use of forestry.api.arboriculture.IArboristTracker in project ForestryMC by ForestryMC.
the class TreeRoot method getBreedingTracker.
public IArboristTracker getBreedingTracker(World world, @Nullable GameProfile player) {
String filename = "ArboristTracker." + (player == null ? "common" : player.getId());
ArboristTracker tracker = (ArboristTracker) world.loadData(ArboristTracker.class, filename);
// Create a tracker if there is none yet.
if (tracker == null) {
tracker = new ArboristTracker(filename);
world.setData(filename, tracker);
return tracker;
use of forestry.api.arboriculture.IArboristTracker in project ForestryMC by ForestryMC.
the class TreeRoot method getTreekeepingMode.
public ITreekeepingMode getTreekeepingMode(World world) {
if (activeTreekeepingMode != null) {
return activeTreekeepingMode;
// No Treekeeping mode yet, item it.
IArboristTracker tracker = getBreedingTracker(world, null);
String modeName = tracker.getModeName();
ITreekeepingMode mode = getTreekeepingMode(modeName);
setTreekeepingMode(world, mode);
FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().debug("Set Treekeeping mode for a world to " + mode);
return activeTreekeepingMode;
use of forestry.api.arboriculture.IArboristTracker in project ForestryMC by ForestryMC.
the class Tree method mutateSpecies.
private static IChromosome[] mutateSpecies(World world, @Nullable GameProfile playerProfile, BlockPos pos, ITreeGenome genomeOne, ITreeGenome genomeTwo) {
IChromosome[] parent1 = genomeOne.getChromosomes();
IChromosome[] parent2 = genomeTwo.getChromosomes();
ITreeGenome genome0;
ITreeGenome genome1;
IAlleleTreeSpecies allele0;
IAlleleTreeSpecies allele1;
if (world.rand.nextBoolean()) {
allele0 = (IAlleleTreeSpecies) parent1[EnumTreeChromosome.SPECIES.ordinal()].getPrimaryAllele();
allele1 = (IAlleleTreeSpecies) parent2[EnumTreeChromosome.SPECIES.ordinal()].getSecondaryAllele();
genome0 = genomeOne;
genome1 = genomeTwo;
} else {
allele0 = (IAlleleTreeSpecies) parent2[EnumTreeChromosome.SPECIES.ordinal()].getPrimaryAllele();
allele1 = (IAlleleTreeSpecies) parent1[EnumTreeChromosome.SPECIES.ordinal()].getSecondaryAllele();
genome0 = genomeTwo;
genome1 = genomeOne;
IArboristTracker breedingTracker = null;
if (playerProfile != null) {
breedingTracker = TreeManager.treeRoot.getBreedingTracker(world, playerProfile);
List<IMutation> combinations = TreeManager.treeRoot.getCombinations(allele0, allele1, true);
for (IMutation mutation : combinations) {
ITreeMutation treeMutation = (ITreeMutation) mutation;
// Stop blacklisted species.
// if (BeeManager.breedingManager.isBlacklisted(mutation.getTemplate()[0].getUID())) {
// continue;
// }
float chance = treeMutation.getChance(world, pos, allele0, allele1, genome0, genome1);
if (chance <= 0) {
// boost chance for researched mutations
if (breedingTracker != null && breedingTracker.isResearched(treeMutation)) {
float mutationBoost = chance * (Config.researchMutationBoostMultiplier - 1.0f);
mutationBoost = Math.min(Config.maxResearchMutationBoostPercent, mutationBoost);
chance += mutationBoost;
if (chance > world.rand.nextFloat() * 100) {
return TreeManager.treeRoot.templateAsChromosomes(treeMutation.getTemplate());
return null;