Search in sources :

Example 21 with GateException

use of gate.util.GateException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class ResourceData method determineSharableProperties.

private void determineSharableProperties(Class<?> cls, Collection<String> hiddenPropertyNames) throws GateException {
    BeanInfo bi;
    try {
        bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(cls);
    } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
        throw new GateException("Failed to introspect " + cls, e);
    // setter methods
    for (Method m : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) {
        Sharable sharableAnnot = m.getAnnotation(Sharable.class);
        if (sharableAnnot != null) {
            // determine the property name from the method name
            PropertyDescriptor propDescriptor = null;
            for (PropertyDescriptor pd : bi.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
                if (m.equals(pd.getWriteMethod())) {
                    propDescriptor = pd;
            if (propDescriptor == null) {
                throw new GateException("@Sharable annotation found on " + m + ", but only Java Bean property setters may have " + "this annotation.");
            if (propDescriptor.getReadMethod() == null) {
                throw new GateException("@Sharable annotation found on " + m + ", but no matching getter was found.");
            String propName = propDescriptor.getName();
            if (sharableAnnot.value() == false) {
                // hide this property name from the search in superclasses
            } else {
                // this property is sharable if it has not been hidden in a subclass
                if (!hiddenPropertyNames.contains(propName)) {
    // fields
    for (Field f : cls.getDeclaredFields()) {
        Sharable sharableAnnot = f.getAnnotation(Sharable.class);
        if (sharableAnnot != null) {
            String propName = f.getName();
            // check it's a valid Java Bean property
            PropertyDescriptor propDescriptor = null;
            for (PropertyDescriptor pd : bi.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
                if (propName.equals(pd.getName())) {
                    propDescriptor = pd;
            if (propDescriptor == null || propDescriptor.getReadMethod() == null || propDescriptor.getWriteMethod() == null) {
                throw new GateException("@Sharable annotation found on " + f + " without matching Java Bean getter and setter.");
            if (sharableAnnot.value() == false) {
                // hide this property name from the search in superclasses
            } else {
                // this property is sharable if it has not been hidden in a subclass
                if (!hiddenPropertyNames.contains(propName)) {
    // go up the class tree
    if (cls.getSuperclass() != null) {
        determineSharableProperties(cls.getSuperclass(), hiddenPropertyNames);
    for (Class<?> intf : cls.getInterfaces()) {
        determineSharableProperties(intf, hiddenPropertyNames);
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Sharable(gate.creole.metadata.Sharable) PropertyDescriptor(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor) BeanInfo(java.beans.BeanInfo) GateException(gate.util.GateException) IntrospectionException(java.beans.IntrospectionException) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method)

Example 22 with GateException

use of gate.util.GateException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class CreoleAnnotationHandler method processAnnotationsForResource.

 * Process the given RESOURCE element, adding extra elements to it based on
 * the annotations on the resource class.
 * @param element
 *          the RESOURCE element to process.
private void processAnnotationsForResource(Element element) throws GateException {
    String className = element.getChildTextTrim("CLASS");
    if (className == null) {
        throw new GateException("\"CLASS\" element not found for resource in " + plugin);
    Class<?> resourceClass = null;
    try {
        resourceClass = Gate.getClassLoader().loadClass(className);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        log.debug("Couldn't load class " + className + " for resource in " + plugin, e);
        throw new GateException("Couldn't load class " + className + " for resource in " + plugin);
    processCreoleResourceAnnotations(element, resourceClass);
Also used : GateException(gate.util.GateException)

Example 23 with GateException

use of gate.util.GateException in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class CreoleRegisterImpl method parseDirectory.

 * Parse a directory file (represented as an open stream), adding resource
 * data objects to the CREOLE register as they occur. If the resource is from
 * a URL then that location is passed (otherwise null).
protected void parseDirectory(Plugin plugin, Document jdomDoc, URL directoryUrl, URL creoleFileUrl) throws GateException {
    // this will create ResourceData entries in the register
    try {
        CreoleAnnotationHandler annotationHandler = new CreoleAnnotationHandler(plugin);
        GateClassLoader gcl = Gate.getClassLoader().getDisposableClassLoader(creoleFileUrl.toExternalForm());
        // Add any JARs from the creole.xml to the GATE ClassLoader
        annotationHandler.addJarsToClassLoader(gcl, jdomDoc);
        // Make sure there is a RESOURCE element for every resource type the
        // directory defines
        processFullCreoleXmlTree(plugin, jdomDoc, annotationHandler);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw (new GateException(e));
    } catch (JDOMException je) {
        if (DEBUG)
        throw (new GateException(je));
Also used : GateException(gate.util.GateException) GateClassLoader(gate.util.GateClassLoader) IOException( JDOMException(org.jdom.JDOMException)


GateException (gate.util.GateException)23 IOException ( URL ( GateRuntimeException (gate.util.GateRuntimeException)8 MalformedURLException ( Resource (gate.Resource)5 JDOMException (org.jdom.JDOMException)5 Plugin (gate.creole.Plugin)3 InputStream ( LanguageResource (gate.LanguageResource)2 ProcessingResource (gate.ProcessingResource)2 VisualResource (gate.VisualResource)2 ResourceInstantiationException (gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException)2 CreoleResource (gate.creole.metadata.CreoleResource)2 GateClassLoader (gate.util.GateClassLoader)2 BeanInfo (java.beans.BeanInfo)2 IntrospectionException (java.beans.IntrospectionException)2 PropertyDescriptor (java.beans.PropertyDescriptor)2 File ( AnnotatedElement (java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement)2