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Example 1 with DataPacketFlying

use of in project NoCheatPlus by NoCheatPlus.

the class FlyingQueueLookBlockChecker method checkFlyingQueue.

 * Run check with the given start position (e.g. eye coordinates), but use
 * yaw and pitch from the flying queue. Non matching entries are nulled,
 * unless setUnusableToNull is set to false.
 * @param x
 * @param y
 * @param z
 * @param oldYaw
 * @param oldPitch
 * @param blockX
 * @param blockY
 * @param blockZ
 * @param flyingHandle
 * @return True, if check returned true (the first time is returned). False
 *         if the queue is empty or check has not returned true for any
 *         contained element. Special return values have to be set
 *         elsewhere. An empty queue also yields false as return value.
public boolean checkFlyingQueue(final double x, final double y, final double z, final float oldYaw, final float oldPitch, final int blockX, final int blockY, final int blockZ, final FlyingQueueHandle flyingHandle) {
    if (checkOldLook && flyingHandle.isCurrentLocationValid()) {
        if (check(x, y, z, oldYaw, oldPitch, blockX, blockY, blockZ)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            // Invalidate.
    final DataPacketFlying[] queue = flyingHandle.getHandle();
    if (queue.length == 0) {
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
        final DataPacketFlying packetData = queue[i];
        if (packetData == null) {
        if (!packetData.hasLook) {
            if (invalidateFailed) {
                queue[i] = null;
        final float yaw = packetData.getYaw();
        final float pitch = packetData.getPitch();
        // TODO: Other heuristic / what's typical?
        if (yaw == oldYaw && pitch == oldPitch) {
            if (invalidateFailed) {
                queue[i] = null;
        // TODO: Consider support some other type of metric (possibly checking positions too?);
        if (check(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, blockX, blockY, blockZ)) {
            // TODO: Consider to remember index and entry as well?
            return true;
        } else {
            if (invalidateFailed) {
                queue[i] = null;
    return false;
Also used : DataPacketFlying(

Example 2 with DataPacketFlying

use of in project NoCheatPlus by NoCheatPlus.

the class BlockBreakListener method debugBlockBreakResult.

private void debugBlockBreakResult(final Player player, final Block block, final int skippedRedundantChecks, final FlyingQueueHandle flyingHandle, final IPlayerData pData) {
    debug(player, "Block break(" + block.getType() + "): " + block.getX() + ", " + block.getY() + ", " + block.getZ());
    BlockInteractListener.debugBlockVSBlockInteract(player, checkType, block, "onBlockBreak", Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK, pData);
    if (skippedRedundantChecks > 0) {
        debug(player, "Skipped redundant checks: " + skippedRedundantChecks);
    if (flyingHandle != null && flyingHandle.isFlyingQueueFetched()) {
        final int flyingIndex = flyingHandle.getFirstIndexWithContentIfFetched();
        final DataPacketFlying packet = flyingHandle.getIfFetched(flyingIndex);
        if (packet != null) {
            debug(player, "Flying packet queue used at index " + flyingIndex + ": pitch=" + packet.getPitch() + ",yaw=" + packet.getYaw());
Also used : DataPacketFlying(

Example 3 with DataPacketFlying

use of in project NoCheatPlus by NoCheatPlus.

the class NetData method peekFlyingQueue.

 * Fetch the latest packet (under lock).
 * @return
public DataPacketFlying peekFlyingQueue() {
    final DataPacketFlying latest = flyingQueue.isEmpty() ? null : flyingQueue.getFirst();
    return latest;
Also used : DataPacketFlying(

Example 4 with DataPacketFlying

use of in project NoCheatPlus by NoCheatPlus.

the class MovingFlying method onFlyingPacket.

private void onFlyingPacket(final PacketEvent event) {
    // TODO: Code review protocol plugin :p.
    final boolean primaryThread = Bukkit.isPrimaryThread();
    counters.add(idFlying, 1, primaryThread);
    if (event.isAsync() == primaryThread) {
        counters.add(ProtocolLibComponent.idInconsistentIsAsync, 1, primaryThread);
    if (!primaryThread) {
        // Count all asynchronous events extra.
        counters.addSynchronized(idAsyncFlying, 1);
    // TODO: Detect game phase for the player?
    final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (player == null) {
        // TODO: Need config?
        counters.add(ProtocolLibComponent.idNullPlayer, 1, primaryThread);
    final IPlayerData pData = DataManager.getPlayerData(player);
    // Always update last received time.
    final NetData data = pData.getGenericInstance(NetData.class);
    // Update without much of a contract.
    data.lastKeepAliveTime = time;
    // TODO: Leniency options too (packet order inversion). -> current: flyingQueue is fetched.
    final IWorldData worldData = pData.getCurrentWorldDataSafe();
    if (!worldData.isCheckActive(CheckType.NET_FLYINGFREQUENCY)) {
    final NetConfig cc = pData.getGenericInstance(NetConfig.class);
    boolean cancel = false;
    // Interpret the packet content.
    final DataPacketFlying packetData = interpretPacket(event, time);
    // Early return tests, if the packet can be interpreted.
    boolean skipFlyingFrequency = false;
    if (packetData != null) {
        // Prevent processing packets with obviously malicious content.
        if (isInvalidContent(packetData)) {
            // TODO: extra actions: log and kick (cancel state is not evaluated)
            if (pData.isDebugActive(this.checkType)) {
                debug(player, "Incoming packet, cancel due to malicious content: " + packetData.toString());
        switch(data.teleportQueue.processAck(packetData)) {
            case WAITING:
                    if (pData.isDebugActive(this.checkType)) {
                        debug(player, "Incoming packet, still waiting for ACK on outgoing position.");
                    if (confirmTeleportType != null && cc.supersededFlyingCancelWaiting) {
                        // Don't add to the flying queue for now (assumed invalid).
                        final AckReference ackReference = data.teleportQueue.getLastAckReference();
                        if (ackReference.lastOutgoingId != Integer.MIN_VALUE && ackReference.lastOutgoingId != ackReference.maxConfirmedId) {
                            // Still waiting for a 'confirm teleport' packet. More or less safe to cancel this out.
                             * TODO: The actual issue with this, apart from
                             * potential freezing, also concerns gameplay experience
                             * in case of minor set backs, which also could be
                             * caused by the server, e.g. with 'moved wrongly' or
                             * setting players outside of blocks. In this case the
                             * moves sent before teleport ack would still be valid
                             * after the teleport, because distances are small. The
                             * actual solution should still be to a) not have false
                             * positives b) somehow get rid all the
                             * position-correction teleporting the server does, for
                             * the cases a plugin can handle.
                            // TODO: Timeout -> either skip cancel or schedule a set back (to last valid pos or other).
                            // TODO: Config?
                            cancel = true;
            case ACK:
                    // Skip processing ACK packets, no cancel.
                    skipFlyingFrequency = true;
                    if (pData.isDebugActive(this.checkType)) {
                        debug(player, "Incoming packet, interpret as ACK for outgoing position.");
                    // Continue.
                    // TODO: Not the optimal position, perhaps.
        // Add as valid packet (exclude invalid coordinates etc. for now).
    // TODO: Consider using the NetStatic check.
    if (!cancel && !skipFlyingFrequency && !pData.hasBypass(CheckType.NET_FLYINGFREQUENCY, player) && flyingFrequency.check(player, packetData, time, data, cc, pData)) {
        cancel = true;
    // Process cancel and debug log.
    if (cancel) {
    if (pData.isDebugActive(this.checkType)) {
        debug(player, (packetData == null ? "(Incompatible data)" : packetData.toString()) + (event.isCancelled() ? " CANCEL" : ""));
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) NetData( NetConfig( IPlayerData(fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.players.IPlayerData) AckReference( IWorldData(fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.worlds.IWorldData) DataPacketFlying(

Example 5 with DataPacketFlying

use of in project NoCheatPlus by NoCheatPlus.

the class MovingFlying method interpretPacket.

 * Interpret the packet content and do with it whatever is suitable.
 * @param player
 * @param event
 * @param allScore
 * @param time
 * @param data
 * @param cc
 * @return Packet data if successful, or null on packet mismatch.
private DataPacketFlying interpretPacket(final PacketEvent event, final long time) {
    final PacketContainer packet = event.getPacket();
    final List<Boolean> booleans = packet.getBooleans().getValues();
    if (booleans.size() != 3) {
        return null;
    final boolean onGround = booleans.get(MovingFlying.indexOnGround).booleanValue();
    final boolean hasPos = booleans.get(MovingFlying.indexhasPos).booleanValue();
    final boolean hasLook = booleans.get(MovingFlying.indexhasLook).booleanValue();
    if (!hasPos && !hasLook) {
        return new DataPacketFlying(onGround, time);
    final List<Double> doubles;
    final List<Float> floats;
    if (hasPos) {
        doubles = packet.getDoubles().getValues();
        if (doubles.size() != 3 && doubles.size() != 4) {
            // 3: 1.8, 4: 1.7.10 and before (stance).
            return null;
    // TODO: before 1.8: stance (should make possible to reject in isInvalidContent).
    } else {
        doubles = null;
    if (hasLook) {
        floats = packet.getFloat().getValues();
        if (floats.size() != 2) {
            return null;
    } else {
        floats = null;
    if (hasPos && hasLook) {
        return new DataPacketFlying(onGround, doubles.get(indexX), doubles.get(indexY), doubles.get(indexZ), floats.get(indexYaw), floats.get(indexPitch), time);
    } else if (hasLook) {
        return new DataPacketFlying(onGround, floats.get(indexYaw), floats.get(indexPitch), time);
    } else if (hasPos) {
        return new DataPacketFlying(onGround, doubles.get(indexX), doubles.get(indexY), doubles.get(indexZ), time);
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Can't be, it can't be!");
Also used : PacketContainer( DataPacketFlying( AlmostBoolean(fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.compat.AlmostBoolean)


DataPacketFlying ( PacketContainer ( NetConfig ( NetData ( AckReference ( AlmostBoolean (fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.compat.AlmostBoolean)1 IPlayerData (fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.players.IPlayerData)1 IWorldData (fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.worlds.IWorldData)1 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)1