use of in project NoCheatPlus by NoCheatPlus.
the class MovingFlying method onFlyingPacket.
private void onFlyingPacket(final PacketEvent event) {
// TODO: Code review protocol plugin :p.
final boolean primaryThread = Bukkit.isPrimaryThread();
counters.add(idFlying, 1, primaryThread);
if (event.isAsync() == primaryThread) {
counters.add(ProtocolLibComponent.idInconsistentIsAsync, 1, primaryThread);
if (!primaryThread) {
// Count all asynchronous events extra.
counters.addSynchronized(idAsyncFlying, 1);
// TODO: Detect game phase for the player?
final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (player == null) {
// TODO: Need config?
counters.add(ProtocolLibComponent.idNullPlayer, 1, primaryThread);
final IPlayerData pData = DataManager.getPlayerData(player);
// Always update last received time.
final NetData data = pData.getGenericInstance(NetData.class);
// Update without much of a contract.
data.lastKeepAliveTime = time;
// TODO: Leniency options too (packet order inversion). -> current: flyingQueue is fetched.
final IWorldData worldData = pData.getCurrentWorldDataSafe();
if (!worldData.isCheckActive(CheckType.NET_FLYINGFREQUENCY)) {
final NetConfig cc = pData.getGenericInstance(NetConfig.class);
boolean cancel = false;
// Interpret the packet content.
final DataPacketFlying packetData = interpretPacket(event, time);
// Early return tests, if the packet can be interpreted.
boolean skipFlyingFrequency = false;
if (packetData != null) {
// Prevent processing packets with obviously malicious content.
if (isInvalidContent(packetData)) {
// TODO: extra actions: log and kick (cancel state is not evaluated)
if (pData.isDebugActive(this.checkType)) {
debug(player, "Incoming packet, cancel due to malicious content: " + packetData.toString());
switch(data.teleportQueue.processAck(packetData)) {
if (pData.isDebugActive(this.checkType)) {
debug(player, "Incoming packet, still waiting for ACK on outgoing position.");
if (confirmTeleportType != null && cc.supersededFlyingCancelWaiting) {
// Don't add to the flying queue for now (assumed invalid).
final AckReference ackReference = data.teleportQueue.getLastAckReference();
if (ackReference.lastOutgoingId != Integer.MIN_VALUE && ackReference.lastOutgoingId != ackReference.maxConfirmedId) {
// Still waiting for a 'confirm teleport' packet. More or less safe to cancel this out.
* TODO: The actual issue with this, apart from
* potential freezing, also concerns gameplay experience
* in case of minor set backs, which also could be
* caused by the server, e.g. with 'moved wrongly' or
* setting players outside of blocks. In this case the
* moves sent before teleport ack would still be valid
* after the teleport, because distances are small. The
* actual solution should still be to a) not have false
* positives b) somehow get rid all the
* position-correction teleporting the server does, for
* the cases a plugin can handle.
// TODO: Timeout -> either skip cancel or schedule a set back (to last valid pos or other).
// TODO: Config?
cancel = true;
case ACK:
// Skip processing ACK packets, no cancel.
skipFlyingFrequency = true;
if (pData.isDebugActive(this.checkType)) {
debug(player, "Incoming packet, interpret as ACK for outgoing position.");
// Continue.
// TODO: Not the optimal position, perhaps.
// Add as valid packet (exclude invalid coordinates etc. for now).
// TODO: Consider using the NetStatic check.
if (!cancel && !skipFlyingFrequency && !pData.hasBypass(CheckType.NET_FLYINGFREQUENCY, player) && flyingFrequency.check(player, packetData, time, data, cc, pData)) {
cancel = true;
// Process cancel and debug log.
if (cancel) {
if (pData.isDebugActive(this.checkType)) {
debug(player, (packetData == null ? "(Incompatible data)" : packetData.toString()) + (event.isCancelled() ? " CANCEL" : ""));