use of es.bsc.comm.nio.NIONode in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class WorkerStarter method startWorker.
* Starts the current worker
* @return
* @throws InitNodeException
public NIONode startWorker() throws InitNodeException {
String name = this.nw.getName();
String user = this.nw.getUser();
int minPort = this.nw.getConfiguration().getMinPort();
int maxPort = this.nw.getConfiguration().getMaxPort();
int port = minPort;
// Solves exit error 143
synchronized (addressToWorkerStarter) {
addressToWorkerStarter.put(name, this);
LOGGER.debug("[WorkerStarter] Worker starter for " + name + " registers in the hashmap");
NIONode n = null;
int pid = -1;
while (port <= maxPort && !this.toStop) {
// Kill previous worker processes if any
killPreviousWorker(user, name, pid);
// Instantiate the node
n = new NIONode(name, port);
// Start the worker
pid = startWorker(user, name, port);
// Check worker status"[WorkerStarter] Worker process started. Checking connectivity...");
checkWorker(n, name);
// Check received ack
LOGGER.debug("[WorkerStarter] Retries for " + name + " have finished.");
if (!this.workerIsReady) {
// Try next port
} else {
// Success, return node
try {
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Ender(this, this.nw, pid));
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Tried to shutdown vm while it was already being shutdown", e);
return n;
// This can be because node is stopping or because we reached the maximum available ports
if (this.toStop) {
String msg = "[STOP]: Worker " + name + " stopped during creation because application is stopped";
throw new InitNodeException(msg);
} else if (!this.workerIsReady) {
String msg = "[TIMEOUT]: Could not start the NIO worker on resource " + name + " through user " + user + ".";
throw new InitNodeException(msg);
} else {
String msg = "[UNKNOWN]: Could not start the NIO worker on resource " + name + " through user " + user + ".";
throw new InitNodeException(msg);
use of es.bsc.comm.nio.NIONode in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class NIOWorker method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Check arguments length
if (args.length != (NUM_PARAMS_NIO_WORKER)) {
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Received parameters: ");
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Param " + i + ": " + args[i]);
// Parse arguments
isWorkerDebugEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(args[0]);
int maxSnd = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
int maxRcv = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
String workerIP = args[3];
int wPort = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
int mPort = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
int computingUnitsCPU = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
int computingUnitsGPU = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
String cpuMap = args[8];
String gpuMap = args[9];
int limitOfTasks = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
String appUuid = args[11];
String lang = args[12];
String workingDir = args[13];
String installDir = args[14];
String appDir = args[15];
String libPath = args[16];
String classpath = args[17];
String pythonpath = args[18];
String trace = args[19];
String extraeFile = args[20];
String host = args[21];
storageConf = args[22];
executionType = args[23];
persistentC = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[24]);
// Print arguments
if (isWorkerDebugEnabled) {
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("maxSnd: " + String.valueOf(maxSnd));
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("maxRcv: " + String.valueOf(maxRcv));
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("WorkerName: " + workerIP);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("WorkerPort: " + String.valueOf(wPort));
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("MasterPort: " + String.valueOf(mPort));
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Computing Units CPU: " + String.valueOf(computingUnitsCPU));
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Computing Units GPU: " + String.valueOf(computingUnitsGPU));
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("User defined CPU Map: " + cpuMap);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("User defined GPU Map: " + gpuMap);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Limit Of Tasks: " + String.valueOf(limitOfTasks));
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("App uuid: " + appUuid);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("WorkingDir:" + workingDir);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Install Dir: " + installDir);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Tracing: " + trace);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Extrae config File: " + extraeFile);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Host: " + host);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("LibraryPath: " + libPath);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Classpath: " + classpath);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Pythonpath: " + pythonpath);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("StorageConf: " + storageConf);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("executionType: " + executionType);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Persistent c: " + persistentC);
WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Remove Sanbox WD: " + removeWD);
// Configure storage
System.setProperty(COMPSsConstants.STORAGE_CONF, storageConf);
try {
if (storageConf == null || storageConf.equals("") || storageConf.equals("null")) {
WORKER_LOGGER.warn("No storage configuration file passed");
} else {
} catch (StorageException e) {
ErrorManager.fatal("Error loading storage configuration file: " + storageConf, e);
// Configure tracing
System.setProperty(COMPSsConstants.EXTRAE_CONFIG_FILE, extraeFile);
tracing_level = Integer.parseInt(trace);
if (tracing_level > 0) {
NIOTracer.emitEvent(NIOTracer.Event.START.getId(), NIOTracer.Event.START.getType());
try {
tracingID = Integer.parseInt(host);
NIOTracer.setWorkerInfo(installDir, workerIP, workingDir, tracingID);
} catch (Exception e) {
WORKER_LOGGER.error("No valid hostID provided to the tracing system. Provided ID: " + host);
* ***********************************************************************************************************
NIOWorker nw = new NIOWorker(maxSnd, maxRcv, workerIP, mPort, computingUnitsCPU, computingUnitsGPU, cpuMap, gpuMap, limitOfTasks, appUuid, lang, workingDir, installDir, appDir, libPath, classpath, pythonpath);
NIOMessageHandler mh = new NIOMessageHandler(nw);
// Initialize the Transfer Manager
WORKER_LOGGER.debug(" Initializing the TransferManager structures...");
try {
} catch (CommException ce) {
WORKER_LOGGER.error("Error initializing Transfer Manager on worker " + nw.getHostName(), ce);
// Shutdown the Worker since the error it is not recoverable
// Start the Transfer Manager thread (starts the EventManager)
WORKER_LOGGER.debug(" Starting TransferManager Thread");
try {
TM.startServer(new NIONode(null, wPort));
} catch (CommException ce) {
WORKER_LOGGER.error("Error starting TransferManager Server at Worker" + nw.getHostName(), ce);
if (NIOTracer.isActivated()) {
NIOTracer.emitEvent(NIOTracer.EVENT_END, NIOTracer.Event.START.getType());
// Wait for the Transfer Manager thread to finish (the shutdown is received on that thread)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
WORKER_LOGGER.warn("TransferManager interrupted", ie);
use of es.bsc.comm.nio.NIONode in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class NIOAgent method requestTransfers.
* Check if receive slots available
public void requestTransfers() {
DataRequest dr = null;
synchronized (pendingRequests) {
if (!pendingRequests.isEmpty() && tryAcquireReceiveSlot()) {
dr = pendingRequests.remove();
while (dr != null) {
Data source = dr.getSource();
NIOURI uri = source.getFirstURI();
if (NIOTracer.isActivated()) {
NIONode nn = uri.getHost();
if (nn.getIp() == null) {
nn = masterNode;
Connection c = null;
try {
c = TM.startConnection(nn);
LOGGER.debug("Connection " + c.hashCode() + " will be used to acquire data " + dr.getTarget() + " stored in " + nn + " with name " + dr.getSource().getName());
Data remoteData = new Data(source.getName(), uri);
CommandDataDemand cdd = new CommandDataDemand(this, remoteData, tracingID);
ongoingTransfers.put(c, dr.getSource().getName());
if (NIOTracer.isActivated()) {
if (dr.getType() == DataType.FILE_T) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (c != null) {
synchronized (pendingRequests) {
if (!pendingRequests.isEmpty() && tryAcquireReceiveSlot()) {
dr = pendingRequests.remove();
} else {
dr = null;
if (NIOTracer.isActivated()) {
use of es.bsc.comm.nio.NIONode in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class NIOWorkerNode method start.
public void start() throws InitNodeException {
NIONode n = null;
try {
this.workerStarter = new WorkerStarter(this);
n = this.workerStarter.startWorker();
} catch (InitNodeException e) {
ErrorManager.warn("There was an exception when initiating worker " + getName() + ".", e);
throw e;
this.node = n;
this.started = true;
if (NIOTracer.isActivated()) {
LOGGER.debug("Initializing NIO tracer " + this.getName());
NIOTracer.startTracing(this.getName(), this.getUser(), this.getHost(), this.getLimitOfTasks());
use of es.bsc.comm.nio.NIONode in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class NIOAdaptor method init.
public void init() {"Initializing NIO Adaptor...");
this.masterNode = new NIONode(null, MASTER_PORT);
// Instantiate the NIO Message Handler
final NIOMessageHandler mhm = new NIOMessageHandler(this);
// Init the Transfer Manager
LOGGER.debug(" Initializing the TransferManager structures...");
try {
TM.init(NIO_EVENT_MANAGER_CLASS, null, mhm);
} catch (CommException ce) {
String errMsg = "Error initializing the TransferManager";
ErrorManager.error(errMsg, ce);
/* Init tracing values */
tracing = System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.TRACING) != null && Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.TRACING)) > 0;
tracing_level = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.TRACING));
// Start the server
LOGGER.debug(" Starting transfer server...");
try {
} catch (CommException ce) {
String errMsg = "Error starting transfer server";
ErrorManager.error(errMsg, ce);
// Start the Transfer Manager thread (starts the EventManager)
LOGGER.debug(" Starting TransferManager Thread");