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Example 6 with RectangleLength2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class LensDistortionOps method transformChangeModel_F32.

 * Creates a {@link Point2Transform2_F32} for converting pixels from original camera model into a new synthetic
 * model.  The scaling of the image can be adjusted to ensure certain visibility requirements.
 * @param type The type of adjustment it will apply to the transform
 * @param paramOriginal Camera model for the current image
 * @param paramDesired Desired camera model for the distorted image
 * @param desiredToOriginal If true then the transform's input is assumed to be pixels in the desired
 *                       image and the output will be in original image, if false then the reverse transform
 *                       is returned.
 * @param paramMod The modified camera model to meet the requested visibility requirements.  Null if you don't want it.
 * @return The requested transform
public static <O extends CameraPinhole, D extends CameraPinhole> Point2Transform2_F32 transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType type, O paramOriginal, D paramDesired, boolean desiredToOriginal, D paramMod) {
    LensDistortionNarrowFOV original = LensDistortionOps.narrow(paramOriginal);
    LensDistortionNarrowFOV desired = LensDistortionOps.narrow(paramDesired);
    Point2Transform2_F32 ori_p_to_n = original.undistort_F32(true, false);
    Point2Transform2_F32 des_n_to_p = desired.distort_F32(false, true);
    Point2Transform2_F32 ori_to_des = new SequencePoint2Transform2_F32(ori_p_to_n, des_n_to_p);
    RectangleLength2D_F32 bound;
    if (type == AdjustmentType.FULL_VIEW) {
        bound = DistortImageOps.boundBox_F32(paramOriginal.width, paramOriginal.height, new PointToPixelTransform_F32(ori_to_des));
    } else if (type == AdjustmentType.EXPAND) {
        bound = LensDistortionOps.boundBoxInside(paramOriginal.width, paramOriginal.height, new PointToPixelTransform_F32(ori_to_des));
        // ensure there are no strips of black
    } else if (type == AdjustmentType.NONE) {
        bound = new RectangleLength2D_F32(0, 0, paramDesired.width, paramDesired.height);
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type " + type);
    float scaleX = bound.width / paramDesired.width;
    float scaleY = bound.height / paramDesired.height;
    float scale;
    if (type == AdjustmentType.FULL_VIEW) {
        scale = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY);
    } else if (type == AdjustmentType.EXPAND) {
        scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
    } else {
        scale = 1.0f;
    float deltaX = (float) (bound.x0 + (scaleX - scale) * paramDesired.width / 2.0);
    float deltaY = (float) (bound.y0 + (scaleY - scale) * paramDesired.height / 2.0);
    // adjustment matrix
    FMatrixRMaj A = new FMatrixRMaj(3, 3, true, scale, 0, deltaX, 0, scale, deltaY, 0, 0, 1);
    FMatrixRMaj A_inv = new FMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
    if (!CommonOps_FDRM.invert(A, A_inv)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to invert adjustment matrix.  Probably bad.");
    if (paramMod != null) {
        PerspectiveOps.adjustIntrinsic(paramDesired, A_inv, paramMod);
    if (desiredToOriginal) {
        Point2Transform2_F32 des_p_to_n = desired.undistort_F32(true, false);
        Point2Transform2_F32 ori_n_to_p = original.distort_F32(false, true);
        PointTransformHomography_F32 adjust = new PointTransformHomography_F32(A);
        return new SequencePoint2Transform2_F32(adjust, des_p_to_n, ori_n_to_p);
    } else {
        PointTransformHomography_F32 adjust = new PointTransformHomography_F32(A_inv);
        return new SequencePoint2Transform2_F32(ori_to_des, adjust);
Also used : FMatrixRMaj( RectangleLength2D_F32(georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32) SequencePoint2Transform2_F32(boofcv.struct.distort.SequencePoint2Transform2_F32) Point2Transform2_F32(boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F32) SequencePoint2Transform2_F32(boofcv.struct.distort.SequencePoint2Transform2_F32)

Example 7 with RectangleLength2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestCirculantTracker method basicTrackingCheck.

public void basicTrackingCheck() {
    GrayF32 a = new GrayF32(30, 35);
    GrayF32 b = new GrayF32(30, 35);
    // randomize input image and move it
    GImageMiscOps.fillUniform(a, rand, 0, 200);
    GImageMiscOps.fillUniform(b, rand, 0, 200);
    CirculantTracker<GrayF32> alg = new CirculantTracker<>(1f / 16, 0.2, 1e-2, 0.075, 1.0, 64, 255, interp);
    alg.initialize(a, 5, 6, 20, 25);
    shiftCopy(2, 4, a, b);
    double tolerance = 1;
    RectangleLength2D_F32 r = alg.getTargetLocation();
    assertEquals(5 + 2, r.x0, tolerance);
    assertEquals(6 + 4, r.y0, tolerance);
Also used : GrayF32(boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32) RectangleLength2D_F32(georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with RectangleLength2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestCirculantTracker method updateTrackLocation.

 * Check a few simple motions.  It seems to be accurate to within 1 pixel.  Considering alphas seems to be the issue
public void updateTrackLocation() {
    GrayF32 a = new GrayF32(100, 100);
    GrayF32 b = new GrayF32(100, 100);
    // randomize input image and move it
    GImageMiscOps.fillUniform(a, rand, 0, 200);
    GImageMiscOps.fillUniform(b, rand, 0, 200);
    shiftCopy(0, 0, a, b);
    CirculantTracker<GrayF32> alg = new CirculantTracker<>(1f / 16, 0.2, 1e-2, 0.075, 1.0, 64, 255, interp);
    alg.initialize(a, 5, 6, 20, 25);
    // only pixel level precision.
    float tolerance = 1f;
    // No motion motion
    RectangleLength2D_F32 r = alg.getTargetLocation();
    assertEquals(5, r.x0, tolerance);
    assertEquals(6, r.y0, tolerance);
    // check estimated motion
    GImageMiscOps.fillUniform(b, rand, 0, 200);
    shiftCopy(-3, 2, a, b);
    r = alg.getTargetLocation();
    assertEquals(5 - 3, r.x0, tolerance);
    assertEquals(6 + 2, r.y0, tolerance);
    // try out of bounds case
    GImageMiscOps.fillUniform(b, rand, 0, 200);
    shiftCopy(-6, 0, a, b);
    assertEquals(5 - 6, r.x0, tolerance);
    assertEquals(6, r.y0, tolerance);
Also used : GrayF32(boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32) RectangleLength2D_F32(georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 9 with RectangleLength2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class ImplRectifyImageOps_F32 method fullViewLeft.

public static void fullViewLeft(CameraPinholeRadial paramLeft, FMatrixRMaj rectifyLeft, FMatrixRMaj rectifyRight, FMatrixRMaj rectifyK) {
    // need to take in account the order in which image distort will remove rectification later on
    paramLeft = new CameraPinholeRadial(paramLeft);
    Point2Transform2_F32 tranLeft = transformPixelToRect(paramLeft, rectifyLeft);
    RectangleLength2D_F32 bound = DistortImageOps.boundBox_F32(paramLeft.width, paramLeft.height, new PointToPixelTransform_F32(tranLeft));
    float scaleX = paramLeft.width / bound.width;
    float scaleY = paramLeft.height / bound.height;
    float scale = (float) Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
    adjustCalibrated(rectifyLeft, rectifyRight, rectifyK, bound, scale);
Also used : CameraPinholeRadial(boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeRadial) PointToPixelTransform_F32(boofcv.alg.distort.PointToPixelTransform_F32) RectangleLength2D_F32(georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32) SequencePoint2Transform2_F32(boofcv.struct.distort.SequencePoint2Transform2_F32) Point2Transform2_F32(boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F32)

Example 10 with RectangleLength2D_F32

use of georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class ImplRectifyImageOps_F32 method fullViewLeft.

public static void fullViewLeft(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, FMatrixRMaj rectifyLeft, FMatrixRMaj rectifyRight) {
    Point2Transform2_F32 tranLeft = new PointTransformHomography_F32(rectifyLeft);
    RectangleLength2D_F32 bound = DistortImageOps.boundBox_F32(imageWidth, imageHeight, new PointToPixelTransform_F32(tranLeft));
    float scaleX = imageWidth / bound.width;
    float scaleY = imageHeight / bound.height;
    float scale = (float) Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
    adjustUncalibrated(rectifyLeft, rectifyRight, bound, scale);
Also used : PointTransformHomography_F32(boofcv.alg.distort.PointTransformHomography_F32) PointToPixelTransform_F32(boofcv.alg.distort.PointToPixelTransform_F32) RectangleLength2D_F32(georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32) SequencePoint2Transform2_F32(boofcv.struct.distort.SequencePoint2Transform2_F32) Point2Transform2_F32(boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F32)


RectangleLength2D_F32 (georegression.struct.shapes.RectangleLength2D_F32)13 PointToPixelTransform_F32 (boofcv.alg.distort.PointToPixelTransform_F32)4 Point2Transform2_F32 (boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F32)4 SequencePoint2Transform2_F32 (boofcv.struct.distort.SequencePoint2Transform2_F32)4 Test (org.junit.Test)4 PointTransformHomography_F32 (boofcv.alg.distort.PointTransformHomography_F32)2 CameraPinholeRadial (boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeRadial)2 GrayF32 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32)2 Affine2D_F32 (georegression.struct.affine.Affine2D_F32)2 ConvertBufferedImage ( ImageRectangle_F32 (boofcv.struct.ImageRectangle_F32)1 GrayF64 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayF64)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 FMatrixRMaj (