use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class ModuleTenantsTest method test2.
public void test2() {
final String okapiTenant = "roskilde";
RestAssured.port = port;
RestAssuredClient c;
Response r;
final String docMux = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mux-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"this module\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"myint\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"pathPattern\" : \"/foo\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docMux).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docMul1 = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul1-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"this module\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"myint\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + " \"interfaceType\" : \"multiple\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"pathPattern\" : \"/foo\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docMul1).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docMul2 = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul2-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"this module\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"myint\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + " \"interfaceType\" : \"multiple\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"pathPattern\" : \"/foo\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docMul2).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// add tenant
final String docTenantRoskilde = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"description\" : \"Roskilde bibliotek\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docTenantRoskilde).post("/_/proxy/tenants").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docTenantRoskilde)).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String locationTenantRoskilde = r.getHeader("Location");
// install with mult first
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mux-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul1-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul2-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "} ]").post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/install?simulate=true").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mux-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul1-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul2-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "} ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul1-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul2-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mux-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "} ]").post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/install?simulate=true").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul1-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mul2-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-mux-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"action\" : \"enable\"" + LS + "} ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class PullTest method test3.
public void test3() {
RestAssuredClient c;
// pull frome dummy server
final String pullPort3 = "{" + LS + "\"urls\" : [" + LS + " \"http://localhost:" + port3 + "\"" + LS + " ]" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(pullPort3).post("/_/proxy/pull/modules").then().statusCode(400).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// pull from non-existing server
final String pullPort4 = "{" + LS + "\"urls\" : [" + LS + " \"http://localhost:" + port4 + "\"" + LS + " ]" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(pullPort4).post("/_/proxy/pull/modules").then().statusCode(404).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// first non-existing, then dummy
final String pullBoth1 = "{" + LS + "\"urls\" : [" + LS + " \"http://localhost:" + port3 + "\"," + LS + " \"http://localhost:" + port4 + "\"" + LS + " ]" + LS + "}";
// pull from from both
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(pullBoth1).post("/_/proxy/pull/modules").then().statusCode(400).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// first dummy, then non-existing
final String pullBoth2 = "{" + LS + "\"urls\" : [" + LS + " \"http://localhost:" + port4 + "\"," + LS + " \"http://localhost:" + port3 + "\"" + LS + " ]" + LS + "}";
// pull from from both
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(pullBoth2).post("/_/proxy/pull/modules").then().statusCode(400).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class PullTest method test2.
public void test2() {
RestAssuredClient c;
final String pullDoc = "{" + LS + "\"urls\" : [" + LS + " \"http://localhost:" + port1 + "\"" + LS + " ]" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(pullDoc).post("/_/proxy/pull/modules").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo("[ ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docBriefModuleA = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-a-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"A\"" + LS + "}";
final String docModuleA = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-a-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"A\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"int-a\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ ]" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port1).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docModuleA).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// list of the one module that's always there.
final String internalModuleDoc = "[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"okapi-0.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"Okapi\"" + LS + "} ]";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo(internalModuleDoc));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(pullDoc).post("/_/proxy/pull/modules").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo("[ " + docBriefModuleA + " ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docModuleB = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-b-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"B\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"int-b\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"int-a\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port1).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docModuleB).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docModuleC = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-c-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"C\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"int-c\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"int-b\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port1).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docModuleC).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// should get b and c
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(pullDoc).post("/_/proxy/pull/modules").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(pullDoc).post("/_/proxy/pull/modules").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo("[ ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=desc&preRelease=true").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"okapi-0.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"Okapi\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-c-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"C\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-b-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"B\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-a-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"A\"" + LS + "} ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=foo&preRelease=true").then().statusCode(400);
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=asc").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-a-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"A\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-b-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"B\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-c-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"C\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"okapi-0.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"Okapi\"" + LS + "} ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?orderBy=bogus").then().statusCode(400);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// no RAML check below because preRelease value is invalid
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?preRelease=sandt").then().statusCode(400);
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?filter=module-c&orderBy=id").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-c-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"C\"" + LS + "} ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?filter=module-c-1").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"module-c-1.0.0\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"C\"" + LS + "} ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?filter=module-2").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?filter=module").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().port(port2).header("Content-Type", "application/json").get("/_/proxy/modules?filter=foo").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class ModuleTest method testDiscoveryNodes.
* Test the various ways we can interact with /_/discovery/nodes.
* @param context
public void testDiscoveryNodes(TestContext context) {
async = context.async();
RestAssuredClient c;
Response r;
checkDbIsEmpty("testDiscoveryNodes starting", context);
String nodeListDoc = "[ {" + LS + " \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"," + LS + " \"url\" : \"http://localhost:9230\"," + LS + " \"nodeName\" : \"node1\"" + LS + "} ]";
String nodeDoc = "{" + LS + " \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"," + LS + " \"url\" : \"http://localhost:9230\"," + LS + " \"nodeName\" : \"NewName\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().body(nodeDoc).header("Content-Type", "application/json").put("/_/discovery/nodes/localhost").then().log().ifValidationFails().statusCode(200);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/discovery/nodes").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(nodeListDoc.replaceFirst("node1", "NewName"))).log().ifValidationFails();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Test some bad PUTs
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().body(nodeDoc).header("Content-Type", "application/json").put("/_/discovery/nodes/foobarhost").then().statusCode(404);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().body(nodeDoc.replaceFirst("\"localhost\"", "\"foobar\"")).header("Content-Type", "application/json").put("/_/discovery/nodes/localhost").then().statusCode(400);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().body(nodeDoc.replaceFirst("\"http://localhost:9230\"", "\"MayNotChangeUrl\"")).header("Content-Type", "application/json").put("/_/discovery/nodes/localhost").then().statusCode(400);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Get it in various ways
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/discovery/nodes/http://localhost:9230").then().statusCode(// when testing with curl, you need use http%3A%2F%2Flocal...
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
checkDbIsEmpty("testDiscoveryNodes done", context);
use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class ModuleTest method testUiModule.
public void testUiModule(TestContext context) {
async = context.async();
Response r;
final String docUiModuleInput = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"ui-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample-ui\"," + LS + " \"uiDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"npm\" : \"name-of-module-in-npm\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
final String docUiModuleOutput = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"ui-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample-ui\"," + LS + " \"uiDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"npm\" : \"name-of-module-in-npm\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
RestAssuredClient c;
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docUiModuleInput).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docUiModuleOutput)).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
String location = r.getHeader("Location");
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
checkDbIsEmpty("testUiModule done", context);