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Example 1 with MustFightBattle

use of games.strategy.triplea.delegate.MustFightBattle in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class DummyPlayer method retreatQuery.

 * The battle calc doesn't actually care if you have available territories to retreat to or not.
 * It will always let you retreat to the 'current' territory (the battle territory), even if that is illegal.
 * This is because the battle calc does not know where the attackers are actually coming from.
public Territory retreatQuery(final GUID battleId, final boolean submerge, final Territory battleSite, final Collection<Territory> possibleTerritories, final String message) {
    // null = do not retreat
    if (possibleTerritories.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    if (submerge) {
        // submerge if all air vs subs
        final Predicate<Unit> seaSub = Matches.unitIsSea().and(Matches.unitIsSub());
        final Predicate<Unit> planeNotDestroyer = Matches.unitIsAir().and(Matches.unitIsDestroyer().negate());
        final List<Unit> ourUnits = getOurUnits();
        final List<Unit> enemyUnits = getEnemyUnits();
        if (ourUnits == null || enemyUnits == null) {
            return null;
        if (!enemyUnits.isEmpty() && && !ourUnits.isEmpty() && {
            return possibleTerritories.iterator().next();
        return null;
    final MustFightBattle battle = getBattle();
    if (battle == null) {
        return null;
    if (retreatAfterRound > -1 && battle.getBattleRound() >= retreatAfterRound) {
        return possibleTerritories.iterator().next();
    if (!retreatWhenOnlyAirLeft && retreatAfterXUnitsLeft <= -1) {
        return null;
    final Collection<Unit> unitsLeft = isAttacker ? battle.getAttackingUnits() : battle.getDefendingUnits();
    final Collection<Unit> airLeft = CollectionUtils.getMatches(unitsLeft, Matches.unitIsAir());
    if (retreatWhenOnlyAirLeft) {
        // lets say we have a bunch of 3 attack air unit, and a 4 attack non-air unit,
        // and we want to retreat when we have all air units left + that 4 attack non-air (cus it gets taken
        // casualty
        // last)
        // then we add the number of air, to the retreat after X left number (which we would set to '1')
        int retreatNum = airLeft.size();
        if (retreatAfterXUnitsLeft > 0) {
            retreatNum += retreatAfterXUnitsLeft;
        if (retreatNum >= unitsLeft.size()) {
            return possibleTerritories.iterator().next();
    if (retreatAfterXUnitsLeft > -1 && retreatAfterXUnitsLeft >= unitsLeft.size()) {
        return possibleTerritories.iterator().next();
    return null;
Also used : Unit( MustFightBattle(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.MustFightBattle)

Example 2 with MustFightBattle

use of games.strategy.triplea.delegate.MustFightBattle in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class OddsCalculator method calculate.

private AggregateResults calculate(final int count) {
    isRunning = true;
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final AggregateResults aggregateResults = new AggregateResults(count);
    final BattleTracker battleTracker = new BattleTracker();
    // CasualtySortingCaching can cause issues if there is more than 1 one battle being calced at the same time (like if
    // the AI and a human
    // are both using the calc)
    // TODO: first, see how much it actually speeds stuff up by, and if it does make a difference then convert it to a
    // per-thread, per-calc
    // caching
    final List<Unit> attackerOrderOfLosses = OrderOfLossesInputPanel.getUnitListByOrderOfLoss(this.attackerOrderOfLosses, attackingUnits, gameData);
    final List<Unit> defenderOrderOfLosses = OrderOfLossesInputPanel.getUnitListByOrderOfLoss(this.defenderOrderOfLosses, defendingUnits, gameData);
    for (int i = 0; i < count && !cancelled; i++) {
        final CompositeChange allChanges = new CompositeChange();
        final DummyDelegateBridge bridge1 = new DummyDelegateBridge(attacker, gameData, allChanges, attackerOrderOfLosses, defenderOrderOfLosses, keepOneAttackingLandUnit, retreatAfterRound, retreatAfterXUnitsLeft, retreatWhenOnlyAirLeft);
        final GameDelegateBridge bridge = new GameDelegateBridge(bridge1);
        final MustFightBattle battle = new MustFightBattle(location, attacker, gameData, battleTracker);
        battle.setUnits(defendingUnits, attackingUnits, bombardingUnits, (amphibious ? attackingUnits : new ArrayList<>()), defender, territoryEffects);
        aggregateResults.addResult(new BattleResults(battle, gameData));
        // restore the game to its original state
    aggregateResults.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
    isRunning = false;
    cancelled = false;
    return aggregateResults;
Also used : GameDelegateBridge(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.GameDelegateBridge) Unit( CompositeChange( MustFightBattle(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.MustFightBattle) BattleTracker(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.BattleTracker) DummyDelegateBridge(games.strategy.triplea.odds.calculator.DummyDelegateBridge)


Unit ( MustFightBattle (games.strategy.triplea.delegate.MustFightBattle)2 CompositeChange ( BattleTracker (games.strategy.triplea.delegate.BattleTracker)1 GameDelegateBridge (games.strategy.triplea.delegate.GameDelegateBridge)1 DummyDelegateBridge (games.strategy.triplea.odds.calculator.DummyDelegateBridge)1