use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class ModuleTest method testVersion.
public void testVersion(TestContext context) {"testVersion starting");
async = context.async();
RestAssuredClient c;
Response r;
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().get("/_/version").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class ModuleTest method testSemVer.
public void testSemVer(TestContext context) {
async = context.async();
RestAssuredClient c;
Response r;
c = api.createRestAssured3();
String docSampleModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-1.2.3-alpha.1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample module 3\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
docSampleModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-1.2.3-SNAPSHOT.5\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample module 3\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
docSampleModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-1.2.3-alpha.1+2017\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample module 3\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class ModuleTest method testRedirect.
* Test redirect types. Sets up two modules, our sample, and the header test
* module.
* Both modules support the /testb path.
* Test also supports /testr path.
* Header will redirect /red path to /testr, which will end up in the test module.
* Header will also attempt to support /loop, /loop1, and /loop2 for testing
* looping redirects. These are expected to fail.
public void testRedirect(TestContext context) {"Redirect test starting");
async = context.async();
RestAssuredClient c;
Response r;
// Set up a tenant to test with
final String docTenantRoskilde = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"description\" : \"Roskilde bibliotek\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docTenantRoskilde).post("/_/proxy/tenants").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String locationTenantRoskilde = r.getHeader("Location");
// Set up, deploy, and enable a sample module
final String docSampleModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"filters\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"50\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testr\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"59\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"," + LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"sample.testr\" ]" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/loop2\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"52\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/loop1\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"modulePermissions\" : [ \"sample.modperm\" ]," + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/chain3\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"53\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/testr\"," + LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"sample.chain3\" ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
final String locationSampleModule = r.getHeader("Location");
final String docSampleDeploy = "{" + LS + " \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleDeploy).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
locationSampleDeployment = r.getHeader("Location");
final String docEnableSample = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableSample).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docEnableSample));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/testr").then().statusCode(200).body(containsString("It works")).log().ifValidationFails();
// Set up, deploy, and enable the header module
final String docHeaderModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"header-module-1\"," + LS + " \"filters\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"20\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/red\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"21\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/testr\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/badredirect\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"22\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/nonexisting\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/simpleloop\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"23\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/simpleloop\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/loop1\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"24\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/loop2\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"modulePermissions\" : [ \"hdr.modperm\" ]," + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/chain1\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"25\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/chain2\"," + LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"hdr.chain1\" ]" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/chain2\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"26\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/chain3\"," + LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"hdr.chain2\" ]" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/multiple\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"27\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/testr\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/multiple\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"28\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"redirect\"," + LS + " \"redirectPath\" : \"/testr\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docHeaderModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
final String locationHeaderModule = r.getHeader("Location");
final String docHeaderDeploy = "{" + LS + " \"srvcId\" : \"header-module-1\"," + LS + " \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docHeaderDeploy).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
locationHeaderDeployment = r.getHeader("Location");
final String docEnableHeader = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"header-module-1\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableHeader).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docEnableHeader));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/testb").then().statusCode(200).body(containsString("It works")).log().ifValidationFails();
// Actual redirecting request
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/red").then().statusCode(200).body(containsString("It works")).header("X-Okapi-Trace", containsString("GET sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testr")).log().ifValidationFails();
// Bad redirect
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/badredirect").then().statusCode(500).body(equalTo("Redirecting /badredirect to /nonexisting FAILED. No suitable module found")).log().ifValidationFails();
// catch redirect loops
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/simpleloop").then().statusCode(500).body(containsString("loop:")).log().ifValidationFails();
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/loop1").then().statusCode(500).body(containsString("loop:")).log().ifValidationFails();
// redirect to multiple modules
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{}").post("/multiple").then().statusCode(200).body(// test-module run twice
containsString("Hello Hello")).log().ifValidationFails();
// Redirect with parameters
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/red?foo=bar").then().statusCode(200).body(containsString("It works")).log().ifValidationFails();
// A longer chain of redirects
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-all-headers", "B").get("/chain1").then().statusCode(200).body(containsString("It works")).log().ifValidationFails();
// What happens on prefix match
// /red matches, replaces with /testr, getting /testrlight which is not found
// This is odd, and subotimal, but not a serious failure. okapi-253
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/redlight").then().statusCode(404).header("X-Okapi-Trace", containsString("sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testrlight : 404")).log().ifValidationFails();
// Verify that we replace only the beginning of the path
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/red/blue/red?color=/red").then().statusCode(404).log().ifValidationFails();
// Clean up"Redirect test done. Cleaning up");
locationSampleDeployment = null;
locationHeaderDeployment = null;
checkDbIsEmpty("testRedirect done", context);
use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class ModuleTest method testProxy.
// TODO - This function is way too long and confusing
// Create smaller functions that test one thing at a time
// Later, move them into separate files
public void testProxy(TestContext context) {
async = context.async();
RestAssuredClient c;
Response r;
String nodeListDoc = "[ {" + LS + " \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"," + LS + " \"url\" : \"http://localhost:9230\"," + LS + " \"nodeName\" : \"node1\"" + LS + "} ]";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{ }").post("/_/xyz").then().statusCode(404);
Assert.assertEquals("RamlReport{requestViolations=[Resource '/_/xyz' is not defined], " + "responseViolations=[], validationViolations=[]}", c.getLastReport().toString());
final String badDoc = "{" + LS + " \"instId\" : \"BAD\"," + // the comma here makes it bad json!
LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(badDoc).post("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(400);
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{}").post("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(400);
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{\"srvcId\" : \"foo\"}").post("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(400);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docUnknownJar = "{" + LS + " \"srvcId\" : \"auth-1\"," + LS + " \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-unknown.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docUnknownJar).post("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(400);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docAuthDeployment = "{" + LS + " \"srvcId\" : \"auth-1\"," + LS + " \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docAuthDeployment).post("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
locationAuthDeployment = r.getHeader("Location");
c = api.createRestAssured3();
String docAuthDiscovery = c.given().get(locationAuthDeployment).then().statusCode(200).extract().body().asString();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docAuthModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"auth\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.2\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/authn/login\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"20\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"filters\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"*\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/\"," + LS + " \"phase\" : \"auth\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"," + LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"auth.extra\" ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ ]" + LS + "}";
// Check that we fail on unknown route types
final String docBadTypeModule = docAuthModule.replaceAll("request-response", "UNKNOWN-ROUTE-TYPE");
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docBadTypeModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400);
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docAuthModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String locationAuthModule = r.getHeader("Location");
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docAuthModule).put(locationAuthModule + "misMatch").then().statusCode(400);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{ \"bad Json\" ").put(locationAuthModule).then().statusCode(400);
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docAuthModule).put(locationAuthModule).then().statusCode(200).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docAuthModule2 = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth2-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"auth2\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth2\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.2\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/authn/login\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"20\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"filters\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"*\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"10\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"," + LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"auth.extra\" ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ ]" + LS + "}";
final String locationAuthModule2 = locationAuthModule.replace("auth-1", "auth2-1");
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docAuthModule2).put(locationAuthModule2).then().statusCode(200).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docSampleDeployment = "{" + LS + " \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"," + LS + " \"env\" : [ {" + LS + " \"name\" : \"helloGreeting\"," + LS + " \"value\" : \"hej\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleDeployment).post("/_/deployment/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
locationSampleDeployment = r.getHeader("Location");
c = api.createRestAssured3();
String docSampleDiscovery = c.given().get(locationSampleDeployment).then().statusCode(200).extract().body().asString();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String docSampleModuleBadRequire = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample module\"," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"SOMETHINGWEDONOTHAVE\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.2\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"routingEntries\" : [ ] " + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModuleBadRequire).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400).extract().response();
final String docSampleModuleBadVersion = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample module\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"9.9\"" + // We only have 1.2
LS + " } ]," + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModuleBadVersion).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(400).extract().response();
final String docSampleModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample module\"," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.2\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"30\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"," + LS + " \"modulePermissions\" : [ \"sample.modperm\" ]," + LS + " \"permissionsRequired\" : [ \"sample.needed\" ]," + LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"sample.extra\" ]" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"_tenant\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + // TODO - Define paths - add test
LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : \"/usr/bin/false\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSampleModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String locationSampleModule = r.getHeader("Location");
// Try to delete the auth module that our sample depends on
// Try to update the auth module to a lower version, would break
// sample dependency
final String docAuthLowerVersion = docAuthModule.replace("1.2", "1.0");
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docAuthLowerVersion).put(locationAuthModule).then().statusCode(400);
// Update the auth module to a bit higher version
final String docAuthhigherVersion = docAuthModule.replace("1.2", "1.3");
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docAuthhigherVersion).put(locationAuthModule).then().statusCode(200);
// Create our tenant
final String docTenantRoskilde = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"description\" : \"Roskilde bibliotek\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docTenantRoskilde).post(// trailing slash fails
Assert.assertEquals("RamlReport{requestViolations=[Resource '/_/proxy/tenants/' is not defined], " + "responseViolations=[], validationViolations=[]}", c.getLastReport().toString());
// add tenant by using PUT (which will insert)
final String locationTenantRoskilde = "/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant;
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docTenantRoskilde).put(locationTenantRoskilde).then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(docTenantRoskilde)).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Try to enable sample without the auth that it requires
final String docEnableWithoutDep = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "}";
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableWithoutDep).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(400);
// try to enable a module we don't know
final String docEnableAuthBad = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"UnknonwModule-1\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableAuthBad).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(404);
final String docEnableAuth = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableAuth).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/").then().statusCode(// trailing slash is no good
// Actually enable the auith
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableAuth).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docEnableAuth));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/").then().statusCode(// trailing slash again
// Get the list of one enabled module
c = api.createRestAssured3();
final String exp1 = "[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"" + LS + "} ]";
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(exp1));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// get the auth enabled record
final String expAuthEnabled = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/auth-1").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(expAuthEnabled));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Enable with bad JSON
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{").post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(400);
// Enable the sample
final String docEnableSample = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableSample).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docEnableSample));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Try to enable it again, should fail
given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableSample).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(400).body(containsString("already provided"));
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/").then().statusCode(// trailing slash
c = api.createRestAssured3();
final String expEnabledBoth = "[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "} ]";
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(expEnabledBoth));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Try to disable the auth module for the tenant.
// Ought to fail, because it is needed by sample module
c.given().delete("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/auth-1").then().statusCode(400);
// Update the tenant
String docTenant = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"Roskilde-library\"," + LS + " \"description\" : \"Roskilde bibliotek\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docTenant).put("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant).then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(docTenant));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Check that both modules are still enabled
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(expEnabledBoth));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Request without any X-Okapi headers
// Request with a header, to unknown path
// (note, should fail without invoking the auth module)
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).get("/").then().statusCode(404).body(equalTo("No suitable module found for path /"));
// Request without an auth token
// This is acceptable, we get back a token that certifies that we have no
// logged-in username. We can use this for modulePermissions still.
// A real auth module would refuse the request because we do not have the
// permission. But the test-auth lets it pass...
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-all-headers", // ask sample to report all headers
"B").get("/testb").then().statusCode(200).body(// auth created a token
containsString("X-Okapi-Token")).body(// with no good userid
// Failed login
final String docWrongLogin = "{" + LS + " \"tenant\" : \"t1\"," + LS + " \"username\" : \"peter\"," + LS + " \"password\" : \"peter-wrong-password\"" + LS + "}";
given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docWrongLogin).header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).post("/authn/login").then().statusCode(401);
// Ok login, get token
final String docLogin = "{" + LS + " \"tenant\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"username\" : \"peter\"," + LS + " \"password\" : \"peter-password\"" + LS + "}";
okapiToken = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docLogin).header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).post("/authn/login").then().statusCode(200).extract().header("X-Okapi-Token");
// Actual requests to the module
// Check the X-Okapi-Url header in, as well as URL parameters.
// X-Okapi-Filter can not be checked here, but the log shows that it gets
// passed to the auth filter, and not to the handler.
// Check that the auth module has seen the right X-Okapi-Permissions-Required
// and -Desired, it returns them in X-Auth-Permissions-Required and -Desired.
// The X-Okapi-Permissions-Required and -Desired can not be checked here
// directly, since Okapi sanitizes them away after invoking the auth module.
// The auth module should return X-Okapi-Permissions to the sample module
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("X-all-headers", // ask sample to report all headers
"HBL").get("/testb?query=foo&limit=10").then().statusCode(200).log().ifValidationFails().header("X-Okapi-Url", // no trailing slash!
"http://localhost:9230").header("X-Okapi-User-Id", "peter").header("X-Url-Params", "query=foo&limit=10").header("X-Okapi-Permissions", containsString("sample.extra")).header("X-Okapi-Permissions", containsString("auth.extra")).header("X-Auth-Permissions-Desired", containsString("auth.extra")).header("X-Auth-Permissions-Desired", containsString("sample.extra")).header("X-Auth-Permissions-Required", "sample.needed").body(containsString("It works"));
// Check the CORS headers.
// The presence of the Origin header should provoke the two extra headers.
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("Origin", "").get("/testb").then().statusCode(200).header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Location,X-Okapi-Trace,X-Okapi-Token,Authorization,X-Okapi-Request-Id").body(equalTo("It works"));
// Post request.
// Test also URL parameters.
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("Content-Type", "text/xml").header("X-all-headers", // ask sample to report all headers
"H").body("Okapi").post("/testb?query=foo").then().statusCode(200).header("X-Url-Params", "query=foo").body(equalTo("hej (XML) Okapi"));
// Verify that the path matching is case sensitive
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).get("/TESTB").then().statusCode(404);
// See that a delete fails - we only match auth, which is a filter
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).delete("/testb").then().statusCode(404);
// Check that we don't do prefix matching
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).get("/testbXXX").then().statusCode(404);
// Check that parameters don't mess with the routing
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).get("/testb?p=parameters&q=query").then().statusCode(200);
// Check that we called the tenant init
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("X-tenant-reqs", "yes").get("/testb").then().statusCode(// No longer expects a DELETE. See Okapi-252
200).body(equalTo("It works Tenant requests: POST-roskilde-auth ")).log().ifValidationFails();
// Check that we refuse unknown paths, even with auth module
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).get("/").then().statusCode(404);
// Check that we accept Authorization: Bearer <token> instead of X-Okapi-Token,
// and that we can extract the tenant from it.
given().header("X-all-headers", // ask sample to report all headers
"H").header("Authorization", "Bearer " + okapiToken).get("/testb").then().log().ifValidationFails().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).statusCode(200);
// Note that we can not check the token, the module sees a different token,
// created by the auth module, when it saw a ModulePermission for the sample
// module. This is all right, since we explicitly ask sample to pass its
// request headers into its response. See Okapi-266.
// Check that we fail on conflicting X-Okapi-Token and Auth tokens
// ask sample to report all headers
given().header("X-all-headers", "H").header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("Authorization", "Bearer " + okapiToken + "WRONG").get("/testb").then().log().ifValidationFails().statusCode(400);
// 2nd sample module. We only create it in discovery and give it same URL as
// for sample-module (first one). Then we delete it again.
c = api.createRestAssured3();
final String docSample2Deployment = "{" + LS + " \"instId\" : \"sample2-inst\"," + LS + " \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module2-1\"," + LS + // + " \"nodeId\" : null," + LS // no nodeId, we aren't deploying on any node
" \"url\" : \"http://localhost:9232\"" + LS + "}";
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSample2Deployment).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String locationSample2Discovery = r.header("Location");
// Get the sample-2
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// and its instance
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// health check
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// health for sample2
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// health for an instance
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Declare sample2
final String docSample2Module = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module2-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"another-sample-module2\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"_tenant\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"filters\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"31\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSample2Module).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String locationSample2Module = r.getHeader("Location");
// enable sample2
final String docEnableSample2 = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module2-1\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableSample2).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docEnableSample2));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// disable it, and re-enable.
// Later we will check that we got the right calls in its
// tenant interface.
given().delete("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/sample-module2-1").then().statusCode(204);
given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableSample2).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).body(equalTo(docEnableSample2));
// 3rd sample module. We only create it in discovery and give it same URL as
// for sample-module (first one), just like sample2 above.
c = api.createRestAssured3();
final String docSample3Deployment = "{" + LS + " \"instId\" : \"sample3-instance\"," + LS + " \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module3-1\"," + LS + " \"url\" : \"http://localhost:9232\"" + LS + "}";
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSample3Deployment).post("/_/discovery/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String locationSample3Inst = r.getHeader("Location");
logger.debug("Deployed: locationSample3Inst " + locationSample3Inst);
final String docSample3Module = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module3-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample-module3\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"_tenant\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"filters\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"05\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"headers\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"45\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"headers\"" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"33\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-only\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
r = c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docSample3Module).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201).extract().response();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
final String locationSample3Module = r.getHeader("Location");
final String docEnableSample3 = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module3-1\"" + LS + "}";
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableSample3).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).header("Location", equalTo("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/sample-module3-1")).log().ifValidationFails().body(equalTo(docEnableSample3));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(200);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + "unknown" + "/modules").then().statusCode(404);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().get("/_/proxy/tenants/" + "unknown" + "/modules/unknown").then().statusCode(404);
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).get("/testb").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("It works"));
// Verify that both modules get executed
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).body("OkapiX").post("/testb").then().log().ifValidationFails().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("hej hej OkapiX"));
// Verify that we have seen tenant requests to POST but not DELETE
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("X-tenant-reqs", "yes").get("/testb").then().statusCode(// No longer expects a DELETE. See Okapi-252
200).body(containsString("POST-roskilde-auth POST-roskilde-auth")).log().ifValidationFails();
// Check that the X-Okapi-Stop trick works. Sample will set it if it sees
// a X-Stop-Here header.
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("X-Stop-Here", "Enough!").body("OkapiX").post("/testb").then().statusCode(200).header("X-Okapi-Stop", "Enough!").body(// only one "Hello"
equalTo("hej OkapiX"));
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("Content-Type", "text/xml").get("/testb").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo("It works (XML) "));
c = api.createRestAssured3();
final String exp4Modules = "[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module2-1\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module3-1\"" + LS + "} ]";
c.given().get(locationTenantRoskilde + "/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(exp4Modules));
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
c.given().delete(locationTenantRoskilde + "/modules/sample-module3-1").then().statusCode(204);
c = api.createRestAssured3();
final String exp3Modules = "[ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "}, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module2-1\"" + LS + "} ]";
c.given().get(locationTenantRoskilde + "/modules").then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(exp3Modules));
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// make sample 2 disappear from discovery!
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant).header("X-Okapi-Token", okapiToken).header("Content-Type", "text/xml").get("/testb").then().statusCode(// because sample2 was removed
// Disable the sample module. No tenant-destroy for sample
given().delete("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/sample-module-1").then().statusCode(204);
// Disable the sample2 module. It has a tenant request handler which is
// no longer invoked, so it does not matter we don't have a running instance
given().delete("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules/sample-module2-1").then().statusCode(204);
c = api.createRestAssured3();
Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty());
// Clean up, so the next test starts with a clean slate
logger.debug("testproxy cleaning up");
locationAuthDeployment = null;
locationSampleDeployment = null;
checkDbIsEmpty("testproxy done", context);
use of guru.nidi.ramltester.restassured3.RestAssuredClient in project okapi by folio-org.
the class ModuleTest method testSystemInterfaces.
* Test system interfaces. Mostly about the system interfaces _tenant (on the
* module itself, to initialize stuff), and _tenantPermissions to pass its
* permissions to the permissions module.
* @param context
public void testSystemInterfaces(TestContext context) {
async = context.async();
checkDbIsEmpty("testSystemInterfaces starting", context);
RestAssuredClient c;
Response r;
// Set up a tenant to test with
final String locTenant = createTenant();
// Enable the Okapi internal module for our tenant.
// This is not unlike what happens to the superTenant, who has the internal
// module enabled from the boot up, before anyone can provide the
// _tenantPermissions interface. Its permissions should be (re)loaded
// when our Hdr module gets enabled.
final String locInternal = enableModule("okapi-0.0.0");
// Set up a module that does the _tenantPermissions interface that will
// get called when sample gets enabled. We (ab)use the header module for
// this.
final String testHdrJar = "../okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-fat.jar";
final String docHdrModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"header-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"header-module\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"_tenantPermissions\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + " \"interfaceType\" : \"system\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/_/tenantPermissions\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"20\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testHdrJar + "\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
// Create, deploy, and enable the header module
final String locHdrModule = createModule(docHdrModule);
locationHeaderDeployment = deployModule("header-1");
final String docEnableHdr = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"header-1\"" + LS + "}";
// Enable the header module. Check that tenantPermissions gets called
// both for header module, and the already-enabled okapi internal module.
Headers headers = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableHdr).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().headers();
final String locHdrEnable = headers.getValue("Location");
List<Header> list = headers.getList("X-Tenant-Perms-Result");
// one for okapi, one for header-1
Assert.assertEquals(2, list.size());
Assert.assertThat("okapi perm result", list.get(0).getValue(), containsString("okapi.all"));
Assert.assertThat("header-1perm result", list.get(1).getValue(), containsString("header-1"));
// Set up the test module
// It provides a _tenant interface, but no _tenantPermissions
// Enabling it will end up invoking the _tenantPermissions in header-module
final String testModJar = "../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar";
final String docSampleModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample module\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/testb\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"30\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"," + LS + " \"permissionsRequired\" : [ \"sample.needed\" ]," + LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"sample.extra\" ]," + LS + " \"modulePermissions\" : [ \"sample.modperm\" ]" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"_tenant\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + " \"interfaceType\" : \"system\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\", \"DELETE\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/_/tenant\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"10\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"system\"," + LS + " \"modulePermissions\" : [ \"sample.tenantperm\" ]" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"permissionSets\" : [ {" + LS + " \"permissionName\" : \"everything\"," + LS + " \"displayName\" : \"every possible permission\"," + LS + " \"description\" : \"All permissions combined\"," + LS + " \"subPermissions\" : [ \"sample.needed\", \"sample.extra\" ]," + LS + " \"visible\" : true" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testModJar + "\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
// Create and deploy the sample module
final String locSampleModule = createModule(docSampleModule);
locationSampleDeployment = deployModule("sample-module-1");
// Enable the sample module. Verify that the _tenantPermissions gets
// invoked.
final String docEnable = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "}";
final String expPerms = "{ " + "\"moduleId\" : \"sample-module-1\", " + "\"perms\" : [ { " + "\"permissionName\" : \"everything\", " + "\"displayName\" : \"every possible permission\", " + "\"description\" : \"All permissions combined\", " + "\"subPermissions\" : [ \"sample.needed\", \"sample.extra\" ], " + "\"visible\" : true " + "} ] }";
String locSampleEnable = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnable).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().header("X-Tenant-Perms-Result", expPerms).extract().header("Location");
// Try with a minimal MD, to see we don't have null pointers hanging around
final String docSampleModule2 = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module2-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample module2\"," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testModJar + "\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
// Create the sample module
final String locSampleModule2 = createModule(docSampleModule2);
final String locationSampleDeployment2 = deployModule("sample-module2-1");
// Enable the small module. Verify that the _tenantPermissions gets
// invoked.
final String docEnable2 = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module2-1\"" + LS + "}";
final String expPerms2 = "{ " + "\"moduleId\" : \"sample-module2-1\", " + "\"perms\" : null }";
String locSampleEnable2 = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnable2).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().header("X-Tenant-Perms-Result", expPerms2).extract().header("Location");
// Tests to see that we get a new auth token for the system calls
// Disable sample, so we can re-enable it after we have established auth
locSampleEnable = null;
// Declare and enable test-auth
final String testAuthJar = "../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-fat.jar";
final String docAuthModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"auth\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.2\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/authn/login\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"20\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"filters\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"*\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/\"," + LS + " \"phase\" : \"auth\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"request-response\"," + // Headers-only ?
LS + " \"permissionsDesired\" : [ \"auth.extra\" ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : \"java -Dport=%p -jar " + testAuthJar + "\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}";
final String docEnableAuth = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"auth-1\"" + LS + "}";
final String locAuthModule = createModule(docAuthModule);
final String locAuthDeployment = deployModule("auth-1");
final String locAuthEnable = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnableAuth).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().header("Location");
// Re-enable sample.
locSampleEnable = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json").body(docEnable).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules").then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().header("X-Tenant-Perms-Result", expPerms).extract().header("Location");
// Check that the tenant interface and the tenantpermission interfaces
// were called with proper auth tokens and with ModulePermissions
// Clean up, so the next test starts with a clean slate (in reverse order)
logger.debug("testSystemInterfaces cleaning up");
// given().delete(locSampleEnable).then().log().ifValidationFails().statusCode(204);
locationSampleDeployment = null;
locationHeaderDeployment = null;
checkDbIsEmpty("testSystemInterfaces done", context);