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Example 1 with RifRecordBase

use of gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.

the class RifLoader method process.

 * @param recordsBatch the {@link RifRecordEvent}s to process
 * @param loadedFileBuilder the builder for the {@LoadedFile} associated with this batch
 * @param postgresBatch the {@link PostgreSqlCopyInserter} for the current set of {@link
 *     RifFilesEvent}s being processed
 * @return the {@link RifRecordLoadResult}s that model the results of the operation
private List<RifRecordLoadResult> process(List<RifRecordEvent<?>> recordsBatch, long loadedFileId, PostgreSqlCopyInserter postgresBatch) {
    RifFileEvent fileEvent = recordsBatch.get(0).getFileEvent();
    MetricRegistry fileEventMetrics = fileEvent.getEventMetrics();
    RifFileType rifFileType = fileEvent.getFile().getFileType();
    if (rifFileType == RifFileType.BENEFICIARY_HISTORY) {
        for (RifRecordEvent<?> rifRecordEvent : recordsBatch) {
    // Only one of each failure/success Timer.Contexts will be applied.
    Timer.Context timerBatchSuccess = appState.getMetrics().timer(, "recordBatches")).time();
    Timer.Context timerBatchTypeSuccess = fileEventMetrics.timer(, "recordBatches",;
    Timer.Context timerBundleFailure = appState.getMetrics().timer(, "recordBatches", "failed")).time();
    EntityManager entityManager = null;
    EntityTransaction txn = null;
    // TODO: refactor the following to be less of an indented mess
    try {
        entityManager = appState.getEntityManagerFactory().createEntityManager();
        txn = entityManager.getTransaction();
        List<RifRecordLoadResult> loadResults = new ArrayList<>(recordsBatch.size());
       * Dev Note: All timestamps of records in the batch and the LoadedBatch must be the same for data consistency.
       * The timestamp from the LoadedBatchBuilder is used.
        LoadedBatchBuilder loadedBatchBuilder = new LoadedBatchBuilder(loadedFileId, recordsBatch.size());
        for (RifRecordEvent<?> rifRecordEvent : recordsBatch) {
            RecordAction recordAction = rifRecordEvent.getRecordAction();
            RifRecordBase record = rifRecordEvent.getRecord();
            LOGGER.trace("Loading '{}' record.", rifFileType);
            // Set lastUpdated to the same value for the whole batch
            // Associate the beneficiary with this file loaded
            LoadStrategy strategy = selectStrategy(recordAction);
            LoadAction loadAction;
            if (strategy == LoadStrategy.INSERT_IDEMPOTENT) {
                // Check to see if record already exists.
                Timer.Context timerIdempotencyQuery = fileEventMetrics.timer(, "idempotencyQueries")).time();
                Object recordId = appState.getEntityManagerFactory().getPersistenceUnitUtil().getIdentifier(record);
                Object recordInDb = entityManager.find(record.getClass(), recordId);
                // Log if we have a non-2022 enrollment year INSERT
                if (isBackdatedBene(rifRecordEvent)) {
                    Beneficiary bene = (Beneficiary) rifRecordEvent.getRecord();
          "Inserted beneficiary with non-2022 enrollment year (beneficiaryId={})", bene.getBeneficiaryId());
                if (recordInDb == null) {
                    loadAction = LoadAction.INSERTED;
                    tweakIfBeneficiary(entityManager, loadedBatchBuilder, rifRecordEvent);
                // FIXME Object recordInDbAfterUpdate = entityManager.find(record.getClass(), recordId);
                } else {
                    loadAction = LoadAction.DID_NOTHING;
            } else if (strategy == LoadStrategy.INSERT_UPDATE_NON_IDEMPOTENT) {
                if (rifRecordEvent.getRecordAction().equals(RecordAction.INSERT)) {
                    loadAction = LoadAction.INSERTED;
                    // Log if we have a non-2022 enrollment year INSERT
                    if (isBackdatedBene(rifRecordEvent)) {
                        Beneficiary bene = (Beneficiary) rifRecordEvent.getRecord();
              "Inserted beneficiary with non-2022 enrollment year (beneficiaryId={})", bene.getBeneficiaryId());
                    tweakIfBeneficiary(entityManager, loadedBatchBuilder, rifRecordEvent);
                } else if (rifRecordEvent.getRecordAction().equals(RecordAction.UPDATE)) {
                    loadAction = LoadAction.UPDATED;
                    // Skip this record if the year is not 2022 and its an update.
                    if (isBackdatedBene(rifRecordEvent)) {
               * Serialize the record's CSV data back to actual RIF/CSV, as that's how we'll store
               * it in the DB.
                        StringBuffer rifData = new StringBuffer();
                        try (CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(rifData, RifParsingUtils.CSV_FORMAT)) {
                            for (CSVRecord csvRow : rifRecordEvent.getRawCsvRecords()) {
                        // Save the skipped record to the DB.
                        SkippedRifRecord skippedRifRecord = new SkippedRifRecord(rifRecordEvent.getFileEvent().getParentFilesEvent().getTimestamp(), SkipReasonCode.DELAYED_BACKDATED_ENROLLMENT_BFD_1566, rifRecordEvent.getFileEvent().getFile().getFileType().name(), rifRecordEvent.getRecordAction(), ((Beneficiary) record).getBeneficiaryId(), rifData.toString());
              "Skipped RIF record, due to '{}'.", skippedRifRecord.getSkipReason());
                    } else {
                        tweakIfBeneficiary(entityManager, loadedBatchBuilder, rifRecordEvent);
                } else {
                    throw new BadCodeMonkeyException(String.format("Unhandled %s: '%s'.", RecordAction.class, rifRecordEvent.getRecordAction()));
            } else
                throw new BadCodeMonkeyException();
            LOGGER.trace("Loaded '{}' record.", rifFileType);
            fileEventMetrics.meter(, "records",;
            loadResults.add(new RifRecordLoadResult(rifRecordEvent, loadAction));
        LoadedBatch loadedBatch =;
        // Update the metrics now that things have been pushed.
        return loadResults;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        fileEventMetrics.meter(, "recordBatches", "failed")).mark(1);
        LOGGER.warn("Failed to load '{}' record.", rifFileType, t);
        throw new RifLoadFailure(recordsBatch, t);
    } finally {
       * Some errors (e.g. HSQL constraint violations) seem to cause the
       * rollback to fail. Extra error handling is needed here, too, to
       * ensure that the failing data is captured.
        try {
            if (txn != null && txn.isActive())
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fileEventMetrics.meter(, "recordBatches", "failed")).mark(1);
            LOGGER.warn("Failed to load '{}' record.", rifFileType, t);
            throw new RifLoadFailure(recordsBatch, t);
        if (entityManager != null)
Also used : RifFileEvent(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifFileEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SkippedRifRecord(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.SkippedRifRecord) RifFileType(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifFileType) LoadedBatchBuilder(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.LoadedBatchBuilder) CSVPrinter(org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter) LoadAction(gov.cms.bfd.pipeline.ccw.rif.load.RifRecordLoadResult.LoadAction) RifRecordBase(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase) EntityTransaction(javax.persistence.EntityTransaction) BadCodeMonkeyException(gov.cms.bfd.sharedutils.exceptions.BadCodeMonkeyException) MetricRegistry(com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry) EntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager) Timer(com.codahale.metrics.Timer) RecordAction(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RecordAction) CSVRecord(org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord) Beneficiary(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.Beneficiary) LoadedBatch(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.LoadedBatch)

Example 2 with RifRecordBase

use of gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.

the class RifLoader method tweakIfBeneficiary.

 * Applies various "tweaks" to the {@link Beneficiary} (if any) in the specified {@link
 * RifRecordEvent}:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Hashes any MBIs or HICNs in it.
 *   <li>Updates its {@link Beneficiary#getBeneficiaryMonthlys()} records, as needed.
 *   <li>Adds a {@link BeneficiaryHistory} record for previous the {@link Beneficiary}, as needed.
 * </ul>
 * @param entityManager the {@link EntityManager} to use
 * @param loadedBatchBuilder the {@link LoadedBatchBuilder} to use
 * @param rifRecordEvent the {@link RifRecordEvent} to handle the {@link Beneficiary} (if any) for
private void tweakIfBeneficiary(EntityManager entityManager, LoadedBatchBuilder loadedBatchBuilder, RifRecordEvent<?> rifRecordEvent) {
    RifRecordBase record = rifRecordEvent.getRecord();
    // Nothing to do here unless it's a Beneficiary record.
    if (!(record instanceof Beneficiary)) {
    Beneficiary newBeneficiaryRecord = (Beneficiary) record;
    Optional<Beneficiary> oldBeneficiaryRecord = Optional.empty();
     * Grab the the previous/current version of the Beneficiary (if any, as it exists in the
     * database before applying the specified RifRecordEvent).
    if (rifRecordEvent.getRecordAction() == RecordAction.UPDATE) {
       * FIXME We need to enforce a new invariant on the incoming RIF files: no repeats of same
       * record/PK in same RIF file allowed. Otherwise, we're running the risk of data race bugs and
       * out-of-order application due to the asynchronous nature of this processing.
        CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<Beneficiary> criteria = builder.createQuery(Beneficiary.class);
        Root<Beneficiary> root = criteria.from(Beneficiary.class);
        root.fetch(Beneficiary_.beneficiaryMonthlys, JoinType.LEFT);;
        criteria.where(builder.equal(root.get(Beneficiary_.beneficiaryId), newBeneficiaryRecord.getBeneficiaryId()));
        oldBeneficiaryRecord = Optional.ofNullable(entityManager.createQuery(criteria).getSingleResult());
     * Ensure that hashes are added for the secrets in bene records (HICNs and MBIs). When the
     * secret value hasn't changed (for UPDATE records), we copy the old hash over, to avoid
     * unnecessary hashing. Otherwise, we can waste hours recomputing hashes that don't need
     * recomputing.
    if (oldBeneficiaryRecord.isPresent() && Objects.equals(newBeneficiaryRecord.getHicnUnhashed(), oldBeneficiaryRecord.get().getHicnUnhashed())) {
    } else {
    if (oldBeneficiaryRecord.isPresent() && Objects.equals(newBeneficiaryRecord.getMedicareBeneficiaryId(), oldBeneficiaryRecord.get().getMedicareBeneficiaryId())) {
    } else {
    if (rifRecordEvent.getRecordAction() == RecordAction.UPDATE) {
       * When beneficiaries are updated, we need to be careful to capture their current/previous
       * state as a BeneficiaryHistory record. (Note: this has to be done AFTER the secret hashes
       * have been updated, as per above.
        updateBeneficaryHistory(entityManager, newBeneficiaryRecord, oldBeneficiaryRecord, loadedBatchBuilder.getTimestamp());
    updateBeneficiaryMonthly(newBeneficiaryRecord, oldBeneficiaryRecord);
Also used : CriteriaBuilder(javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder) RifRecordBase(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase) Beneficiary(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.Beneficiary)

Example 3 with RifRecordBase

use of gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.

the class SamhsaMatcherR4FromClaimTransformerV2Test method getClaim.

 * Generates the Claim object to be used in a test.
 * @param type the type
 * @return the claim to be used for the test, should match the input type
public static RifRecordBase getClaim(Class<? extends RifRecordBase> type) {
    List<Object> parsedRecords = ServerTestUtils.parseData(Arrays.asList(StaticRifResourceGroup.SAMPLE_A.getResources()));
    RifRecordBase claim =;
    if (claim != null) {
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Test setup issue, did not find expected InpatientClaim in sample record.");
    return claim;
Also used : RifRecordBase(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase)

Example 4 with RifRecordBase

use of gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase in project beneficiary-fhir-data by CMSgov.

the class SamhsaMatcherFromClaimTransformerTest method getClaim.

 * Generates the Claim object to be used in a test.
 * @param type the type
 * @return the claim to be used for the test, should match the input type
public static RifRecordBase getClaim(Class<? extends RifRecordBase> type) {
    List<Object> parsedRecords = ServerTestUtils.parseData(Arrays.asList(StaticRifResourceGroup.SAMPLE_A.getResources()));
    RifRecordBase claim =;
    if (claim != null) {
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Test setup issue, did not find expected InpatientClaim in sample record.");
    return claim;
Also used : RifRecordBase(gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase)


RifRecordBase (gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifRecordBase)4 Beneficiary (gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.Beneficiary)2 MetricRegistry (com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry)1 Timer (com.codahale.metrics.Timer)1 LoadedBatch (gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.LoadedBatch)1 LoadedBatchBuilder (gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.LoadedBatchBuilder)1 RecordAction (gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RecordAction)1 RifFileEvent (gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifFileEvent)1 RifFileType (gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.RifFileType)1 SkippedRifRecord (gov.cms.bfd.model.rif.SkippedRifRecord)1 LoadAction (gov.cms.bfd.pipeline.ccw.rif.load.RifRecordLoadResult.LoadAction)1 BadCodeMonkeyException (gov.cms.bfd.sharedutils.exceptions.BadCodeMonkeyException)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 EntityManager (javax.persistence.EntityManager)1 EntityTransaction (javax.persistence.EntityTransaction)1 CriteriaBuilder (javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder)1 CSVPrinter (org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter)1 CSVRecord (org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord)1