Search in sources :

Example 11 with FractionClassificationResult

use of gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method findOptimum.

public SearchResult<FilterScore> findOptimum(double[][] points) {
    SimpleFilterScore max = es_optimum;
    final FilterScoreResult[] scoreResults = scoreFilters(setStrength(new FilterSet(searchSpaceToFilters(points))), false);
    if (scoreResults == null)
        return null;
    for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) {
        final FilterScoreResult scoreResult = scoreResults[index];
        final SimpleFilterScore result = new SimpleFilterScore(scoreResult, true, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria);
        if (result.compareTo(max) < 0) {
            max = result;
    es_optimum = max;
    // Add the best filter to the table
    // This filter may not have been part of the scored subset so use the entire results set for reporting
    DirectFilter filter = max.r.filter;
    FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, minimalFilter, ga_resultsList, coordinateStore);
    final StringBuilder text = createResult(filter, r);
    add(text, ga_iteration);
    return new SearchResult<FilterScore>(filter.getParameters(), max);
Also used : FilterSet(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.FilterSet) IDirectFilter(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter) DirectFilter(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.DirectFilter) FractionClassificationResult(gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult) SearchResult(

Example 12 with FractionClassificationResult

use of gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method reportResults.

private ComplexFilterScore reportResults(boolean newResults, List<ComplexFilterScore> filters) {
    if (filters.isEmpty()) {
        IJ.log("Warning: No filters pass the criteria");
        return null;
    FractionClassificationResult topFilterClassificationResult = null;
    ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> topFilterResults = null;
    String topFilterSummary = null;
    if (showSummaryTable || saveTemplate) {
        int n = 0;
        final double range = (summaryDepth / simulationParameters.a) * 0.5;
        int np = 0;
        for (double depth : depthStats) {
            if (Math.abs(depth) < range)
        for (ComplexFilterScore fs : filters) {
            final ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> list = new ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]>(resultsList.length);
            final FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(fs.getFilter(), minimalFilter, resultsList, list, coordinateStore);
            final StringBuilder sb = createResult(fs.getFilter(), r);
            if (topFilterResults == null) {
                topFilterResults = list;
                topFilterClassificationResult = r;
            // Show the recall at the specified depth. Sum the distance and signal factor of all scored spots.
            int scored = 0;
            double tp = 0, d = 0, sf = 0, rmsd = 0;
            SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression(false);
            for (FractionalAssignment[] assignments : list) {
                if (assignments == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) {
                    final CustomFractionalAssignment c = (CustomFractionalAssignment) assignments[i];
                    if (Math.abs(c.peak.error) <= range)
                        tp += c.getScore();
                    d += c.d;
                    sf += c.getSignalFactor();
                    rmsd += c.d * c.d;
                    regression.addData(c.peakResult.getSignal(), c.peak.getSignal());
                scored += assignments.length;
            final double slope = regression.getSlope();
            sb.append(Utils.rounded((double) tp / np)).append('\t');
            sb.append(Utils.rounded(d / scored)).append('\t');
            sb.append(Utils.rounded(sf / scored)).append('\t');
            sb.append(Utils.rounded(Math.sqrt(rmsd / scored))).append('\t');
            if (fs.atLimit() != null)
            String text = sb.toString();
            if (topFilterSummary == null) {
                topFilterSummary = text;
                if (!showSummaryTable)
            if (fs.time != 0) {
            } else
            if (fs.paramTime != 0) {
            } else
            text = sb.toString();
            if (isHeadless)
            if (summaryTopN > 0 && n >= summaryTopN)
        // Add a spacer to the summary table if we have multiple results
        if (n > 1 && showSummaryTable) {
            if (isHeadless)
    DirectFilter bestFilter = filters.get(0).getFilter();
    if (saveBestFilter)
    if (topFilterClassificationResult == null) {
        topFilterResults = new ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]>(resultsList.length);
        topFilterClassificationResult = scoreFilter(bestFilter, minimalFilter, resultsList, topFilterResults, coordinateStore);
    if (newResults || scores.isEmpty()) {
        scores.add(new FilterResult(failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance, filters.get(0)));
    if (saveTemplate)
    topFilterResults = depthAnalysis(topFilterResults, bestFilter);
    topFilterResults = scoreAnalysis(topFilterResults, bestFilter);
    componentAnalysis(topFilterClassificationResult, filters.get(0));
    PreprocessedPeakResult[] filterResults = null;
    if (isShowOverlay())
        filterResults = showOverlay(topFilterResults, bestFilter);
    saveResults(filterResults, bestFilter);
    return filters.get(0);
Also used : IDirectFilter(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter) DirectFilter(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.DirectFilter) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SimpleRegression(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression) FractionalAssignment(gdsc.core.match.FractionalAssignment) PeakFractionalAssignment(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PeakFractionalAssignment) FractionClassificationResult(gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult) BasePreprocessedPeakResult(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.BasePreprocessedPeakResult) PreprocessedPeakResult(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult)

Example 13 with FractionClassificationResult

use of gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method scoreFilter.

private FilterScoreResult scoreFilter(DirectFilter filter, DirectFilter minFilter, boolean createTextResult, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) {
    FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, minFilter, ga_resultsListToScore, coordinateStore);
    //		// DEBUG - Test if the two methods produce the same results
    //		FractionClassificationResult r2 = scoreFilter(filter, minFilter, BenchmarkFilterAnalysis.clonedResultsList);
    //		if (!gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(r.getTP(), r2.getTP(), 1e-6, 1e-10) ||
    //				!gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(r.getFP(), r2.getFP(), 1e-6, 1e-10) ||
    //				!gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(r.getFN(), r2.getFN(), 1e-6, 1e-10))
    //		{
    //			System.out.printf("TP %f != %f, FP %f != %f, FN %f != %f : %s\n", r.getTP(), r2.getTP(), r.getFP(),
    //					r2.getFP(), r.getFN(), r2.getFN(), filter.getName());
    //			//					// Debug
    //			//					MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = createMPF(filter, minFilter);
    //			//					multiPathFilter.setDebugFile("/tmp/1.txt");
    //			//					multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(ga_resultsListToScore, failCount, nActual, null);
    //			//					multiPathFilter = createMPF(filter, minFilter);
    //			//					multiPathFilter.setDebugFile("/tmp/2.txt");
    //			//					multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(BenchmarkFilterAnalysis.clonedResultsList, failCount,
    //			//							nActual, null);
    //		}
    //		else
    //		{
    //			//System.out.println("Matched scores");
    //		}
    final double score = getScore(r);
    final double criteria = getCriteria(r);
    // Show the result if it achieves the criteria limit 
    final String text = (createTextResult && criteria >= minCriteria) ? createResult(filter, r).toString() : null;
    return new FilterScoreResult(score, criteria, filter, text);
Also used : FractionClassificationResult(gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult)

Example 14 with FractionClassificationResult

use of gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class Filter method fractionScoreSubset.

	 * Filter the results and return the performance score. Allows benchmarking the filter by marking the results as
	 * true or false.
	 * <p>
	 * Input PeakResults must be allocated a score for true positive, false positive, true negative and false negative
	 * (accessed via the object property get methods). The filter is run and results that pass accumulate scores for
	 * true positive and false positive, otherwise the scores are accumulated for true negative and false negative. The
	 * simplest scoring scheme is to mark valid results as tp=fn=1 and fp=tn=0 and invalid results the opposite.
	 * <p>
	 * The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of failures is reached all
	 * remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results are ordered by the frame.
	 * <p>
	 * Note that this method is to be used to score a subset that was generated using
	 * {@link #filterSubset(MemoryPeakResults, int)} since the number of consecutive failures before each peak are
	 * expected to be stored in the origX property.
	 * @param resultsList
	 *            a list of results to analyse
	 * @param failures
	 *            the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected
	 * @param tn
	 *            The initial true negatives (used when the results have been pre-filtered)
	 * @param fn
	 *            The initial false negatives (used when the results have been pre-filtered)
	 * @param n
	 *            The initial negatives (used when the results have been pre-filtered)
	 * @return the score
public FractionClassificationResult fractionScoreSubset(List<MemoryPeakResults> resultsList, int failures, double tn, double fn, int n) {
    int p = 0;
    double fp = 0;
    double tp = 0;
    for (MemoryPeakResults peakResults : resultsList) {
        int frame = -1;
        int failCount = 0;
        for (PeakResult peak : peakResults.getResults()) {
            // Reset fail count for new frames
            if (frame != peak.getFrame()) {
                frame = peak.getFrame();
                failCount = 0;
            failCount += peak.origX;
            // Reject all peaks if we have exceeded the fail count
            final boolean isPositive;
            if (failCount > failures) {
                isPositive = false;
            } else {
                // Otherwise assess the peak
                isPositive = accept(peak);
            if (isPositive) {
                failCount = 0;
            } else {
            if (isPositive) {
                tp += peak.getTruePositiveScore();
                fp += peak.getFalsePositiveScore();
            } else {
                fn += peak.getFalseNegativeScore();
                tn += peak.getTrueNegativeScore();
        n += peakResults.size();
    n -= p;
    return new FractionClassificationResult(tp, fp, tn, fn, p, n);
Also used : FractionClassificationResult(gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult) MemoryPeakResults(gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults) PeakResult(gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult)

Example 15 with FractionClassificationResult

use of gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class Filter method fractionScore2.

	 * Filter the results and return the performance score. Allows benchmarking the filter by marking the results as
	 * true or false.
	 * <p>
	 * Input PeakResults must be allocated a score for true positive, false positive, true negative and false negative
	 * (accessed via the object property get methods). The filter is run and results that pass accumulate scores for
	 * true positive and false positive, otherwise the scores are accumulated for true negative and false negative. The
	 * simplest scoring scheme is to mark valid results as tp=fn=1 and fp=tn=0 and invalid results the opposite.
	 * <p>
	 * The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of failures is reached all
	 * remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results are ordered by the frame.
	 * <p>
	 * Note that this method is to be used to score a set of results that may have been extracted from a larger set
	 * since the number of consecutive failures before each peak are expected to be stored in the origY property. Set
	 * this to zero and the results should be identical to {@link #fractionScore(List, int)}.
	 * @param resultsList
	 *            a list of results to analyse
	 * @param failures
	 *            the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected
	 * @return the score
public FractionClassificationResult fractionScore2(List<MemoryPeakResults> resultsList, int failures) {
    int p = 0, n = 0;
    double fp = 0, fn = 0;
    double tp = 0, tn = 0;
    for (MemoryPeakResults peakResults : resultsList) {
        int frame = -1;
        int failCount = 0;
        for (PeakResult peak : peakResults.getResults()) {
            // Reset fail count for new frames
            if (frame != peak.getFrame()) {
                frame = peak.getFrame();
                failCount = 0;
            failCount += peak.origY;
            // Reject all peaks if we have exceeded the fail count
            final boolean isPositive;
            if (failCount > failures) {
                isPositive = false;
            } else {
                // Otherwise assess the peak
                isPositive = accept(peak);
            if (isPositive) {
                failCount = 0;
            } else {
            if (isPositive) {
                tp += peak.getTruePositiveScore();
                fp += peak.getFalsePositiveScore();
            } else {
                fn += peak.getFalseNegativeScore();
                tn += peak.getTrueNegativeScore();
        n += peakResults.size();
    n -= p;
    return new FractionClassificationResult(tp, fp, tn, fn, p, n);
Also used : FractionClassificationResult(gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult) MemoryPeakResults(gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults) PeakResult(gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult)


FractionClassificationResult (gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult)15 DirectFilter (gdsc.smlm.results.filter.DirectFilter)6 IDirectFilter (gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 PeakResultPoint (gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.ResultsMatchCalculator.PeakResultPoint)3 MemoryPeakResults (gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults)3 PeakResult (gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult)3 SimpleRegression (org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression)3 BasePoint (gdsc.core.match.BasePoint)2 FractionalAssignment (gdsc.core.match.FractionalAssignment)2 FastCorrelator (gdsc.core.utils.FastCorrelator)2 BasePreprocessedPeakResult (gdsc.smlm.results.filter.BasePreprocessedPeakResult)2 FilterScore (gdsc.smlm.results.filter.FilterScore)2 FilterSet (gdsc.smlm.results.filter.FilterSet)2 MultiPathFilter (gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter)2 PeakFractionalAssignment (gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PeakFractionalAssignment)2 PreprocessedPeakResult (gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult)2 SearchResult ( BufferedTextWindow (gdsc.core.ij.BufferedTextWindow)1 ClassificationResult (gdsc.core.match.ClassificationResult)1