use of herddb.utils.DataAccessor in project herddb by diennea.
the class TableManager method applyDelete.
private void applyDelete(Bytes key) throws DataStorageManagerException {
/* This could be a normal or a temporary modifiable page */
final Long pageId = keyToPage.remove(key);
if (pageId == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("corrupted transaction log: key " + key + " is not present in table " + table.tablespace + "." +;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Deleted key " + key + " from page " + pageId + " from table " + table.tablespace + "." +;
* We'll try to remove the record if in a writable page, otherwise we'll simply set the old page
* as dirty.
final Map<String, AbstractIndexManager> indexes = tableSpaceManager.getIndexesOnTable(;
* When index is enabled we need the old value to update them, we'll force the page load only if that
* record is really needed.
final DataPage page;
final Record previous;
if (indexes == null) {
/* We don't need the page if isn't loaded or isn't a mutable new page */
page = newPages.get(pageId);
if (page != null) {
previous = page.get(key);
if (previous == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("corrupted PK: old page " + pageId + " for deleted record at " + key + " was not found in table " + table.tablespace + "." +;
} else {
previous = null;
} else {
/* We really need the page for update index old values */
page = loadPageToMemory(pageId, false);
previous = page.get(key);
if (previous == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("corrupted PK: old page " + pageId + " for deleted record at " + key + " was not found in table " + table.tablespace + "." +;
if (page == null || page.immutable) {
/* Unloaded or immutable, set it as dirty */
pageSet.setPageDirty(pageId, previous);
} else {
/* Mutable page, need to check if still modifiable or already unloaded */
final Lock lock = page.pageLock.readLock();
try {
if (page.writable) {
/* We can modify the page directly */
} else {
/* Unfortunately is not writable (anymore), set it as dirty */
pageSet.setPageDirty(pageId, previous);
} finally {
if (indexes != null) {
/* If there are indexes e have already forced a page load and previous record has been loaded */
DataAccessor values = previous.getDataAccessor(table);
for (AbstractIndexManager index : indexes.values()) {
Bytes indexKey = RecordSerializer.serializeIndexKey(values, index.getIndex(), index.getColumnNames());
index.recordDeleted(key, indexKey);
use of herddb.utils.DataAccessor in project herddb by diennea.
the class TableManager method executeInsertAsync.
private CompletableFuture<StatementExecutionResult> executeInsertAsync(InsertStatement insert, Transaction transaction, StatementEvaluationContext context) {
an insert can succeed only if the row is valid and the "keys" structure does not contain the requested key
the insert will add the row in the 'buffer' without assigning a page to it
locks: the insert uses global 'insert' lock on the table
the insert will update the 'maxKey' for auto_increment primary keys
Bytes key;
byte[] value;
try {
key = Bytes.from_array(insert.getKeyFunction().computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext));
value = insert.getValuesFunction().computeNewValue(new Record(key, null), context, tableContext);
} catch (StatementExecutionException validationError) {
return Futures.exception(validationError);
} catch (Throwable validationError) {
return Futures.exception(new StatementExecutionException(validationError));
List<UniqueIndexLockReference> uniqueIndexes = null;
Map<String, AbstractIndexManager> indexes = tableSpaceManager.getIndexesOnTable(;
if (indexes != null || table.foreignKeys != null) {
try {
DataAccessor values = new Record(key, Bytes.from_array(value)).getDataAccessor(table);
if (table.foreignKeys != null) {
for (ForeignKeyDef fk : table.foreignKeys) {
checkForeignKeyConstraintsAsChildTable(fk, values, context, transaction);
if (indexes != null) {
for (AbstractIndexManager index : indexes.values()) {
if (index.isUnique()) {
Bytes indexKey = RecordSerializer.serializeIndexKey(values, index.getIndex(), index.getColumnNames());
if (uniqueIndexes == null) {
uniqueIndexes = new ArrayList<>(1);
uniqueIndexes.add(new UniqueIndexLockReference(index, indexKey));
} else {
RecordSerializer.validateIndexableValue(values, index.getIndex(), index.getColumnNames());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | herddb.utils.IllegalDataAccessException | StatementExecutionException err) {
if (err instanceof StatementExecutionException) {
return Futures.exception(err);
} else {
return Futures.exception(new StatementExecutionException(err.getMessage(), err));
final long size = DataPage.estimateEntrySize(key, value);
if (size > maxLogicalPageSize) {
return Futures.exception(new RecordTooBigException("New record " + key + " is to big to be inserted: size " + size + ", max size " + maxLogicalPageSize));
CompletableFuture<StatementExecutionResult> res = null;
LockHandle lock = null;
try {
lock = lockForWrite(key, transaction);
if (uniqueIndexes != null) {
for (UniqueIndexLockReference uniqueIndexLock : uniqueIndexes) {
AbstractIndexManager index = uniqueIndexLock.indexManager;
LockHandle lockForIndex = lockForWrite(uniqueIndexLock.key, transaction, index.getIndexName(), index.getLockManager());
if (transaction == null) {
uniqueIndexLock.lockHandle = lockForIndex;
if (index.valueAlreadyMapped(uniqueIndexLock.key, null)) {
res = Futures.exception(new UniqueIndexContraintViolationException(index.getIndexName(), key, "key " + key + ", already exists in table " + + " on UNIQUE index " + index.getIndexName()));
if (res != null) {
} catch (HerdDBInternalException err) {
res = Futures.exception(err);
boolean fallbackToUpsert = false;
if (res == null) {
if (transaction != null) {
if (transaction.recordDeleted(, key)) {
// OK, INSERT on a DELETED record inside this transaction
} else if (transaction.recordInserted(, key) != null) {
// ERROR, INSERT on a INSERTED record inside this transaction
res = Futures.exception(new DuplicatePrimaryKeyException(key, "key " + key + ", decoded as " + RecordSerializer.deserializePrimaryKey(key, table) + ", already exists in table " + + " inside transaction " + transaction.transactionId));
} else if (keyToPage.containsKey(key)) {
if (insert.isUpsert()) {
fallbackToUpsert = true;
} else {
res = Futures.exception(new DuplicatePrimaryKeyException(key, "key " + key + ", decoded as " + RecordSerializer.deserializePrimaryKey(key, table) + ", already exists in table " + + " during transaction " + transaction.transactionId));
} else if (keyToPage.containsKey(key)) {
if (insert.isUpsert()) {
fallbackToUpsert = true;
} else {
res = Futures.exception(new DuplicatePrimaryKeyException(key, "key " + key + ", decoded as " + RecordSerializer.deserializePrimaryKey(key, table) + ", already exists in table " +;
if (res == null) {
LogEntry entry;
if (fallbackToUpsert) {
entry = LogEntryFactory.update(table, key, Bytes.from_array(value), transaction);
} else {
entry = LogEntryFactory.insert(table, key, Bytes.from_array(value), transaction);
CommitLogResult pos = log.log(entry, entry.transactionId <= 0);
res = pos.logSequenceNumber.thenApplyAsync((lsn) -> {
apply(pos, entry, false);
return new DMLStatementExecutionResult(entry.transactionId, 1, key, insert.isReturnValues() ? Bytes.from_array(value) : null);
}, tableSpaceManager.getCallbacksExecutor());
if (uniqueIndexes != null) {
// TODO: reverse order
for (UniqueIndexLockReference uniqueIndexLock : uniqueIndexes) {
res = releaseWriteLock(res, uniqueIndexLock.lockHandle, uniqueIndexLock.indexManager.getLockManager());
if (transaction == null) {
res = releaseWriteLock(res, lock);
return res;
use of herddb.utils.DataAccessor in project herddb by diennea.
the class TableManager method scanWithStream.
private DataScanner scanWithStream(ScanStatement statement, StatementEvaluationContext context, Transaction transaction, boolean lockRequired, boolean forWrite) throws StatementExecutionException {
if (transaction != null) {
try {
final TupleComparator comparator = statement.getComparator();
boolean sorted = comparator != null;
boolean sortedByClusteredIndex = comparator != null && comparator.isOnlyPrimaryKeyAndAscending() && keyToPageSortedAscending;
final Projection projection = statement.getProjection();
final boolean applyProjectionDuringScan = projection != null && !sorted;
ScanLimits limits = statement.getLimits();
int maxRows = limits == null ? 0 : limits.computeMaxRows(context);
int offset = limits == null ? 0 : limits.computeOffset(context);
Stream<DataAccessor> result;
Function<Record, DataAccessor> mapper = (Record record) -> {
DataAccessor tuple;
if (applyProjectionDuringScan) {
tuple =, context);
} else {
tuple = record.getDataAccessor(table);
return tuple;
Stream<Record> recordsFromTransactionSorted = streamTransactionData(transaction, statement.getPredicate(), context);
Stream<DataAccessor> fromTransactionSorted = recordsFromTransactionSorted != null ? : null;
if (fromTransactionSorted != null && comparator != null) {
fromTransactionSorted = fromTransactionSorted.sorted(comparator);
Stream<DataAccessor> tableData = streamTableData(statement, context, transaction, lockRequired, forWrite).map(mapper);
if (maxRows > 0) {
if (sortedByClusteredIndex) {
// already sorted if needed
if (fromTransactionSorted != null) {
// already sorted from index
tableData = tableData.limit(maxRows + offset);
fromTransactionSorted = fromTransactionSorted.limit(maxRows + offset);
// we need to re-sort after merging the data
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData).sorted(comparator);
} else {
// already sorted from index
tableData = tableData.limit(maxRows + offset);
// no need to re-sort
result = tableData;
} else if (sorted) {
// need to sort
tableData = tableData.sorted(comparator);
// already sorted if needed
if (fromTransactionSorted != null) {
tableData = tableData.limit(maxRows + offset);
fromTransactionSorted = fromTransactionSorted.limit(maxRows + offset);
// we need to re-sort after merging the data
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData).sorted(comparator);
} else {
tableData = tableData.limit(maxRows + offset);
// no need to sort again
result = tableData;
} else if (fromTransactionSorted == null) {
result = tableData;
} else {
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData);
} else {
if (sortedByClusteredIndex) {
// already sorted from index
if (fromTransactionSorted != null) {
tableData = tableData.sorted(comparator);
// fromTransactionSorted is already sorted
// we need to re-sort
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData).sorted(comparator);
} else {
result = tableData;
} else if (sorted) {
// we need to re-sort
if (fromTransactionSorted != null) {
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData).sorted(comparator);
} else {
result = tableData.sorted(comparator);
} else if (fromTransactionSorted != null) {
// no need to sort
result = Stream.concat(fromTransactionSorted, tableData);
} else {
result = tableData;
if (offset > 0) {
result = result.skip(offset);
if (maxRows > 0) {
result = result.limit(maxRows);
if (!applyProjectionDuringScan && projection != null) {
result = ->, context));
String[] fieldNames;
Column[] columns;
if (projection != null) {
fieldNames = projection.getFieldNames();
columns = projection.getColumns();
} else {
fieldNames = table.columnNames;
columns = table.columns;
return new StreamDataScanner(transaction, fieldNames, columns, result);
} finally {
if (transaction != null) {
use of herddb.utils.DataAccessor in project herddb by diennea.
the class TableManager method executeUpdateAsync.
private CompletableFuture<StatementExecutionResult> executeUpdateAsync(UpdateStatement update, Transaction transaction, StatementEvaluationContext context) throws StatementExecutionException, DataStorageManagerException {
// LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "executeUpdateAsync, " + update + ", transaction " + transaction);
AtomicInteger updateCount = new AtomicInteger();
Holder<Bytes> lastKey = new Holder<>();
Holder<byte[]> lastValue = new Holder<>();
an update can succeed only if the row is valid, the key is contains in the "keys" structure
the update will simply override the value of the row, assigning a null page to the row
the update can have a 'where' predicate which is to be evaluated against the decoded row, the update will be executed only if the predicate returns boolean 'true' value (CAS operation)
locks: the update uses a lock on the the key
RecordFunction function = update.getFunction();
long transactionId = transaction != null ? transaction.transactionId : 0;
Predicate predicate = update.getPredicate();
Map<String, AbstractIndexManager> indexes = tableSpaceManager.getIndexesOnTable(;
ScanStatement scan = new ScanStatement(table.tablespace, table, predicate);
List<CompletableFuture<PendingLogEntryWork>> writes = new ArrayList<>();
try {
accessTableData(scan, context, new ScanResultOperation() {
public void accept(Record current, LockHandle lockHandle) throws StatementExecutionException, LogNotAvailableException, DataStorageManagerException {
List<UniqueIndexLockReference> uniqueIndexes = null;
byte[] newValue;
try {
if (childrenTables != null) {
DataAccessor currentValues = current.getDataAccessor(table);
for (Table childTable : childrenTables) {
executeForeignKeyConstraintsAsParentTable(childTable, currentValues, context, transaction, false);
newValue = function.computeNewValue(current, context, tableContext);
if (indexes != null || table.foreignKeys != null) {
DataAccessor values = new Record(current.key, Bytes.from_array(newValue)).getDataAccessor(table);
if (table.foreignKeys != null) {
for (ForeignKeyDef fk : table.foreignKeys) {
checkForeignKeyConstraintsAsChildTable(fk, values, context, transaction);
if (indexes != null) {
for (AbstractIndexManager index : indexes.values()) {
if (index.isUnique()) {
Bytes indexKey = RecordSerializer.serializeIndexKey(values, index.getIndex(), index.getColumnNames());
if (uniqueIndexes == null) {
uniqueIndexes = new ArrayList<>(1);
UniqueIndexLockReference uniqueIndexLock = new UniqueIndexLockReference(index, indexKey);
LockHandle lockForIndex = lockForWrite(uniqueIndexLock.key, transaction, index.getIndexName(), index.getLockManager());
if (transaction == null) {
uniqueIndexLock.lockHandle = lockForIndex;
if (index.valueAlreadyMapped(indexKey, current.key)) {
throw new UniqueIndexContraintViolationException(index.getIndexName(), indexKey, "Value " + indexKey + " already present in index " + index.getIndexName());
} else {
RecordSerializer.validateIndexableValue(values, index.getIndex(), index.getColumnNames());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | herddb.utils.IllegalDataAccessException | StatementExecutionException err) {
StatementExecutionException finalError;
if (!(err instanceof StatementExecutionException)) {
finalError = new StatementExecutionException(err.getMessage(), err);
} else {
finalError = (StatementExecutionException) err;
CompletableFuture<PendingLogEntryWork> res = Futures.exception(finalError);
if (uniqueIndexes != null) {
for (UniqueIndexLockReference lock : uniqueIndexes) {
res = releaseWriteLock(res, lock.lockHandle, lock.indexManager.getLockManager());
final long size = DataPage.estimateEntrySize(current.key, newValue);
if (size > maxLogicalPageSize) {
writes.add(Futures.exception(new RecordTooBigException("New version of record " + current.key + " is to big to be update: new size " + size + ", actual size " + DataPage.estimateEntrySize(current) + ", max size " + maxLogicalPageSize)));
LogEntry entry = LogEntryFactory.update(table, current.key, Bytes.from_array(newValue), transaction);
CommitLogResult pos = log.log(entry, entry.transactionId <= 0);
final List<UniqueIndexLockReference> _uniqueIndexes = uniqueIndexes;
writes.add(pos.logSequenceNumber.thenApply(lsn -> new PendingLogEntryWork(entry, pos, lockHandle, _uniqueIndexes)));
lastKey.value = current.key;
lastValue.value = newValue;
}, transaction, true, true);
} catch (HerdDBInternalException err) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "bad error during an update", err);
return Futures.exception(err);
if (writes.isEmpty()) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new DMLStatementExecutionResult(transactionId, 0, null, null));
if (writes.size() == 1) {
return writes.get(0).whenCompleteAsync((pending, error) -> {
try {
// apply any of the DML operations
if (error == null) {
apply(pending.pos, pending.entry, false);
} finally {
}, tableSpaceManager.getCallbacksExecutor()).thenApply((pending) -> {
return new DMLStatementExecutionResult(transactionId, updateCount.get(), lastKey.value, update.isReturnValues() ? (lastValue.value != null ? Bytes.from_array(lastValue.value) : null) : null);
} else {
return Futures.collect(writes).whenCompleteAsync((pendings, error) -> {
try {
// apply any of the DML operations
if (error == null) {
for (PendingLogEntryWork pending : pendings) {
apply(pending.pos, pending.entry, false);
} finally {
}, tableSpaceManager.getCallbacksExecutor()).thenApply((pendings) -> {
return new DMLStatementExecutionResult(transactionId, updateCount.get(), lastKey.value, update.isReturnValues() ? (lastValue.value != null ? Bytes.from_array(lastValue.value) : null) : null);
use of herddb.utils.DataAccessor in project herddb by diennea.
the class TableManager method checkForeignKeyConstraintsAsChildTable.
private void checkForeignKeyConstraintsAsChildTable(ForeignKeyDef fk, DataAccessor values, StatementEvaluationContext context, Transaction transaction) throws StatementExecutionException {
// We are creating a SQL query and then using DBManager
// using an SQL query will let us leverage the SQL Planner
// and use the best index to perform the execution
// the SQL Planner will cache the plan, and the plan will also be
// invalidated consistently during DML operations.
String query = childForeignKeyQueries.computeIfAbsent(, (l -> {
Table parentTable = tableSpaceManager.getTableManagerByUUID(fk.parentTableId).getTable();
// with '*' we are not going to perform projections or copies
StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ");
q.append(" WHERE ");
for (int i = 0; i < fk.parentTableColumns.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
q.append(" AND ");
return q.toString();
final List<Object> valuesToMatch = new ArrayList<>(fk.columns.length);
boolean allNulls = true;
for (int i = 0; i < fk.columns.length; i++) {
Object value = values.get(fk.columns[i]);
allNulls = allNulls && value == null;
if (allNulls) {
// all of the values are null, so no check on the parent table
TransactionContext tx = transaction != null ? new TransactionContext(transaction.transactionId) : TransactionContext.NO_TRANSACTION;
boolean fkOk;
try (DataScanner scan = tableSpaceManager.getDbmanager().executeSimpleQuery(tableSpaceManager.getTableSpaceName(), query, valuesToMatch, // only one record
1, // keep read locks in TransactionContext
true, tx, null)) {
List<DataAccessor> resultSet = scan.consume();
fkOk = !resultSet.isEmpty();
} catch (DataScannerException err) {
throw new StatementExecutionException(err);
if (!fkOk) {
throw new ForeignKeyViolationException(, "foreignKey " + + "." + + " violated");