use of georegression.struct.shapes.Quadrilateral_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestBaseDetectFiducialSquare method checkFindKnown.
private void checkFindKnown(CameraPinholeRadial intrinsic, double tol) {
GrayU8 pattern = createPattern(6 * 20, false);
Quadrilateral_F64 where = new Quadrilateral_F64(50, 50, 130, 60, 140, 150, 40, 140);
// Quadrilateral_F64 where = new Quadrilateral_F64(50,50, 100,50, 100,150, 50,150);
GrayU8 image = new GrayU8(width, height);
ImageMiscOps.fill(image, 255);
render(pattern, where, image);
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
dummy.configure(new LensDistortionRadialTangential(intrinsic), width, height, false);
assertEquals(1, dummy.detected.size());
Quadrilateral_F64 found = dummy.getFound().get(0).distortedPixels;
// System.out.println("found "+found);
// System.out.println("where "+where);
checkMatch(where, found.a, tol);
checkMatch(where, found.b, tol);
checkMatch(where, found.c, tol);
checkMatch(where, found.d, tol);
// see if the undistorted image is as expected
use of georegression.struct.shapes.Quadrilateral_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExampleVideoMosaic method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Configure the feature detector
ConfigPointDetector configDetector = new ConfigPointDetector();
configDetector.type = PointDetectorTypes.SHI_TOMASI;
configDetector.general.maxFeatures = 300;
configDetector.general.radius = 3;
configDetector.general.threshold = 1;
// Use a KLT tracker
PointTracker<GrayF32> tracker = FactoryPointTracker.klt(4, configDetector, 3, GrayF32.class, GrayF32.class);
// This estimates the 2D image motion
// An Affine2D_F64 model also works quite well.
ImageMotion2D<GrayF32, Homography2D_F64> motion2D = FactoryMotion2D.createMotion2D(220, 3, 2, 30, 0.6, 0.5, false, tracker, new Homography2D_F64());
// wrap it so it output color images while estimating motion from gray
ImageMotion2D<Planar<GrayF32>, Homography2D_F64> motion2DColor = new PlToGrayMotion2D<>(motion2D, GrayF32.class);
// This fuses the images together
StitchingFromMotion2D<Planar<GrayF32>, Homography2D_F64> stitch = FactoryMotion2D.createVideoStitch(0.5, motion2DColor,, GrayF32.class));
// Load an image sequence
MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
String fileName = UtilIO.pathExample("mosaic/airplane01.mjpeg");
SimpleImageSequence<Planar<GrayF32>> video = media.openVideo(fileName,, GrayF32.class));
Planar<GrayF32> frame =;
// shrink the input image and center it
Homography2D_F64 shrink = new Homography2D_F64(0.5, 0, frame.width / 4, 0, 0.5, frame.height / 4, 0, 0, 1);
shrink = shrink.invert(null);
// The mosaic will be larger in terms of pixels but the image will be scaled down.
// To change this into stabilization just make it the same size as the input with no shrink.
stitch.configure(frame.width, frame.height, shrink);
// process the first frame
// Create the GUI for displaying the results + input image
ImageGridPanel gui = new ImageGridPanel(1, 2);
gui.setImage(0, 0, new BufferedImage(frame.width, frame.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB));
gui.setImage(0, 1, new BufferedImage(frame.width, frame.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB));
gui.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(3 * frame.width, frame.height * 2));
ShowImages.showWindow(gui, "Example Mosaic", true);
boolean enlarged = false;
// process the video sequence one frame at a time
while (video.hasNext()) {
frame =;
if (!stitch.process(frame))
throw new RuntimeException("You should handle failures");
// if the current image is close to the image border recenter the mosaic
Quadrilateral_F64 corners = stitch.getImageCorners(frame.width, frame.height, null);
if (nearBorder(corners.a, stitch) || nearBorder(corners.b, stitch) || nearBorder(corners.c, stitch) || nearBorder(corners.d, stitch)) {
// only enlarge the image once
if (!enlarged) {
enlarged = true;
// double the image size and shift it over to keep it centered
int widthOld = stitch.getStitchedImage().width;
int heightOld = stitch.getStitchedImage().height;
int widthNew = widthOld * 2;
int heightNew = heightOld * 2;
int tranX = (widthNew - widthOld) / 2;
int tranY = (heightNew - heightOld) / 2;
Homography2D_F64 newToOldStitch = new Homography2D_F64(1, 0, -tranX, 0, 1, -tranY, 0, 0, 1);
stitch.resizeStitchImage(widthNew, heightNew, newToOldStitch);
gui.setImage(0, 1, new BufferedImage(widthNew, heightNew, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB));
corners = stitch.getImageCorners(frame.width, frame.height, null);
// display the mosaic
ConvertBufferedImage.convertTo(frame, gui.getImage(0, 0), true);
ConvertBufferedImage.convertTo(stitch.getStitchedImage(), gui.getImage(0, 1), true);
// draw a red quadrilateral around the current frame in the mosaic
Graphics2D g2 = gui.getImage(0, 1).createGraphics();
g2.drawLine((int) corners.a.x, (int) corners.a.y, (int) corners.b.x, (int) corners.b.y);
g2.drawLine((int) corners.b.x, (int) corners.b.y, (int) corners.c.x, (int) corners.c.y);
g2.drawLine((int) corners.c.x, (int) corners.c.y, (int) corners.d.x, (int) corners.d.y);
g2.drawLine((int) corners.d.x, (int) corners.d.y, (int) corners.a.x, (int) corners.a.y);
// throttle the speed just in case it's on a fast computer
use of georegression.struct.shapes.Quadrilateral_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class SquareBase_to_FiducialDetector method getCenter.
* Return the intersection of two lines defined by opposing corners. This should also be the geometric center
* @param which Fiducial's index
* @param location (output) Storage for the transform. modified.
public void getCenter(int which, Point2D_F64 location) {
Quadrilateral_F64 q = alg.getFound().get(which).distortedPixels;
// compute intersection in undistorted pixels so that the intersection is the true
// geometric center of the square. Since distorted pixels are being used this will only be approximate
UtilLine2D_F64.convert(q.a, q.c, line02);
UtilLine2D_F64.convert(q.b, q.d, line13);
Intersection2D_F64.intersection(line02, line13, location);
use of georegression.struct.shapes.Quadrilateral_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExampleTrackerObjectQuad method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
MediaManager media = DefaultMediaManager.INSTANCE;
String fileName = UtilIO.pathExample("tracking/wildcat_robot.mjpeg");
// Create the tracker. Comment/Uncomment to change the tracker.
TrackerObjectQuad tracker = FactoryTrackerObjectQuad.circulant(null, GrayU8.class);
// FactoryTrackerObjectQuad.sparseFlow(null,GrayU8.class,null);
// FactoryTrackerObjectQuad.tld(null,GrayU8.class);
// FactoryTrackerObjectQuad.meanShiftComaniciu2003(new ConfigComaniciu2003(),, GrayU8.class));
// FactoryTrackerObjectQuad.meanShiftComaniciu2003(new ConfigComaniciu2003(true),,GrayU8.class));
// Mean-shift likelihood will fail in this video, but is excellent at tracking objects with
// a single unique color. See ExampleTrackerMeanShiftLikelihood
// FactoryTrackerObjectQuad.meanShiftLikelihood(30,5,255, MeanShiftLikelihoodType.HISTOGRAM,,GrayU8.class));
SimpleImageSequence video = media.openVideo(fileName, tracker.getImageType());
// specify the target's initial location and initialize with the first frame
Quadrilateral_F64 location = new Quadrilateral_F64(211.0, 162.0, 326.0, 153.0, 335.0, 258.0, 215.0, 249.0);
ImageBase frame =;
tracker.initialize(frame, location);
// For displaying the results
var gui = new TrackerObjectQuadPanel(null);
gui.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight()));
gui.setImageUI((BufferedImage) video.getGuiImage());
gui.setTarget(location, true);
ShowImages.showWindow(gui, "Tracking Results", true);
// Track the object across each video frame and display the results
long previous = 0;
while (video.hasNext()) {
frame =;
boolean visible = tracker.process(frame, location);
gui.setImageUI((BufferedImage) video.getGuiImage());
gui.setTarget(location, visible);
// shoot for a specific frame rate
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
BoofMiscOps.pause(Math.max(0, 80 - (time - previous)));
previous = time;
use of georegression.struct.shapes.Quadrilateral_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestRefinePolygonToGrayLine method optimize_line_perfect.
public void optimize_line_perfect(boolean black, Class imageType) {
renderDistortedRectangles(black, imageType);
RefinePolygonToGrayLine alg = createAlg(4, imageType);
Quadrilateral_F64 input = new Quadrilateral_F64(x0, y0, x0, y1, x1, y1, x1, y0);
LineGeneral2D_F64 found = new LineGeneral2D_F64();
assertTrue(alg.optimize(input.a, input.b, found));
assertTrue(Distance2D_F64.distance(found, input.a) <= 1e-4);
assertTrue(Distance2D_F64.distance(found, input.b) <= 1e-4);