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Example 1 with NeuralNet

use of hex.NeuralNet in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class NeuralNetMnistPretrain method build.

protected Layer[] build(Vec[] data, Vec labels, VecsInput inputStats, VecSoftmax outputStats) {
    Layer[] ls = new Layer[4];
    ls[0] = new VecsInput(data, inputStats);
    //    ls[1] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(1024);
    //    ls[2] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(1024);
    ls[1] = new Layer.Tanh(50);
    ls[2] = new Layer.Tanh(50);
    ls[3] = new VecSoftmax(labels, outputStats);
    // Parameters for MNIST run
    NeuralNet p = new NeuralNet();
    //only used for NN run after pretraining
    p.rate = 0.01;
    p.activation = NeuralNet.Activation.Tanh;
    p.loss = NeuralNet.Loss.CrossEntropy;
    //    p.rate_annealing = 1e-6f;
    //    p.max_w2 = 15;
    //    p.momentum_start = 0.5f;
    //    p.momentum_ramp = 60000 * 300;
    //    p.momentum_stable = 0.99f;
    //    p.l1 = .00001f;
    //    p.l2 = .00f;
    p.initial_weight_distribution = NeuralNet.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive;
    for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) {
        ls[i].init(ls, i, p);
    return ls;
Also used : VecSoftmax(hex.Layer.VecSoftmax) NeuralNet(hex.NeuralNet) VecsInput(hex.Layer.VecsInput) Layer(hex.Layer)

Example 2 with NeuralNet

use of hex.NeuralNet in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class NeuralNetMnist method build.

protected Layer[] build(Vec[] data, Vec labels, VecsInput inputStats, VecSoftmax outputStats) {
    //same parameters as in
    Layer[] ls = new Layer[5];
    ls[0] = new VecsInput(data, inputStats);
    ls[1] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(117);
    ls[2] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(131);
    ls[3] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(129);
    ls[ls.length - 1] = new VecSoftmax(labels, outputStats);
    NeuralNet p = new NeuralNet();
    p.seed = 98037452452l;
    p.rate = 0.005;
    p.rate_annealing = 1e-6;
    p.activation = NeuralNet.Activation.RectifierWithDropout;
    p.loss = NeuralNet.Loss.CrossEntropy;
    p.input_dropout_ratio = 0.2;
    p.max_w2 = 15;
    p.epochs = 2;
    p.l1 = 1e-5;
    p.l2 = 0.0000001;
    p.momentum_start = 0.5;
    p.momentum_ramp = 100000;
    p.momentum_stable = 0.99;
    p.initial_weight_distribution = NeuralNet.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive;
    p.classification = true;
    p.diagnostics = true;
    p.expert_mode = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) {
        ls[i].init(ls, i, p);
    return ls;
Also used : VecSoftmax(hex.Layer.VecSoftmax) NeuralNet(hex.NeuralNet) VecsInput(hex.Layer.VecsInput) Layer(hex.Layer)

Example 3 with NeuralNet

use of hex.NeuralNet in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class NeuralNetProgressPage method toHTML.

public boolean toHTML(StringBuilder sb) {
    Job jjob = Job.findJob(job_key);
    if (jjob == null)
        return true;
    NeuralNet.NeuralNetModel m = UKV.get(jjob.dest());
    if (m != null)
        m.generateHTML("NeuralNet Model", sb);
        DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Pending...");
    return true;
Also used : NeuralNet(hex.NeuralNet) Job(water.Job)

Example 4 with NeuralNet

use of hex.NeuralNet in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningVsNeuralNet method compare.

public void compare() throws Exception {
    final long seed = 0xc0ffee;
    Random rng = new Random(seed);
    DeepLearning.Activation[] activations = { DeepLearning.Activation.Maxout, DeepLearning.Activation.MaxoutWithDropout, DeepLearning.Activation.Tanh, DeepLearning.Activation.TanhWithDropout, DeepLearning.Activation.Rectifier, DeepLearning.Activation.RectifierWithDropout };
    DeepLearning.Loss[] losses = { DeepLearning.Loss.MeanSquare, DeepLearning.Loss.CrossEntropy };
    DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution[] dists = { DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Normal, DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Uniform, DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive };
    double[] initial_weight_scales = { 1e-3 + 1e-2 * rng.nextFloat() };
    double[] holdout_ratios = { 0.7 + 0.2 * rng.nextFloat() };
    int[][] hiddens = { { 1 }, { 1 + rng.nextInt(50) }, { 17, 13 }, { 20, 10, 5 } };
    double[] rates = { 0.005 + 1e-2 * rng.nextFloat() };
    int[] epochs = { 5 + rng.nextInt(5) };
    double[] input_dropouts = { 0, rng.nextFloat() * 0.5 };
    double p0 = 0.5 * rng.nextFloat();
    long pR = 1000 + rng.nextInt(1000);
    double p1 = 0.5 + 0.49 * rng.nextFloat();
    double l1 = 1e-5 * rng.nextFloat();
    double l2 = 1e-5 * rng.nextFloat();
    // rng.nextInt(50);
    float max_w2 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double rate_annealing = 1e-7 + rng.nextFloat() * 1e-6;
    boolean threaded = false;
    int num_repeats = 1;
    // TODO: test that Deep Learning and NeuralNet agree for Mnist dataset
    //    String[] files = { "smalldata/mnist/train.csv" };
    //    hiddens = new int[][]{ {50,50} };
    //    threaded = true;
    //    num_repeats = 5;
    // TODO: test that Deep Learning and NeuralNet agree for covtype dataset
    //    String[] files = { "smalldata/covtype/" };
    //    hiddens = new int[][]{ {100,100} };
    //    epochs = new int[]{ 50 };
    //    threaded = true;
    //    num_repeats = 2;
    String[] files = { "smalldata/iris/iris.csv", "smalldata/neural/" };
    for (DeepLearning.Activation activation : activations) {
        for (DeepLearning.Loss loss : losses) {
            for (DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution dist : dists) {
                for (double scale : initial_weight_scales) {
                    for (double holdout_ratio : holdout_ratios) {
                        for (double input_dropout : input_dropouts) {
                            for (int[] hidden : hiddens) {
                                for (int epoch : epochs) {
                                    for (double rate : rates) {
                                        for (String file : files) {
                                            for (boolean fast_mode : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
                                                float reftrainerr = 0, trainerr = 0;
                                                float reftesterr = 0, testerr = 0;
                                                float[] a = new float[hidden.length + 2];
                                                float[] b = new float[hidden.length + 2];
                                                float[] ba = new float[hidden.length + 2];
                                                float[] bb = new float[hidden.length + 2];
                                                long numweights = 0, numbiases = 0;
                                                for (int repeat = 0; repeat < num_repeats; ++repeat) {
                                                    long myseed = seed + repeat;
                                          "Running with " + + " activation function and " + + " loss function.");
                                          "Initialization with " + + " distribution and " + scale + " scale, holdout ratio " + holdout_ratio);
                                          "Using seed " + seed);
                                                    Key kfile = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file(file));
                                                    Frame frame = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make(), new Key[] { kfile });
                                                    _train = sampleFrame(frame, (long) (frame.numRows() * holdout_ratio), seed);
                                                    _test = sampleFrame(frame, (long) (frame.numRows() * (1 - holdout_ratio)), seed + 1);
                                                    // Train new Deep Learning
                                                    Neurons[] neurons;
                                                    DeepLearningModel mymodel;
                                                        DeepLearning p = new DeepLearning();
                                                        p.source = (Frame) _train.clone();
                                                        p.response = _train.lastVec();
                                                        p.ignored_cols = null;
                                                        p.seed = myseed;
                                                        p.hidden = hidden;
                                                        p.adaptive_rate = false;
                                                        p.rho = 0;
                                                        p.epsilon = 0;
                                                        p.rate = rate;
                                                        p.activation = activation;
                                                        p.max_w2 = max_w2;
                                                        p.epochs = epoch;
                                                        p.input_dropout_ratio = input_dropout;
                                                        p.rate_annealing = rate_annealing;
                                                        p.loss = loss;
                                                        p.l1 = l1;
                                                        p.l2 = l2;
                                                        p.momentum_start = p0;
                                                        p.momentum_ramp = pR;
                                                        p.momentum_stable = p1;
                                                        p.initial_weight_distribution = dist;
                                                        p.initial_weight_scale = scale;
                                                        p.classification = true;
                                                        p.diagnostics = true;
                                                        p.validation = null;
                                                        p.quiet_mode = true;
                                                        p.fast_mode = fast_mode;
                                                        //sync once per period
                                                        p.train_samples_per_iteration = 0;
                                                        //same as old NeuralNet code
                                                        p.ignore_const_cols = false;
                                                        //same as old NeuralNet code
                                                        p.shuffle_training_data = false;
                                                        //same as old NeuralNet code
                                                        p.nesterov_accelerated_gradient = true;
                                                        //don't stop early -> need to compare against old NeuralNet code, which doesn't stop either
                                                        p.classification_stop = -1;
                                                        //keep 1 chunk for reproducibility
                                                        p.force_load_balance = false;
                                                        p.replicate_training_data = false;
                                                        p.single_node_mode = true;
                                                        mymodel = UKV.get(p.dest());
                                                        neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(mymodel.model_info());
                                                    // Reference: NeuralNet
                                                    Layer[] ls;
                                                    NeuralNetModel refmodel;
                                                    NeuralNet p = new NeuralNet();
                                                        Vec[] data = Utils.remove(_train.vecs(), _train.vecs().length - 1);
                                                        Vec labels = _train.lastVec();
                                                        p.seed = myseed;
                                                        p.hidden = hidden;
                                                        p.rate = rate;
                                                        p.max_w2 = max_w2;
                                                        p.epochs = epoch;
                                                        p.input_dropout_ratio = input_dropout;
                                                        p.rate_annealing = rate_annealing;
                                                        p.l1 = l1;
                                                        p.l2 = l2;
                                                        p.momentum_start = p0;
                                                        p.momentum_ramp = pR;
                                                        p.momentum_stable = p1;
                                                        if (dist == DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Normal)
                                                            p.initial_weight_distribution = InitialWeightDistribution.Normal;
                                                        else if (dist == DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Uniform)
                                                            p.initial_weight_distribution = InitialWeightDistribution.Uniform;
                                                        else if (dist == DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive)
                                                            p.initial_weight_distribution = InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive;
                                                        p.initial_weight_scale = scale;
                                                        p.diagnostics = true;
                                                        p.fast_mode = fast_mode;
                                                        p.classification = true;
                                                        if (loss == DeepLearning.Loss.MeanSquare)
                                                            p.loss = Loss.MeanSquare;
                                                        else if (loss == DeepLearning.Loss.CrossEntropy)
                                                            p.loss = Loss.CrossEntropy;
                                                        ls = new Layer[hidden.length + 2];
                                                        ls[0] = new Layer.VecsInput(data, null);
                                                        for (int i = 0; i < hidden.length; ++i) {
                                                            if (activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Tanh) {
                                                                p.activation = NeuralNet.Activation.Tanh;
                                                                ls[1 + i] = new Layer.Tanh(hidden[i]);
                                                            } else if (activation == DeepLearning.Activation.TanhWithDropout) {
                                                                p.activation = Activation.TanhWithDropout;
                                                                ls[1 + i] = new Layer.TanhDropout(hidden[i]);
                                                            } else if (activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Rectifier) {
                                                                p.activation = Activation.Rectifier;
                                                                ls[1 + i] = new Layer.Rectifier(hidden[i]);
                                                            } else if (activation == DeepLearning.Activation.RectifierWithDropout) {
                                                                p.activation = Activation.RectifierWithDropout;
                                                                ls[1 + i] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(hidden[i]);
                                                            } else if (activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Maxout) {
                                                                p.activation = Activation.Maxout;
                                                                ls[1 + i] = new Layer.Maxout(hidden[i]);
                                                            } else if (activation == DeepLearning.Activation.MaxoutWithDropout) {
                                                                p.activation = Activation.MaxoutWithDropout;
                                                                ls[1 + i] = new Layer.MaxoutDropout(hidden[i]);
                                                        ls[ls.length - 1] = new Layer.VecSoftmax(labels, null);
                                                        for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) {
                                                            ls[i].init(ls, i, p);
                                                        Trainer trainer;
                                                        if (threaded)
                                                            trainer = new Trainer.Threaded(ls, p.epochs, null, -1);
                                                            trainer = new Trainer.Direct(ls, p.epochs, null);
                                                        refmodel = new NeuralNetModel(null, null, _train, ls, p);
                             * Compare MEAN weights and biases in hidden and output layer
                                                    for (int n = 1; n < ls.length; ++n) {
                                                        Neurons l = neurons[n];
                                                        Layer ref = ls[n];
                                                        for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) {
                                                            for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) {
                                                                a[n] += ref._w[o * l._previous._a.size() + i];
                                                                b[n] += l._w.raw()[o * l._previous._a.size() + i];
                                                            ba[n] += ref._b[o];
                                                            bb[n] += l._b.get(o);
                             * Compare predictions
                             * Note: Reference and H2O each do their internal data normalization,
                             * so we must use their "own" test data, which is assumed to be created correctly.
                                                    water.api.ConfusionMatrix CM = new water.api.ConfusionMatrix();
                                                    // Deep Learning scoring
                                                        //[0] is label, [1]...[4] are the probabilities
                                                        Frame fpreds = mymodel.score(_train);
                                                        CM = new water.api.ConfusionMatrix();
                                                        CM.actual = _train;
                                                        CM.vactual = _train.lastVec();
                                                        CM.predict = fpreds;
                                                        CM.vpredict = fpreds.vecs()[0];
                                                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                        trainerr += new ConfusionMatrix(;
                                                        for (String s : sb.toString().split("\n"));
                                                        //[0] is label, [1]...[4] are the probabilities
                                                        Frame fpreds2 = mymodel.score(_test);
                                                        CM = new water.api.ConfusionMatrix();
                                                        CM.actual = _test;
                                                        CM.vactual = _test.lastVec();
                                                        CM.predict = fpreds2;
                                                        CM.vpredict = fpreds2.vecs()[0];
                                                        sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                        testerr += new ConfusionMatrix(;
                                                        for (String s : sb.toString().split("\n"));
                                                    // NeuralNet scoring
                                                    long[][] cm;
                                              "\nNeuralNet Scoring:");
                                                        //training set
                                                        NeuralNet.Errors train = NeuralNet.eval(ls, 0, null);
                                                        reftrainerr += train.classification;
                                                        //test set
                                                        final Frame[] adapted = refmodel.adapt(_test, false);
                                                        Vec[] data = Utils.remove(_test.vecs(), _test.vecs().length - 1);
                                                        Vec labels = _test.vecs()[_test.vecs().length - 1];
                                                        Layer.VecsInput input = (Layer.VecsInput) ls[0];
                                                        input.vecs = data;
                                                        input._len = data[0].length();
                                                        ((Layer.VecSoftmax) ls[ls.length - 1]).vec = labels;
                                                        //WARNING: only works if training set is large enough to have all classes
                                                        int classes = ls[ls.length - 1].units;
                                                        cm = new long[classes][classes];
                                                        NeuralNet.Errors test = NeuralNet.eval(ls, 0, cm);
                                              "\nNeuralNet Confusion Matrix:");
                                                        reftesterr += test.classification;
                                                    // cleanup
                                                trainerr /= (float) num_repeats;
                                                reftrainerr /= (float) num_repeats;
                                                testerr /= (float) num_repeats;
                                                reftesterr /= (float) num_repeats;
                           * Tolerances
                                                final float abseps = threaded ? 1e-2f : 1e-7f;
                                                final float releps = threaded ? 1e-2f : 1e-5f;
                                                // training set scoring
                                      "NeuralNet     train error " + reftrainerr);
                                      "Deep Learning train error " + trainerr);
                                                compareVal(reftrainerr, trainerr, abseps, releps);
                                                // test set scoring
                                      "NeuralNet     test error " + reftesterr);
                                      "Deep Learning test error " + testerr);
                                                compareVal(reftrainerr, trainerr, abseps, releps);
                                                // mean weights/biases
                                                for (int n = 1; n < hidden.length + 2; ++n) {
                                          "NeuralNet     mean weight for layer " + n + ": " + a[n] / numweights);
                                          "Deep Learning mean weight for layer " + n + ": " + b[n] / numweights);
                                          "NeuralNet     mean bias for layer " + n + ": " + ba[n] / numbiases);
                                          "Deep Learning mean bias for layer " + n + ": " + bb[n] / numbiases);
                                                    compareVal(a[n] / numweights, b[n] / numweights, abseps, releps);
                                                    compareVal(ba[n] / numbiases, bb[n] / numbiases, abseps, releps);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) Key(water.Key) MRUtils.sampleFrame(water.util.MRUtils.sampleFrame) Frame(water.fvec.Frame) NeuralNet(hex.NeuralNet) DeepLearning(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning) Neurons(hex.deeplearning.Neurons) NFSFileVec(water.fvec.NFSFileVec) Vec(water.fvec.Vec) DeepLearningModel(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel) Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with NeuralNet

use of hex.NeuralNet in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class NeuralNetMnistDrednet method build.

protected Layer[] build(Vec[] data, Vec labels, VecsInput inputStats, VecSoftmax outputStats) {
    NeuralNet p = new NeuralNet();
    Layer[] ls = new Layer[5];
    p.hidden = new int[] { 1024, 1024, 2048 };
    //    p.hidden = new int[]{128,128,256};
    ls[0] = new VecsInput(data, inputStats);
    for (int i = 1; i < ls.length - 1; i++) ls[i] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(p.hidden[i - 1]);
    ls[4] = new VecSoftmax(labels, outputStats);
    p.rate = 0.01f;
    p.rate_annealing = 1e-6f;
    p.epochs = 1000;
    p.activation = NeuralNet.Activation.RectifierWithDropout;
    p.input_dropout_ratio = 0.2;
    p.loss = NeuralNet.Loss.CrossEntropy;
    p.max_w2 = 15;
    p.momentum_start = 0.5f;
    p.momentum_ramp = 1800000;
    p.momentum_stable = 0.99f;
    p.score_training = 1000;
    p.score_validation = 10000;
    p.l1 = .00001f;
    p.l2 = .00f;
    p.initial_weight_distribution = NeuralNet.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive;
    p.score_interval = 30;
    for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) {
        ls[i].init(ls, i, p);
    return ls;
Also used : NeuralNet(hex.NeuralNet) VecSoftmax(hex.Layer.VecSoftmax) VecsInput(hex.Layer.VecsInput) Layer(hex.Layer)


NeuralNet (hex.NeuralNet)5 Layer (hex.Layer)3 VecSoftmax (hex.Layer.VecSoftmax)3 VecsInput (hex.Layer.VecsInput)3 DeepLearning (hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning)1 DeepLearningModel (hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel)1 Neurons (hex.deeplearning.Neurons)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1 Job (water.Job)1 Key (water.Key)1 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)1 NFSFileVec (water.fvec.NFSFileVec)1 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)1 MRUtils.sampleFrame (water.util.MRUtils.sampleFrame)1