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Example 1 with DeepLearningModel

use of hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningProgressPage method toHTML.

public boolean toHTML(StringBuilder sb) {
    Job jjob = Job.findJob(job_key);
    if (jjob == null)
        return true;
    DeepLearningModel m = UKV.get(jjob.dest());
    if (m != null)
        m.generateHTML("Deep Learning Model", sb);
        DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Pending...");
    return true;
Also used : Job(water.Job) DeepLearningModel(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel)

Example 2 with DeepLearningModel

use of hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningIrisTest method runFraction.

void runFraction(float fraction) {
    long seed0 = 0xDECAF;
    int num_runs = 0;
    for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 5; ++repeat) {
        // Testing different things
        // Note: Microsoft reference implementation is only for Tanh + MSE, rectifier and MCE are implemented by 0xdata (trivial).
        // Note: Initial weight distributions are copied, but what is tested is the stability behavior.
        DeepLearning.Activation[] activations = { DeepLearning.Activation.Tanh, DeepLearning.Activation.Rectifier };
        DeepLearning.Loss[] losses = { DeepLearning.Loss.MeanSquare, DeepLearning.Loss.CrossEntropy };
        DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution[] dists = { DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Normal, DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Uniform, DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive };
        final long seed = seed0 + repeat;
        Random rng = new Random(seed);
        double[] initial_weight_scales = { 1e-4 + rng.nextDouble() };
        double[] holdout_ratios = { 0.1 + rng.nextDouble() * 0.8 };
        double[] momenta = { rng.nextDouble() * 0.99 };
        int[] hiddens = { 1, 2 + rng.nextInt(50) };
        int[] epochs = { 1, 2 + rng.nextInt(50) };
        double[] rates = { 0.01, 1e-5 + rng.nextDouble() * .1 };
        for (DeepLearning.Activation activation : activations) {
            for (DeepLearning.Loss loss : losses) {
                for (DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution dist : dists) {
                    for (double scale : initial_weight_scales) {
                        for (double holdout_ratio : holdout_ratios) {
                            for (double momentum : momenta) {
                                for (int hidden : hiddens) {
                                    for (int epoch : epochs) {
                                        for (double rate : rates) {
                                            for (boolean sparse : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
                                                for (boolean col_major : new boolean[] { false }) {
                                                    DeepLearningModel mymodel = null;
                                                    Frame frame = null;
                                                    Frame fr = null;
                                                    DeepLearning p = null;
                                                    Frame trainPredict = null;
                                                    Frame testPredict = null;
                                                    try {
                                                        if (col_major && !sparse)
                                                        if (fraction < rng.nextFloat())
                                              "Running with " + + " activation function and " + + " loss function.");
                                              "Initialization with " + + " distribution and " + scale + " scale, holdout ratio " + holdout_ratio);
                                              "Using " + hidden + " hidden layers and momentum: " + momentum);
                                              "Using seed " + seed);
                                                        Key file = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file(PATH));
                                                        frame = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make("iris_nn2"), new Key[] { file });
                                                        Random rand;
                                                        int trial = 0;
                                                        FrameTask.DataInfo dinfo;
                                                        do {
                                                  "Trial #" + ++trial);
                                                            if (_train != null)
                                                            if (_test != null)
                                                            if (fr != null)
                                                            rand = Utils.getDeterRNG(seed);
                                                            double[][] rows = new double[(int) frame.numRows()][frame.numCols()];
                                                            String[] names = new String[frame.numCols()];
                                                            for (int c = 0; c < frame.numCols(); c++) {
                                                                names[c] = "ColumnName" + c;
                                                                for (int r = 0; r < frame.numRows(); r++) rows[r][c] = frame.vecs()[c].at(r);
                                                            for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                                                                int shuffle = rand.nextInt(i + 1);
                                                                double[] row = rows[shuffle];
                                                                rows[shuffle] = rows[i];
                                                                rows[i] = row;
                                                            int limit = (int) (frame.numRows() * holdout_ratio);
                                                            _train = frame(names, Utils.subarray(rows, 0, limit));
                                                            _test = frame(names, Utils.subarray(rows, limit, (int) frame.numRows() - limit));
                                                            p = new DeepLearning();
                                                            p.source = _train;
                                                            p.response = _train.lastVec();
                                                            p.ignored_cols = null;
                                                            p.ignore_const_cols = true;
                                                            fr = FrameTask.DataInfo.prepareFrame(p.source, p.response, p.ignored_cols, true, p.ignore_const_cols);
                                                            dinfo = new FrameTask.DataInfo(fr, 1, true, false, FrameTask.DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE);
                                                        } while (// must have all output classes in training data (since that's what the reference implementation has hardcoded)
                                                        dinfo._adaptedFrame.lastVec().domain().length < 3);
                                                        // use the same seed for the reference implementation
                                                        DeepLearningMLPReference ref = new DeepLearningMLPReference();
                                                        ref.init(activation, Utils.getDeterRNG(seed), holdout_ratio, hidden);
                                                        p.seed = seed;
                                                        p.hidden = new int[] { hidden };
                                                        p.adaptive_rate = false;
                                                        p.rho = 0;
                                                        p.epsilon = 0;
                                                        //adapt to (1-m) correction that's done inside (only for constant momentum!)
                                                        p.rate = rate / (1 - momentum);
                                                        p.activation = activation;
                                                        p.max_w2 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                                                        p.epochs = epoch;
                                                        p.input_dropout_ratio = 0;
                                                        //do not change - not implemented in reference
                                                        p.rate_annealing = 0;
                                                        p.l1 = 0;
                                                        p.loss = loss;
                                                        p.l2 = 0;
                                                        //reference only supports constant momentum
                                                        p.momentum_stable = momentum;
                                                        //do not change - not implemented in reference
                                                        p.momentum_start = p.momentum_stable;
                                                        //do not change - not implemented in reference
                                                        p.momentum_ramp = 0;
                                                        p.initial_weight_distribution = dist;
                                                        p.initial_weight_scale = scale;
                                                        p.classification = true;
                                                        p.diagnostics = true;
                                                        p.validation = null;
                                                        p.quiet_mode = true;
                                                        //to be the same as reference
                                                        p.fast_mode = false;
                                                        //                      p.fast_mode = true; //to be the same as old NeuralNet code
                                                        //to be the same as reference
                                                        p.nesterov_accelerated_gradient = false;
                                                        //                        p.nesterov_accelerated_gradient = true; //to be the same as old NeuralNet code
                                                        //sync once per period
                                                        p.train_samples_per_iteration = 0;
                                                        p.ignore_const_cols = false;
                                                        p.shuffle_training_data = false;
                                                        //don't stop early -> need to compare against reference, which doesn't stop either
                                                        p.classification_stop = -1;
                                                        //keep just 1 chunk for reproducibility
                                                        p.force_load_balance = false;
                                                        //keep just 1 chunk for reproducibility
                                                        p.override_with_best_model = false;
                                                        p.replicate_training_data = false;
                                                        p.single_node_mode = true;
                                                        p.sparse = sparse;
                                                        p.col_major = col_major;
                                                        //randomize weights, but don't start training yet
                                                        mymodel = p.initModel();
                                                        Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTraining(mymodel.model_info());
                                                        // use the same random weights for the reference implementation
                                                        Neurons l = neurons[1];
                                                        for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) {
                                                            for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) {
                                                                //                          System.out.println("initial weight[" + o + "]=" + l._w[o * l._previous._a.length + i]);
                                                                ref._nn.ihWeights[i][o] = l._w.get(o, i);
                                                            ref._nn.hBiases[o] = l._b.get(o);
                                                        //                        System.out.println("initial bias[" + o + "]=" + l._b[o]);
                                                        l = neurons[2];
                                                        for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) {
                                                            for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) {
                                                                //                          System.out.println("initial weight[" + o + "]=" + l._w[o * l._previous._a.length + i]);
                                                                ref._nn.hoWeights[i][o] = l._w.get(o, i);
                                                            ref._nn.oBiases[o] = l._b.get(o);
                                                        //                        System.out.println("initial bias[" + o + "]=" + l._b[o]);
                                                        // Train the Reference
                                                        ref.train((int) p.epochs, rate, p.momentum_stable, loss);
                                                        // Train H2O
                                                        mymodel = p.trainModel(mymodel);
                                                        Assert.assertTrue(mymodel.model_info().get_processed_total() == epoch * fr.numRows());
                               * Tolerances (should ideally be super tight -> expect the same double/float precision math inside both algos)
                                                        final double abseps = 1e-4;
                                                        final double releps = 1e-4;
                               * Compare weights and biases in hidden layer
                                                        //link the weights to the neurons, for easy access
                                                        neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(mymodel.model_info());
                                                        l = neurons[1];
                                                        for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) {
                                                            for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) {
                                                                double a = ref._nn.ihWeights[i][o];
                                                                double b = l._w.get(o, i);
                                                                compareVal(a, b, abseps, releps);
                                                            //                          System.out.println("weight[" + o + "]=" + b);
                                                            double ba = ref._nn.hBiases[o];
                                                            double bb = l._b.get(o);
                                                            compareVal(ba, bb, abseps, releps);
                                              "Weights and biases for hidden layer: PASS");
                               * Compare weights and biases for output layer
                                                        l = neurons[2];
                                                        for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) {
                                                            for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) {
                                                                double a = ref._nn.hoWeights[i][o];
                                                                double b = l._w.get(o, i);
                                                                compareVal(a, b, abseps, releps);
                                                            double ba = ref._nn.oBiases[o];
                                                            double bb = l._b.get(o);
                                                            compareVal(ba, bb, abseps, releps);
                                              "Weights and biases for output layer: PASS");
                               * Compare predictions
                               * Note: Reference and H2O each do their internal data normalization,
                               * so we must use their "own" test data, which is assumed to be created correctly.
                                                        // H2O predictions
                                                        //[0] is label, [1]...[4] are the probabilities
                                                        Frame fpreds = mymodel.score(_test);
                                                        try {
                                                            for (int i = 0; i < _test.numRows(); ++i) {
                                                                // Reference predictions
                                                                double[] xValues = new double[neurons[0]._a.size()];
                                                                System.arraycopy(ref._testData[i], 0, xValues, 0, xValues.length);
                                                                double[] ref_preds = ref._nn.ComputeOutputs(xValues);
                                                                // find the label
                                                                // do the same as H2O here (compare float values and break ties based on row number)
                                                                float[] preds = new float[ref_preds.length + 1];
                                                                for (int j = 0; j < ref_preds.length; ++j) preds[j + 1] = (float) ref_preds[j];
                                                                preds[0] = getPrediction(preds, i);
                                                                // compare predicted label
                                                                Assert.assertTrue(preds[0] == (int) fpreds.vecs()[0].at(i));
                                                            //                          // compare predicted probabilities
                                                            //                          for (int j=0; j<ref_preds.length; ++j) {
                                                            //                            compareVal((float)(ref_preds[j]), fpreds.vecs()[1+j].at(i), abseps, releps);
                                                            //                          }
                                                        } finally {
                                                            if (fpreds != null)
                                              "Predicted values: PASS");
                               * Compare (self-reported) scoring
                                                        final double trainErr = ref._nn.Accuracy(ref._trainData);
                                                        final double testErr = ref._nn.Accuracy(ref._testData);
                                                        trainPredict = mymodel.score(_train, false);
                                                        final double myTrainErr = mymodel.calcError(_train, _train.lastVec(), trainPredict, trainPredict, "Final training error:", true, p.max_confusion_matrix_size, new water.api.ConfusionMatrix(), null, null);
                                                        testPredict = mymodel.score(_test, false);
                                                        final double myTestErr = mymodel.calcError(_test, _test.lastVec(), testPredict, testPredict, "Final testing error:", true, p.max_confusion_matrix_size, new water.api.ConfusionMatrix(), null, null);
                                              "H2O  training error : " + myTrainErr * 100 + "%, test error: " + myTestErr * 100 + "%");
                                              "REF  training error : " + trainErr * 100 + "%, test error: " + testErr * 100 + "%");
                                                        compareVal(trainErr, myTrainErr, abseps, releps);
                                                        compareVal(testErr, myTestErr, abseps, releps);
                                              "Scoring: PASS");
                                                        // get the actual best error on training data
                                                        float best_err = Float.MAX_VALUE;
                                                        for (DeepLearningModel.Errors err : mymodel.scoring_history()) {
                                                            //multi-class classification
                                                            best_err = Math.min(best_err, (float) err.train_err);
                                              "Actual best error : " + best_err * 100 + "%.");
                                                        // this is enabled by default
                                                        if (p.override_with_best_model) {
                                                            Frame bestPredict = null;
                                                            try {
                                                                bestPredict = mymodel.score(_train, false);
                                                                final double bestErr = mymodel.calcError(_train, _train.lastVec(), bestPredict, bestPredict, "Best error:", true, p.max_confusion_matrix_size, new water.api.ConfusionMatrix(), null, null);
                                                      "Best_model's error : " + bestErr * 100 + "%.");
                                                                compareVal(bestErr, best_err, abseps, releps);
                                                            } finally {
                                                                if (bestPredict != null)
                                              "Parameters combination " + num_runs + ": PASS");
                                                    } finally {
                                                        // cleanup
                                                        if (mymodel != null) {
                                                        if (_train != null)
                                                        if (_test != null)
                                                        if (frame != null)
                                                        if (fr != null)
                                                        if (p != null)
                                                        if (trainPredict != null)
                                                        if (testPredict != null)
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) DeepLearning(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning) Random(java.util.Random) Neurons(hex.deeplearning.Neurons) DeepLearningModel(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel) Key(water.Key)

Example 3 with DeepLearningModel

use of hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningProstateTest method runFraction.

public void runFraction(float fraction) {
    long seed = 0xDECAF;
    Random rng = new Random(seed);
    String[] datasets = new String[2];
    int[][] responses = new int[datasets.length][];
    //CAPSULE (binomial), AGE (regression), GLEASON (multi-class)
    datasets[0] = "smalldata/./logreg/prostate.csv";
    //CAPSULE (binomial), AGE (regression), GLEASON (multi-class)
    responses[0] = new int[] { 1, 2, 8 };
    //Iris-type (multi-class)
    datasets[1] = "smalldata/iris/iris.csv";
    //Iris-type (multi-class)
    responses[1] = new int[] { 4 };
    int testcount = 0;
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < datasets.length; ++i) {
        String dataset = datasets[i];
        Key file = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file(dataset));
        Frame frame = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make(), new Key[] { file });
        Key vfile = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file(dataset));
        Frame vframe = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make(), new Key[] { vfile });
        try {
            for (boolean replicate : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
                for (boolean load_balance : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
                    for (boolean shuffle : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
                        for (boolean balance_classes : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
                            for (int resp : responses[i]) {
                                for (DeepLearning.ClassSamplingMethod csm : new DeepLearning.ClassSamplingMethod[] { DeepLearning.ClassSamplingMethod.Stratified, DeepLearning.ClassSamplingMethod.Uniform }) {
                                    for (int scoretraining : new int[] { 200, 20, 0 }) {
                                        for (int scorevalidation : new int[] { 200, 20, 0 }) {
                                            for (int vf : new int[] { //no validation
                                            0, //same as source
                                            1, //different validation frame
                                            -1 }) {
                                                for (int n_folds : new int[] { 0, 2 }) {
                                                    if (n_folds != 0 && vf != 0)
                                                    for (boolean keep_cv_splits : new boolean[] { false }) {
                                                        //otherwise it leaks
                                                        for (boolean override_with_best_model : new boolean[] { false, true }) {
                                                            for (int train_samples_per_iteration : new int[] { //auto-tune
                                                            -2, //N epochs per iteration
                                                            -1, //1 epoch per iteration
                                                            0, // <1 epoch per iteration
                                                            rng.nextInt(200), //>1 epoch per iteration
                                                            500 }) {
                                                                DeepLearningModel model1 = null, model2 = null;
                                                                Key dest = null, dest_tmp = null;
                                                                if (fraction < rng.nextFloat())
                                                                try {
                                                          "Starting test #" + count);
                                                                    final double epochs = 7 + rng.nextDouble() + rng.nextInt(4);
                                                                    final int[] hidden = new int[] { 1 + rng.nextInt(4), 1 + rng.nextInt(6) };
                                                                    //no validation
                                                                    Frame valid = null;
                                                                    if (//use the same frame for validation
                                                                    vf == 1)
                                                                        //use the same frame for validation
                                                                        valid = frame;
                                                                    else //different validation frame (here: from the same file)
                                                                    if (vf == -1)
                                                                        valid = vframe;
                                                                    // build the model, with all kinds of shuffling/rebalancing/sampling
                                                                    dest_tmp = Key.make("first");
                                                              "Using seed: " + seed);
                                                                        DeepLearning p = new DeepLearning();
                                                                        p.checkpoint = null;
                                                                        p.destination_key = dest_tmp;
                                                                        p.source = frame;
                                                                        p.response = frame.vecs()[resp];
                                                                        p.validation = valid;
                                                                        p.hidden = hidden;
                                                                        if (i == 0 && resp == 2)
                                                                            p.classification = false;
                                                                        //                                      p.best_model_key = best_model_key;
                                                                        p.override_with_best_model = override_with_best_model;
                                                                        p.epochs = epochs;
                                                                        p.n_folds = n_folds;
                                                                        p.keep_cross_validation_splits = keep_cv_splits;
                                                                        p.seed = seed;
                                                                        p.train_samples_per_iteration = train_samples_per_iteration;
                                                                        p.force_load_balance = load_balance;
                                                                        p.replicate_training_data = replicate;
                                                                        p.shuffle_training_data = shuffle;
                                                                        p.score_training_samples = scoretraining;
                                                                        p.score_validation_samples = scorevalidation;
                                                                        p.classification_stop = -1;
                                                                        p.regression_stop = -1;
                                                                        p.balance_classes = balance_classes;
                                                                        p.quiet_mode = true;
                                                                        p.score_validation_sampling = csm;
                                                                        try {
                                                                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                                                                            throw new RuntimeException(t);
                                                                        } finally {
                                                                        model1 = UKV.get(dest_tmp);
                                                                        assert (((p.train_samples_per_iteration <= 0 || p.train_samples_per_iteration >= frame.numRows()) && model1.epoch_counter > epochs) || Math.abs(model1.epoch_counter - epochs) / epochs < 0.20);
                                                                        if (n_folds != 0) // test HTML of cv models
                                                                            for (Key k : model1.get_params().xval_models) {
                                                                                DeepLearningModel cv_model = UKV.get(k);
                                                                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                                                cv_model.generateHTML("cv", sb);
                                                                    // Do some more training via checkpoint restart
                                                                    // For n_folds, continue without n_folds (not yet implemented) - from now on, model2 will have n_folds=0...
                                                                    dest = Key.make("restart");
                                                                    DeepLearning p = new DeepLearning();
                                                                    //this actually *requires* frame to also still be in UKV (because of DataInfo...)
                                                                    final DeepLearningModel tmp_model = UKV.get(dest_tmp);
                                                                    Assert.assertTrue(tmp_model.get_params().state == Job.JobState.DONE);
                                                                    Assert.assertTrue(tmp_model.model_info().get_processed_total() >= frame.numRows() * epochs);
                                                                    assert (tmp_model != null);
                                                                    p.checkpoint = dest_tmp;
                                                                    p.destination_key = dest;
                                                                    p.n_folds = 0;
                                                                    p.source = frame;
                                                                    p.validation = valid;
                                                                    p.response = frame.vecs()[resp];
                                                                    if (i == 0 && resp == 2)
                                                                        p.classification = false;
                                                                    p.override_with_best_model = override_with_best_model;
                                                                    p.epochs = epochs;
                                                                    p.seed = seed;
                                                                    p.train_samples_per_iteration = train_samples_per_iteration;
                                                                    try {
                                                                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                                                                        throw new RuntimeException(t);
                                                                    } finally {
                                                                    // score and check result (on full data)
                                                                    //this actually *requires* frame to also still be in UKV (because of DataInfo...)
                                                                    model2 = UKV.get(dest);
                                                                    Assert.assertTrue(model2.get_params().state == Job.JobState.DONE);
                                                                    // test HTML
                                                                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                                        model2.generateHTML("test", sb);
                                                                    // score and check result of the best_model
                                                                    if (model2.actual_best_model_key != null) {
                                                                        final DeepLearningModel best_model = UKV.get(model2.actual_best_model_key);
                                                                        Assert.assertTrue(best_model.get_params().state == Job.JobState.DONE);
                                                                        // test HTML
                                                                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                                            best_model.generateHTML("test", sb);
                                                                        if (override_with_best_model) {
                                                                            Assert.assertEquals(best_model.error(), model2.error(), 0);
                                                                    if (valid == null)
                                                                        valid = frame;
                                                                    double threshold = 0;
                                                                    if (model2.isClassifier()) {
                                                                        Frame pred = null, pred2 = null;
                                                                        try {
                                                                            pred = model2.score(valid);
                                                                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                                            AUC auc = new AUC();
                                                                            double error = 0;
                                                                            // binary
                                                                            if (model2.nclasses() == 2) {
                                                                                auc.actual = valid;
                                                                                assert (resp == 1);
                                                                                auc.vactual = valid.vecs()[resp];
                                                                                auc.predict = pred;
                                                                                auc.vpredict = pred.vecs()[2];
                                                                                AUCData aucd =;
                                                                                threshold = aucd.threshold();
                                                                                error = aucd.err();
                                                                                // check that is the right CM
                                                                                Assert.assertEquals(new ConfusionMatrix(, error, 1e-15);
                                                                                // check that calcError() is consistent as well (for CM=null, AUC!=null)
                                                                                Assert.assertEquals(model2.calcError(valid, auc.vactual, pred, pred, "training", false, 0, null, auc, null), error, 1e-15);
                                                                            // Compute CM
                                                                            double CMerrorOrig;
                                                                                sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                                                water.api.ConfusionMatrix CM = new water.api.ConfusionMatrix();
                                                                                CM.actual = valid;
                                                                                CM.vactual = valid.vecs()[resp];
                                                                                CM.predict = pred;
                                                                                CM.vpredict = pred.vecs()[0];
                                                                                sb.append("Threshold: " + "default\n");
                                                                                CMerrorOrig = new ConfusionMatrix(;
                                                                            // confirm that orig CM was made with threshold 0.5
                                                                            // put pred2 into UKV, and allow access
                                                                            pred2 = new Frame(Key.make("pred2"), pred.names(), pred.vecs());
                                                                            if (model2.nclasses() == 2) {
                                                                                // make labels with 0.5 threshold for binary classifier
                                                                                Env ev = Exec2.exec("pred2[,1]=pred2[,3]>=" + 0.5);
                                                                                try {
                                                                                    pred2 = ev.popAry();
                                                                                    String skey = ev.key();
                                                                                    ev.subRef(pred2, skey);
                                                                                } finally {
                                                                                    if (ev != null)
                                                                                water.api.ConfusionMatrix CM = new water.api.ConfusionMatrix();
                                                                                CM.actual = valid;
                                                                                CM.vactual = valid.vecs()[1];
                                                                                CM.predict = pred2;
                                                                                CM.vpredict = pred2.vecs()[0];
                                                                                sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                                                sb.append("Threshold: " + 0.5 + "\n");
                                                                                double threshErr = new ConfusionMatrix(;
                                                                                Assert.assertEquals(threshErr, CMerrorOrig, 1e-15);
                                                                                // make labels with AUC-given threshold for best F1
                                                                                ev = Exec2.exec("pred2[,1]=pred2[,3]>=" + threshold);
                                                                                try {
                                                                                    pred2 = ev.popAry();
                                                                                    String skey = ev.key();
                                                                                    ev.subRef(pred2, skey);
                                                                                } finally {
                                                                                    if (ev != null)
                                                                                CM = new water.api.ConfusionMatrix();
                                                                                CM.actual = valid;
                                                                                CM.vactual = valid.vecs()[1];
                                                                                CM.predict = pred2;
                                                                                CM.vpredict = pred2.vecs()[0];
                                                                                sb = new StringBuilder();
                                                                                sb.append("Threshold: ").append(threshold).append("\n");
                                                                                double threshErr2 = new ConfusionMatrix(;
                                                                                Assert.assertEquals(threshErr2, error, 1e-15);
                                                                        } finally {
                                                                            if (pred != null)
                                                                            if (pred2 != null)
                                                          "Parameters combination " + count + ": PASS");
                                                                } catch (Throwable t) {
                                                                    throw new RuntimeException(t);
                                                                } finally {
                                                                    if (model1 != null) {
                                                                    if (model2 != null) {
        } finally {
    }"\n\n=============================================");"Tested " + testcount + " out of " + count + " parameter combinations.");"=============================================");
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) AUCData(water.api.AUCData) DeepLearning(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning) Env(water.exec.Env) AUC(water.api.AUC) Random(java.util.Random) water(water) DeepLearningModel(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel)

Example 4 with DeepLearningModel

use of hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningReproducibilityTest method run.

public void run() {
    long seed = new Random().nextLong();
    DeepLearningModel mymodel = null;
    Frame train = null;
    Frame test = null;
    Frame data = null;"");"STARTING.");"Using seed " + seed);
    Map<Integer, Float> repeatErrs = new TreeMap<Integer, Float>();
    int N = 6;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    float repro_error = 0;
    for (boolean repro : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
        Frame[] preds = new Frame[N];
        for (int repeat = 0; repeat < N; ++repeat) {
            try {
                Key file = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file("smalldata/weather.csv"));
                //          Key file = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file("smalldata/mnist/test.csv.gz"));
                data = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make("data.hex"), new Key[] { file });
                // Create holdout test data on clean data (before adding missing values)
                FrameSplitter fs = new FrameSplitter(data, new float[] { 0.75f });
                Frame[] train_test = fs.getResult();
                train = train_test[0];
                test = train_test[1];
                // Build a regularized DL model with polluted training data, score on clean validation set
                DeepLearning p;
                p = new DeepLearning();
                p.source = train;
                p.validation = test;
                p.response = train.lastVec();
                //for weather data
                p.ignored_cols = new int[] { 1, 22 };
                p.activation = DeepLearning.Activation.RectifierWithDropout;
                p.hidden = new int[] { 32, 58 };
                p.l1 = 1e-5;
                p.l2 = 3e-5;
                p.seed = 0xbebe;
                p.input_dropout_ratio = 0.2;
                p.hidden_dropout_ratios = new double[] { 0.4, 0.1 };
                p.epochs = 3.32;
                p.quiet_mode = true;
                p.reproducible = repro;
                try {
          "Starting with #" + repeat);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(t);
                } finally {
                // Extract the scoring on validation set from the model
                mymodel = UKV.get(p.dest());
                preds[repeat] = mymodel.score(test);
                repeatErrs.put(repeat, mymodel.error());
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new RuntimeException(t);
            } finally {
                // cleanup
                if (mymodel != null) {
                if (train != null)
                if (test != null)
                if (data != null)
        sb.append("Reproducibility: " + (repro ? "on" : "off") + "\n");
        sb.append("Repeat # --> Validation Error\n");
        for (String s : Arrays.toString(repeatErrs.entrySet().toArray()).split(",")) sb.append(s.replace("=", " --> ")).append("\n");
        try {
            if (repro) {
                // check reproducibility
                for (Float error : repeatErrs.values()) {
                for (Frame f : preds) {
                repro_error = repeatErrs.get(0);
            } else {
                // check standard deviation of non-reproducible mode
                double mean = 0;
                for (Float error : repeatErrs.values()) {
                    mean += error;
                mean /= N;
      "mean error: " + mean);
                double stddev = 0;
                for (Float error : repeatErrs.values()) {
                    stddev += (error - mean) * (error - mean);
                stddev /= N;
                stddev = Math.sqrt(stddev);
      "standard deviation: " + stddev);
                Assert.assertTrue(stddev < 0.1 / Math.sqrt(N));
      "difference to reproducible mode: " + Math.abs(mean - repro_error) / stddev + " standard deviations");
        } finally {
            for (Frame f : preds) if (f != null)
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) DeepLearning(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Random(java.util.Random) DeepLearningModel(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with DeepLearningModel

use of hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningSpiralsTest method run.

public void run() {
    Key file = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file("smalldata/neural/"));
    Frame frame = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make(), new Key[] { file });
    Key dest = Key.make("spirals2");
    for (boolean sparse : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
        for (boolean col_major : new boolean[] { false }) {
            if (!sparse && col_major)
            // build the model
                DeepLearning p = new DeepLearning();
                p.seed = 0xbabe;
                p.epochs = 10000;
                p.hidden = new int[] { 100 };
                p.sparse = sparse;
                p.col_major = col_major;
                p.activation = DeepLearning.Activation.Tanh;
                p.max_w2 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                p.l1 = 0;
                p.l2 = 0;
                p.initial_weight_distribution = DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Normal;
                p.initial_weight_scale = 2.5;
                p.loss = DeepLearning.Loss.CrossEntropy;
                p.source = frame;
                p.response = frame.lastVec();
                p.validation = null;
                p.score_interval = 2;
                p.ignored_cols = null;
                //sync once per period
                p.train_samples_per_iteration = 0;
                p.quiet_mode = true;
                p.fast_mode = true;
                p.ignore_const_cols = true;
                p.nesterov_accelerated_gradient = true;
                p.classification = true;
                p.diagnostics = true;
                p.expert_mode = true;
                p.score_training_samples = 1000;
                p.score_validation_samples = 10000;
                p.shuffle_training_data = false;
                p.force_load_balance = false;
                p.replicate_training_data = false;
                p.destination_key = dest;
                p.adaptive_rate = true;
                p.reproducible = true;
                p.rho = 0.99;
                p.epsilon = 5e-3;
            // score and check result
                DeepLearningModel mymodel = UKV.get(dest);
                double error = mymodel.error();
                if (error >= 0.025) {
          "Classification error is not less than 0.025, but " + error + ".");
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) DeepLearning(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning) Key(water.Key) DeepLearningModel(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel) Test(org.junit.Test)


DeepLearningModel (hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel)12 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)10 DeepLearning (hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning)9 Test (org.junit.Test)6 Random (java.util.Random)4 Key (water.Key)4 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)3 Neurons (hex.deeplearning.Neurons)2 GLM (hex.glm.GLM)2 GLMModel (hex.glm.GLMModel)2 DRF (hex.tree.drf.DRF)2 DRFModel (hex.tree.drf.DRFModel)2 GBM (hex.tree.gbm.GBM)2 GBMModel (hex.tree.gbm.GBMModel)2 NFSFileVec (water.fvec.NFSFileVec)2 NeuralNet (hex.NeuralNet)1 Grid (hex.grid.Grid)1 GridSearch (hex.grid.GridSearch)1 DRFParametersV3 (hex.schemas.DRFV3.DRFParametersV3)1 DeepLearningParametersV3 (hex.schemas.DeepLearningV3.DeepLearningParametersV3)1