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Example 6 with GateException

use of gate.util.GateException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class CreoleAnnotationHandler method processElement.

 * Processes parameter annotations on a single element. Can support both Field
 * and Method elements.
 * @param element
 *          The Method of Field from which to discern parameters
 * @param bi
 *          the BeanInfo for the corresponding class.
 * @param resourceElement
 *          the RESOURCE element to which the PARAMETERs are to be added
 * @param parameterMap
 *          a map from parameter names to the PARAMETER elements that define
 *          them. This is used as we combine information from the original
 *          creole.xml, the parameter annotation on the target method and the
 *          annotations on the same method of its superclasses and interfaces.
 *          Parameter names that have been hidden by a
 *          {@link HiddenCreoleParameter} annotation are explicitly mapped to
 *          <code>null</code> in this map.
 * @param disjunctionMap
 *          a map from disjunction IDs to the OR elements that define them.
 *          Disjunctive parameters are handled by specifying a disjunction ID
 *          on the {@link CreoleParameter} annotations - parameters with the
 *          same disjunction ID are grouped under the same OR element.
private void processElement(AnnotatedElement element, BeanInfo bi, Element resourceElement, Map<String, Element> parameterMap, Map<String, Element> disjunctionMap) throws GateException {
    CreoleParameter paramAnnot = element.getAnnotation(CreoleParameter.class);
    HiddenCreoleParameter hiddenParamAnnot = element.getAnnotation(HiddenCreoleParameter.class);
    // Extracted name of this parameter
    String paramName;
    Class<?> paramType;
    // The type of this parameter.
    Type genericParamType;
    if (paramAnnot != null || hiddenParamAnnot != null) {
        // Enforce constraints relevant for this type of element
        if (element.getClass().equals(java.lang.reflect.Field.class)) {
            java.lang.reflect.Field field = (java.lang.reflect.Field) element;
            paramName = field.getName();
            genericParamType = field.getGenericType();
            paramType = field.getType();
            PropertyDescriptor paramDescriptor = null;
            for (PropertyDescriptor pd : bi.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
                if (paramName.equals(pd.getName())) {
                    paramDescriptor = pd;
            if (paramDescriptor == null) {
                throw new GateException("CREOLE parameter annotation found on field " + field + " but no corresponding JavaBean accessor methods exist.");
            } else if (paramDescriptor.getReadMethod() == null || paramDescriptor.getWriteMethod() == null) {
                throw new GateException("CREOLE parameter annotation found on field " + field + " but getter or setter is missing.  CREOLE parameters require both.");
        } else if (element.getClass().equals(Method.class)) {
            Method method = (Method) element;
            // Extract the parameter name from the BeanInfo
            PropertyDescriptor paramDescriptor = null;
            for (PropertyDescriptor pd : bi.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
                if (method.equals(pd.getWriteMethod())) {
                    paramDescriptor = pd;
            if (paramDescriptor == null) {
                throw new GateException("CREOLE parameter annotation found on " + method + " but this method is not a Java Bean property setter.");
            paramName = paramDescriptor.getName();
            // And the type is that of the first argument
            genericParamType = method.getGenericParameterTypes()[0];
            paramType = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
        } else {
            throw new GateException("CREOLE parameter annotation found on " + element + " but can only be placed on Method or Field");
        // Hidden parameters can be added straight to the map.
        if (hiddenParamAnnot != null && !parameterMap.containsKey(paramName)) {
            parameterMap.put(paramName, null);
        // Visible parameters need converting to JDOM Elements
        if (paramAnnot != null) {
            Element paramElt = null;
            if (parameterMap.containsKey(paramName)) {
                // Use existing annotation if there is such a thing.
                paramElt = parameterMap.get(paramName);
            } else {
                // Otherwise create on - type depends on whether it is disjunctive or
                // not.
                paramElt = new Element("PARAMETER").setAttribute("NAME", paramName);
                if (!"".equals(paramAnnot.disjunction())) {
                    // Disjunctive parameters (cannot both be set) need special markup.
                    Element disjunctionElt = disjunctionMap.get(paramAnnot.disjunction());
                    if (disjunctionElt == null) {
                        disjunctionElt = new Element("OR");
                        disjunctionMap.put(paramAnnot.disjunction(), disjunctionElt);
                } else {
                parameterMap.put(paramName, paramElt);
            if (paramElt != null) {
                // which has not been masked by a @HiddenCreoleParameter
                if (paramElt.getTextTrim().length() == 0) {
                    // The text of the element should be the the type
                    // the item type.
                    if ((!Resource.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) {
                        determineCollectionElementType(element, genericParamType, paramElt);
                // other attributes
                addAttribute(paramElt, paramAnnot.comment(), "", "COMMENT");
                addAttribute(paramElt, paramAnnot.suffixes(), "", "SUFFIXES");
                addAttribute(paramElt, paramAnnot.defaultValue(), CreoleParameter.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, "DEFAULT");
                addAttribute(paramElt, String.valueOf(paramAnnot.priority()), String.valueOf(CreoleParameter.DEFAULT_PRIORITY), "PRIORITY");
                // runtime and optional are based on marker annotations
                String runtimeParam = "";
                if (element.isAnnotationPresent(RunTime.class)) {
                    runtimeParam = String.valueOf(element.getAnnotation(RunTime.class).value());
                addAttribute(paramElt, runtimeParam, "", "RUNTIME");
                String optionalParam = "";
                if (element.isAnnotationPresent(Optional.class)) {
                    optionalParam = String.valueOf(element.getAnnotation(Optional.class).value());
                addAttribute(paramElt, optionalParam, "", "OPTIONAL");
Also used : RunTime(gate.creole.metadata.RunTime) PropertyDescriptor(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor) Optional(gate.creole.metadata.Optional) GateException(gate.util.GateException) Element(org.jdom.Element) AnnotatedElement(java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement) Resource(gate.Resource) CreoleResource(gate.creole.metadata.CreoleResource) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Type(java.lang.reflect.Type) GuiType(gate.creole.metadata.GuiType) HiddenCreoleParameter(gate.creole.metadata.HiddenCreoleParameter) CreoleParameter(gate.creole.metadata.CreoleParameter) Collection(java.util.Collection) HiddenCreoleParameter(gate.creole.metadata.HiddenCreoleParameter)

Example 7 with GateException

use of gate.util.GateException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class OntologyUtilities method getOntology.

 * Checks the availability of an existing instance of the Ontology
 * with the given URL in the GATE's CreoleRegister. If found, returns
 * the first available one (doesn't guranttee in which order). If not
 * found, attempts to create one using OWLIM implementation with
 * RDF/XML as ontology type and if successful returns the newly
 * created instance of the ontology.
 * @throws ResourceInstantiationException
 * @deprecated - this method should be avoided
public static Ontology getOntology(URL url) throws ResourceInstantiationException {
    java.util.List<Resource> loadedOntologies = null;
    Ontology ontology = null;
    try {
        loadedOntologies = Gate.getCreoleRegister().getAllInstances(Ontology.class.getName());
    } catch (GateException ge) {
        throw new ResourceInstantiationException("Cannot list loaded ontologies", ge);
    Iterator<Resource> ontIter = loadedOntologies.iterator();
    while (ontology == null && ontIter.hasNext()) {
        Ontology anOntology = (Ontology);
        if (anOntology.getURL().equals(url)) {
            ontology = anOntology;
    try {
        // if not found, load it
        if (ontology == null) {
            // hardcoded to use OWL as the ontology type
            FeatureMap params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
            params.put("persistLocation", File.createTempFile("abc", "abc").getParentFile().toURI().toURL());
            params.put("rdfXmlURL", url);
            ontology = (Ontology) Factory.createResource("gate.creole.ontology.owlim.OWLIMOntologyLR", params);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ResourceInstantiationException("Cannot create a new instance of ontology", e);
    return ontology;
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) GateException(gate.util.GateException) Resource(gate.Resource) ResourceInstantiationException(gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException) GateException(gate.util.GateException) ResourceInstantiationException(gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException)

Example 8 with GateException

use of gate.util.GateException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class CorpusEditor method initGuiComponents.

protected void initGuiComponents() {
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    renderer = new DocumentNameRenderer();
    docTable = new XJTable(docTableModel);
    docTable.setTransferHandler(new TransferHandler() {

        // drag and drop to move up and down the table rows
        // import selected documents from the resources tree
        String source = "";

        public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
            return MOVE;

        protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
            int[] selectedRows = docTable.getSelectedRows();
            return new StringSelection("CorpusEditor" + Arrays.toString(selectedRows));

        protected void exportDone(JComponent c, Transferable data, int action) {

        public boolean canImport(JComponent c, DataFlavor[] flavors) {
            for (DataFlavor flavor : flavors) {
                if (DataFlavor.stringFlavor.equals(flavor)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        public boolean importData(JComponent c, Transferable t) {
            if (!canImport(c, t.getTransferDataFlavors())) {
                return false;
            try {
                source = (String) t.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor);
                if (source.startsWith("ResourcesTree")) {
                    int insertion = docTable.getSelectedRow();
                    List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>();
                    source = source.replaceFirst("^ResourcesTree\\[", "");
                    source = source.replaceFirst("\\]$", "");
                    final String[] documentsNames = source.split(", ");
                    List<Resource> loadedDocuments;
                    try {
                        loadedDocuments = Gate.getCreoleRegister().getAllInstances("gate.Document");
                    } catch (GateException e) {
                        return false;
                    // get the list of documents selected when dragging started
                    for (String documentName : documentsNames) {
                        for (Resource loadedDocument : loadedDocuments) {
                            if (loadedDocument.getName().equals(documentName) && !corpus.contains(loadedDocument)) {
                                documents.add((Document) loadedDocument);
                    // add the documents at the insertion point
                    for (Document document : documents) {
                        if (insertion != -1) {
                            corpus.add(docTable.rowViewToModel(insertion), document);
                            if (insertion == docTable.getRowCount()) {
                        } else {
                    // select the moved/already existing documents
                    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            for (String documentName : documentsNames) {
                                for (int row = 0; row < docTable.getRowCount(); row++) {
                                    if (docTable.getValueAt(row, docTable.convertColumnIndexToView(1)).equals(documentName)) {
                                        docTable.addRowSelectionInterval(row, row);
                    return true;
                } else if (source.startsWith("CorpusEditor")) {
                    int insertion = docTable.getSelectedRow();
                    int initialInsertion = insertion;
                    List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>();
                    source = source.replaceFirst("^CorpusEditor\\[", "");
                    source = source.replaceFirst("\\]$", "");
                    String[] selectedRows = source.split(", ");
                    if (Integer.parseInt(selectedRows[0]) < insertion) {
                    // get the list of documents selected when dragging started
                    for (String row : selectedRows) {
                        if (Integer.parseInt(row) == initialInsertion) {
                            // the user dragged the selected rows on themselves, do nothing
                            return false;
                        if (Integer.parseInt(row) < initialInsertion) {
                    // remove the documents selected when dragging started
                    for (Document document : documents) {
                    // add the documents at the insertion point
                    for (Document document : documents) {
                        corpus.add(docTable.rowViewToModel(insertion), document);
                    // select the moved documents
                    docTable.addRowSelectionInterval(insertion - selectedRows.length, insertion - 1);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ufe) {
                return false;
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                return false;
    JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(docTable);
    add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    toolbar = new JToolBar();
    toolbar.add(newDocumentAction = new NewDocumentAction());
    toolbar.add(removeDocumentsAction = new RemoveDocumentsAction());
    toolbar.add(moveUpAction = new MoveUpAction());
    toolbar.add(moveDownAction = new MoveDownAction());
    toolbar.add(openDocumentsAction = new OpenDocumentsAction());
    JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    topPanel.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    messageLabel = new JLabel();
    topPanel.add(messageLabel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
Also used : XJTable(gate.swing.XJTable) StringSelection(java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection) DataFlavor(java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor) BorderLayout(java.awt.BorderLayout) GateException(gate.util.GateException) Transferable(java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable) CreoleResource(gate.creole.metadata.CreoleResource) AbstractVisualResource(gate.creole.AbstractVisualResource) IOException( UnsupportedFlavorException(java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException)

Example 9 with GateException

use of gate.util.GateException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestConfig method readConfig.

// tearDown
 * Helper method that processes a config file.
private void readConfig(URL configUrl) throws Exception {
    ConfigDataProcessor configProcessor = new ConfigDataProcessor();
    // open a stream to the builtin config data file (tests version)
    InputStream configStream = null;
    try {
        configStream = configUrl.openStream();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new GateException("Couldn't open config data test file: " + configUrl + " " + e);
    if (DEBUG)
        Out.prln("Parsing config file ... " + configStream + "from URL" + configUrl);
    configProcessor.parseConfigFile(configStream, configUrl);
Also used : InputStream( GateException(gate.util.GateException) IOException(

Example 10 with GateException

use of gate.util.GateException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class Gate method initCreoleRepositories.

 * Loads the CREOLE repositories (aka plugins) that the user has selected for
 * automatic loading. Loads the information about known plugins in memory.
protected static void initCreoleRepositories() {
    // the logic is:
    // get the list of know plugins from gate.xml
    // add all the installed plugins
    // get the list of loadable plugins
    // load loadable plugins
    // TODO reinstate this bit
    // process the known plugins list
    /*String knownPluginsPath =
    if(knownPluginsPath != null && knownPluginsPath.length() > 0) {
      StringTokenizer strTok =
        new StringTokenizer(knownPluginsPath, ";", false);
      while(strTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String aKnownPluginPath = strTok.nextToken();
        try {
          URL aPluginURL = new URL(aKnownPluginPath);
        catch(MalformedURLException mue) {
          log.error("Plugin error: " + aKnownPluginPath + " is an invalid URL!");
    // add all the installed plugins
    // pluginsHome is now set by initLocalPaths
    // File pluginsHome = new File(System.getProperty(GATE_HOME_PROPERTY_NAME),
    // "plugins");
    File[] dirs = pluginsHome.listFiles();
    for(int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
      File creoleFile = new File(dirs[i], "creole.xml");
      if(creoleFile.exists()) {
        try {
          URL pluginURL = dirs[i].toURI().toURL();
          addKnownPlugin(new Plugin.Directory(pluginURL));
        catch(MalformedURLException mue) {
          // this should never happen
          throw new GateRuntimeException(mue);
    // register plugins installed in the user plugin directory
    /*File userPluginsHome = PluginUpdateManager.getUserPluginsHome();
    if (userPluginsHome != null && userPluginsHome.isDirectory()) {
      for (File dir : userPluginsHome.listFiles()) {
        File creoleFile = new File(dir, "creole.xml");
        if(creoleFile.exists()) {
          try {
            URL pluginURL = dir.toURI().toURL();
            addKnownPlugin(new Plugin.Directory(pluginURL));
          catch(MalformedURLException mue) {
            // this should never happen
            throw new GateRuntimeException(mue);
    // process the autoload plugins
    String pluginPath = getUserConfig().getString(AUTOLOAD_PLUGIN_PATH_KEY);
    // can be overridden by system property
    String prop = System.getProperty(AUTOLOAD_PLUGIN_PATH_PROPERTY_NAME);
    if (prop != null && prop.length() > 0)
        pluginPath = prop;
    if (pluginPath == null || pluginPath.length() == 0) {
        // no plugin to load stop here
    // load all loadable plugins
    StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(pluginPath, ";", false);
    while (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String aDir = strTok.nextToken();
        try {
            URL aPluginURL = new URL(aDir);
            Plugin plugin = new Plugin.Directory(aPluginURL);
        } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            log.error("Cannot load " + aDir + " CREOLE repository.", mue);
        try {
            Iterator<Plugin> loadPluginsIter = getAutoloadPlugins().iterator();
            while (loadPluginsIter.hasNext()) {
        } catch (GateException ge) {
            log.error("Cannot load " + aDir + " CREOLE repository.", ge);
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) MalformedURLException( GateException(gate.util.GateException) URL( Plugin(gate.creole.Plugin)


GateException (gate.util.GateException)23 IOException ( URL ( GateRuntimeException (gate.util.GateRuntimeException)8 MalformedURLException ( Resource (gate.Resource)5 JDOMException (org.jdom.JDOMException)5 Plugin (gate.creole.Plugin)3 InputStream ( LanguageResource (gate.LanguageResource)2 ProcessingResource (gate.ProcessingResource)2 VisualResource (gate.VisualResource)2 ResourceInstantiationException (gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException)2 CreoleResource (gate.creole.metadata.CreoleResource)2 GateClassLoader (gate.util.GateClassLoader)2 BeanInfo (java.beans.BeanInfo)2 IntrospectionException (java.beans.IntrospectionException)2 PropertyDescriptor (java.beans.PropertyDescriptor)2 File ( AnnotatedElement (java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement)2