Search in sources :

Example 1 with UCD

use of gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.

the class EventScriptingInterface method getAttributeByName.

private IAttribute getAttributeByName(String name, CatalogInfo ci) {
    try {
        // One of the default attributes
        Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.Attribute" + name);
        Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getConstructor();
        return (IAttribute) ctor.newInstance();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
        // Try extra attributes
        if (ci.object instanceof ParticleGroup) {
            ParticleGroup pg = (ParticleGroup) ci.object;
            ObjectDoubleMap.Keys<UCD> ucds = pg.get(0).extraKeys();
            for (UCD ucd : ucds) if (ucd.colname.equalsIgnoreCase(name))
                return new AttributeUCD(ucd);
    return null;
Also used : AttributeUCD(gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeUCD) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) Keys(com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys) AttributeUCD(gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.AttributeUCD) UCD(gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD) IAttribute(gaiasky.util.filter.attrib.IAttribute)

Example 2 with UCD

use of gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.

the class STILDataProvider method getAllStringsUcd.

private Pair<UCD, String>[] getAllStringsUcd(Array<UCD> UCDs, Object[] row) {
    Array<Pair<UCD, String>> strings = new Array<>(false, 2);
    for (UCD ucd : UCDs) {
        try {
            String str = row[ucd.index].toString().strip();
            strings.add(new Pair<>(ucd, str));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // not working, try next
    Pair<UCD, String>[] result = new Pair[strings.size];
    int i = 0;
    for (Pair<UCD, String> value : strings) {
        result[i++] = value;
    return result;
Also used : Array(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array) UCD(gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD) IOException(

Example 3 with UCD

use of gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.

the class STILDataProvider method loadData.

 * @param ds             The data source.
 * @param factor         Length factor.
 * @param preCallback    A function that runs before.
 * @param updateCallback A function that runs after each object has loaded. Gets two longs, the first holds the current number of loaded objects and the
 *                       second holds the total number of objects to load.
 * @param postCallback   A function that runs after the data has been loaded.
 * @return The list of particle records.
public List<IParticleRecord> loadData(DataSource ds, double factor, Runnable preCallback, RunnableLongLong updateCallback, Runnable postCallback) {
    try {
        if (factory != null) {
            // RNG
            final Random r = new Random(123L);
            // Add extra builders
            List<TableBuilder> builders = factory.getDefaultBuilders();
            builders.add(new CsvTableBuilder());
            builders.add(new AsciiTableBuilder());
            if (preCallback != null)
            // Try to load
            StarTable table = factory.makeStarTable(ds);
            long count = table.getRowCount();
            initLists((int) count);
            UCDParser ucdParser = new UCDParser();
            int resampledLightCurves = 0;
            int noPeriods = 0;
            if (ucdParser.haspos) {
                BVToTeff_ballesteros bvToTEff = new BVToTeff_ballesteros();
                int nInvalidParallaxes = 0;
                long i = 0L;
                long step = Math.max(1L, Math.round(count / 100d));
                RowSequence rs = table.getRowSequence();
                while ( {
                    Object[] row = rs.getRow();
                    try {
                        // POSITION
                        Pair<UCD, Double> a = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.POS1, row);
                        Pair<UCD, Double> b = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.POS2, row);
                        Pair<UCD, Double> c;
                        String unitC;
                        Pair<UCD, Double> pos3 = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.POS3, row);
                        // Check missing pos3 -> Use default parallax
                        if (ucdParser.POS3.isEmpty() || pos3 == null || pos3.getSecond() == null || !Double.isFinite(pos3.getSecond())) {
                            c = new Pair<>(null, 0.04);
                            unitC = "mas";
                        } else {
                            c = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.POS3, row);
                            assert c != null;
                            unitC = c.getFirst().unit;
                        assert a != null;
                        assert b != null;
                        PositionType pt = ucdParser.getPositionType(a.getFirst(), b.getFirst(), c.getFirst());
                        // Check negative parallaxes -> Use default for consistency
                        if (pt.isParallax() && (c.getSecond() == null || c.getSecond().isNaN() || c.getSecond() <= 0)) {
                            unitC = "mas";
                        Position p = new Position(a.getSecond(), a.getFirst().unit, b.getSecond(), b.getFirst().unit, c.getSecond(), unitC, pt);
                        double distPc = p.gsposition.len();
                        if ((pt.isParallax() && c.getSecond() <= 0) || !Double.isFinite(distPc) || distPc < 0) {
                            // Next
                        // Find out RA/DEC/Dist
                        Vector3d sph = new Vector3d();
                        Coordinates.cartesianToSpherical(p.gsposition, sph);
                        // PROPER MOTION
                        Vector3d pm;
                        double muAlphaStar = 0, muDelta = 0, radVel = 0;
                        // Only supported if position is equatorial spherical coordinates (ra/dec)
                        if (pt == PositionType.EQ_SPH_DIST || pt == PositionType.EQ_SPH_PLX) {
                            Pair<UCD, Double> pma = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.PMRA, row);
                            Pair<UCD, Double> pmb = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.PMDEC, row);
                            Pair<UCD, Double> pmc = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.RADVEL, row);
                            muAlphaStar = pma != null ? pma.getSecond() : 0;
                            muDelta = pmb != null ? pmb.getSecond() : 0;
                            radVel = pmc != null ? pmc.getSecond() : 0;
                            double raRad = new Angle(a.getSecond(), a.getFirst().unit).get(AngleUnit.RAD);
                            double decRad = new Angle(b.getSecond(), b.getFirst().unit).get(AngleUnit.RAD);
                            pm = AstroUtils.properMotionsToCartesian(muAlphaStar, muDelta, radVel, raRad, decRad, distPc, new Vector3d());
                        } else {
                            pm = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Zero);
                        // MAGNITUDE
                        double appMag;
                        if (!ucdParser.MAG.isEmpty()) {
                            Pair<UCD, Double> appMagPair = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.MAG, row);
                            assert appMagPair != null;
                            appMag = appMagPair.getSecond();
                        } else {
                            // Default magnitude
                            appMag = 15;
                        // Scale magnitude if needed
                        double magScl = (datasetOptions != null && datasetOptions.type == DatasetOptions.DatasetLoadType.STARS || (datasetOptions != null && datasetOptions.type == DatasetLoadType.VARIABLES)) ? datasetOptions.magnitudeScale : 0f;
                        appMag = appMag - magScl;
                        // Absolute magnitude to pseudo-size
                        final double absMag = AstroUtils.apparentToAbsoluteMagnitude(distPc, appMag);
                        final float size = (float) absoluteMagnitudeToPseudoSize(absMag);
                        // COLOR
                        float color;
                        if (!ucdParser.COL.isEmpty()) {
                            Pair<UCD, Double> colPair = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.COL, row);
                            if (colPair == null) {
                                color = 0.656f;
                            } else {
                                color = colPair.getSecond().floatValue();
                        } else {
                            // Default color
                            color = 0.656f;
                        // VARIABILITY
                        float[] variMags = null;
                        double[] variTimes = null;
                        double pf = 0;
                        int nVari = 0;
                        if (ucdParser.hasvari) {
                            Pair<UCD, Double> period = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.VARI_PERIOD, row);
                            if (!ucdParser.hasperiod || period == null || !Double.isFinite(period.getSecond())) {
                                // Skip stars without period
                            } else {
                                pf = period.getSecond();
                            Pair<UCD, double[]> variMagsPair = getDoubleArrayUcd(ucdParser.VARI_MAGS, row);
                            assert variMagsPair != null;
                            double[] variMagsDouble = variMagsPair.getSecond();
                            nVari = variMagsDouble.length;
                            variMags = new float[nVari];
                            Pair<UCD, double[]> variTimesPair = getDoubleArrayUcd(ucdParser.VARI_TIMES, row);
                            assert variTimesPair != null;
                            variTimes = variTimesPair.getSecond();
                            double[] auxMags = variMagsDouble;
                            double[] auxTimes = variTimes;
                            // SANITIZE (no NaNs)
                            List<Double> magnitudesList = new ArrayList<>();
                            List<Double> timesList = new ArrayList<>();
                            int idx = 0;
                            for (double mag : auxMags) {
                                if (Double.isFinite(mag)) {
                                    magnitudesList.add(mag - magScl);
                            variMagsDouble =;
                            variTimes =;
                            nVari = variMagsDouble.length;
                            // FOLD
                            List<Vector2d> list = new ArrayList<>(nVari);
                            for (int k = 0; k < nVari; k++) {
                                double phase = ((variTimes[k] - variTimes[0]) % pf);
                                list.add(new Vector2d(phase, variMagsDouble[k]));
                            list.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble(o -> o.x));
                            for (int k = 0; k < nVari; k++) {
                                Vector2d point = list.get(k);
                                variTimes[k] = point.x + variTimes[0];
                                variMagsDouble[k] = point.y;
                            // RESAMPLE (only if too many samples)
                            final int MAX_VARI = VariableGroupRenderSystem.MAX_VARI;
                            if (variMagsDouble.length > MAX_VARI) {
                                nVari = MAX_VARI;
                                double t0 = variTimes[0];
                                double tn = variTimes[variTimes.length - 1];
                                double tStep = (tn - t0) / (nVari - 1);
                                UnivariateInterpolator interp = new LinearInterpolator();
                                UnivariateFunction f = interp.interpolate(variTimes, variMagsDouble);
                                variMagsDouble = new double[nVari];
                                variTimes = new double[nVari];
                                for (idx = 0; idx < nVari; idx++) {
                                    double t = t0 + tStep * idx;
                                    variTimes[idx] = t;
                                    variMagsDouble[idx] = f.value(t);
                            // Convert magnitudes to sizes
                            assert variMags.length == variTimes.length;
                            for (int j = 0; j < variMagsDouble.length; j++) {
                                double variAbsoluteMag = AstroUtils.apparentToAbsoluteMagnitude(distPc, variMagsDouble[j]);
                                variMags[j] = (float) absoluteMagnitudeToPseudoSize(variAbsoluteMag);
                        // EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE
                        float tEff;
                        if (!ucdParser.TEFF.isEmpty()) {
                            Pair<UCD, Double> tEffPair = getDoubleUcd(ucdParser.TEFF, row);
                            assert tEffPair != null;
                            tEff = tEffPair.getSecond().floatValue();
                        } else {
                            // Convert B-V to T_eff using Ballesteros 2012
                            tEff = (float) bvToTEff.bvToTeff(color);
                        // RGB
                        float[] rgb = ColorUtils.BVtoRGB(color);
                        // float[] rgb = ColorUtils.teffToRGB_harre(teff);
                        float col = Color.toFloatBits(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], 1.0f);
                        // IDENTIFIER AND NAME
                        String[] names;
                        long id = -1L;
                        int hip = -1;
                        if (ucdParser.NAME.isEmpty()) {
                            // Empty name
                            if (!ucdParser.ID.isEmpty()) {
                                // We have ID
                                Pair<UCD, String> namePair = getStringUcd(ucdParser.ID, row);
                                assert namePair != null;
                                names = new String[] { namePair.getSecond() };
                                if (namePair.getFirst().colname.equalsIgnoreCase("hip")) {
                                    hip = Integer.parseInt(namePair.getSecond());
                                    id = hip;
                                } else {
                                    id = ++starId;
                            } else {
                                // Empty ID
                                id = ++starId;
                                names = new String[] { Long.toString(id) };
                        } else {
                            // We have a name
                            Pair<UCD, String>[] namePairs = getAllStringsUcd(ucdParser.NAME, row);
                            Array<String> namesArray = new Array<>(false, namePairs.length);
                            for (Pair<UCD, String> pair : namePairs) {
                                String[] currNames = pair.getSecond().split(Constants.nameSeparatorRegex);
                                for (String actualName : currNames) {
                                    if (actualName != null && !actualName.isEmpty() && !TextUtils.contains(forbiddenNameValues, actualName, true)) {
                            names = new String[namesArray.size];
                            int k = 0;
                            for (String n : namesArray) {
                                names[k++] = n;
                            if (names.length == 0) {
                                names = new String[] { Long.toString(id) };
                            // Take care of HIP stars
                            if (!ucdParser.ID.isEmpty()) {
                                Pair<UCD, String> idPair = getStringUcd(ucdParser.ID, row);
                                assert idPair != null;
                                if (idPair.getFirst().colname.equalsIgnoreCase("hip")) {
                                    hip = Integer.parseInt(idPair.getSecond());
                                    id = hip;
                                } else {
                                    id = ++starId;
                            } else {
                                id = ++starId;
                        // Populate provider lists
                        colors.put(id, rgb);
                        sphericalPositions.put(id, new double[] { sph.x, sph.y, sph.z });
                        if (datasetOptions == null || datasetOptions.type == DatasetOptions.DatasetLoadType.STARS || datasetOptions.type == DatasetOptions.DatasetLoadType.VARIABLES) {
                            double[] dataD = new double[ParticleRecord.STAR_SIZE_D];
                            float[] dataF = new float[ParticleRecord.STAR_SIZE_F];
                            dataD[ParticleRecord.I_X] = p.gsposition.x;
                            dataD[ParticleRecord.I_Y] = p.gsposition.y;
                            dataD[ParticleRecord.I_Z] = p.gsposition.z;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FPMX] = (float) pm.x;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FPMY] = (float) pm.y;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FPMZ] = (float) pm.z;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FMUALPHA] = (float) muAlphaStar;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FMUDELTA] = (float) muDelta;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FRADVEL] = (float) radVel;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FAPPMAG] = (float) appMag;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FABSMAG] = (float) absMag;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FCOL] = col;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FSIZE] = size;
                            dataF[ParticleRecord.I_FHIP] = hip;
                            // Extra
                            ObjectDoubleMap<UCD> extraAttributes = addExtraAttributes(ucdParser, row);
                            if (ucdParser.TEFF.isEmpty()) {
                                UCD tEffUCD = new UCD("phys.temperature.effective", "teff", "K", -1);
                                extraAttributes = initExtraAttributes(extraAttributes);
                                extraAttributes.put(tEffUCD, tEff);
                            } else {
                                extraAttributes = initExtraAttributes(extraAttributes);
                                extraAttributes.put(ucdParser.TEFF.first(), tEff);
                            final IParticleRecord sb;
                            if (datasetOptions != null && datasetOptions.type == DatasetLoadType.VARIABLES || variMags != null) {
                                sb = new VariableRecord(dataD, dataF, nVari, pf, variMags, variTimes, id, names, extraAttributes);
                            } else {
                                sb = new ParticleRecord(dataD, dataF, id, names, extraAttributes);
                            int appMagClamp = (int) MathUtilsd.clamp(appMag, 0, 21);
                            countsPerMag[appMagClamp] += 1;
                        } else if (datasetOptions.type == DatasetOptions.DatasetLoadType.PARTICLES) {
                            double[] point = new double[3];
                            point[ParticleRecord.I_X] = p.gsposition.x;
                            point[ParticleRecord.I_Y] = p.gsposition.y;
                            point[ParticleRecord.I_Z] = p.gsposition.z;
                            // Extra
                            ObjectDoubleMap<UCD> extraAttributes = addExtraAttributes(ucdParser, row);
                            IParticleRecord pb = new ParticleRecord(point, null, null, names, extraAttributes);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        logger.debug("Exception parsing row " + i + ": skipping");
                    if (updateCallback != null && i % step == 0) {
              , count);
                if (nInvalidParallaxes > 0) {
                    logger.warn("Found " + nInvalidParallaxes + " rows with nonexistent or negative parallax. Using the default 0.04 mas for them.");
                if (resampledLightCurves > 0) {
                    logger.warn(resampledLightCurves + " light curves resampled to fit in default array size (=" + VariableGroupRenderSystem.MAX_VARI + ")");
                if (noPeriods > 0) {
                    logger.warn("Skipped " + noPeriods + " variable stars without a period");
            } else {
                logger.error("Table not loaded: Position not found");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        if (postCallback != null)
    return list;
Also used : java.util(java.util) Array(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array) Vector3d(gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d) ParticleRecord(gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.ParticleRecord) DataSource( UnivariateInterpolator(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.UnivariateInterpolator) Level(java.util.logging.Level) UCD(gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD) TableBuilder( Angle(gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle) Parser(gaiasky.util.parse.Parser) AstroUtils(gaiasky.util.coord.AstroUtils) AngleUnit(gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle.AngleUnit) DatasetLoadType( Path(java.nio.file.Path) PositionType(gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType) VariableRecord(gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.VariableRecord) LongMap(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.LongMap) FileDataSource( Vector2d(gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d) VariableGroupRenderSystem(gaiasky.render.system.VariableGroupRenderSystem) LinearInterpolator(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator) CsvTableBuilder( FileWriter( Coordinates(gaiasky.util.coord.Coordinates) IOException( gaiasky.util(gaiasky.util) Color( Position(gaiasky.util.units.Position) AsciiTableBuilder( BVToTeff_ballesteros(gaiasky.util.color.BVToTeff_ballesteros) StarTable( RowSequence( Log(gaiasky.util.Logger.Log) UnivariateFunction(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction) MathUtilsd(gaiasky.util.math.MathUtilsd) UCDParser(gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser) StarTableFactory( IParticleRecord(gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord) ColorUtils(gaiasky.util.color.ColorUtils) InputStream( AsciiTableBuilder( CsvTableBuilder( TableBuilder( CsvTableBuilder( AsciiTableBuilder( ParticleRecord(gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.ParticleRecord) IParticleRecord(gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord) Vector2d(gaiasky.util.math.Vector2d) VariableRecord(gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.VariableRecord) UnivariateInterpolator(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.UnivariateInterpolator) UnivariateFunction(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction) Position(gaiasky.util.units.Position) RowSequence( UCDParser(gaiasky.util.ucd.UCDParser) IOException( PositionType(gaiasky.util.units.Position.PositionType) Array(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array) BVToTeff_ballesteros(gaiasky.util.color.BVToTeff_ballesteros) Angle(gaiasky.util.units.Quantity.Angle) Vector3d(gaiasky.util.math.Vector3d) LinearInterpolator(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator) StarTable( UCD(gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD) IParticleRecord(gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord)

Example 4 with UCD

use of gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.

the class STILDataProvider method addExtraAttributes.

private ObjectDoubleMap<UCD> addExtraAttributes(UCDParser ucdp, Object[] row) {
    // Extra
    ObjectDoubleMap<UCD> extraAttributes = null;
    for (UCD extra : ucdp.extra) {
        double val = Double.NaN;
        try {
            val = ((Number) row[extra.index]).doubleValue();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Object o = row[extra.index];
            if (o instanceof Character) {
                Character c = (Character) o;
                val = (double) c;
        if (extraAttributes == null)
            extraAttributes = new ObjectDoubleMap<>((int) (ucdp.extra.size * 1.25f), 0.8f);
        extraAttributes.put(extra, val);
    return extraAttributes;
Also used : UCD(gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD) IOException(

Example 5 with UCD

use of gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD in project gaiasky by langurmonkey.

the class DatasetPreferencesWindow method generateFilterTable.

private void generateFilterTable(Filter filter) {
    float minSelectWidth = 160f;
    if (filter != null && filter.hasRules()) {
        // Operation
        OwnSelectBox<String> operation = new OwnSelectBox<>(skin);
        operation.setItems("and", "or", "xor");
        operation.addListener(event -> {
            if (event instanceof ChangeEvent) {
                String newOp = operation.getSelected();
                filterEdited = true;
                return true;
            return false;
        filterTable.add(new OwnLabel(I18n.txt("gui.dataset.filter.operation"), skin)).left().padRight(pad10 * 2f).padBottom(pad10);
        // Rules
        Array<FilterRule> rules = filter.getRules();
        Table rulesTable = new Table(skin);
        for (FilterRule rule : rules) {
            // UNIT
            OwnLabel unit = new OwnLabel(rule.getAttribute().getUnit(), skin);
            // ATTRIBUTE
            boolean stars = ci.object instanceof StarGroup || ci.object instanceof OctreeWrapper;
            Array<AttributeComboBoxBean> attrs = new Array<>(false, stars ? 12 : 7);
            // Add particle attributes (dist, alpha, delta)
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeDistance()));
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeRA()));
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeDEC()));
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeEclLatitude()));
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeEclLongitude()));
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeGalLatitude()));
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeGalLongitude()));
            if (stars) {
                // Star-only attributes (appmag, absmag, mualpha, mudelta, radvel)
                attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeAppmag()));
                attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeAbsmag()));
                attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeMualpha()));
                attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeMudelta()));
                attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeRadvel()));
            // Colors
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeColorRed()));
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeColorGreen()));
            attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeColorBlue()));
            // Extra attributes
            if (ci.object instanceof ParticleGroup) {
                ParticleGroup pg = (ParticleGroup) ci.object;
                if (pg.size() > 0) {
                    IParticleRecord first = pg.get(0);
                    if (first.hasExtra()) {
                        ObjectDoubleMap.Keys<UCD> ucds = first.extraKeys();
                        for (UCD ucd : ucds) attrs.add(new AttributeComboBoxBean(new AttributeUCD(ucd)));
            OwnSelectBox<AttributeComboBoxBean> attribute = new OwnSelectBox<>(skin);
            attribute.setSelected(getAttributeBean(rule.getAttribute(), attrs));
            attribute.addListener(event -> {
                if (event instanceof ChangeEvent) {
                    IAttribute newAttr = attribute.getSelected().attr;
                    // Update unit
                    filterEdited = true;
                    return true;
                return false;
            // COMPARATOR
            String[] cmps = new String[] { "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=" };
            OwnSelectBox<String> comparator = new OwnSelectBox<>(skin);
            comparator.addListener(event -> {
                if (event instanceof ChangeEvent) {
                    IComparator newComp = rule.getComparatorFromString(comparator.getSelected());
                    filterEdited = true;
                    return true;
                return false;
            // VALUE
            FloatValidator fval = new FloatValidator(-Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE);
            OwnTextField value = new OwnTextField(Double.toString(rule.getValue()), skin, fval);
            value.addListener(event -> {
                if (event instanceof ChangeEvent) {
                    if (value.isValid()) {
                        try {
                            filterEdited = true;
                            return true;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            return false;
                    return false;
                return false;
            // UNIT
            rulesTable.add(unit).left().padRight(pad10 * 3f).padBottom(pad5);
            // RUBBISH
            OwnTextIconButton rubbish = new OwnTextIconButton("", skin, "rubbish");
            rubbish.addListener(new OwnTextTooltip(I18n.txt("gui.tooltip.dataset.filter.rule.remove"), skin));
            rubbish.addListener(event -> {
                if (event instanceof ChangeEvent) {
                    deleteRule(filter, rule);
                    filterEdited = true;
                    return true;
                return false;
        // New rule button
        OwnTextIconButton addRule = new OwnTextIconButton(I18n.txt("gui.dataset.filter.rule.add"), skin, "add");
        addRule.addListener(new OwnTextTooltip(I18n.txt("gui.tooltip.dataset.filter.rule.add"), skin));
        addRule.addListener(event -> {
            if (event instanceof ChangeEvent) {
                filterEdited = true;
                return true;
            return false;
    } else {
        // Add
        filterTable.add(new OwnLabel(I18n.txt("gui.dataset.filter.nofilters"), skin)).left().padBottom(pad10).row();
        OwnTextIconButton addFilter = new OwnTextIconButton(I18n.txt("gui.dataset.filter.add"), skin, "add");
        addFilter.addListener(new OwnTextTooltip(I18n.txt("gui.tooltip.dataset.filter.add"), skin));
        addFilter.addListener(event -> {
            if (event instanceof ChangeEvent) {
                filterEdited = true;
                return true;
            return false;
Also used : FilterRule(gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule) IComparator(gaiasky.util.filter.FilterRule.IComparator) AttributeComboBoxBean(gaiasky.interafce.beans.AttributeComboBoxBean) FloatValidator(gaiasky.util.validator.FloatValidator) Table(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table) ParticleGroup(gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup) Array(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array) ChangeEvent(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ChangeListener.ChangeEvent) StarGroup(gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup) UCD(gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD) IParticleRecord(gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord) OctreeWrapper(gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.OctreeWrapper)


UCD (gaiasky.util.ucd.UCD)5 Array (com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array)3 IOException ( IParticleRecord (gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.IParticleRecord)2 Keys (com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys)1 Color ( Table (com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table)1 ChangeEvent (com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ChangeListener.ChangeEvent)1 LongMap (com.badlogic.gdx.utils.LongMap)1 DatasetLoadType ( AttributeComboBoxBean (gaiasky.interafce.beans.AttributeComboBoxBean)1 VariableGroupRenderSystem (gaiasky.render.system.VariableGroupRenderSystem)1 ParticleGroup (gaiasky.scenegraph.ParticleGroup)1 StarGroup (gaiasky.scenegraph.StarGroup)1 OctreeWrapper (gaiasky.scenegraph.octreewrapper.OctreeWrapper)1 ParticleRecord (gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.ParticleRecord)1 VariableRecord (gaiasky.scenegraph.particle.VariableRecord)1 gaiasky.util (gaiasky.util)1 Log (gaiasky.util.Logger.Log)1 BVToTeff_ballesteros (gaiasky.util.color.BVToTeff_ballesteros)1