use of herddb.model.Statement in project herddb by diennea.
the class TableManager method scanWithStream.
private DataScanner scanWithStream(ScanStatement statement, StatementEvaluationContext context, Transaction transaction, boolean lockRequired, boolean forWrite) throws StatementExecutionException {
final TupleComparator comparator = statement.getComparator();
boolean sorted = comparator != null;
boolean sortedByClusteredIndex = comparator != null && comparator.isOnlyPrimaryKeyAndAscending() && keyToPage.isSortedAscending();
final Projection projection = statement.getProjection();
final boolean applyProjectionDuringScan = projection != null && !sorted;
ScanLimits limits = statement.getLimits();
int maxRows = limits == null ? 0 : limits.computeMaxRows(context);
int offset = limits == null ? 0 : limits.computeOffset(context);
Stream<DataAccessor> result;
Function<Record, DataAccessor> mapper = (Record record) -> {
DataAccessor tuple;
if (applyProjectionDuringScan) {
tuple =, context);
} else {
tuple = record.getDataAccessor(table);
return tuple;
Stream<DataAccessor> fromTransactionSorted = streamTransactionData(transaction, statement.getPredicate(), context).map(mapper);
if (comparator != null) {
fromTransactionSorted = fromTransactionSorted.sorted(comparator);
Stream<DataAccessor> tableData = streamTableData(statement, context, transaction, lockRequired, forWrite).map(mapper);
if (maxRows > 0) {
if (sortedByClusteredIndex) {
// already sorted from index
tableData = tableData.limit(maxRows + offset);
// already sorted if needed
fromTransactionSorted = fromTransactionSorted.limit(maxRows + offset);
// we need to re-sort
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData).sorted(comparator);
} else if (sorted) {
// need to sort
tableData = tableData.sorted(comparator);
tableData = tableData.limit(maxRows + offset);
// already sorted if needed
fromTransactionSorted = fromTransactionSorted.limit(maxRows + offset);
// we need to re-sort
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData).sorted(comparator);
} else {
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData);
} else {
if (sortedByClusteredIndex) {
// already sorted from index
tableData = tableData.sorted(comparator);
// fromTransactionSorted is already sorted
// we need to re-sort
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData).sorted(comparator);
} else if (sorted) {
// tableData already sorted from index
// fromTransactionSorted is already sorted
// we need to re-sort
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData).sorted(comparator);
} else {
// no need to sort
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData);
if (offset > 0) {
result = result.skip(offset);
if (maxRows > 0) {
result = result.limit(maxRows);
if (!applyProjectionDuringScan && projection != null) {
result = ->, context));
String[] fieldNames;
Column[] columns;
if (projection != null) {
fieldNames = projection.getFieldNames();
columns = projection.getColumns();
} else {
fieldNames = table.columnNames;
columns = table.columns;
return new StreamDataScanner(transaction != null ? transaction.transactionId : 0, fieldNames, columns, result);
use of herddb.model.Statement in project herddb by diennea.
the class TableManager method streamTableData.
private Stream<Record> streamTableData(ScanStatement statement, StatementEvaluationContext context, Transaction transaction, boolean lockRequired, boolean forWrite) throws StatementExecutionException {
Predicate predicate = statement.getPredicate();
boolean acquireLock = transaction != null || forWrite || lockRequired;
LocalScanPageCache lastPageRead = acquireLock ? null : new LocalScanPageCache();
IndexOperation indexOperation = predicate != null ? predicate.getIndexOperation() : null;
boolean primaryIndexSeek = indexOperation instanceof PrimaryIndexSeek;
AbstractIndexManager useIndex = getIndexForTbleAccess(indexOperation);
Stream<Map.Entry<Bytes, Long>> scanner = keyToPage.scanner(indexOperation, context, tableContext, useIndex);
Stream<Record> resultFromTable = -> {
return accessRecord(entry, predicate, context, transaction, lastPageRead, primaryIndexSeek, forWrite, acquireLock);
}).filter(r -> r != null);
return resultFromTable;
use of herddb.model.Statement in project herddb by diennea.
the class ServerSideConnectionPeer method handleExecuteStatement.
private void handleExecuteStatement(Message message, Channel _channel) {
Long tx = (Long) message.parameters.get("tx");
long txId = tx != null ? tx : TransactionContext.NOTRANSACTION_ID;
String query = (String) message.parameters.get("query");
String tableSpace = (String) message.parameters.get("tableSpace");
Boolean returnValues = (Boolean) message.parameters.get("returnValues");
if (returnValues == null) {
returnValues = Boolean.FALSE;
List<Object> parameters = (List<Object>) message.parameters.get("params");
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "query " + query + " with " + parameters);
try {
TransactionContext transactionContext = new TransactionContext(txId);
TranslatedQuery translatedQuery = server.getManager().getPlanner().translate(tableSpace, query, parameters, false, true, returnValues, -1);
Statement statement = translatedQuery.plan.mainStatement;
// LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "query " + query + ", " + parameters + ", plan: " + translatedQuery.plan);
StatementExecutionResult result = server.getManager().executePlan(translatedQuery.plan, translatedQuery.context, transactionContext);
// LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "query " + query + ", " + parameters + ", result:" + result);
if (result instanceof DMLStatementExecutionResult) {
DMLStatementExecutionResult dml = (DMLStatementExecutionResult) result;
Map<String, Object> otherData = null;
if (returnValues && dml.getKey() != null) {
TableAwareStatement tableStatement = statement.unwrap(TableAwareStatement.class);
Table table = server.getManager().getTableSpaceManager(statement.getTableSpace()).getTableManager(tableStatement.getTable()).getTable();
otherData = new HashMap<>();
Object key = RecordSerializer.deserializePrimaryKey(dml.getKey().data, table);
otherData.put("key", key);
if (dml.getNewvalue() != null) {
Map<String, Object> newvalue = RecordSerializer.toBean(new Record(dml.getKey(), dml.getNewvalue()), table);
otherData.put("newvalue", newvalue);
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, Message.EXECUTE_STATEMENT_RESULT(dml.getUpdateCount(), otherData, dml.transactionId));
} else if (result instanceof GetResult) {
GetResult get = (GetResult) result;
if (!get.found()) {
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, Message.EXECUTE_STATEMENT_RESULT(0, null, get.transactionId));
} else {
Map<String, Object> record = get.getRecord().toBean(get.getTable());
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, Message.EXECUTE_STATEMENT_RESULT(1, record, get.transactionId));
} else if (result instanceof TransactionResult) {
TransactionResult txresult = (TransactionResult) result;
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
Set<Long> transactionsForTableSpace = openTransactions.computeIfAbsent(statement.getTableSpace(), k -> new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>());
switch(txresult.getOutcome()) {
case BEGIN:
case COMMIT:
data.put("tx", txresult.getTransactionId());
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, Message.EXECUTE_STATEMENT_RESULT(1, data, txresult.transactionId));
} else if (result instanceof DDLStatementExecutionResult) {
DDLStatementExecutionResult ddl = (DDLStatementExecutionResult) result;
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, Message.EXECUTE_STATEMENT_RESULT(1, null, ddl.transactionId));
} else {
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, Message.ERROR(null, new Exception("unknown result type " + result.getClass() + " (" + result + ")")));
} catch (DuplicatePrimaryKeyException err) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "error on query " + query + ", parameters: " + parameters + ": err", err);
Message error = Message.ERROR(null, err);
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, error);
} catch (NotLeaderException err) {
Message error = Message.ERROR(null, err);
error.setParameter("notLeader", "true");
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, error);
} catch (StatementExecutionException err) {
Message error = Message.ERROR(null, err);
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, error);
} catch (RuntimeException err) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error on query " + query + ", parameters: " + parameters + ": err", err);
Message error = Message.ERROR(null, err);
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, error);
use of herddb.model.Statement in project herddb by diennea.
the class ServerSideConnectionPeer method handleExecuteStatements.
private void handleExecuteStatements(Message message, Channel _channel) {
Long tx = (Long) message.parameters.get("tx");
long txId = tx != null ? tx : TransactionContext.NOTRANSACTION_ID;
long transactionId = txId;
String query = (String) message.parameters.get("query");
String tableSpace = (String) message.parameters.get("tableSpace");
Boolean returnValues = (Boolean) message.parameters.get("returnValues");
if (returnValues == null) {
returnValues = Boolean.FALSE;
List<List<Object>> batch = (List<List<Object>>) message.parameters.get("params");
try {
List<Long> updateCounts = new ArrayList<>(batch.size());
List<Map<String, Object>> otherDatas = new ArrayList<>(batch.size());
for (int i = 0; i < batch.size(); i++) {
List<Object> parameters = batch.get(i);
TransactionContext transactionContext = new TransactionContext(transactionId);
TranslatedQuery translatedQuery = server.getManager().getPlanner().translate(tableSpace, query, parameters, false, true, returnValues, -1);
Statement statement = translatedQuery.plan.mainStatement;
StatementExecutionResult result = server.getManager().executePlan(translatedQuery.plan, translatedQuery.context, transactionContext);
if (transactionId > 0 && result.transactionId > 0 && transactionId != result.transactionId) {
throw new StatementExecutionException("transactionid changed during batch execution, " + transactionId + "<>" + result.transactionId);
transactionId = result.transactionId;
if (result instanceof DMLStatementExecutionResult) {
DMLStatementExecutionResult dml = (DMLStatementExecutionResult) result;
Map<String, Object> otherData = Collections.emptyMap();
if (returnValues && dml.getKey() != null) {
TableAwareStatement tableStatement = (TableAwareStatement) statement;
Table table = server.getManager().getTableSpaceManager(statement.getTableSpace()).getTableManager(tableStatement.getTable()).getTable();
Object key = RecordSerializer.deserializePrimaryKey(dml.getKey().data, table);
otherData = new HashMap<>();
otherData.put("key", key);
if (dml.getNewvalue() != null) {
Map<String, Object> newvalue = RecordSerializer.toBean(new Record(dml.getKey(), dml.getNewvalue()), table);
otherData.put("newvalue", newvalue);
} else {
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, Message.ERROR(null, new Exception("bad result type " + result.getClass() + " (" + result + ")")));
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, Message.EXECUTE_STATEMENT_RESULTS(updateCounts, otherDatas, transactionId));
} catch (HerdDBInternalException err) {
Message error = Message.ERROR(null, err);
if (err instanceof NotLeaderException) {
error.setParameter("notLeader", "true");
_channel.sendReplyMessage(message, error);