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Example 31 with UnitType

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class PlayerAttachment method setPlacementLimit.

private void setPlacementLimit(final String value) throws GameParseException {
    final String[] s = value.split(":");
    if (s.length < 3) {
        throw new GameParseException("placementLimit must have 3 parts: count, type, unit list" + thisErrorMsg());
    final int max = getInt(s[0]);
    if (max < 0) {
        throw new GameParseException("placementLimit count must have a positive number" + thisErrorMsg());
    if (!(s[1].equals("owned") || s[1].equals("allied") || s[1].equals("total"))) {
        throw new GameParseException("placementLimit type must be: owned, allied, or total" + thisErrorMsg());
    final HashSet<UnitType> types = new HashSet<>();
    if (s[2].equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
    } else {
        for (int i = 2; i < s.length; i++) {
            final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(s[i]);
            if (ut == null) {
                throw new GameParseException("No unit called: " + s[i] + thisErrorMsg());
    m_placementLimit.add(Triple.of(max, s[1], types));
Also used : UnitType( GameParseException( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 32 with UnitType

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class PlayerAttachment method setMovementLimit.

private void setMovementLimit(final String value) throws GameParseException {
    final String[] s = value.split(":");
    if (s.length < 3) {
        throw new GameParseException("movementLimit must have 3 parts: count, type, unit list" + thisErrorMsg());
    final int max = getInt(s[0]);
    if (max < 0) {
        throw new GameParseException("movementLimit count must have a positive number" + thisErrorMsg());
    if (!(s[1].equals("owned") || s[1].equals("allied") || s[1].equals("total"))) {
        throw new GameParseException("movementLimit type must be: owned, allied, or total" + thisErrorMsg());
    final HashSet<UnitType> types = new HashSet<>();
    if (s[2].equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
    } else {
        for (int i = 2; i < s.length; i++) {
            final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(s[i]);
            if (ut == null) {
                throw new GameParseException("No unit called: " + s[i] + thisErrorMsg());
    m_movementLimit.add(Triple.of(max, s[1], types));
Also used : UnitType( GameParseException( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 33 with UnitType

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class RulesAttachment method setUnitPresence.

private void setUnitPresence(String value) throws GameParseException {
    final String[] s = value.split(":");
    if (s.length <= 1) {
        throw new GameParseException("unitPresence must have at least 2 fields. Format value=unit1 count=number, or " + "value=unit1:unit2:unit3 count=number" + thisErrorMsg());
    final int n = getInt(s[0]);
    if (n < 0) {
        throw new GameParseException("unitPresence must be a positive integer" + thisErrorMsg());
    for (int i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {
        final String unitTypeToProduce = s[i];
        // validate that this unit exists in the xml
        final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(unitTypeToProduce);
        if (ut == null && !(unitTypeToProduce.equals("any") || unitTypeToProduce.equals("ANY"))) {
            throw new GameParseException("No unit called: " + unitTypeToProduce + thisErrorMsg());
    value = value.replaceFirst(s[0] + ":", "");
    m_unitPresence.put(value, n);
Also used : UnitType( GameParseException(

Example 34 with UnitType

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class UnitAttachmentTest method testSetWhenCapturedChangesInto.

public void testSetWhenCapturedChangesInto() throws Exception {
    final SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
    final String from = "any";
    final String to = "any";
    final String trueString = Boolean.toString(true);
    final String falseString = Boolean.toString(false);
    final Map<String, Tuple<String, IntegerMap<UnitType>>> mapReference = attachment.getWhenCapturedChangesInto();
    final int random1 = rand.nextInt();
    final IntegerMap<UnitType> expected1 = new IntegerMap<>(unit1, random1);
    attachment.setWhenCapturedChangesInto(concatWithColon(from, to, trueString, unit1String, String.valueOf(random1)));
    assertEquals(Tuple.of(trueString, expected1), mapReference.get(from + ":" + to));
    final int random2 = rand.nextInt();
    final int random3 = rand.nextInt();
    final IntegerMap<UnitType> expected2 = new IntegerMap<>();
    expected2.put(unit1, random2);
    expected2.put(unit2, random3);
    attachment.setWhenCapturedChangesInto(concatWithColon(from, to, falseString, unit1String, String.valueOf(random2), unit2String, String.valueOf(random3)));
    assertEquals(Tuple.of(falseString, expected2), mapReference.get(from + ":" + to));
Also used : IntegerMap(games.strategy.util.IntegerMap) UnitType( SecureRandom( Tuple(games.strategy.util.Tuple) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 35 with UnitType

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class AirThatCantLandUtilTest method testCanLandNeighborCarrier.

public void testCanLandNeighborCarrier() {
    final PlayerID japanese = GameDataTestUtil.japanese(gameData);
    final PlayerID americans = GameDataTestUtil.americans(gameData);
    final ITestDelegateBridge bridge = getDelegateBridge(japanese);
    // we need to initialize the original owner
    final InitializationDelegate initDel = (InitializationDelegate) gameData.getDelegateList().getDelegate("initDelegate");
    // Get necessary sea zones and unit types for this test
    final Territory sz44 = gameData.getMap().getTerritory("44 Sea Zone");
    final Territory sz45 = gameData.getMap().getTerritory("45 Sea Zone");
    final Territory sz52 = gameData.getMap().getTerritory("52 Sea Zone");
    final UnitType subType = GameDataTestUtil.submarine(gameData);
    final UnitType carrierType = GameDataTestUtil.carrier(gameData);
    final UnitType fighterType = GameDataTestUtil.fighter(gameData);
    // Add units for the test
    gameData.performChange(ChangeFactory.addUnits(sz45, subType.create(1, japanese)));
    gameData.performChange(ChangeFactory.addUnits(sz44, carrierType.create(1, americans)));
    gameData.performChange(ChangeFactory.addUnits(sz44, fighterType.create(1, americans)));
    // Get total number of defending units before the battle
    final int preCountSz52 = sz52.getUnits().size();
    final int preCountAirSz44 = sz44.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsAir()).size();
    // now move to attack
    final MoveDelegate moveDelegate = (MoveDelegate) gameData.getDelegateList().getDelegate("move");
    moveDelegate.move(sz45.getUnits().getUnits(), gameData.getMap().getRoute(sz45, sz44));
    // fight the battle
    final BattleDelegate battle = (BattleDelegate) gameData.getDelegateList().getDelegate("battle");
    bridge.setRandomSource(new ScriptedRandomSource(new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }));
    // Get the total number of units that should be left after the planes retreat
    final int expectedCountSz52 = sz52.getUnits().size();
    final int postCountInt = preCountSz52 + preCountAirSz44;
    // Compare the expected count with the actual number of units in landing zone
    assertEquals(expectedCountSz52, postCountInt);
Also used : PlayerID( Territory( UnitType( ITestDelegateBridge( ScriptedRandomSource(games.strategy.engine.random.ScriptedRandomSource) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


UnitType ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)108 IntegerMap (games.strategy.util.IntegerMap)86 Route ( Unit ( PlayerID ( Territory ( TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)49 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)44 ITestDelegateBridge ( GameParseException ( ScriptedRandomSource (games.strategy.engine.random.ScriptedRandomSource)23 UnitAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment)21 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)17 GameData ( Change ( CompositeChange ( Resource ( NamedAttachable ( ProductionRule (