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Example 1 with ErrorWarning

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveAll.

// ============================================================================================================================//
 * This method resolves the entire world; NOTE: if it throws an exception, it
 * may leave the world in an inconsistent state!
static CompModule resolveAll(final A4Reporter rep, final CompModule root) throws Err {
    final List<ErrorWarning> warns = new ArrayList<ErrorWarning>();
    for (CompModule m : root.getAllReachableModules()) root.allModules.add(m);
    resolveParams(rep, root.allModules);
    resolveModules(rep, root.allModules);
    for (CompModule m : root.allModules) for (Sig s : m.sigs.values()) root.sig2module.put(s, m);
    // Resolves SigAST -> Sig, and topologically sort the sigs into the
    // "sorted" array
    root.new2old.put(UNIV, UNIV);
    root.new2old.put(SIGINT, SIGINT);
    root.new2old.put(SEQIDX, SEQIDX);
    root.new2old.put(STRING, STRING);
    root.new2old.put(NONE, NONE);
    HashSet<Object> topo = new HashSet<Object>();
    for (CompModule m : root.allModules) for (Sig s : m.sigs.values()) resolveSig(root, topo, s);
    // (since fields in subsigs are allowed to refer to parent's fields)
    for (Sig oldS : root.new2old.keySet()) resolveFieldDecl(root, rep, oldS, warns, false);
    // Typecheck the function declarations
    JoinableList<Err> errors = new JoinableList<Err>();
    for (CompModule x : root.allModules) errors = x.resolveFuncDecls(rep, errors, warns);
    if (!errors.isEmpty())
        throw errors.pick();
    // Typecheck the defined fields
    for (Sig oldS : root.new2old.keySet()) resolveFieldDecl(root, rep, oldS, warns, true);
    if (Version.experimental && root.seenDollar)
    // Reject name clash
    // to function declarations)
    for (CompModule x : root.allModules) {
        errors = x.resolveFuncBody(rep, errors, warns);
        errors = x.resolveAssertions(rep, errors, warns);
        errors = x.resolveFacts(root, rep, errors, warns);
        // root module's list of exact sigs
        for (String n : x.exactParams) {
            Sig sig = x.params.get(n);
            if (sig != null)
    if (!errors.isEmpty())
        throw errors.pick();
    // Typecheck the run/check commands (which can refer to function bodies
    // and assertions)
    if (!errors.isEmpty())
        throw errors.pick();
    for (ErrorWarning w : warns) rep.warning(w);
    for (Sig s : root.exactSigs) rep.debug("Forced to be exact: " + s + "\n");
    return root;
Also used : PrimSig( Sig( SubsetSig( Err( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ErrorWarning( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) JoinableList(

Example 2 with ErrorWarning

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveFieldDecl.

// ============================================================================================================================//
private static void resolveFieldDecl(CompModule res, final A4Reporter rep, final Sig s, final List<ErrorWarning> warns, boolean defined) throws Err {
    // When typechecking each field:
    // * it is allowed to refer to earlier fields in the same SIG or in any
    // visible ancestor sig
    // * it is allowed to refer to visible sigs
    // * it is NOT allowed to refer to any predicate or function
    // For example, if A.als opens B.als, and B/SIGX extends A/SIGY,
    // then B/SIGX's fields cannot refer to A/SIGY, nor any fields in
    // A/SIGY)
    final List<Decl> oldDecls = res.old2fields.get(res.new2old.get(s));
    if (oldDecls == null)
    final CompModule m = res.sig2module.get(s);
    final Context cx = new Context(m, warns);
    final ExprHasName dup = Decl.findDuplicateName(oldDecls);
    if (dup != null)
        throw new ErrorSyntax(dup.span(), "sig \"" + s + "\" cannot have 2 fields named \"" + dup.label + "\"");
    for (final Decl d : oldDecls) {
        if (d.expr.mult() != ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF) {
            if (defined)
        } else {
            if (!defined)
        // The name "this" does matter, since the parser and the typechecker
        // both refer to it as "this"
        cx.rootfield = d;
        cx.rootsig = s;
        cx.put("this", s.decl.get());
        Expr bound = cx.check(d.expr).resolve_as_set(warns);
        String[] names = new String[d.names.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) names[i] = d.names.get(i).label;
        Field[] fields = s.addTrickyField(d.span(), d.isPrivate, d.disjoint, d.disjoint2, null, names, bound);
        for (Field f : fields) {
            rep.typecheck("Sig " + s + ", Field " + f.label + ": " + f.type() + "\n");
Also used : Field( ErrorSyntax( Expr( ExprHasName( Decl(

Example 3 with ErrorWarning

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class CompModule method resolveFuncBody.

 * Each Func's body will now be typechecked Expr object.
private JoinableList<Err> resolveFuncBody(A4Reporter rep, JoinableList<Err> errors, List<ErrorWarning> warns) throws Err {
    for (ArrayList<Func> entry : funcs.values()) for (Func ff : entry) {
        Context cx = new Context(this, warns);
        cx.rootfunbody = ff;
        for (Decl d : ff.decls) for (ExprHasName n : d.names) cx.put(n.label, n);
        Expr newBody = cx.check(ff.getBody());
        if (ff.isPred)
            newBody = newBody.resolve_as_formula(warns);
            newBody = newBody.resolve_as_set(warns);
        errors = errors.make(newBody.errors);
        if (!newBody.errors.isEmpty())
        try {
        } catch (Err er) {
            errors = errors.make(er);
        if (warns != null && ff.returnDecl.type().hasTuple() && newBody.type().hasTuple() && !newBody.type().intersects(ff.returnDecl.type()))
            warns.add(new ErrorWarning(newBody.span(), "Function return value is disjoint from its return type.\n" + "Function body has type " + newBody.type() + "\n" + "but the return type is " + ff.returnDecl.type()));
        // else if (warns!=null && Version.experimental &&
        // !newBody.type.isSubtypeOf(ff.returnDecl.type))
        // warns.add(new ErrorWarning(newBody.span(),
        // "Function may return a tuple not in its declared return
        // type.\n"
        // +"The Alloy Analyzer's analysis may be unsound\n"
        // +"if it returns a tuple outside its declared return type.\n"
        // +"Function body has type "+newBody.type+"\nbut the return
        // type is "+ff.returnDecl.type));
        rep.typecheck(ff.toString() + ", BODY:" + newBody.type() + "\n");
    return errors;
Also used : Expr( Err( Func( ExprHasName( ErrorWarning( Decl(

Example 4 with ErrorWarning

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class ExprBinary method resolve.

// ============================================================================================================//
 * {@inheritDoc}
public Expr resolve(Type p, Collection<ErrorWarning> warns) {
    if (errors.size() > 0)
        return this;
    ErrorWarning w = null;
    Type a = left.type, b = right.type;
    switch(op) {
        case MUL:
        case DIV:
        case REM:
        case LT:
        case LTE:
        case GT:
        case GTE:
        case SHL:
        case SHR:
        case SHA:
        case NOT_LTE:
        case NOT_GTE:
        case NOT_LT:
        case NOT_GT:
                a = (b = Type.smallIntType());
        case AND:
        case OR:
        case IFF:
        case IMPLIES:
                a = (b = Type.FORMULA);
        case EQUALS:
        case NOT_EQUALS:
                p = a.intersect(b);
                if (p.hasTuple()) {
                    a = p;
                    b = p;
                } else {
                    a = a.pickCommonArity(b);
                    b = b.pickCommonArity(a);
                // } else
                if (warns == null) {
                } else if (left.type.hasTuple() && right.type.hasTuple() && !(left.type.intersects(right.type))) {
                    w = warn("== is redundant, because the left and right expressions are always disjoint.");
                } else if (left.isSame(right)) {
                    w = warn("== is redundant, because the left and right expressions always have the same value.");
        case IN:
        case NOT_IN:
                a = a.pickCommonArity(b);
                b = b.intersect(a);
                if (warns == null)
                if (left.type.hasNoTuple() && right.type.hasNoTuple())
                    w = warn("Subset operator is redundant, because both subexpressions are always empty.");
                else if (left.type.hasNoTuple())
                    w = warn("Subset operator is redundant, because the left subexpression is always empty.");
                else if (right.type.hasNoTuple())
                    w = warn("Subset operator is redundant, because the right subexpression is always empty.");
                else if (b.hasNoTuple())
                    w = warn("Subset operator is redundant, because the left and right subexpressions are always disjoint.");
                else if (left.isSame(right))
                    w = warn("Subset operator is redundant, because the left and right expressions always have the same value.");
        case INTERSECT:
                a = a.intersect(p);
                b = b.intersect(p);
                if (warns != null && type.hasNoTuple())
                    w = warn("& is irrelevant because the two subexpressions are always disjoint.");
        case IPLUS:
        case IMINUS:
                a = Type.smallIntType();
                b = Type.smallIntType();
        case PLUSPLUS:
        case PLUS:
                a = a.intersect(p);
                b = b.intersect(p);
                // b=Type.makeInt(b); }
                if (warns == null)
                if (a == EMPTY && b == EMPTY)
                    w = warn(this + " is irrelevant since both subexpressions are redundant.", p);
                else if (a == EMPTY)
                    w = warn(this + " is irrelevant since the left subexpression is redundant.", p);
                else if (b == EMPTY || (op == Op.PLUSPLUS && !right.type.canOverride(left.type)))
                    w = warn(this + " is irrelevant since the right subexpression is redundant.", p);
        case MINUS:
                a = p;
                b = p.intersect(b);
                // } else
                if (warns != null && (type.hasNoTuple() || b.hasNoTuple())) {
                    w = warn("- is irrelevant since the right expression is redundant.", p);
        case JOIN:
                if (warns != null && type.hasNoTuple())
                    w = warn("The join operation here always yields an empty set.");
                a = (b = EMPTY);
                for (ProductType aa : left.type) for (ProductType bb : right.type) if (p.hasArity(aa.arity() + bb.arity() - 2)) {
                    PrimSig j = aa.get(aa.arity() - 1).intersect(bb.get(0));
                    if (j != Sig.NONE)
                        for (ProductType cc : p.intersect(aa.join(bb))) if (!cc.isEmpty()) {
                            List<PrimSig> v = new ArrayList<PrimSig>(cc.arity() + 1);
                            for (int i = 0; i < cc.arity(); i++) v.add(cc.get(i));
                            v.add(aa.arity() - 1, j);
                            a = a.merge(Type.make(v, 0, aa.arity()));
                            b = b.merge(Type.make(v, aa.arity() - 1, v.size()));
                if (a == EMPTY || b == EMPTY) {
                    // Continue the best we can; we
                    // should have issued a
                    // relevance warning elsewhere
                    // already.
                    a = (b = EMPTY);
                    for (ProductType aa : left.type) for (ProductType bb : right.type) if (p.hasArity(aa.arity() + bb.arity() - 2) && aa.get(aa.arity() - 1).intersects(bb.get(0))) {
                        a = a.merge(aa);
                        b = b.merge(bb);
                if (a == EMPTY || b == EMPTY) {
                    // Continue the best we can; we
                    // should have issued a
                    // relevance warning elsewhere
                    // already.
                    a = (b = EMPTY);
                    for (ProductType aa : left.type) for (ProductType bb : right.type) if (p.hasArity(aa.arity() + bb.arity() - 2)) {
                        a = a.merge(aa);
                        b = b.merge(bb);
        case DOMAIN:
                // leftType such that r1<:r2 in parentType}
                if (warns != null && type.hasNoTuple())
                    w = warn("<: is irrelevant because the result is always empty.");
                Type leftType = EMPTY, rightType = EMPTY;
                for (ProductType aa : a) if (aa.arity() == 1)
                    for (ProductType bb : b) if (p.hasArity(bb.arity()))
                        for (ProductType cc : p.intersect(bb.columnRestrict(aa.get(0), 0))) if (!cc.isEmpty()) {
                            leftType = leftType.merge(cc, 0, 1);
                            rightType = rightType.merge(cc);
                if (leftType == EMPTY || rightType == EMPTY) {
                    // We try to
                    // proceed the
                    // best we can
                    leftType = a.extract(1);
                    rightType = b.pickCommonArity(p);
                a = leftType;
                b = rightType;
        case RANGE:
                // leftType such that r1:>r2 in parentType}
                if (warns != null && type.hasNoTuple())
                    w = warn(":> is irrelevant because the result is always empty.");
                Type leftType = EMPTY, rightType = EMPTY;
                for (ProductType bb : b) if (bb.arity() == 1)
                    for (ProductType aa : a) if (p.hasArity(aa.arity()))
                        for (ProductType cc : p.intersect(aa.columnRestrict(bb.get(0), aa.arity() - 1))) if (!cc.isEmpty()) {
                            leftType = leftType.merge(cc);
                            rightType = rightType.merge(cc, cc.arity() - 1, cc.arity());
                if (leftType == EMPTY || rightType == EMPTY) {
                    // We try to
                    // proceed the
                    // best we can
                    leftType = a.pickCommonArity(p);
                    rightType = b.extract(1);
                a = leftType;
                b = rightType;
                // leftType such that r1->r2 in parentType}
                if (warns == null) {
                // do nothing
                } else if (a.hasTuple()) {
                    if (b.hasNoTuple())
                        w = warn("The left expression of -> is irrelevant because the right expression is always empty.");
                } else {
                    if (b.hasTuple())
                        w = warn("The right expression of -> is irrelevant because the left expression is always empty.");
                Type leftType = EMPTY, rightType = EMPTY;
                for (ProductType aa : a) if (!aa.isEmpty())
                    for (ProductType bb : b) if (!bb.isEmpty() && p.hasArity(aa.arity() + bb.arity()))
                        for (ProductType cc : p.intersect(aa.product(bb))) if (!cc.isEmpty()) {
                            leftType = leftType.merge(cc, 0, aa.arity());
                            rightType = rightType.merge(cc, aa.arity(), cc.arity());
                // relevance warning already.
                if (leftType == EMPTY || rightType == EMPTY) {
                    leftType = a;
                    rightType = b;
                a = leftType;
                b = rightType;
    Expr left = this.left.resolve(a, warns);
    Expr right = this.right.resolve(b, warns);
    if (w != null)
    return (left == this.left && right == this.right) ? this : op.make(pos, closingBracket, left, right);
Also used : ErrorType( ProductType( ProductType( ErrorWarning( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) JoinableList( PrimSig(

Example 5 with ErrorWarning

use of in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class ExprChoice method resolveHelper.

// ============================================================================================================//
 * Resolve the list of choices, or return an ExprBad object containing the list
 * of unresolvable ambiguities.
private Expr resolveHelper(boolean firstPass, final Type t, List<Expr> choices, List<String> reasons, Collection<ErrorWarning> warns) {
    List<Expr> ch = new ArrayList<Expr>(choices.size());
    List<String> re = new ArrayList<String>(choices.size());
    // We first prefer exact matches
    for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) {
        Type tt = choices.get(i).type;
        if (/* [AM](t.is_int() && tt.is_int()) || */
        (t.is_bool && tt.is_bool) || t.intersects(tt)) {
    // If none, we try any legal matches
    if (ch.size() == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) if (choices.get(i).type.hasCommonArity(t)) {
    // If too many, then keep the choices with the smallest weight
    if (ch.size() > 1) {
        List<Expr> ch2 = new ArrayList<Expr>(ch.size());
        List<String> re2 = new ArrayList<String>(ch.size());
        long w = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < ch.size(); i++) {
            Expr c = ch.get(i);
            String r = re.get(i);
            if (ch2.size() > 0 && c.weight > w)
            else if (ch2.size() == 0 || c.weight < w) {
                w = c.weight;
        ch = ch2;
        re = re2;
        // resolve them all and try again
        if (firstPass && ch.size() > 1) {
            ch2 = new ArrayList<Expr>(ch.size());
            for (Expr c : ch) ch2.add(c.resolve(t, null));
            return resolveHelper(false, t, ch2, re, warns);
    // If we are down to exactly 1 match, return it
    if (ch.size() == 1)
        return ch.get(0).resolve(t, warns);
    // emptyset-of-the-same-arity, then just return emptyset
    none: while (ch.size() > 1) {
        int arity = -1;
        for (Expr c : ch) {
            if (c.type.is_bool || c.type.is_int() || c.type.hasTuple())
                break none;
            int a = c.type.arity();
            if (a < 1)
                break none;
            if (arity < 0)
                arity = a;
            else if (arity != a)
                break none;
        Expr ans = Sig.NONE;
        while (arity > 1) {
            ans = ans.product(Sig.NONE);
        return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(span(), ans);
    // Otherwise, complain!
    String txt;
    if (ch.size() > 1) {
        txt = "\nThis name is ambiguous due to multiple matches:";
    } else {
        txt = "\nThis name cannot be resolved; its relevant type does not intersect with any of the following candidates:";
        re = reasons;
    StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(txt);
    for (String r : re) msg.append('\n').append(r);
    return new ExprBad(pos, toString(), new ErrorType(pos, msg.toString()));
Also used : ErrorType( ErrorType( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)


ErrorType ( ErrorWarning ( Expr ( Decl ( ExprHasName ( TempList ( Err ( Func ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 JoinableList ( Command ( Module ( Sig ( PrimSig ( ProductType ( A4Options ( A4Solution ( A4Reporter ( ErrorSyntax ( Pos (