprUnary.Op.ONE)
                                    return "The " + n + " must have exactly one value.";
                                if (u.op == ExprUnary.Op.NO)
                                    return "The " + n + " must be empty.";
                    return "Cannot violate a consistency constraint";
        for (Module m : world.getAllReachableModules()) for (Pair<String, Expr> f : m.getAllFacts()) if (!cform(f.b)) {
            String err = f.a;
            if (err.matches("^fact\\$[0-9][0-9]*"))
                err = f.b.toString();
            if (err.length() >= 2 && err.startsWith("\"") && err.endsWith("\""))
                err = err.substring(1, err.length() - 1);
            return "Violation: " + err;
        return "";
    } catch (Err ex) {
        return "An internal error has occured:\n" + ex.dump();
Also used : Err( Decl( PrimSig( SubsetSig( Sig( SubsetSig( Field( ExprBinary( Expr( ExprHasName( ExprUnary( Module( PrimSig( Pair(

Example 2 with ExprHasName

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveFieldDecl.

// ============================================================================================================================//
private static void resolveFieldDecl(CompModule res, final A4Reporter rep, final Sig s, final List<ErrorWarning> warns, boolean defined) throws Err {
    // When typechecking each field:
    // * it is allowed to refer to earlier fields in the same SIG or in any
    // visible ancestor sig
    // * it is allowed to refer to visible sigs
    // * it is NOT allowed to refer to any predicate or function
    // For example, if A.als opens B.als, and B/SIGX extends A/SIGY,
    // then B/SIGX's fields cannot refer to A/SIGY, nor any fields in
    // A/SIGY)
    final List<Decl> oldDecls = res.old2fields.get(res.new2old.get(s));
    if (oldDecls == null)
    final CompModule m = res.sig2module.get(s);
    final Context cx = new Context(m, warns);
    final ExprHasName dup = Decl.findDuplicateName(oldDecls);
    if (dup != null)
        throw new ErrorSyntax(dup.span(), "sig \"" + s + "\" cannot have 2 fields named \"" + dup.label + "\"");
    for (final Decl d : oldDecls) {
        if (d.expr.mult() != ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF) {
            if (defined)
        } else {
            if (!defined)
        // The name "this" does matter, since the parser and the typechecker
        // both refer to it as "this"
        cx.rootfield = d;
        cx.rootsig = s;
        cx.put("this", s.decl.get());
        Expr bound = cx.check(d.expr).resolve_as_set(warns);
        String[] names = new String[d.names.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) names[i] = d.names.get(i).label;
        Field[] fields = s.addTrickyField(d.span(), d.isPrivate, d.disjoint, d.disjoint2, null, names, bound);
        for (Field f : fields) {
            rep.typecheck("Sig " + s + ", Field " + f.label + ": " + f.type() + "\n");
Also used : Field( ErrorSyntax( Expr( ExprHasName( Decl(

Example 3 with ExprHasName

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveFuncBody.

 * Each Func's body will now be typechecked Expr object.
private JoinableList<Err> resolveFuncBody(A4Reporter rep, JoinableList<Err> errors, List<ErrorWarning> warns) throws Err {
    for (ArrayList<Func> entry : funcs.values()) for (Func ff : entry) {
        Context cx = new Context(this, warns);
        cx.rootfunbody = ff;
        for (Decl d : ff.decls) for (ExprHasName n : d.names) cx.put(n.label, n);
        Expr newBody = cx.check(ff.getBody());
        if (ff.isPred)
            newBody = newBody.resolve_as_formula(warns);
            newBody = newBody.resolve_as_set(warns);
        errors = errors.make(newBody.errors);
        if (!newBody.errors.isEmpty())
        try {
        } catch (Err er) {
            errors = errors.make(er);
        if (warns != null && ff.returnDecl.type().hasTuple() && newBody.type().hasTuple() && !newBody.type().intersects(ff.returnDecl.type()))
            warns.add(new ErrorWarning(newBody.span(), "Function return value is disjoint from its return type.\n" + "Function body has type " + newBody.type() + "\n" + "but the return type is " + ff.returnDecl.type()));
        // else if (warns!=null && Version.experimental &&
        // !newBody.type.isSubtypeOf(ff.returnDecl.type))
        // warns.add(new ErrorWarning(newBody.span(),
        // "Function may return a tuple not in its declared return
        // type.\n"
        // +"The Alloy Analyzer's analysis may be unsound\n"
        // +"if it returns a tuple outside its declared return type.\n"
        // +"Function body has type "+newBody.type+"\nbut the return
        // type is "+ff.returnDecl.type));
        rep.typecheck(ff.toString() + ", BODY:" + newBody.type() + "\n");
    return errors;
Also used : Expr( Err( Func( ExprHasName( ErrorWarning( Decl(

Example 4 with ExprHasName

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class TranslateAlloyToKodkod method makeFacts.

 * Conjoin the constraints for "field declarations" and "fact" paragraphs
private void makeFacts(Expr facts) throws Err {
    rep.debug("Generating facts...\n");
    // convert into a form that hopefully gives better unsat core
    facts = (new ConvToConjunction()).visitThis(facts);
    // add the field facts and appended facts
    for (Sig s : frame.getAllReachableSigs()) {
        for (Decl d : s.getFieldDecls()) {
            k2pos_enabled = false;
            for (ExprHasName n : d.names) {
                Field f = (Field) n;
                Expr form = s.decl.get().join(f).in(d.expr);
                form = s.isOne == null ? form.forAll(s.decl) : ExprLet.make(null, (ExprVar) (s.decl.get()), s, form);
                frame.addFormula(cform(form), f);
                // subset of s.
                if (s.isOne == null) {
                    Expression sr = a2k(s), fr = a2k(f);
                    for (int i = f.type().arity(); i > 1; i--) fr = fr.join(Expression.UNIV);
                    frame.addFormula(, f);
            if (s.isOne == null && d.disjoint2 != null)
                for (ExprHasName f : d.names) {
                    Decl that = s.oneOf("that");
                    Expr formula = s.decl.get().equal(that.get()).not().implies(s.decl.get().join(f).intersect(that.get().join(f)).no());
                    frame.addFormula(cform(formula.forAll(that).forAll(s.decl)), d.disjoint2);
            if (d.names.size() > 1 && d.disjoint != null) {
                frame.addFormula(cform(ExprList.makeDISJOINT(d.disjoint, null, d.names)), d.disjoint);
        k2pos_enabled = true;
        for (Expr f : s.getFacts()) {
            Expr form = s.isOne == null ? f.forAll(s.decl) : ExprLet.make(null, (ExprVar) (s.decl.get()), s, f);
            frame.addFormula(cform(form), f);
    k2pos_enabled = true;
Also used : Sig( ExprVar( Field( Expr( Expression(kodkod.ast.Expression) BinaryExpression(kodkod.ast.BinaryExpression) IntExpression(kodkod.ast.IntExpression) ExprHasName( Decl(

Example 5 with ExprHasName

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class SimpleCLI method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    final boolean sat4j = "yes".equals(System.getProperty("sat4j"));
    final boolean minisat = "yes".equals(System.getProperty("minisat"));
    SatSolver solver = A4Options.SatSolver.make("mem", "mem", "/zweb/sat/mem");
    final SimpleReporter rep = new SimpleReporter();
    final StringBuilder sb =;
    for (String filename : args) {
        try {
            // Parse+Typecheck
  "\n\nMain file = " + filename + "\n");
            if (db)
            Module world = CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(rep, null, filename);
            if (db)
                db(" ok\n");
            List<Command> cmds = world.getAllCommands();
            for (ErrorWarning msg : rep.warnings)"Relevance Warning:\n" + (msg.toString().trim()) + "\n\n");
            // Do a detailed dump if we will not be executing the commands
            if (args.length != 1) {
                for (Module m : world.getAllReachableModules()) {
                    for (Sig x : m.getAllSigs()) {
                        sb.append("\nSig ").append(x.label).append(" at position ").append(x.pos).append("\n");
                        for (Decl d : x.getFieldDecls()) for (ExprHasName f : d.names) {
                            sb.append("\nField ").append(f.label).append(" with type ").append(f.type()).append("\n");
                            d.expr.toString(sb, 2);
                    for (Func x : m.getAllFunc()) {
                        sb.append("\nFun/pred ").append(x.label).append(" at position ").append(x.pos).append("\n");
                        for (Decl d : x.decls) for (ExprHasName v : d.names) {
                            v.toString(sb, 2);
                            d.expr.toString(sb, 4);
                        x.returnDecl.toString(sb, 2);
                        x.getBody().toString(sb, 4);
                    for (Pair<String, Expr> x : m.getAllFacts()) {
                        sb.append("\nFact ").append(x.a).append("\n");
                        x.b.toString(sb, 4);
                    for (Pair<String, Expr> x : m.getAllAssertions()) {
                        sb.append("\nAssertion ").append(x.a).append("\n");
                        x.b.toString(sb, 4);
                    if (m == world)
                        for (Command x : m.getAllCommands()) {
                            sb.append("\nCommand ").append(x.label).append("\n");
                            x.formula.toString(sb, 4);
            // Validate the metamodel generation code
            StringWriter metasb = new StringWriter();
            PrintWriter meta = new PrintWriter(metasb);
            Util.encodeXMLs(meta, "\n<alloy builddate=\"", Version.buildDate(), "\">\n\n");
            A4SolutionWriter.writeMetamodel(world.getAllReachableSigs(), filename, meta);
            Util.encodeXMLs(meta, "\n</alloy>");
            String metaxml = metasb.toString();
   ArrayList<Sig>(), new XMLNode(new StringReader(metaxml)));
            StaticInstanceReader.parseInstance(new StringReader(metaxml));
            // Okay, now solve the commands
            A4Options options = new A4Options();
            options.originalFilename = filename;
            options.solverDirectory = "/zweb/zweb/tmp/alloy4/x86-freebsd";
            options.solver = sat4j ? A4Options.SatSolver.SAT4J : (minisat ? A4Options.SatSolver.MiniSatJNI : solver);
            for (int i = 0; i < cmds.size(); i++) {
                Command c = cmds.get(i);
                if (db) {
                    String cc = c.toString();
                    if (cc.length() > 60)
                        cc = cc.substring(0, 55);
                    db("Executing " + cc + "...\n");
      "Executing \"" + c + "\"\n");
                options.skolemDepth = 0;
                A4Solution s = TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_commandFromBook(rep, world.getAllReachableSigs(), c, options);
                if (s.satisfiable()) {
                    if (s.isIncremental()) {
                        s =;
                        if (s.satisfiable())
                options.skolemDepth = 2;
                s = TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_commandFromBook(rep, world.getAllReachableSigs(), c, options);
                if (s.satisfiable()) {
                    if (s.isIncremental()) {
                        s =;
                        if (s.satisfiable())
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
  "\n\nException: " + ex);
        if (db) {
            if (args.length != 1)
                db(" ERROR!\n");
Also used : XMLNode( Func( ErrorWarning( Decl( Sig( Expr( StringWriter( Command( ExprHasName( A4Options( StringReader( Module( SatSolver( PrintWriter( A4Solution(


ExprHasName ( Decl ( Expr ( Func ( Sig ( Err ( ExprVar ( Field ( ErrorSyntax ( ErrorWarning ( Pair ( Module ( A4Solution ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 BinaryExpression (kodkod.ast.BinaryExpression)2 Expression (kodkod.ast.Expression)2 IntExpression (kodkod.ast.IntExpression)2 TempList ( XMLNode ( Command (