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Example 1 with RestAssuredClient

use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.

the class EnvTest method test2.

public void test2() {
    final String okapiTenant = "roskilde";
    RestAssured.port = port;
    RestAssuredClient c;
    Response r;
    // add Env entry
    final String doc = "{" + LS + "  \"name\" : \"helloGreeting\"," + LS + "  \"value\" : \"hejsa\"" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(doc).post("/_/env").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(doc)).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    String locationName1 = r.getHeader("Location");
    // deploy module
    final String docSampleDeployment = "{" + LS + "  \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module-1.0.0\"," + LS + "  \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleDeployment).post("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    locationSampleDeployment1 = r.getHeader("Location");
    // proxy module
    final String docSampleModule1 = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-1.0.0\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"this module\"," + LS + "  \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"_tenant\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"interfaceType\" : \"system\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"POST\", \"DELETE\" ]," + LS + "      \"pathPattern\" : \"/_/tenant\"" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  }, {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"myint\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + "      \"pathPattern\" : \"/testb\"" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  } ]," + LS + "  \"requires\" : [ ]" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule1).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    // add tenant
    final String docTenantRoskilde = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + "  \"description\" : \"Roskilde bibliotek\"" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docTenantRoskilde).post("/_/proxy/tenants").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docTenantRoskilde)).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String locationTenantRoskilde = r.getHeader("Location");
    // associate tenant for module
    final String docEnableSample = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-1.0.0\"" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableSample).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docEnableSample)).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String locationTenantModule = r.getHeader("Location");
    // run module
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).body("Okapi").post("/testb").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("hejsa Okapi"));
Also used : Response(io.restassured.response.Response) RestAssuredClient(guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with RestAssuredClient

use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.

the class EnvTest method test1.

public void test1() {
    RestAssured.port = port;
    RestAssuredClient c;
    Response r;
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/env").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String missingNameDoc = "{" + LS + "  \"value\" : \"value1\"" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(missingNameDoc).post("/_/env").then().statusCode(400);
    final String missingValueDoc = "{" + LS + "  \"name\" : \"name1\"" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(missingValueDoc).post("/_/env").then().statusCode(400);
    final String badDoc = "{" + LS + "  \"name\" : \"BADJSON\"," + // the comma here makes it bad json!
    LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(badDoc).post("/_/env").then().statusCode(400);
    final String doc = "{" + LS + "  \"name\" : \"name1\"," + LS + "  \"value\" : \"value1\"" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(doc).post("/_/env").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(doc)).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    String locationName1 = r.getHeader("Location");
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/env").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
Also used : Response(io.restassured.response.Response) RestAssuredClient(guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with RestAssuredClient

use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.

the class ModuleTest method testMultipleInterface.

public void testMultipleInterface(TestContext context) {"Redirect test starting");
    async = context.async();
    RestAssuredClient c;
    Response r;
    Assert.assertNull("locationSampleDeployment", locationSampleDeployment);
    Assert.assertNull("locationHeaderDeployment", locationHeaderDeployment);
    final String testModJar = "../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar";
    final String docSampleModule1 = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"sample module 1\"," + LS + "  \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + "    \"interfaceType\" : \"proxy\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + "      \"path\" : \"/testb\"" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  } ]," + LS + "  \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testModJar + "\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule1).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String locationSampleModule1 = r.getHeader("Location");
    final String docSampleModule2 = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-2\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"sample module 2\"," + LS + "  \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + "    \"interfaceType\" : \"proxy\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + "      \"path\" : \"/testb\"" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  } ]," + LS + "  \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testModJar + "\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    // Create and deploy the sample module
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule2).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String locationSampleModule2 = r.getHeader("Location");
    final String locTenant = createTenant();
    final String locEnable1 = enableModule("sample-module-1");
    // Same interface defined twice.
    final String docEnable2 = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"" + "sample-module-2" + "\"" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnable2).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(400).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces?full=true").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + "  \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "  \"interfaceType\" : \"proxy\"," + LS + "  \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "    \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + "    \"path\" : \"/testb\"" + LS + "  } ]" + LS + "} ]")).log().ifValidationFails();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces?full=false").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + "  \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + "} ]")).log().ifValidationFails();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces?full=false&type=proxy").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + "  \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + "} ]")).log().ifValidationFails();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces?full=false&type=system").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]")).log().ifValidationFails();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces/sample").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "} ]")).log().ifValidationFails();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces/sample?type=proxy").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "} ]")).log().ifValidationFails();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + "foo" + "/interfaces/sample").then().statusCode(404);
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces/bar").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locEnable1).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locationSampleModule1).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locationSampleModule2).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String docSampleModule3 = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-3\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"sample module 3\"," + LS + "  \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + "    \"interfaceType\" : \"multiple\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + "      \"path\" : \"/testb\"" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  } ]," + LS + "  \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testModJar + "\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule3).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String locationSampleModule3 = r.getHeader("Location");
    final String docSampleModule4 = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-4\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"sample module 4\"," + LS + "  \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + "    \"interfaceType\" : \"multiple\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + "      \"path\" : \"/testb\"" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  } ]," + LS + "  \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testModJar + "\"," + LS + "    \"env\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"name\" : \"helloGreeting\"," + LS + "      \"value\" : \"hej\"" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule4).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String locationSampleModule4 = r.getHeader("Location");
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces/sample").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String locEnable3 = enableModule("sample-module-3");
    this.locationSampleDeployment = deployModule("sample-module-3");
    final String locEnable4 = enableModule("sample-module-4");
    this.locationHeaderDeployment = deployModule("sample-module-4");
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/interfaces/sample").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ {" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-3\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-4\"" + LS + "} ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/testb").then().statusCode(404);
    given().header("X-Okapi-Module-Id", "sample-module-u").header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/testb").then().statusCode(404);
    r = given().header("X-Okapi-Module-Id", "sample-module-3").header("X-all-headers", // makes module echo headers
    "H").header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/testb").then().statusCode(200).extract().response();
    // check that X-Okapi-Module-Id was not passed to it
    given().header("X-Okapi-Module-Id", "sample-module-4").header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/testb").then().statusCode(200);
    given().header("X-Okapi-Module-Id", "sample-module-3").header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).body("OkapiX").post("/testb").then().log().ifValidationFails().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("Hello OkapiX"));
    given().header("X-Okapi-Module-Id", "sample-module-4").header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).body("OkapiX").post("/testb").then().log().ifValidationFails().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("hej OkapiX"));
    // cleanup
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locEnable3).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locEnable4).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locationSampleModule3).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locationSampleModule4).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locationSampleDeployment).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    locationSampleDeployment = null;
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().delete(locationHeaderDeployment).then().statusCode(204).extract().response();
    locationHeaderDeployment = null;
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
Also used : ValidatableResponse(io.restassured.response.ValidatableResponse) Response(io.restassured.response.Response) Matchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString) RestAssuredClient(guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with RestAssuredClient

use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.

the class ModuleTest method testOneModule.

 * Tests that declare one module. Declares a single module in many ways, often
 * with errors. In the end the module gets deployed and enabled for a newly
 * created tenant, and a request is made to it. Uses the test module, but not
 * any auth module, that should be a separate test.
 * @param context
public void testOneModule(TestContext context) {
    async = context.async();
    RestAssuredClient c;
    Response r;
    checkDbIsEmpty("testOneModule starting", context);
    // Get a list of the one built-in module, and nothing else.
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ " + internalModuleDoc + " ]"));
    // Check that we refuse the request with a trailing slash
    // Check that we refuse the request to unknown okapi service
    // (also check (manually!) that the parameters do not end in the log)
    // This is a good ModuleDescriptor. For error tests, some things get
    // replaced out. Still some old-style fields here and there...
    // Note the '+' in the id, it is valid semver, but may give problems
    // in url-encoding things.
    final String testModJar = "../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar";
    final String docSampleModule = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-1+1\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"sample module\"," + LS + "  \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\", \"DELETE\" ]," + LS + "      \"pathPattern\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + "      \"type\" : \"request-response\"," + LS + "      \"permissionsRequired\" : [ \"sample.needed\" ]," + LS + "      \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"sample.extra\" ]," + LS + "      \"modulePermissions\" : [ \"sample.modperm\" ]" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  }, {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"recurse\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"GET\" ]," + LS + "      \"pathPattern\" : \"/recurse\"," + LS + "      \"type\" : \"request-response-1.0\"" + LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  }, {" + LS + "    \"id\" : \"_tenant\"," + LS + "    \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + "    \"interfaceType\" : \"system\"," + LS + "    \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + "      \"methods\" : [ \"POST\", \"DELETE\" ]," + LS + "      \"path\" : \"/_/tenant\"," + LS + "      \"level\" : \"10\"," + LS + "      \"type\" : \"system\"" + // DEPRECATED, gives a warning
    LS + "    } ]" + LS + "  } ]," + LS + "  \"permissionSets\" : [ {" + LS + "    \"permissionName\" : \"everything\"," + LS + "    \"displayName\" : \"every possible permission\"," + LS + "    \"description\" : \"All permissions combined\"," + LS + "    \"subPermissions\" : [ \"sample.needed\", \"sample.extra\" ]" + LS + "  } ]," + LS + "  \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testModJar + "\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    // First some error checks
    // Invalid Json, a hanging comma
    String docHangingComma = docSampleModule.replace("system\"", "system\",");
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docHangingComma).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    // Bad module id
    String docBadId = docSampleModule.replace("sample-module-1", "bad module id?!");
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docBadId).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    // Missing module id
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{\"name\" : \"sample-module\"}").post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    // Empty module id
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule.replace("\"sample-module-1+1\"", "\"\"")).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    // Bad interface type
    String docBadIntType = docSampleModule.replace("system", "strange interface type");
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docBadIntType).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    // Bad RoutingEntry type
    String docBadReType = docSampleModule.replace("request-response", "strange-re-type");
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docBadReType).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    String docMissingPath = docSampleModule.replace("/testb", "");
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docMissingPath).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    String docBadPathPat = docSampleModule.replace("/testb", // invalid characters in pattern
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docBadPathPat).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    String docbadRedir = docSampleModule.replace("request-response\"", "redirect\"");
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docbadRedir).post("/_/proxy/modules?check=false").then().statusCode(400);
    // Actually create the module
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule).post("/_/proxy/modules?check=true").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    String locSampleModule = r.getHeader("Location");
    locSampleModule = Utils.urlDecode(locSampleModule, false);
    // Damn restAssured encodes the urls in get(), so we need to decode this here.
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    // post it again.. Allowed because it is the same MD
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
    Assert.assertEquals(Utils.urlDecode(r.getHeader("Location"), false), locSampleModule);
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    // post it again with slight modification
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule.replace("sample.extra\"", "\"")).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{}").post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{\"srvcId\" : \"\"}").post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{\"srvcId\" : \"1\"}").post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{\"srvcId\" : \"1\", \"nodeId\" : \"foo\"}").post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(404);
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    // Get the module
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    // List the one module, and the built-in.
    final String expOneModList = "[ {" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"sample-module-1+1\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"sample module\"" + LS + "}, " + internalModuleDoc + " ]";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    // Deploy the module - use the node name, not node id
    final String docDeploy = "{" + LS + "  \"instId\" : \"sample-inst\"," + LS + "  \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module-1+1\"," + LS + // + "  \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"" + LS
    "  \"nodeId\" : \"node1\"" + LS + "}";
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docDeploy).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    locationSampleDeployment = Utils.urlDecode(r.header("Location"), false);
    // Create a tenant and enable the module
    final String locTenant = createTenant();
    final String locEnable = enableModule("sample-module-1+1");
    // Try to enable a non-existing module
    final String docEnableNonExisting = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"UnknownModule\"" + LS + "}";
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableNonExisting).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(404).log().ifValidationFails();
    // Make a simple request to the module
    given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/testb").then().statusCode(200).body(containsString("It works"));
    given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).delete("/testb").then().statusCode(204).log().ifValidationFails();
    // Make a more complex request that returns all headers and parameters
    // So the headers we check are those that the module sees and reports to
    // us, not necessarily those that Okapi would return to us.
    given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-all-headers", // ask sample to report all headers
    "H").get("/testb?query=foo&limit=10").then().statusCode(200).header("X-Okapi-Url", // no trailing slash!
    "http://localhost:9230").header("X-Url-Params", "query=foo&limit=10").body(containsString("It works"));
    // Check that the module can call itself recursively, 5 time
    given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/recurse?depth=5").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(containsString("5 4 3 2 1 Recursion done"));
    // Call the module via the redirect-url. No tenant header!
    // The RAML can not express this way of calling things, so there can not be
    // any tests for that...
    given().get("/_/invoke/tenant/" + okapiTenant + "/testb").then().statusCode(200).body(containsString("It works"));
    given().get("/_/invoke/tenant/" + okapiTenant + "/testb/foo/bar").then().statusCode(404);
    given().header("X-all-headers", // ask sample to report all headers
    "HB").get("/_/invoke/tenant/" + okapiTenant + "/testb?query=foo").then().log().ifValidationFails().header("X-Url-Params", "query=foo").statusCode(200);
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("Testing testb").post("/_/invoke/tenant/" + okapiTenant + "/testb?query=foo").then().statusCode(200);
    // double slash does not match invoke
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("Testing testb").post("//_/invoke/tenant/" + okapiTenant + "/testb").then().statusCode(403);
    // Check that the tenant API got called (exactly once)
    given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-tenant-reqs", "yes").get("/testb").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("It works Tenant requests: POST-roskilde ")).log().ifValidationFails();
    // Test a moduleDescriptor with empty arrays
    // We have seen errors with such before.
    final String docEmptyModule = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"empty-module-1.0\"," + LS + "  \"name\" : \"empty module-1.0\"," + LS + "  \"tags\" : [ ]," + LS + "  \"requires\" : [ ]," + LS + "  \"provides\" : [ ]," + LS + "  \"filters\" : [ ]," + LS + "  \"permissionSets\" : [ ]," + LS + "  \"launchDescriptor\" : { }" + LS + "}";
    // create the module - no need to deploy and use, it won't work.
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEmptyModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String locEmptyModule = r.getHeader("Location");
    final String locEnableEmpty = enableModule("empty-module-1.0");
    // Create another empty module
    final String docEmptyModule2 = docEmptyModule.replaceAll("empty-module-1.0", "empty-module-1.1");
    final String locEmptyModule2 = createModule(docEmptyModule2);
    // upgrade our tenant to use the new version
    final String docEnableUpg = "{" + LS + "  \"id\" : \"empty-module-1.1\"" + LS + "}";
    final String locUpgEmpty = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableUpg).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/empty-module-1.0").then().statusCode(201).header("Location", "/_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.1").extract().header("Location");
    // Clean up, so the next test starts with a clean slate (in reverse order)
    logger.debug("testOneModule cleaning up");
    locationSampleDeployment = null;
    checkDbIsEmpty("testOneModule done", context);
Also used : ValidatableResponse(io.restassured.response.ValidatableResponse) Response(io.restassured.response.Response) Matchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString) RestAssuredClient(guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with RestAssuredClient

use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.

the class ModuleTest method testDeployment.

public void testDeployment(TestContext context) {
    async = context.async();
    Response r;
    RestAssuredClient c;
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String doc1 = "{" + LS + "  \"instId\" : \"localhost-9231\"," + // set so we can compare with result
    LS + "  \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module5\"," + LS + "  \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"," + LS + "  \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(doc1).post(// extra slash !
    // with descriptor, but missing nodeId
    final String doc1a = "{" + LS + "  \"instId\" : \"localhost-9231\"," + LS + "  \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module5\"," + LS + "  \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(doc1a).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    // unknown nodeId
    final String doc1b = "{" + LS + "  \"instId\" : \"localhost-9231\"," + LS + "  \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module5\"," + LS + "  \"nodeId\" : \"foobarhost\"," + LS + "  \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(doc1b).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(404);
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    final String doc2 = "{" + LS + "  \"instId\" : \"localhost-9231\"," + LS + "  \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module5\"," + LS + "  \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"," + LS + "  \"url\" : \"http://localhost:9231\"," + LS + "  \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + "    \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + "  }" + LS + "}";
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(doc1).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(doc2)).extract().response();
    locationSampleDeployment = r.getHeader("Location");
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ " + doc2 + " ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(doc2).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(400);
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/discovery/modules/sample-module5").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("[ " + doc2 + " ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    c = api.createRestAssured3();
    c.given().get("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo("[ " + doc2 + " ]"));
    Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
    if ("inmemory".equals(conf.getString("storage"))) {
        testDeployment2(async, context);
    } else {
        // just undeploy but keep it registered in discovery"doc2 " + doc2);
        JsonObject o2 = new JsonObject(doc2);
        String instId = o2.getString("instId");
        String loc = "http://localhost:9230/_/deployment/modules/" + instId;
        c = api.createRestAssured3();
        Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
        undeployFirst(x -> {
            DeploymentOptions opt = new DeploymentOptions().setConfig(conf);
            vertx.deployVerticle(MainVerticle.class.getName(), opt, res -> {
        waitDeployment2(async, context);
Also used : ValidatableResponse(io.restassured.response.ValidatableResponse) Response(io.restassured.response.Response) DeploymentOptions(io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) MainVerticle(org.folio.okapi.MainVerticle) Matchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString) RestAssuredClient(guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient) Test(org.junit.Test)


RestAssuredClient (guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient)30 Test (org.junit.Test)28 Response (io.restassured.response.Response)25 ValidatableResponse (io.restassured.response.ValidatableResponse)12 Matchers.containsString (org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString)11 MainDeploy (org.folio.okapi.MainDeploy)4 DeploymentOptions (io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions)2 JsonObject (io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)2 MainVerticle (org.folio.okapi.MainVerticle)2 RamlDefinition (guru.nidi.ramltester.RamlDefinition)1 Header (io.restassured.http.Header)1 Headers (io.restassured.http.Headers)1 Async (io.vertx.ext.unit.Async)1