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Example 21 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestPersist method testSaveRestore.

// tearDown
 * Test resource save and restore
public void testSaveRestore() throws Exception {
    File storageDir = File.createTempFile("TestPersist__", "__StorageDir");
    // get rid of the temp file
    // create an empty dir of same name
    SerialDataStore sds = new SerialDataStore(storageDir.toURI().toURL().toString());
    // create a document
    String server = TestDocument.getTestServerName();
    Document doc = Factory.newDocument(new URL(server + "tests/doc0.html"));
    doc.getFeatures().put("hi there", new Integer(23232));
    doc.getAnnotations().add(new Long(0), new Long(20), "thingymajig", Factory.newFeatureMap());
    // check that we can't save a resource without adopting it
    boolean cannotSync = false;
    try {
    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
        cannotSync = true;
    if (!cannotSync)
        assertTrue("doc synced ok before adoption", false);
    // check that we can't adopt a resource that's stored somewhere else
    doc.setDataStore(new SerialDataStore(new File("z:\\").toURI().toURL().toString()));
    try {
    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
        cannotSync = true;
    if (!cannotSync)
        assertTrue("doc adopted but in other datastore already", false);
    doc.setName("Alicia Tonbridge, a Document");
    // save the document
    Document persDoc = (Document) sds.adopt(doc);
    Object lrPersistenceId = persDoc.getLRPersistenceId();
    // test the getLrTypes method
    List<String> lrTypes = sds.getLrTypes();
    assertTrue("wrong number of types in SDS", lrTypes.size() == 1);
    assertTrue("wrong type LR in SDS", lrTypes.get(0).equals("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl"));
    // test the getLrNames method
    Iterator<String> iter = sds.getLrNames("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl").iterator();
    String name =;
    assertEquals(name, "Alicia Tonbridge, a Document");
    // read the document back
    FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    features.put(DataStore.LR_ID_FEATURE_NAME, lrPersistenceId);
    features.put(DataStore.DATASTORE_FEATURE_NAME, sds);
    Document doc2 = (Document) Factory.createResource("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl", features);
    Document doc3 = (Document) sds.getLr("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl", lrPersistenceId);
    try {
        boolean value = TestEqual.documentsEqual(doc3, doc2);
        assertTrue(TestEqual.message, value);
        value = TestEqual.documentsEqual(persDoc, doc2);
        assertTrue(TestEqual.message, value);
    } finally {
        // delete the datastore
Also used : TestDocument(gate.corpora.TestDocument) Document(gate.Document) URL( FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) File(

Example 22 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestDiffer method testDiffer.

// tearDown
public void testDiffer() throws Exception {
    Document doc = Factory.newDocument(new URL(gate.corpora.TestDocument.getTestServerName() + "tests/ft-bt-03-aug-2001.html"), "windows-1252");
    AnnotationSet annSet = doc.getAnnotations();
    // create 100 annotations
    FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    features.put("type", "BAR");
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        annSet.add(new Long(i * 10), new Long((i + 1) * 10), "Foo", features);
    List<Annotation> keySet = new ArrayList<Annotation>(annSet);
    List<Annotation> responseSet = new ArrayList<Annotation>(annSet);
    // check 100% Precision and recall
    AnnotationDiffer differ = new AnnotationDiffer();
    differ.calculateDiff(keySet, responseSet);
    if (DEBUG)
    double value = differ.getPrecisionStrict();
    Assert.assertEquals("Precision Strict: " + value + " instead of 1!", 1, value, 0);
    value = differ.getRecallStrict();
    Assert.assertEquals("Recall Strict: " + value + " instead of 1!", 1, value, 0);
    value = differ.getPrecisionLenient();
    Assert.assertEquals("Precision Lenient: " + value + " instead of 1!", 1, value, 0);
    value = differ.getRecallLenient();
    Assert.assertEquals("Recall Lenient: " + value + " instead of 1!", 1, value, 0);
    // check low precision
    Integer id = annSet.add(new Long(2), new Long(4), "Foo", features);
    Annotation falsePositive = annSet.get(id);
    differ.calculateDiff(keySet, responseSet);
    if (DEBUG)
    value = differ.getPrecisionStrict();
    Assert.assertEquals("Precision Strict: " + value + " instead of .99!", .99, value, .001);
    // recall should still be 100%
    value = differ.getRecallStrict();
    Assert.assertEquals("Recall Strict: " + value + " instead of 1!", 1, value, 0);
    value = differ.getRecallLenient();
    Assert.assertEquals("Recall Lenient: " + value + " instead of 1!", 1, value, 0);
    // check low recall
    differ.calculateDiff(keySet, responseSet);
    if (DEBUG)
    value = differ.getRecallStrict();
    Assert.assertEquals("Recall Strict: " + value + " instead of .99!", .99, value, .001);
    // precision should still be 100%
    value = differ.getPrecisionStrict();
    Assert.assertEquals("Precision Strict: " + value + " instead of 1!", 1, value, 0);
    value = differ.getPrecisionLenient();
    Assert.assertEquals("Precision Lenient: " + value + " instead of 1!", 1, value, 0);
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AnnotationSet(gate.AnnotationSet) Document(gate.Document) URL( Annotation(gate.Annotation)

Example 23 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestCreole method testLoading.

// testToolsAndPrivate()
 * Test resource loading
public void testLoading() throws Exception {
    // get some res data from the register
    assertEquals("wrong number of resources in the register: " + reg.size(), 9, reg.size());
    ResourceData pr1rd = reg.get("testpkg.TestPR1");
    ResourceData pr2rd = reg.get("testpkg.TestPR2");
    assertTrue("couldn't find PR1/PR2 res data", pr1rd != null && pr2rd != null);
    assertTrue("wrong name on PR1", pr1rd.getName().equals("Sheffield Test PR 1"));
    // instantiation
    ProcessingResource pr1 = (ProcessingResource) Factory.createResource("testpkg.TestPR1", Factory.newFeatureMap());
    ProcessingResource pr2 = (ProcessingResource) Factory.createResource("testpkg.TestPR2", Factory.newFeatureMap());
    // run the beasts
    FeatureMap pr1features = pr1.getFeatures();
    FeatureMap pr2features = pr2.getFeatures();
    assertNotNull("PR1 features are null", pr1features);
    assertTrue("PR2 got wrong features: " + pr2features, pr2features != null && pr2features.size() != 1);
    assertTrue("PR1 feature not present", pr1.getFeatures().get("I").equals("have been run, thankyou"));
    assertTrue("PR2 feature not present", pr2.getFeatures().get("I").equals("am in a bad mood"));
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) ProcessingResource(gate.ProcessingResource)

Example 24 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestCreole method testFactory.

// testIntrospection
 * Test the Factory resource creation provisions
public void testFactory() throws Exception {
    FeatureMap params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    params.put("features", Factory.newFeatureMap());
    params.put(Document.DOCUMENT_URL_PARAMETER_NAME, new URL(TestDocument.getTestServerName() + "tests/doc0.html"));
    Resource res = Factory.createResource("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl", params);
    assertNotNull("unable to create document", res);
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) Resource(gate.Resource) LanguageResource(gate.LanguageResource) ProcessingResource(gate.ProcessingResource) URL(

Example 25 with FeatureMap

use of gate.FeatureMap in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestCreole method testInstanceLists.

// tearDown
 * Test the getInstances methods on CreoleRegister
public void testInstanceLists() throws Exception {
    // misc locals
    List<? extends Resource> l;
    CreoleRegister cr = Gate.getCreoleRegister();
    int numLrInstances = 0;
    // The only instances of any type should be autoloading ones
    l = cr.getVrInstances();
    if (!allAutoloaders(l))
        fail(" non-autoloading resources already present (1)");
    l = cr.getLrInstances();
    numLrInstances = l.size();
    if (!allAutoloaders(l))
        fail(" non-autoloading resources already present (2)");
    l = cr.getPrInstances();
    if (!allAutoloaders(l))
        fail(" non-autoloading resources already present (3)");
    // Create an LR
    FeatureMap params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    params.put("features", Factory.newFeatureMap());
    params.put(Document.DOCUMENT_URL_PARAMETER_NAME, new URL(TestDocument.getTestServerName() + "tests/doc0.html"));
    Factory.createResource("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl", params);
    // lr instances list should be one longer now
    if (!(cr.getLrInstances().size() == numLrInstances + 1))
        fail("wrong number of LRs");
    // Create another LR
    params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    params.put("features", Factory.newFeatureMap());
    params.put(Document.DOCUMENT_URL_PARAMETER_NAME, new URL(TestDocument.getTestServerName() + "tests/doc0.html"));
    Factory.createResource("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl", params);
    // lr instances list should be two longer now
    if (!(cr.getLrInstances().size() == numLrInstances + 2))
        fail("wrong number of LRs");
    // we should have two instances of type document
    l = cr.getLrInstances("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl");
    if (l.size() != 2)
        fail("wrong number of documents");
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) CreoleRegister(gate.CreoleRegister) URL(


FeatureMap (gate.FeatureMap)55 Document (gate.Document)15 URL ( ResourceInstantiationException (gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException)11 File ( Resource (gate.Resource)8 GateRuntimeException (gate.util.GateRuntimeException)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 List (java.util.List)7 PersistenceException (gate.persist.PersistenceException)6 Annotation (gate.Annotation)5 AnnotationSet (gate.AnnotationSet)5 DataStore (gate.DataStore)5 LanguageResource (gate.LanguageResource)5 TestDocument (gate.corpora.TestDocument)4 ResourceData (gate.creole.ResourceData)4 SerialDataStore (gate.persist.SerialDataStore)4 InvalidOffsetException (gate.util.InvalidOffsetException)4 Corpus (gate.Corpus)3 ProcessingResource (gate.ProcessingResource)3