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Example 1 with StorageException

use of storage.StorageException in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class Comm method init.

 * Communications initializer
public static void init() {
    appHost = new MasterResource();
    try {
        if (STORAGE_CONF == null || STORAGE_CONF.equals("") || STORAGE_CONF.equals("null")) {
            LOGGER.warn("No storage configuration file passed");
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("Initializing Storage with: " + STORAGE_CONF);
    } catch (StorageException e) {
        LOGGER.fatal("Error loading storage configuration file: " + STORAGE_CONF, e);
         * Initializes the Tracer activation value to enable querying Tracer.isActivated()
    if (System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.TRACING) != null && Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.TRACING)) > 0) {
        LOGGER.debug("Tracing is activated");
        int tracing_level = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.TRACING));
        Tracer.emitEvent(Tracer.Event.STATIC_IT.getId(), Tracer.Event.STATIC_IT.getType());
Also used : MasterResource(es.bsc.compss.types.resources.MasterResource) StorageException(storage.StorageException)

Example 2 with StorageException

use of storage.StorageException in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class NIOWorkerNode method newReplica.

private void newReplica(StorageCopy sc) {
    String targetHostname = this.getName();
    LogicalData srcLD = sc.getSourceData();
    LogicalData targetLD = sc.getTargetData();
    LOGGER.debug("Ask for new Replica of " + srcLD.getName() + " to " + targetHostname);
    // Get the PSCO to replicate
    String pscoId = srcLD.getId();
    // Get the current locations
    List<String> currentLocations = new LinkedList<>();
    try {
        currentLocations = StorageItf.getLocations(pscoId);
    } catch (StorageException se) {
        // Cannot obtain current locations from back-end
        sc.end(OpEndState.OP_FAILED, se);
    if (!currentLocations.contains(targetHostname)) {
        // Perform replica
        LOGGER.debug("Performing new replica for PSCO " + pscoId);
        if (NIOTracer.isActivated()) {
            NIOTracer.emitEvent(NIOTracer.Event.STORAGE_NEWREPLICA.getId(), NIOTracer.Event.STORAGE_NEWREPLICA.getType());
        try {
        // TODO: WARN New replica is NOT necessary because we can't prefetch data
        // StorageItf.newReplica(pscoId, targetHostname);
        } finally {
            if (NIOTracer.isActivated()) {
                NIOTracer.emitEvent(NIOTracer.EVENT_END, NIOTracer.Event.STORAGE_NEWREPLICA.getType());
    } else {
        LOGGER.debug("PSCO " + pscoId + " already present. Skip replica.");
    // Update information
    if (targetLD != null) {
    // Notify successful end
Also used : LogicalData( StorageException(storage.StorageException) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 3 with StorageException

use of storage.StorageException in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class NIOWorker method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Check arguments length
    if (args.length != (NUM_PARAMS_NIO_WORKER)) {
        if (WORKER_LOGGER_DEBUG) {
            WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Received parameters: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
                WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Param " + i + ":  " + args[i]);
    // Parse arguments
    isWorkerDebugEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(args[0]);
    int maxSnd = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
    int maxRcv = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
    String workerIP = args[3];
    int wPort = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
    int mPort = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
    int computingUnitsCPU = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
    int computingUnitsGPU = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
    String cpuMap = args[8];
    String gpuMap = args[9];
    int limitOfTasks = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
    String appUuid = args[11];
    String lang = args[12];
    String workingDir = args[13];
    String installDir = args[14];
    String appDir = args[15];
    String libPath = args[16];
    String classpath = args[17];
    String pythonpath = args[18];
    String trace = args[19];
    String extraeFile = args[20];
    String host = args[21];
    storageConf = args[22];
    executionType = args[23];
    persistentC = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[24]);
    // Print arguments
    if (isWorkerDebugEnabled) {
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("maxSnd: " + String.valueOf(maxSnd));
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("maxRcv: " + String.valueOf(maxRcv));
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("WorkerName: " + workerIP);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("WorkerPort: " + String.valueOf(wPort));
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("MasterPort: " + String.valueOf(mPort));
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Computing Units CPU: " + String.valueOf(computingUnitsCPU));
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Computing Units GPU: " + String.valueOf(computingUnitsGPU));
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("User defined CPU Map: " + cpuMap);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("User defined GPU Map: " + gpuMap);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Limit Of Tasks: " + String.valueOf(limitOfTasks));
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("App uuid: " + appUuid);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("WorkingDir:" + workingDir);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Install Dir: " + installDir);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Tracing: " + trace);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Extrae config File: " + extraeFile);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Host: " + host);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("LibraryPath: " + libPath);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Classpath: " + classpath);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Pythonpath: " + pythonpath);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("StorageConf: " + storageConf);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("executionType: " + executionType);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Persistent c: " + persistentC);
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Remove Sanbox WD: " + removeWD);
    // Configure storage
    System.setProperty(COMPSsConstants.STORAGE_CONF, storageConf);
    try {
        if (storageConf == null || storageConf.equals("") || storageConf.equals("null")) {
            WORKER_LOGGER.warn("No storage configuration file passed");
        } else {
    } catch (StorageException e) {
        ErrorManager.fatal("Error loading storage configuration file: " + storageConf, e);
    // Configure tracing
    System.setProperty(COMPSsConstants.EXTRAE_CONFIG_FILE, extraeFile);
    tracing_level = Integer.parseInt(trace);
    if (tracing_level > 0) {
        NIOTracer.emitEvent(NIOTracer.Event.START.getId(), NIOTracer.Event.START.getType());
        try {
            tracingID = Integer.parseInt(host);
            NIOTracer.setWorkerInfo(installDir, workerIP, workingDir, tracingID);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            WORKER_LOGGER.error("No valid hostID provided to the tracing system. Provided ID: " + host);
         * ***********************************************************************************************************
    NIOWorker nw = new NIOWorker(maxSnd, maxRcv, workerIP, mPort, computingUnitsCPU, computingUnitsGPU, cpuMap, gpuMap, limitOfTasks, appUuid, lang, workingDir, installDir, appDir, libPath, classpath, pythonpath);
    NIOMessageHandler mh = new NIOMessageHandler(nw);
    // Initialize the Transfer Manager
    WORKER_LOGGER.debug("  Initializing the TransferManager structures...");
    try {
        TM.init(NIO_EVENT_MANAGER_CLASS, null, mh);
    } catch (CommException ce) {
        WORKER_LOGGER.error("Error initializing Transfer Manager on worker " + nw.getHostName(), ce);
        // Shutdown the Worker since the error it is not recoverable
    // Start the Transfer Manager thread (starts the EventManager)
    WORKER_LOGGER.debug("  Starting TransferManager Thread");
    try {
        TM.startServer(new NIONode(null, wPort));
    } catch (CommException ce) {
        WORKER_LOGGER.error("Error starting TransferManager Server at Worker" + nw.getHostName(), ce);
    if (NIOTracer.isActivated()) {
        NIOTracer.emitEvent(NIOTracer.EVENT_END, NIOTracer.Event.START.getType());
    // Wait for the Transfer Manager thread to finish (the shutdown is received on that thread)
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        WORKER_LOGGER.warn("TransferManager interrupted", ie);
Also used : NIOMessageHandler(es.bsc.compss.nio.NIOMessageHandler) NIONode(es.bsc.comm.nio.NIONode) CommException(es.bsc.comm.exceptions.CommException) StorageException(storage.StorageException) StorageException(storage.StorageException) SerializedObjectException(es.bsc.compss.nio.exceptions.SerializedObjectException) IOException( CommException(es.bsc.comm.exceptions.CommException) InitializationException(es.bsc.compss.nio.worker.exceptions.InitializationException) AtomicMoveNotSupportedException(java.nio.file.AtomicMoveNotSupportedException) InvalidMapException(es.bsc.compss.nio.worker.exceptions.InvalidMapException)

Example 4 with StorageException

use of storage.StorageException in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class NIOWorker method shutdown.

// Shutdown the worker, at this point there are no active transfers
public void shutdown(Connection closingConnection) {
    WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Entering shutdown method on worker");
    // Stop the Data Manager
    // Finish the main thread
    if (closingConnection != null) {
        closingConnection.sendCommand(new CommandShutdownACK());
    // End storage
    String storageConf = System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.STORAGE_CONF);
    if (storageConf != null && !storageConf.equals("") && !storageConf.equals("null")) {
        try {
        } catch (StorageException e) {
            WORKER_LOGGER.error("Error releasing storage library: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    // Remove workingDir
    if (removeWD) {
        WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Erasing Worker Sandbox WorkingDir: " + this.workingDir);
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            WORKER_LOGGER.error("Exception", ioe);
    WORKER_LOGGER.debug("Finish shutdown method on worker");
Also used : CommandShutdownACK(es.bsc.compss.nio.commands.CommandShutdownACK) IOException( StorageException(storage.StorageException)

Example 5 with StorageException

use of storage.StorageException in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class Invoker method processParameter.

private void processParameter(NIOParam np, int i) throws JobExecutionException {
    // We need to use wrapper classes for basic types, reflection will unwrap automatically
    this.streams[i] = np.getStream();
    this.prefixes[i] = np.getPrefix();
    switch(np.getType()) {
        case BOOLEAN_T:
            this.types[i] = boolean.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case CHAR_T:
            this.types[i] = char.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case BYTE_T:
            this.types[i] = byte.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case SHORT_T:
            this.types[i] = short.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case INT_T:
            this.types[i] = int.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case LONG_T:
            this.types[i] = long.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case FLOAT_T:
            this.types[i] = float.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case DOUBLE_T:
            this.types[i] = double.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case STRING_T:
            this.types[i] = String.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
        case FILE_T:
            this.types[i] = String.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getOriginalName();
            this.writeFinalValue[i] = np.isWriteFinalValue();
        case OBJECT_T:
            this.renamings[i] = np.getValue().toString();
            this.writeFinalValue[i] = np.isWriteFinalValue();
            // Get object
            Object obj;
            try {
                obj = this.nw.getObject(this.renamings[i]);
            } catch (SerializedObjectException soe) {
                throw new JobExecutionException(ERROR_SERIALIZED_OBJ, soe);
            // Check if object is null
            if (obj == null) {
                // This happens when 2 tasks have an INOUT PSCO that is persisted within the 1st task
                try {
                    obj = this.nw.getPersistentObject(renamings[i]);
                } catch (StorageException se) {
                    throw new JobExecutionException(ERROR_SERIALIZED_OBJ, se);
            // Check if object is still null
            if (obj == null) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (this.hasTarget && i == this.numParams - 1) {
                    sb.append("Target object");
                } else {
                    sb.append("Object parameter ").append(i);
                sb.append(" with renaming ").append(this.renamings[i]);
                sb.append(" in MethodDefinition ").append(this.impl.getMethodDefinition());
                sb.append(" is null!").append("\n");
                throw new JobExecutionException(sb.toString());
            // Store information as target or as normal parameter
            if (this.hasTarget && i == this.numParams - 1) {
                // Last parameter is the target object
            } else {
                // Any other parameter
                this.types[i] = obj.getClass();
                this.values[i] = obj;
        case PSCO_T:
            this.renamings[i] = np.getValue().toString();
            this.writeFinalValue[i] = np.isWriteFinalValue();
            // Get ID
            String id = this.renamings[i];
            // Get Object
            try {
                obj = this.nw.getPersistentObject(id);
            } catch (StorageException e) {
                throw new JobExecutionException(ERROR_PERSISTENT_OBJ + " with id " + id, e);
            // Check if object is null
            if (obj == null) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (this.hasTarget && i == this.numParams - 1) {
                    sb.append("Target PSCO");
                } else {
                    sb.append("PSCO parameter ").append(i);
                sb.append(" with renaming ").append(this.renamings[i]);
                sb.append(" in MethodDefinition ").append(this.impl.getMethodDefinition());
                sb.append(" is null!").append("\n");
                throw new JobExecutionException(sb.toString());
            // Store information as target or as normal parameter
            if (this.hasTarget && i == this.numParams - 1) {
                // Last parameter is the target object
            } else {
                // Any other parameter
                this.types[i] = obj.getClass();
                this.values[i] = obj;
        case EXTERNAL_OBJECT_T:
            this.types[i] = String.class;
            this.values[i] = np.getValue();
            this.writeFinalValue[i] = np.isWriteFinalValue();
    this.isFile[i] = (np.getType().equals(DataType.FILE_T));
    this.canBePSCO[i] = (np.getType().equals(DataType.OBJECT_T)) || (np.getType().equals(DataType.PSCO_T));
Also used : JobExecutionException(es.bsc.compss.nio.exceptions.JobExecutionException) SerializedObjectException(es.bsc.compss.nio.exceptions.SerializedObjectException) StorageException(storage.StorageException)


StorageException (storage.StorageException)12 IOException ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)3 JobExecutionException (es.bsc.compss.nio.exceptions.JobExecutionException)2 SerializedObjectException (es.bsc.compss.nio.exceptions.SerializedObjectException)2 DataLocation ( PersistentLocation ( Resource (es.bsc.compss.types.resources.Resource)2 MultiURI (es.bsc.compss.types.uri.MultiURI)2 CommException (es.bsc.comm.exceptions.CommException)1 NIONode (es.bsc.comm.nio.NIONode)1 CannotLoadException (es.bsc.compss.exceptions.CannotLoadException)1 NIOMessageHandler (es.bsc.compss.nio.NIOMessageHandler)1 CommandShutdownACK (es.bsc.compss.nio.commands.CommandShutdownACK)1 InitializationException (es.bsc.compss.nio.worker.exceptions.InitializationException)1 InvalidMapException (es.bsc.compss.nio.worker.exceptions.InvalidMapException)1 LogicalData ( FileTransferable ( MasterResource (es.bsc.compss.types.resources.MasterResource)1 SimpleURI (es.bsc.compss.types.uri.SimpleURI)1