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Example 51 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class BattleTracker method takeOver.

public void takeOver(final Territory territory, final PlayerID id, final IDelegateBridge bridge, final UndoableMove changeTracker, final Collection<Unit> arrivingUnits) {
    // This could be NULL if unowned water
    final TerritoryAttachment ta = TerritoryAttachment.get(territory);
    if (ta == null) {
        // TODO: allow capture/destroy of infrastructure on unowned water
    final GameData data = bridge.getData();
    final Collection<Unit> arrivedUnits = (arrivingUnits == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(arrivingUnits));
    final RelationshipTracker relationshipTracker = data.getRelationshipTracker();
    final boolean isTerritoryOwnerAnEnemy = relationshipTracker.canTakeOverOwnedTerritory(id, territory.getOwner());
    // check to make sure attackers have more than just transports. If they don't, exit here.
    if (territory.isWater() && arrivedUnits != null) {
        // Total Attacking Sea units = all units - land units - air units - submerged subs
        // Also subtract transports & subs (if they can't control sea zones)
        int totalMatches = arrivedUnits.size() - CollectionUtils.countMatches(arrivedUnits, Matches.unitIsLand()) - CollectionUtils.countMatches(arrivedUnits, Matches.unitIsAir()) - CollectionUtils.countMatches(arrivedUnits, Matches.unitIsSubmerged());
        // If transports are restricted from controlling sea zones, subtract them
        final Predicate<Unit> transportsCanNotControl = Matches.unitIsTransportAndNotDestroyer().and(Matches.unitIsTransportButNotCombatTransport());
        if (!Properties.getTransportControlSeaZone(data)) {
            totalMatches -= CollectionUtils.countMatches(arrivedUnits, transportsCanNotControl);
        // If subs are restricted from controlling sea zones, subtract them
        if (Properties.getSubControlSeaZoneRestricted(data)) {
            totalMatches -= CollectionUtils.countMatches(arrivedUnits, Matches.unitIsSub());
        if (totalMatches == 0) {
    // If it was a Convoy Route- check ownership of the associated neighboring territory and set message
    if (ta.getConvoyRoute()) {
        // we could be part of a convoy route for another territory
        final Collection<Territory> attachedConvoyTo = TerritoryAttachment.getWhatTerritoriesThisIsUsedInConvoysFor(territory, data);
        for (final Territory convoy : attachedConvoyTo) {
            final TerritoryAttachment cta = TerritoryAttachment.get(convoy);
            if (!cta.getConvoyRoute()) {
            final PlayerID convoyOwner = convoy.getOwner();
            if (relationshipTracker.isAllied(id, convoyOwner)) {
                if (CollectionUtils.getMatches(cta.getConvoyAttached(), Matches.isTerritoryAllied(convoyOwner, data)).size() <= 0) {
                    bridge.getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent(convoyOwner.getName() + " gains " + cta.getProduction() + " production in " + convoy.getName() + " for the liberation the convoy route in " + territory.getName());
            } else if (relationshipTracker.isAtWar(id, convoyOwner)) {
                if (CollectionUtils.getMatches(cta.getConvoyAttached(), Matches.isTerritoryAllied(convoyOwner, data)).size() == 1) {
                    bridge.getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent(convoyOwner.getName() + " loses " + cta.getProduction() + " production in " + convoy.getName() + " due to the capture of the convoy route in " + territory.getName());
    // if neutral, we may charge money to enter
    if (territory.getOwner().isNull() && !territory.isWater() && Properties.getNeutralCharge(data) >= 0) {
        final Resource pus = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
        final int puChargeIdeal = -Properties.getNeutralCharge(data);
        final int puChargeReal = Math.min(0, Math.max(puChargeIdeal, -id.getResources().getQuantity(pus)));
        final Change neutralFee = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(id, pus, puChargeReal);
        if (changeTracker != null) {
        if (puChargeIdeal == puChargeReal) {
            bridge.getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent(id.getName() + " loses " + -puChargeReal + " " + MyFormatter.pluralize("PU", -puChargeReal) + " for violating " + territory.getName() + "s neutrality.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Player, " + id.getName() + " attacks a Neutral territory, and should have had to pay " + puChargeIdeal + ", but did not have enough PUs to pay! This is a bug.");
            bridge.getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent(id.getName() + " loses " + -puChargeReal + " " + MyFormatter.pluralize("PU", -puChargeReal) + " for violating " + territory.getName() + "s neutrality.  Correct amount to charge is: " + puChargeIdeal + ".  Player should not have been able to make this attack!");
    // instead it is relying on the fact that the capital should be owned by the person it is attached to
    if (isTerritoryOwnerAnEnemy && ta.getCapital() != null) {
        // if the capital is owned by the capitols player take the money
        final PlayerID whoseCapital = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(ta.getCapital());
        final PlayerAttachment pa = PlayerAttachment.get(id);
        final PlayerAttachment paWhoseCapital = PlayerAttachment.get(whoseCapital);
        final List<Territory> capitalsList = new ArrayList<>(TerritoryAttachment.getAllCurrentlyOwnedCapitals(whoseCapital, data));
        // we are losing one right now, so it is < not <=
        if (paWhoseCapital != null && paWhoseCapital.getRetainCapitalNumber() < capitalsList.size()) {
            // do nothing, we keep our money since we still control enough capitals
            bridge.getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent(id.getName() + " captures one of " + whoseCapital.getName() + " capitals");
        } else if (whoseCapital.equals(territory.getOwner())) {
            final Resource pus = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS);
            final int capturedPuCount = whoseCapital.getResources().getQuantity(pus);
            if (pa != null) {
                if (isPacificTheater(data)) {
                    final Change changeVp = ChangeFactory.attachmentPropertyChange(pa, (capturedPuCount + pa.getCaptureVps()), "captureVps");
                    if (changeTracker != null) {
            final Change remove = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(whoseCapital, pus, -capturedPuCount);
            if (paWhoseCapital != null && paWhoseCapital.getDestroysPUs()) {
                bridge.getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent(id.getName() + " destroys " + capturedPuCount + MyFormatter.pluralize("PU", capturedPuCount) + " while taking " + whoseCapital.getName() + " capital");
                if (changeTracker != null) {
            } else {
                bridge.getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent(id.getName() + " captures " + capturedPuCount + MyFormatter.pluralize("PU", capturedPuCount) + " while taking " + whoseCapital.getName() + " capital");
                if (changeTracker != null) {
                final Change add = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(id, pus, capturedPuCount);
                if (changeTracker != null) {
            // remove all the tokens of the captured player
            final Resource tokens = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.TECH_TOKENS);
            if (tokens != null) {
                final int currTokens = whoseCapital.getResources().getQuantity(Constants.TECH_TOKENS);
                final Change removeTokens = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(whoseCapital, tokens, -currTokens);
                if (changeTracker != null) {
    // is this an allied territory, revert to original owner if it is, unless they dont own there captital
    final PlayerID terrOrigOwner = OriginalOwnerTracker.getOriginalOwner(territory);
    PlayerID newOwner = id;
    // then we do not worry about this.
    if (isTerritoryOwnerAnEnemy && terrOrigOwner != null && relationshipTracker.isAllied(terrOrigOwner, id) && !terrOrigOwner.equals(territory.getOwner())) {
        final List<Territory> capitalsListOwned = new ArrayList<>(TerritoryAttachment.getAllCurrentlyOwnedCapitals(terrOrigOwner, data));
        if (!capitalsListOwned.isEmpty()) {
            newOwner = terrOrigOwner;
        } else {
            newOwner = id;
            final List<Territory> capitalsListOriginal = new ArrayList<>(TerritoryAttachment.getAllCapitals(terrOrigOwner, data));
            for (final Territory current : capitalsListOriginal) {
                if (territory.equals(current) || current.getOwner().equals(PlayerID.NULL_PLAYERID)) {
                    // if a neutral controls our capital, our territories get liberated (ie: china in ww2v3)
                    newOwner = terrOrigOwner;
    // then we set that here (except we don't set it if we are liberating allied owned territory)
    if (isTerritoryOwnerAnEnemy && newOwner.equals(id) && Matches.territoryHasWhenCapturedByGoesTo().test(territory)) {
        for (final String value : ta.getWhenCapturedByGoesTo()) {
            final String[] s = value.split(":");
            final PlayerID capturingPlayer = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(s[0]);
            final PlayerID goesToPlayer = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(s[1]);
            if (capturingPlayer.equals(goesToPlayer)) {
            if (capturingPlayer.equals(id)) {
                newOwner = goesToPlayer;
    if (isTerritoryOwnerAnEnemy) {
        final Change takeOver = ChangeFactory.changeOwner(territory, newOwner);
        if (changeTracker != null) {
        // play a sound
        if (territory.isWater()) {
            // should probably see if there is something actually happening for water
            bridge.getSoundChannelBroadcaster().playSoundForAll(SoundPath.CLIP_TERRITORY_CAPTURE_SEA, id);
        } else if (ta.getCapital() != null) {
            bridge.getSoundChannelBroadcaster().playSoundForAll(SoundPath.CLIP_TERRITORY_CAPTURE_CAPITAL, id);
        } else if (m_blitzed.contains(territory) && {
            bridge.getSoundChannelBroadcaster().playSoundForAll(SoundPath.CLIP_TERRITORY_CAPTURE_BLITZ, id);
        } else {
            bridge.getSoundChannelBroadcaster().playSoundForAll(SoundPath.CLIP_TERRITORY_CAPTURE_LAND, id);
    // TODO: see if necessary
    if (territory.getUnits().anyMatch(Matches.unitIsEnemyOf(data, id).and(Matches.unitCanBeDamaged()))) {
        final IBattle bombingBattle = getPendingBattle(territory, true, null);
        if (bombingBattle != null) {
            final BattleResults results = new BattleResults(bombingBattle, WhoWon.DRAW, data);
            getBattleRecords().addResultToBattle(id, bombingBattle.getBattleId(), null, 0, 0, BattleRecord.BattleResultDescription.NO_BATTLE, results);
            throw new IllegalStateException("Bombing Raids should be dealt with first! Be sure the battle has dependencies set correctly!");
    captureOrDestroyUnits(territory, id, newOwner, bridge, changeTracker);
    // Also check to make sure playerAttachment even HAS a capital to fix abend
    if (isTerritoryOwnerAnEnemy && terrOrigOwner != null && ta.getCapital() != null && TerritoryAttachment.getAllCapitals(terrOrigOwner, data).contains(territory) && relationshipTracker.isAllied(terrOrigOwner, id)) {
        // if it is give it back to the original owner
        final Collection<Territory> originallyOwned = OriginalOwnerTracker.getOriginallyOwned(data, terrOrigOwner);
        final List<Territory> friendlyTerritories = CollectionUtils.getMatches(originallyOwned, Matches.isTerritoryAllied(terrOrigOwner, data));
        // give back the factories as well.
        for (final Territory item : friendlyTerritories) {
            if (item.getOwner() == terrOrigOwner) {
            final Change takeOverFriendlyTerritories = ChangeFactory.changeOwner(item, terrOrigOwner);
            if (changeTracker != null) {
            final Collection<Unit> units = CollectionUtils.getMatches(item.getUnits().getUnits(), Matches.unitIsInfrastructure());
            if (!units.isEmpty()) {
                final Change takeOverNonComUnits = ChangeFactory.changeOwner(units, terrOrigOwner, territory);
                if (changeTracker != null) {
    // (they may want to unload from the transport and attack)
    if (Matches.territoryIsWater().test(territory) && arrivedUnits != null) {
        arrivedUnits.removeAll(CollectionUtils.getMatches(arrivedUnits, Matches.unitIsLand()));
    markWasInCombat(arrivedUnits, bridge, changeTracker);
Also used : PlayerID( Territory( GameData( TerritoryAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment) BattleResults(games.strategy.triplea.oddsCalculator.ta.BattleResults) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Resource( CompositeChange( Change( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( PlayerAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PlayerAttachment) RelationshipTracker(

Example 52 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TerritoryAttachment method setResources.

private void setResources(final String value) throws GameParseException {
    if (value == null) {
        m_resources = null;
    if (m_resources == null) {
        m_resources = new ResourceCollection(getData());
    final String[] s = value.split(":");
    final int amount = getInt(s[0]);
    if (s[1].equals(Constants.PUS)) {
        throw new GameParseException("Please set PUs using production, not resource" + thisErrorMsg());
    final Resource resource = getData().getResourceList().getResource(s[1]);
    if (resource == null) {
        throw new GameParseException("No resource named: " + s[1] + thisErrorMsg());
    m_resources.putResource(resource, amount);
Also used : Resource( GameParseException( ResourceCollection(

Example 53 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TriggerAttachment method triggerResourceChange.

private static IntegerMap<Resource> triggerResourceChange(final Set<TriggerAttachment> satisfiedTriggers, final IDelegateBridge bridge, final String beforeOrAfter, final String stepName, final boolean useUses, final boolean testUses, final boolean testChance, final boolean testWhen, final StringBuilder endOfTurnReport) {
    final GameData data = bridge.getData();
    Collection<TriggerAttachment> trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(satisfiedTriggers, resourceMatch());
    if (testWhen) {
        trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(trigs, whenOrDefaultMatch(beforeOrAfter, stepName));
    if (testUses) {
        trigs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(trigs, availableUses);
    final IntegerMap<Resource> resources = new IntegerMap<>();
    for (final TriggerAttachment t : trigs) {
        if (testChance && !t.testChance(bridge)) {
        if (useUses) {
        final int eachMultiple = getEachMultiple(t);
        for (final PlayerID player : t.getPlayers()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < eachMultiple; ++i) {
                int toAdd = t.getResourceCount();
                if (t.getResource().equals(Constants.PUS)) {
                    toAdd *= Properties.getPuMultiplier(data);
                resources.add(data.getResourceList().getResource(t.getResource()), toAdd);
                int total = player.getResources().getQuantity(t.getResource()) + toAdd;
                if (total < 0) {
                    toAdd -= total;
                    total = 0;
                bridge.addChange(ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(player, data.getResourceList().getResource(t.getResource()), toAdd));
                final String puMessage = MyFormatter.attachmentNameToText(t.getName()) + ": " + player.getName() + " met a national objective for an additional " + t.getResourceCount() + " " + t.getResource() + "; end with " + total + " " + t.getResource();
                endOfTurnReport.append(puMessage).append(" <br />");
    return resources;
Also used : IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) PlayerID( GameData( Resource(

Example 54 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class TriggerAttachment method setResource.

private void setResource(final String s) throws GameParseException {
    if (s == null) {
        m_resource = null;
    final Resource r = getData().getResourceList().getResource(s);
    if (r == null) {
        throw new GameParseException("Invalid resource: " + s + thisErrorMsg());
    m_resource = s;
Also used : Resource( GameParseException(

Example 55 with Resource

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class UnitAttachment method setFuelCost.

private void setFuelCost(final String value) throws GameParseException {
    final String[] s = value.split(":");
    if (s.length != 2) {
        throw new GameParseException("fuelCost must have two fields" + thisErrorMsg());
    final String resourceToProduce = s[1];
    // validate that this resource exists in the xml
    final Resource r = getData().getResourceList().getResource(resourceToProduce);
    if (r == null) {
        throw new GameParseException("fuelCost: No resource called:" + resourceToProduce + thisErrorMsg());
    final int n = getInt(s[0]);
    if (n < 0) {
        throw new GameParseException("fuelCost must have positive values" + thisErrorMsg());
    m_fuelCost.put(r, n);
Also used : Resource( GameParseException(


Resource ( PlayerID ( IntegerMap (games.strategy.util.IntegerMap)16 GameData ( Unit ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 Territory ( UnitType ( Change ( CompositeChange ( ProductionRule ( TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)10 NamedAttachable ( ResourceCollection ( PlayerAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PlayerAttachment)7 GameParseException ( UnitAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)5