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Example 1 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveSig.

 * The given Sig will now point to a nonnull Sig.
private static Sig resolveSig(CompModule res, Set<Object> topo, Sig oldS) throws Err {
    if (res.new2old.containsKey(oldS))
        return oldS;
    Sig realSig;
    final Pos pos = oldS.pos;
    final CompModule u = res.sig2module.get(oldS);
    final String name = base(oldS);
    final String fullname = (u.path.length() == 0) ? ("this/" + name) : (u.path + "/" + name);
    if (!topo.add(oldS))
        throw new ErrorType(pos, "Sig " + oldS + " is involved in a cyclic inheritance.");
    if (oldS instanceof SubsetSig) {
        List<Sig> parents = new ArrayList<Sig>();
        for (Sig n : ((SubsetSig) oldS).parents) {
            Sig parentAST = u.getRawSIG(n.pos, n.label);
            if (parentAST == null)
                throw new ErrorSyntax(n.pos, "The sig \"" + n.label + "\" cannot be found.");
            parents.add(resolveSig(res, topo, parentAST));
        realSig = new SubsetSig(fullname, parents, oldS.attributes.toArray(new Attr[0]));
    } else {
        Sig sup = ((PrimSig) oldS).parent;
        Sig parentAST = u.getRawSIG(sup.pos, sup.label);
        if (parentAST == null)
            throw new ErrorSyntax(sup.pos, "The sig \"" + sup.label + "\" cannot be found.");
        Sig parent = resolveSig(res, topo, parentAST);
        if (!(parent instanceof PrimSig))
            throw new ErrorSyntax(sup.pos, "Cannot extend the subset signature \"" + parent + "\".\n" + "A signature can only extend a toplevel signature or a subsignature.");
        PrimSig p = (PrimSig) parent;
        realSig = new PrimSig(fullname, p, oldS.attributes.toArray(new Attr[0]));
    res.new2old.put(realSig, oldS);
    res.sig2module.put(realSig, u);
    for (CompModule m : res.allModules) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Sig> e : m.sigs.entrySet()) if (e.getValue() == oldS)
        for (Map.Entry<String, Sig> e : m.params.entrySet()) if (e.getValue() == oldS)
    if (res.exactSigs.remove(oldS))
    return realSig;
Also used : PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( SubsetSig( ErrorSyntax( ErrorType( Pos( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) PrimSig(

Example 2 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class SimInstance method isIn.

 * Helper method that evaluates the formula "a in b" where b.mult==0
public boolean isIn(SimTuple a, Expr b) throws Err {
    b = b.deNOP();
    if (b instanceof PrimSig && ((PrimSig) b).builtin) {
        if (a.arity() != 1)
            return false;
        if (b.isSame(Sig.UNIV))
            return true;
        if (b.isSame(Sig.NONE))
            return false;
        if (b.isSame(Sig.SEQIDX)) {
            Integer i = a.get(0).toInt(null);
            return i != null && i >= 0 && i < maxseq;
        if (b.isSame(Sig.SIGINT)) {
            Integer i = a.get(0).toInt(null);
            return i != null;
        if (b.isSame(Sig.STRING)) {
            String at = a.get(0).toString();
            return at.length() > 0 && (at.charAt(0) == '\"');
    if (b instanceof ExprBinary && ((ExprBinary) b).op == ExprBinary.Op.ARROW) {
        Expr left = ((ExprBinary) b).left, right = ((ExprBinary) b).right;
        int ll = left.type().arity(), rr = right.type().arity();
        if (ll <= rr)
            return isIn(a.head(ll), left) && isIn(a.tail(rr), right);
        return isIn(a.tail(rr), right) && isIn(a.head(ll), left);
    if (b instanceof ExprBinary && ((ExprBinary) b).op == ExprBinary.Op.PLUS) {
        return isIn(a, ((ExprBinary) b).left) || isIn(a, ((ExprBinary) b).right);
    if (b instanceof ExprBinary && ((ExprBinary) b).op == ExprBinary.Op.MINUS) {
        return isIn(a, ((ExprBinary) b).left) && !isIn(a, ((ExprBinary) b).right);
    return cset(b).has(a);
Also used : ExprBinary( Expr( PrimSig(

Example 3 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class SimInstance method makeAtom.

 * Create a fresh atom for the given sig, then return the newly created atom.
 * @throws ErrorAPI if attempting to add an atom to an abstract sig with
 *             children, or a builtin sig, or a subset sig.
public SimAtom makeAtom(Sig sig) throws Err {
    if (sig.builtin)
        throw new ErrorAPI("Cannot add an atom to a builtin sig.");
    if (!(sig instanceof PrimSig))
        throw new ErrorAPI("Cannot add an atom to a subset sig.");
    PrimSig s = (PrimSig) sig;
    if (s.isAbstract != null && !s.children().isEmpty())
        throw new ErrorAPI("Cannot add an atom to an abstract parent sig.");
    String label = sig.label + "$";
    if (label.startsWith("this/"))
        label = label.substring(5);
    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
        SimAtom atom = SimAtom.make(label + i);
        if (hasAtom(atom))
        SimTupleset add = SimTupleset.make(SimTuple.make(atom));
        if (cacheUNIV != null)
            cacheUNIV = cacheUNIV.union(add);
        for (; s != null; s = s.parent) if (!s.builtin) {
            SimTupleset old = sfs.get(s);
            if (old == null || old.empty())
                sfs.put(s, add);
            else if (!
                sfs.put(s, old.union(add));
        return atom;
Also used : ErrorAPI( PrimSig(

Example 4 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class SimInstance method validate.

 * Checks whether this instance satisfies every fact defined in the given model.
 * @param world - this must be the root of the Alloy model
 * @return an empty String if yes, nonempty String if no
public String validate(Module world) {
    try {
        for (Sig s : world.getAllReachableSigs()) if (!s.builtin) {
            if (s.isLone != null && !(visit(s).longsize() <= 1))
                return "There can be at most one " + s;
            if (s.isOne != null && !(visit(s).longsize() == 1))
                return "There must be exactly one " + s;
            if (s.isSome != null && !(visit(s).longsize() >= 1))
                return "There must be at least one " + s;
            if (s instanceof SubsetSig) {
                SubsetSig p = (SubsetSig) s;
                Expr sum = null;
                for (Sig par : p.parents) sum =;
                if (p.exact) {
                    if (!equal(s, sum))
                        return "Sig " + s + " must be equal to the union of its parents " + p.parents;
                } else {
                    if (!isIn(s, sum))
                        return "Sig " + s + " must be equal or subset of its parents " + p.parents;
            } else if (s != Sig.UNIV && s != Sig.NONE) {
                PrimSig p = (PrimSig) s;
                if (!isIn(s, p.parent))
                    return "Sig " + s + " must be equal or subset of its parent " + p.parent;
            if (s.isAbstract != null) {
                Expr sum = null;
                for (Sig x : ((PrimSig) s).children()) sum =;
                if (sum != null && !equal(s, sum))
                    return "Abstract sig " + s + " must be equal to the union of its subsigs";
            for (Decl d : s.getFieldDecls()) for (ExprHasName f : d.names) if (!((Field) f).defined) {
                if (!cform(s.decl.get().join(f).in(d.expr).forAll(s.decl))) {
                    return "Field " + f + " violated its bound: " + visit((Field) f) + "\n" + d.expr;
                SimTupleset setS = visit(s);
                SimTupleset setF = visit((Field) f);
                for (SimAtom x : setF.getAllAtoms(0)) if (!setS.has(x))
                    return "Field " + f + " first column has extra atom: " + setF + " not in " + setS;
            for (Decl d : s.getFieldDecls()) {
                if (d.disjoint != null && d.names.size() > 0) {
                    if (!cform(ExprList.makeDISJOINT(null, null, d.names)))
                        return "Fields must be disjoint.";
                if (d.disjoint2 != null)
                    for (ExprHasName f : d.names) {
                        Decl that = s.oneOf("that");
                        Expr formula = s.decl.get().equal(that.get()).not().implies(s.decl.get().join(f).intersect(that.get().join(f)).no());
                        if (!cform(formula.forAll(that).forAll(s.decl)))
                            return "Fields must be disjoint.";
            for (Expr f : s.getFacts()) {
                if (!cform(f.forAll(s.decl))) {
                    f = f.deNOP();
                    if (f instanceof ExprUnary) {
                        ExprUnary u = (ExprUnary) f;
                        f = u.sub.deNOP();
                        if (f instanceof ExprBinary) {
                            ExprBinary b = (ExprBinary) f;
                            if (b.op == ExprBinary.Op.JOIN && b.left.isSame(s.decl.get()) && b.right.deNOP() instanceof Field) {
                                String n = ((Field) (b.right.deNOP())).label;
                                if (u.op == ExprUnary.Op.SOME)
                                    return "The " + n + " cannot be empty.";
                                if (u.op == ExprUnary.Op.LONE)
                                    return "The " + n + " cannot have more than one value.";
                                if (u.op == ExprUnary.Op.ONE)
                                    return "The " + n + " must have exactly one value.";
                                if (u.op == ExprUnary.Op.NO)
                                    return "The " + n + " must be empty.";
                    return "Cannot violate a consistency constraint";
        for (Module m : world.getAllReachableModules()) for (Pair<String, Expr> f : m.getAllFacts()) if (!cform(f.b)) {
            String err = f.a;
            if (err.matches("^fact\\$[0-9][0-9]*"))
                err = f.b.toString();
            if (err.length() >= 2 && err.startsWith("\"") && err.endsWith("\""))
                err = err.substring(1, err.length() - 1);
            return "Violation: " + err;
        return "";
    } catch (Err ex) {
        return "An internal error has occured:\n" + ex.dump();
Also used : Err( Decl( PrimSig( SubsetSig( Sig( SubsetSig( Field( ExprBinary( Expr( ExprHasName( ExprUnary( Module( PrimSig( Pair(

Example 5 with PrimSig

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class A4Solution method rename.

 * Helper method that chooses a name for each atom based on its most specific
 * sig; (external caller should call this method with s==null and nexts==null)
private static void rename(A4Solution frame, PrimSig s, Map<Sig, List<Tuple>> nexts, UniqueNameGenerator un) throws Err {
    if (s == null) {
        for (ExprVar sk : frame.skolems) un.seen(sk.label);
        // Store up the skolems
        List<Object> skolems = new ArrayList<Object>();
        for (Map.Entry<Relation, Type> e : frame.rel2type.entrySet()) {
            Relation r = e.getKey();
            if (!frame.eval.instance().contains(r))
            Type t = e.getValue();
            if (t.arity() > r.arity())
                // Something is wrong; let's skip it
            while (t.arity() < r.arity()) t = UNIV.type().product(t);
            String n = Util.tail(;
            while (n.length() > 0 && n.charAt(0) == '$') n = n.substring(1);
        // Find all suitable "next" or "prev" relations
        nexts = new LinkedHashMap<Sig, List<Tuple>>();
        for (Sig sig : frame.sigs) for (Field f : sig.getFields()) if (f.label.compareToIgnoreCase("next") == 0) {
            List<List<PrimSig>> fold = f.type().fold();
            if (fold.size() == 1) {
                List<PrimSig> t = fold.get(0);
                if (t.size() == 3 && t.get(0).isOne != null && t.get(1) == t.get(2) && !nexts.containsKey(t.get(1))) {
                    TupleSet set = frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(t.get(1)));
                    if (set.size() <= 1)
                    TupleSet next = frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(t.get(0)).join(frame.a2k(f)));
                    List<Tuple> test = isOrder(next, set);
                    if (test != null)
                        nexts.put(t.get(1), test);
                } else if (t.size() == 2 && t.get(0) == t.get(1) && !nexts.containsKey(t.get(0))) {
                    TupleSet set = frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(t.get(0)));
                    if (set.size() <= 1)
                    TupleSet next = frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(f));
                    List<Tuple> test = isOrder(next, set);
                    if (test != null)
                        nexts.put(t.get(1), test);
        for (Sig sig : frame.sigs) for (Field f : sig.getFields()) if (f.label.compareToIgnoreCase("prev") == 0) {
            List<List<PrimSig>> fold = f.type().fold();
            if (fold.size() == 1) {
                List<PrimSig> t = fold.get(0);
                if (t.size() == 3 && t.get(0).isOne != null && t.get(1) == t.get(2) && !nexts.containsKey(t.get(1))) {
                    TupleSet set = frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(t.get(1)));
                    if (set.size() <= 1)
                    TupleSet next = frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(t.get(0)).join(frame.a2k(f)).transpose());
                    List<Tuple> test = isOrder(next, set);
                    if (test != null)
                        nexts.put(t.get(1), test);
                } else if (t.size() == 2 && t.get(0) == t.get(1) && !nexts.containsKey(t.get(0))) {
                    TupleSet set = frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(t.get(0)));
                    if (set.size() <= 1)
                    TupleSet next = frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(f).transpose());
                    List<Tuple> test = isOrder(next, set);
                    if (test != null)
                        nexts.put(t.get(1), test);
        // Assign atom->name and atom->MostSignificantSig
        for (Tuple t : frame.eval.evaluate(Expression.INTS)) {
            frame.atom2sig.put(t.atom(0), SIGINT);
        for (Tuple t : frame.eval.evaluate(KK_SEQIDX)) {
            frame.atom2sig.put(t.atom(0), SEQIDX);
        for (Tuple t : frame.eval.evaluate(KK_STRING)) {
            frame.atom2sig.put(t.atom(0), STRING);
        for (Sig sig : frame.sigs) if (sig instanceof PrimSig && !sig.builtin && ((PrimSig) sig).isTopLevel())
            rename(frame, (PrimSig) sig, nexts, un);
        // These are redundant atoms that were not chosen to be in the final
        // instance
        int unused = 0;
        for (Tuple tuple : frame.eval.evaluate(Expression.UNIV)) {
            Object atom = tuple.atom(0);
            if (!frame.atom2sig.containsKey(atom)) {
                frame.atom2name.put(atom, "unused" + unused);
        // Add the skolems
        for (int num = skolems.size(), i = 0; i < num - 2; i = i + 3) {
            String n = (String) skolems.get(i);
            while (n.length() > 0 && n.charAt(0) == '$') n = n.substring(1);
            Type t = (Type) skolems.get(i + 1);
            Relation r = (Relation) skolems.get(i + 2);
            frame.addSkolem(un.make("$" + n), t, r);
    for (PrimSig c : s.children()) rename(frame, c, nexts, un);
    String signame = un.make(s.label.startsWith("this/") ? s.label.substring(5) : s.label);
    List<Tuple> list = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
    for (Tuple t : frame.eval.evaluate(frame.a2k(s))) list.add(t);
    List<Tuple> order = nexts.get(s);
    if (order != null && order.size() == list.size() && order.containsAll(list)) {
        list = order;
    int i = 0;
    for (Tuple t : list) {
        if (frame.atom2sig.containsKey(t.atom(0)))
            // This means one of the subsig has already claimed
        // this atom.
        String x = signame + "$" + i;
        frame.atom2sig.put(t.atom(0), s);
        frame.atom2name.put(t.atom(0), x);
        ExprVar v = ExprVar.make(null, x, s.type());
        TupleSet ts = t.universe().factory().range(t, t);
        Relation r = Relation.unary(x);
        frame.eval.instance().add(r, ts);
        frame.a2k.put(v, r);
Also used : ExprVar( TupleSet(kodkod.instance.TupleSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PrimSig( Sig( Field( Relation(kodkod.ast.Relation) Type( SafeList( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ConstList( ConstMap( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) PrimSig( Tuple(kodkod.instance.Tuple)


PrimSig ( Sig ( Expr ( SubsetSig ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Field ( ErrorFatal ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 TupleSet (kodkod.instance.TupleSet)5 ConstList ( ErrorSyntax ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 Err ( ErrorType ( Pos ( SafeList ( ExprVar ( A4Tuple (