use of in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class TerritoryEffectAttachment method setCombatEffect.
private void setCombatEffect(final String combatEffect, final boolean defending) throws GameParseException {
final String[] s = combatEffect.split(":");
if (s.length < 2) {
throw new GameParseException("combatDefenseEffect and combatOffenseEffect must have a count and at least one unitType" + thisErrorMsg());
final Iterator<String> iter = Arrays.asList(s).iterator();
final int effect = getInt(;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final String unitTypeToProduce =;
final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(unitTypeToProduce);
if (ut == null) {
throw new GameParseException("No unit called:" + unitTypeToProduce + thisErrorMsg());
if (defending) {
m_combatDefenseEffect.put(ut, effect);
} else {
m_combatOffenseEffect.put(ut, effect);
use of in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class TechAbilityAttachment method setDefaultTechnologyAttachments.
* Must be done only in GameParser, and only after we have already parsed ALL technologies, attachments, and game
* options/properties.
public static void setDefaultTechnologyAttachments(final GameData data) throws GameParseException {
// non-default tech are ignored.
for (final TechAdvance techAdvance : TechAdvance.getTechAdvances(data)) {
final TechAdvance ta;
if (techAdvance instanceof GenericTechAdvance) {
final TechAdvance adv = ((GenericTechAdvance) techAdvance).getAdvance();
if (adv != null) {
ta = adv;
} else {
} else {
ta = techAdvance;
final String propertyString = ta.getProperty();
TechAbilityAttachment taa = TechAbilityAttachment.get(ta);
if (taa == null) {
// perhaps just the easy ones, of air, land, and sea?
if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_LONG_RANGE_AIRCRAFT)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
final List<UnitType> allAir = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(), Matches.unitTypeIsAir());
for (final UnitType air : allAir) {
taa.setMovementBonus("2:" + air.getName());
} else if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_AA_RADAR)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
final List<UnitType> allAa = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(), Matches.unitTypeIsAaForAnything());
for (final UnitType aa : allAa) {
taa.setRadarBonus("1:" + aa.getName());
} else if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_SUPER_SUBS)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
final List<UnitType> allSubs = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(), Matches.unitTypeIsSub());
for (final UnitType sub : allSubs) {
taa.setAttackBonus("1:" + sub.getName());
} else if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_JET_POWER)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
final List<UnitType> allJets = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(), Matches.unitTypeIsAir().and(Matches.unitTypeIsStrategicBomber().negate()));
final boolean ww2v3TechModel = Properties.getWW2V3TechModel(data);
for (final UnitType jet : allJets) {
if (ww2v3TechModel) {
taa.setAttackBonus("1:" + jet.getName());
taa.setAirAttackBonus("1:" + jet.getName());
} else {
taa.setDefenseBonus("1:" + jet.getName());
taa.setAirDefenseBonus("1:" + jet.getName());
} else if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_INCREASED_FACTORY_PRODUCTION)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
final List<UnitType> allFactories = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(), Matches.unitTypeCanProduceUnits());
for (final UnitType factory : allFactories) {
taa.setProductionBonus("2:" + factory.getName());
// means a 50% discount, which is half price
} else if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_WAR_BONDS)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
} else if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_ROCKETS)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
final List<UnitType> allRockets = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(), Matches.unitTypeIsRocket());
for (final UnitType rocket : allRockets) {
taa.setRocketDiceNumber("1:" + rocket.getName());
} else if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_DESTROYER_BOMBARD)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
final List<UnitType> allDestroyers = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(), Matches.unitTypeIsDestroyer());
for (final UnitType destroyer : allDestroyers) {
taa.setUnitAbilitiesGained(destroyer.getName() + ":" + ABILITY_CAN_BOMBARD);
} else if (propertyString.equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_HEAVY_BOMBER)) {
taa = new TechAbilityAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, ta, data);
ta.addAttachment(Constants.TECH_ABILITY_ATTACHMENT_NAME, taa);
final List<UnitType> allBombers = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(), Matches.unitTypeIsStrategicBomber());
final int heavyBomberDiceRollsTotal = Properties.getHeavyBomberDiceRolls(data);
final boolean heavyBombersLhtr = Properties.getLhtrHeavyBombers(data);
for (final UnitType bomber : allBombers) {
// TODO: The bomber dice rolls get set when the xml is parsed.
// we subtract the base rolls to get the bonus
final int heavyBomberDiceRollsBonus = heavyBomberDiceRollsTotal - UnitAttachment.get(bomber).getAttackRolls(PlayerID.NULL_PLAYERID);
taa.setAttackRollsBonus(heavyBomberDiceRollsBonus + ":" + bomber.getName());
if (heavyBombersLhtr) {
// TODO: this all happens WHEN the xml is parsed. Which means if the user changes the game options, this
// does not get changed.
// (meaning, turning on LHTR bombers will not result in this bonus damage, etc. It would have to start on,
// in the xml.)
taa.setDefenseRollsBonus(heavyBomberDiceRollsBonus + ":" + bomber.getName());
// LHTR adds 1 to base roll
taa.setBombingBonus("1:" + bomber.getName());
// The following technologies should NOT have ability attachments for them:
// shipyards and industrialTechnology = because it is better to use a Trigger to change player's production
// improvedArtillerySupport = because it is already completely atomized and controlled through support
// attachments
// paratroopers = because it is already completely atomized and controlled through unit attachments + game
// options
// mechanizedInfantry = because it is already completely atomized and controlled through unit attachments
// IF one of the above named techs changes what it does in a future version of a&a, and the change is large
// enough or different
// enough that it cannot be done easily with a new game option,
// then it is better to create a new tech rather than change the old one, and give the new one a new name, like
// paratroopers2 or
// paratroopersAttack or Airborne_Forces, or some crap.
use of in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class UnitSupportAttachment method getTargets.
private static Set<UnitType> getTargets(final GameData data) {
Set<UnitType> types = null;
for (final UnitSupportAttachment rule : get(data)) {
if (rule.getBonusType().equals(Constants.OLD_ART_RULE_NAME)) {
types = rule.getUnitType();
if (rule.getName().startsWith(Constants.SUPPORT_RULE_NAME_OLD_TEMP_FIRST)) {
// remove it because it is a "first", which is just a temporary one made to hold target info. what a hack.
final UnitType attachedTo = (UnitType) rule.getAttachedTo();
return types;