use of facetmodeller.plc.RegionVector in project facetmodeller by pglelievre.
the class DefineRegionClickTask method mouseClick.
public void mouseClick(MyPoint2D p) {
// Check for the required information:
if (!check()) {
if (p == null) {
// Get the current group:
Group group = controller.getSelectedCurrentGroup();
// Check if regions already exist in the current group and ask user what to do:
boolean deleteRegions = false;
if (group.numberOfRegions() != 0) {
String message = "Do you want to delete the current region(s) in the group?";
int response = Dialogs.question(controller, message, title());
if (response == Dialogs.CANCEL_OPTION) {
if (response == Dialogs.YES_OPTION) {
deleteRegions = true;
// Ask if this is a regular region point or a control point:
int response = Dialogs.question(controller, "What type of point is this?", title(), "Region", "Control", "Cancel");
boolean isCon;
switch(response) {
case Dialogs.YES_OPTION:
// region point
isCon = false;
case Dialogs.NO_OPTION:
// control point
isCon = true;
// user cancelled
// Create a new region object linked to the current section and current group:
Region newRegion = new Region(isCon, p, controller.getSelectedCurrentSection(), group);
// Add the region, deleting the current regions if requested:
Command com;
if (deleteRegions) {
RegionVector regions = group.getRegions();
com = new ReplaceRegionCommand(controller.getModelManager(), regions, newRegion);
} else {
com = new AddRegionCommand(controller.getModelManager(), newRegion);
// Enable or disable menu items:
// Repaint:
use of facetmodeller.plc.RegionVector in project facetmodeller by pglelievre.
the class SectionImagePanel method paintComponent.
* Paints graphics on the panel.
* @param g Graphics context in which to draw.
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// Paint background:
// Clear the lists of painted nodes, node points, etc.:
// Return if no sections exist:
if (!controller.hasSections()) {
// Return if no current section exists:
Section currentSection = controller.getSelectedCurrentSection();
if (currentSection == null) {
// Set some local variables:
int shiftX = controller.getShiftingX();
int shiftY = controller.getShiftingY();
int mode = controller.getClickMode();
boolean showImage = controller.getShowImage();
boolean showImageOutline = controller.getShowImageOutline();
// Get the other sections being displayed (if any exist):
SectionVector otherSections;
// if (controller.getShowOther()) {
otherSections = controller.getSelectedOtherSections();
// } else {
// otherSections = null;
// }
// Determine the facets to paint:
FacetVector facetsToPaint = new FacetVector();
GroupVector groups = controller.getSelectedFacetGroups();
if (groups != null) {
// for (int i=0 ; i<groups.size(); i++ ) { // loop over every selected facet group
for (int i = (groups.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
// loop over every selected facet group in reverse order
FacetVector facets = groups.get(i).getFacets();
for (int j = 0; j < facets.size(); j++) {
// loop over every facet in the ith group
Facet facet = facets.get(j);
// Make sure there is more than one node in the facet:
// number of nodes in the facet
int nn = facet.size();
if (nn <= 1) {
// Make sure the facet belongs to no other sections than those selected:
boolean ok = true;
for (int k = 0; k < nn; k++) {
// loop over each node in the facet
// Check if the kth node in the facet should be plotted: it must be either
// 1) in the current section, which must be calibrated if its the topo section; OR
// 2) in one of the other selected sections, which must be calibrated:
// kth node in the facet
Node node = facet.getNode(k);
// section for the kth node
Section s = node.getSection();
if (s.equals(currentSection)) {
// node is in current section
if (node.getPoint2D() == null) {
// node not paintable
ok = false;
} else {
// node not in current section
if (otherSections == null || !otherSections.contains(s) || !s.isCalibrated()) {
// (calibration required for projection)
ok = false;
if (node.getPoint3D() == null) {
// node not paintable
ok = false;
if (!ok) {
// Add the facet to the list of facets to paint:
// Determine the nodes to paint in the current section:
NodeVector nodesToPaintCurrent = new NodeVector();
NodeVector nodes = currentSection.getNodes();
for (int i=0 ; i<nodes.size() ; i++ ) {
Node node = nodes.get(i);
// Make sure the node is in one of the selected groups to paint:
if (!controller.isSelectedNodeGroup(node.getGroup())) { continue; } // cycle to next node
// Make sure the node is paintable:
if (node.getPoint2D()==null) { continue; } // cycle to next node
// Add the node to the list of nodes to paint:
// Determine the nodes to paint in the other sections:
NodeVector nodesToPaintOther = new NodeVector();
if (otherSections!=null) {
if (!otherSections.isEmpty()) {
for (int j=0 ; j<otherSections.size() ; j++ ) {
// Skip the section if it is the current section:
Section s = otherSections.get(j);
if (s.equals(currentSection)) { continue; }
// Skip the section if it is not calibrated (calibration is required for projection):
if (!s.isCalibrated()) { continue; }
// Loop over the nodes:
nodes = s.getNodes();
for (int i=0 ; i<nodes.size() ; i++ ) {
Node node = nodes.get(i);
// Make sure the node is in one of the selected groups to paint:
if (!controller.isSelectedNodeGroup(node.getGroup())) { continue; } // cycle to next node
// Make sure the node is paintable:
if (node.getPoint3D()==null) { continue; } // cycle to next node
// Add the node to the list of nodes to paint:
// Determine the nodes to paint in the current and other sections:
NodeVector nodesToPaint = new NodeVector();
groups = controller.getSelectedNodeGroups();
if (groups != null) {
for (int i = (groups.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
// loop over every selected node group in reverse order
NodeVector nodes = groups.get(i).getNodes();
for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) {
// loop over every node in the ith group
Node node = nodes.get(j);
// Check if the node is in the current section:
if (node.getSection() == currentSection) {
// cycle to next node
if (node.getPoint2D() == null) {
// Add the node to the list of nodes to paint and cycle to the next node:
// Check if there are any other sections selected:
if (otherSections == null) {
if (otherSections.isEmpty()) {
// Check if the node is in one of the other sections selected:
Section s = node.getSection();
if (!otherSections.contains(s)) {
// Skip the node if it's section is not calibrated (calibration is required for projection):
if (!s.isCalibrated()) {
// cycle to next node
if (node.getPoint3D() == null) {
// Add the node to the list of nodes to paint:
// Calculate the range, in image panel units, across which we'll need to plot:
// will hold minimum coordinate values
MyPoint2D p1 =;
// will hold maximum coordinate values
MyPoint2D p2 = new MyPoint2D(currentSection.getWidth(), currentSection.getHeight());
RegionVector regions = currentSection.getRegions();
if (!(currentSection instanceof SnapshotSection)) {
for (int i = 0; i < facetsToPaint.size(); i++) {
// loop over facets
Facet facet = facetsToPaint.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < facet.size(); j++) {
Node node = facet.getNode(j);
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(node, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (p == null) {
// shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
for (int i=0 ; i<nodesToPaintCurrent.size() ; i++ ) { // loop over nodes for current section
Node node = nodesToPaintCurrent.get(i);
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(node,currentSection,shiftX,shiftY);
if (p==null) { // shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
for (int i=0 ; i<nodesToPaintOther.size() ; i++ ) { // loop over nodes for other section
Node node = nodesToPaintOther.get(i);
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(node,currentSection,shiftX,shiftY);
if (p==null) { // shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
for (int i = 0; i < nodesToPaint.size(); i++) {
// loop over nodes for other section
Node node = nodesToPaint.get(i);
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(node, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (p == null) {
// shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
if (controller.getShowRegions()) {
for (int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) {
// loop over regions
Region region = regions.get(i);
MyPoint2D p = region.getPoint2D();
// coordinate ranges
MyPoint2D dp = MyPoint2D.minus(p2, p1);
if (dp.min() <= 0.0) {
// Tightly fit the plot inside the panel but maintain aspect ratio:
calculateTightFitTransform(p1, dp);
boolean hasImage = currentSection.hasImage();
if (hasImage && showImage) {
// Get the current section image:
BufferedImage image = currentSection.getImage();
// Check the image exists:
if (image != null) {
// this may happen if the image file specified in a session file is not found
// Calculate the tight fit transform:
tightFitImage(g, image);
// Get drawing styles for overlays:
final int nodeWidth = controller.getPointWidth();
final int edgeWidth = controller.getLineWidth();
// centroids drawn half the node width
final int centroidWidth = (int) Math.ceil(nodeWidth / 2.0);
final float transparency = (float) controller.getTransparency();
// transparency factor
AlphaComposite composite = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, transparency);
// final boolean showPickingRadius = controller.getShowPickingRadius();
// final int pickingRadius = (int)( controller.getPickingRadius() * scaling ); // panel pixel width
// The space-to-image transform may not be equidistance (may have different scalings for horizontal and vertical panel directions)
// so, without knowing how best to show a picking radius in spatial units (it used to be in image pixel units but that caused some issues)
// I have just gotten rid of the plotting of the picking radius.
// Use Java2D graphics for overlays:
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
if (!hasImage || !showImage) {
// section does not have an image or user does not want image shown
double imageWidth = currentSection.getWidth();
double imageHeight = currentSection.getHeight();
double scaledWidth = scaling * imageWidth;
double scaledHeight = scaling * imageHeight;
Color col = currentSection.getColor();
boolean ok = false;
if (col == null) {
col = getBackground();
// Plot a coloured rectangle:
if (!hasImage && showImage) {
// section does not have an image and user wants image shown
g2.fillRect((int) translation.getX(), (int) translation.getY(), (int) scaledWidth, (int) scaledHeight);
ok = true;
// Plot outline of image:
if (showImageOutline) {
g2.drawRect((int) translation.getX(), (int) translation.getY(), (int) scaledWidth, (int) scaledHeight);
ok = true;
// Make sure something is plotted:
if (!ok) {
col = getBackground();
g2.drawRect((int) translation.getX(), (int) translation.getY(), (int) scaledWidth, (int) scaledHeight);
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
// line style
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(edgeWidth));
// Get number of dimensions:
int ndim = controller.numberOfDimensions();
// Get the drawing options for colouring the nodes and facets:
int nodeColorBy = controller.getNodeColorBy();
int facetColorBy = controller.getFacetColorBy();
// Paint the patches, edges and centroids of the facets:
for (int i = 0; i < facetsToPaint.size(); i++) {
// loop over every facet that needs to be painted
Facet facet = facetsToPaint.get(i);
// Create a path around possibly shifted node coordinates:
HasPathAndCentroid tmp = addFacetToPath(facet, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
// shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
if (tmp == null) {
// Close the path:
// Transform the path from section to panel coordinates:
// Determine the painting colour for the facet:
Color col = getFacetPaintingColor(facetColorBy, facet);
// Greate a filled, semi-transparent polygonal patch:
if (facet.size() > 2) {
// (no patch exists for edge-element facets)
// Draw the path (i.e. the facet edges):
if (ndim == 3) {
col = controller.getEdgeColor();
// else {
// color = facet.getColor();
// }
// Draw a small point at the facet centroid:
if (ndim == 2) {
col = controller.getEdgeColor();
// filled
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, tmp.centroid, centroidWidth, true);
// Add to the list of painted facets and centroids:
// Paint the edges of the current facet being defined:
BasicStroke dashedStroke = new BasicStroke(edgeWidth + 1, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, (float) 10.0, new float[] { 2f, 16f }, (float) 0.0);
Facet currentFacet = controller.getCurrentFacet();
if (currentFacet != null) {
// Create a path around the node coordinates:
if (currentFacet.size() > 1) {
HasPathAndCentroid tmp = addFacetToPath(currentFacet, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (tmp != null) {
// May want to close the path:
if (mode == ClickModeManager.MODE_DEFINE_TRI_FACETS || mode == ClickModeManager.MODE_ADD_NODES_IN_FACETS) {
// Transform the path from section to panel coordinates:
// Draw the path:
// line style changed
// line style reset
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(edgeWidth));
// Paint the edges of the facet closest to the cursor position:
if (mouseInside && currentFacet == null) {
Facet facet = controller.getClosestFacet();
if (facet != null) {
// Create a path around the node coordinates:
if (facet.size() > 1) {
HasPathAndCentroid tmp = addFacetToPath(facet, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (tmp != null) {
// null shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
// Close the path:
// Transform the path from section to panel coordinates:
// Draw the path:
// line style changed
// line style reset
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(edgeWidth));
// Paint the nodes for the current and other sections:
for (int i = 0; i < nodesToPaint.size(); i++) {
Node node = nodesToPaint.get(i);
// Check if the node is on the current section:
MyPoint2D p;
boolean filled;
if (node.getSection() == currentSection) {
// node on current section
p = node.getPoint2D();
// nodes on current section are painted filled
filled = true;
} else {
// node is on another section so it may be shifted
p = shiftNode(node, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
// nodes on other sections are painted unfilled
filled = false;
// shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
if (p == null) {
// Determine the painting colour for the node:
Color col = getNodePaintingColor(nodeColorBy, node);
// Paint the node:
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, nodeWidth, filled);
// Add to the list of painted nodes and node points:
// Paint the region points for the current section:
if (controller.getShowRegions()) {
for (int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) {
Region region = regions.get(i);
MyPoint2D p = region.getPoint2D();
// shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
if (p == null) {
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, nodeWidth, true);
// Add to the list of painted regions and region points:
// Paint circles around the nodes of the current facet being defined:
if (currentFacet != null) {
if (mode == ClickModeManager.MODE_DEFINE_TRI_FACETS) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentFacet.size(); i++) {
Node node = currentFacet.getNode(i);
// Only paint the node if it is in the current or other sections:
Section s = node.getSection();
if (s.equals(currentSection) || (otherSections != null && otherSections.contains(s))) {
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(node, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (p == null) {
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, 2 * nodeWidth, false);
// Paint circles around the nodes of the facet closest to the cursor position:
if (mouseInside && currentFacet == null) {
Facet facet = controller.getClosestFacet();
if (facet != null) {
// Paint circles around the node coordinates:
for (int i = 0; i < facet.size(); i++) {
Node node = facet.getNode(i);
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(node, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (p == null) {
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, 2 * nodeWidth, false);
// If in MODE_INFO or MODE_REVERSE_FACETS then paint a thicker circle around the first and possibly second node:
if (mode == ClickModeManager.MODE_INFO || mode == ClickModeManager.MODE_REVERSE_FACETS) {
Node node = facet.getNode(0);
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(node, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (p != null) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(ndim * edgeWidth));
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, 2 * nodeWidth, false);
// line style reset
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(edgeWidth));
if (ndim == 3) {
node = facet.getNode(1);
p = shiftNode(node, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (p != null) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2 * edgeWidth));
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, 2 * nodeWidth, false);
// line style reset
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(edgeWidth));
// // Paint a white circle around the centroid:
// if (showPickingRadius) {
// HasPathAndCentroid tmp = addFacetToPath(facet,currentSection,shiftX,shiftY);
// if (tmp!=null) { // shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
// tmp.path.closePath();
// tmp.path.transform(imageToPanel);
// PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2,imageToPanel,tmp.centroid,2*centroidWidth,false); // not filled
// g2.setPaint(Color.BLACK);
// PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2,imageToPanel,tmp.centroid,2*pickingRadius,false); // not filled
// }
// }
// boolean isTopo = currentSection.isTopo();
if (hasImage && currentSection.isCalibrated()) {
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, currentSection.getClicked1(), nodeWidth, false);
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, currentSection.getClicked2(), nodeWidth, false);
// // If calibrating then draw large cross-hairs across the image:
// if ( controller.getMode() == FacetModeller.MODE_CALIBRATE ) {
// p = new MyPoint2D(getMousePosition());
// g2.setColor(Color.white);
// g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); // line style reset
// double x = p.getX();
// double y = p.getY();
// double w = getWidth()/2.0;
// g2.drawLine((int)(x-w),(int)y,(int)(x+w),(int)y);
// g2.drawLine((int)x,(int)(y-w),(int)x,(int)(y+w));
// }
// Paint a large circle around the origin node of the same colour as the node if it is present in those painted:
Node originNode = controller.getOriginNode3D();
if (originNode != null) {
int i = paintedNodes.indexOf(originNode);
if (i >= 0) {
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(originNode, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (p != null) {
// shouldn't happen, but I'll check for it anyway
// Determine the painting colour for the origin node:
Color col = getNodePaintingColor(nodeColorBy, originNode);
// Paint the origin node:
// g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2*edgeWidth));
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, 2 * nodeWidth, false);
// g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(edgeWidth)); // line style reset
// Paint a white circle around the current node (e.g. being moved or first in an edge being flipped):
Node currentNode = controller.getCurrentNode();
if (currentNode != null) {
MyPoint2D p = shiftNode(currentNode, currentSection, shiftX, shiftY);
if (p != null) {
// not filled
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, 2 * nodeWidth, false);
// Paint a white circle around the node closest to the cursor position (e.g. or that being moved):
MyPoint2D p = controller.getClosestNodePoint();
if (mouseInside && p != null) {
// not filled
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, 2 * nodeWidth, false);
// if (showPickingRadius) {
// g2.setPaint(Color.BLACK);
// PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2,imageToPanel,p,2*pickingRadius,false); // not filled
// }
// Paint a white circle around the region closest to the cursor position:
p = controller.getClosestRegionPoint();
if (mouseInside && p != null) {
// not filled
PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2, imageToPanel, p, 2 * nodeWidth, false);
// if (showPickingRadius) {
// g2.setPaint(Color.BLACK);
// PaintingUtils.paintPoint(g2,imageToPanel,p,2*pickingRadius,false); // not filled
// }
use of facetmodeller.plc.RegionVector in project facetmodeller by pglelievre.
the class Synthesizer method calculateClosestRegion.
* Determines the closest region point to the input point (e.g. the cursor position)
* and sets the closestRegion object to that region.
* @param p
* @return
public boolean calculateClosestRegion(MyPoint2D p) {
// Set the closestRegion object to null:
closestRegion = null;
closestRegionPoint = null;
// Get the current section:
if (!controller.hasSections()) {
return false;
Section currentSection = controller.getSelectedCurrentSection();
if (currentSection == null) {
return false;
// Check regions exist for the current section:
// RegionVector regions = getCurrentSection().getRegions(); // the regions for the current section
// if (regions.size()==0) { return; }
// Check regions have been painted:
RegionVector regions = controller.getPaintedRegions();
if (regions.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// Find the closest painted region point to the point p:
MyPoint2DVector points = controller.getPaintedRegionPoints();
int ic = points.findClosest(p);
if (ic < 0) {
return false;
MyPoint2D point = points.get(ic);
// Convert points from image pixel coordinates to spatial coordinates:
MyPoint3D p3 = currentSection.imageToSpace(p);
if (p3 == null) {
return false;
MyPoint3D point3 = currentSection.imageToSpace(point);
if (point3 == null) {
return false;
// Check the distance is small enough:
Double d = point3.distanceToPoint(p3);
if (d > controller.getPickingDistance()) {
return false;
// Get the closest painted region:
closestRegion = regions.get(ic);
closestRegionPoint = points.get(ic);
// Return successfully:
return true;