use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Patch method makeFlatImage.
* Creates an ImageProcessor of the specified type.
* @param type Any of ImagePlus.GRAY_8, GRAY_16, GRAY_32 or COLOR_RGB.
* @param srcRect the box in world coordinates to make an image out of.
* @param scale may be up to 1.0.
* @param patches The list of patches to paint. The first gets painted first (at the bottom).
* @param background The color with which to paint the outsides where no image paints into.
* @param setMinAndMax defines whether the min and max of each Patch is set before pasting the Patch.
* For exporting while blending the display ranges (min,max) and respecting alpha masks, see {@link ExportUnsignedShort}.
public static ImageProcessor makeFlatImage(final int type, final Layer layer, final Rectangle srcRect, final double scale, final Collection<Patch> patches, final Color background, final boolean setMinAndMax) {
final ImageProcessor ip;
final int W, H;
if (scale < 1) {
W = (int) (srcRect.width * scale);
H = (int) (srcRect.height * scale);
} else {
W = srcRect.width;
H = srcRect.height;
switch(type) {
case ImagePlus.GRAY8:
ip = new ByteProcessor(W, H);
case ImagePlus.GRAY16:
ip = new ShortProcessor(W, H);
case ImagePlus.GRAY32:
ip = new FloatProcessor(W, H);
case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB:
ip = new ColorProcessor(W, H);
Utils.logAll("Cannot create an image of type " + type + ".\nSupported types: 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and RGB.");
return null;
// Fill with background
if (null != background && != background) {
AffineModel2D sc = null;
if (scale < 1.0) {
sc = new AffineModel2D();
sc.set(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0);
for (final Patch p : patches) {
// TODO patches seem to come in in inverse order---find out why
// A list to represent all the transformations that the Patch image has to go through to reach the scaled srcRect image
final CoordinateTransformList<CoordinateTransform> list = new CoordinateTransformList<CoordinateTransform>();
final AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
at.translate(-srcRect.x, -srcRect.y);
// 1. The coordinate tranform of the Patch, if any
if (p.hasCoordinateTransform()) {
final CoordinateTransform ct = p.getCoordinateTransform();
// Remove the translation in the patch_affine that the ct added to it
final Rectangle box = Patch.getCoordinateTransformBoundingBox(p, ct);
at.translate(-box.x, -box.y);
// 2. The affine transform of the Patch
final AffineModel2D patch_affine = new AffineModel2D();
// 3. The desired scaling
if (null != sc)
final CoordinateTransformMesh mesh = new CoordinateTransformMesh(list, p.meshResolution, p.getOWidth(), p.getOHeight());
final mpicbg.ij.TransformMeshMapping<CoordinateTransformMesh> mapping = new mpicbg.ij.TransformMeshMapping<CoordinateTransformMesh>(mesh);
// 4. Convert the patch to the required type
ImageProcessor pi = p.getImageProcessor();
if (setMinAndMax) {
pi = pi.duplicate();
pi.setMinAndMax(p.min, p.max);
switch(type) {
case ImagePlus.GRAY8:
pi = pi.convertToByte(true);
case ImagePlus.GRAY16:
pi = pi.convertToShort(true);
case ImagePlus.GRAY32:
pi = pi.convertToFloat();
// ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB and COLOR_256
pi = pi.convertToRGB();
/* TODO for taking into account independent min/max setting for each patch,
* we will need a mapping with an `intensity transfer function' to be implemented.
* --> EXISTS already as mpicbg/trakem2/transform/
mapping.mapInterpolated(pi, ip);
return ip;
use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Loader method makeTile.
* Will overwrite if the file path exists.
private void makeTile(final Layer layer, final Rectangle srcRect, final double mag, final int c_alphas, final int type, final Class<?> clazz, final String file_path, final Saver saver) throws Exception {
ImagePlus imp = null;
if (srcRect.width > 0 && srcRect.height > 0) {
// with quality
imp = getFlatImage(layer, srcRect, mag, c_alphas, type, clazz, null, true);
} else {
// black tile
imp = new ImagePlus("", new ByteProcessor(256, 256));
// correct cropped tiles
if (imp.getWidth() < 256 || imp.getHeight() < 256) {
final ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus(imp.getTitle(), imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(256, 256));
// ensure black background for color images
if (imp2.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) {
final Roi roi = new Roi(0, 0, 256, 256);
// black
imp2.getProcessor().insert(imp.getProcessor(), 0, 0);
imp = imp2;
// debug
// Utils.log("would save: " + srcRect + " at " + file_path);
// ImageSaver.saveAsJpeg(imp.getProcessor(), file_path, jpeg_quality, ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB != type);, file_path);
use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Loader method makePrescaledTiles.
* Generate 256x256 tiles, as many as necessary, to cover the given srcRect, starting at max_scale. Designed to be slow but memory-capable.
* filename = z + "/" + row + "_" + column + "_" + s + ".jpg";
* row and column run from 0 to n stepsize 1
* that is, row = y / ( 256 * 2^s ) and column = x / ( 256 * 2^s )
* z : z-level (slice)
* x,y: the row and column
* s: scale, which is 1 / (2^s), in integers: 0, 1, 2 ...
* var MAX_S = Math.floor( Math.log( MAX_Y + 1 ) / Math.LN2 ) - Math.floor( Math.log( Y_TILE_SIZE ) / Math.LN2 ) - 1;
* The module should not be more than 5
* At al levels, there should be an even number of rows and columns, except for the coarsest level.
* The coarsest level should be at least 5x5 tiles.
* Best results obtained when the srcRect approaches or is a square. Black space will pad the right and bottom edges when the srcRect is not exactly a square.
* Only the area within the srcRect is ever included, even if actual data exists beyond.
* @return The watcher thread, for joining purposes, or null if the dialog is canceled or preconditions are not passed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type is not ImagePlus.GRAY8 or Imageplus.COLOR_RGB.
public Bureaucrat makePrescaledTiles(final Layer[] layers, final Class<?> clazz, final Rectangle srcRect, double max_scale_, final int c_alphas, final int type, String target_dir, final boolean from_original_images, final Saver saver, final int tileSide) {
if (null == layers || 0 == layers.length)
return null;
switch(type) {
case ImagePlus.GRAY8:
case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only export for web with 8-bit or RGB");
// choose target directory
if (null == target_dir) {
final DirectoryChooser dc = new DirectoryChooser("Choose target directory");
target_dir = dc.getDirectory();
if (null == target_dir)
return null;
if (IJ.isWindows())
target_dir = target_dir.replace('\\', '/');
if (!target_dir.endsWith("/"))
target_dir += "/";
if (max_scale_ > 1) {
Utils.log("Prescaled Tiles: using max scale of 1.0");
// no point
max_scale_ = 1;
final String dir = target_dir;
final double max_scale = max_scale_;
final Worker worker = new Worker("Creating prescaled tiles") {
private void cleanUp() {
public void run() {
try {
// project name
// String pname = layer[0].getProject().getTitle();
// create 'z' directories if they don't exist: check and ask!
// start with the highest scale level
final int[] best = determineClosestPowerOfTwo(srcRect.width > srcRect.height ? srcRect.width : srcRect.height);
final int edge_length = best[0];
final int n_edge_tiles = edge_length / tileSide;
Utils.log2("srcRect: " + srcRect);
Utils.log2("edge_length, n_edge_tiles, best[1] " + best[0] + ", " + n_edge_tiles + ", " + best[1]);
// thumbnail dimensions
// LayerSet ls = layer[0].getParent();
final double ratio = srcRect.width / (double) srcRect.height;
double thumb_scale = 1.0;
if (ratio >= 1) {
// width is larger or equal than height
thumb_scale = 192.0 / srcRect.width;
} else {
thumb_scale = 192.0 / srcRect.height;
// Figure out layer indices, given that layers are not necessarily evenly spaced
final TreeMap<Integer, Layer> indices = new TreeMap<Integer, Layer>();
final ArrayList<Integer> missingIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
final double resolution_z_px;
final int smallestIndex, largestIndex;
if (1 == layers.length) {
indices.put(0, layers[0]);
resolution_z_px = layers[0].getZ();
smallestIndex = 0;
largestIndex = 0;
} else {
// Ensure layers are sorted by Z index and are unique pointers and unique in Z coordinate:
final TreeMap<Double, Layer> t = new TreeMap<Double, Layer>();
for (final Layer l1 : new HashSet<Layer>(Arrays.asList(layers))) {
final Layer l2 = t.get(l1.getZ());
if (null == l2) {
t.put(l1.getZ(), l1);
} else {
// Ignore the layer with less objects
if (l1.getDisplayables().size() > l2.getDisplayables().size()) {
t.put(l1.getZ(), l1);
Utils.log("Ignoring duplicate layer: " + l2);
// What is the mode thickness, measured by Z(i-1) - Z(i)?
// (Distance between the Z of two consecutive layers)
final HashMap<Double, Integer> counts = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
final Layer prev = t.get(t.firstKey());
double modeThickness = 0;
int modeThicknessCount = 0;
for (final Layer la : t.tailMap(prev.getZ(), false).values()) {
// Thickness with 3-decimal precision only
final double d = ((int) ((la.getZ() - prev.getZ()) * 1000 + 0.5)) / 1000.0;
Integer c = counts.get(d);
if (null == c)
c = 0;
counts.put(d, c);
if (c > modeThicknessCount) {
modeThicknessCount = c;
modeThickness = d;
// Not pixelDepth
resolution_z_px = modeThickness * prev.getParent().getCalibration().pixelWidth;
// Assign an index to each layer, approximating each layer at modeThickness intervals
for (final Layer la : t.values()) {
indices.put((int) (la.getZ() / modeThickness + 0.5), la);
// First and last
smallestIndex = indices.firstKey();
largestIndex = indices.lastKey();
Utils.logAll("indices: " + smallestIndex + ", " + largestIndex);
// Which indices are missing?
for (int i = smallestIndex + 1; i < largestIndex; ++i) {
if (!indices.containsKey(i)) {
// JSON metadata for CATMAID
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{");
final LayerSet ls = layers[0].getParent();
final Calibration cal = ls.getCalibration();
sb.append("\"volume_width_px\": ").append(srcRect.width).append(',').append('\n').append("\"volume_height_px\": ").append(srcRect.height).append(',').append('\n').append("\"volume_sections\": ").append(largestIndex - smallestIndex + 1).append(',').append('\n').append("\"extension\": \"").append(saver.getExtension()).append('\"').append(',').append('\n').append("\"resolution_x\": ").append(cal.pixelWidth).append(',').append('\n').append("\"resolution_y\": ").append(cal.pixelHeight).append(',').append('\n').append("\"resolution_z\": ").append(resolution_z_px).append(',').append('\n').append("\"units\": \"").append(cal.getUnit()).append('"').append(',').append('\n').append("\"offset_x_px\": 0,\n").append("\"offset_y_px\": 0,\n").append("\"offset_z_px\": ").append(indices.get(indices.firstKey()).getZ() * cal.pixelWidth / cal.pixelDepth).append(',').append('\n').append("\"missing_layers\": [");
for (final Integer i : missingIndices) sb.append(i - smallestIndex).append(',');
// remove last comma
sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);
if (!Utils.saveToFile(new File(dir + "metadata.json"), sb.toString())) {
Utils.logAll("WARNING: could not save " + dir + "metadata.json\nThe contents was:\n" + sb.toString());
for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Layer> entry : indices.entrySet()) {
if (this.quit) {
final int index = entry.getKey() - smallestIndex;
final Layer layer = entry.getValue();
// 1 - create a directory 'z' named as the layer's index
String tile_dir = dir + index;
File fdir = new File(tile_dir);
final int tag = 1;
// Ensure there is a usable directory:
while (fdir.exists() && !fdir.isDirectory()) {
fdir = new File(tile_dir + "_" + tag);
if (!fdir.exists()) {
Utils.log("Created directory " + fdir);
// if the directory exists already just reuse it, overwritting its files if so.
final String tmp = fdir.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/');
if (!tile_dir.equals(tmp))
Utils.log("\tWARNING: directory will not be in the standard location.");
// debug:
Utils.log2("tile_dir: " + tile_dir + "\ntmp: " + tmp);
tile_dir = tmp;
if (!tile_dir.endsWith("/"))
tile_dir += "/";
// 2 - create layer thumbnail, max 192x192
ImagePlus thumb = getFlatImage(layer, srcRect, thumb_scale, c_alphas, type, clazz, true);, tile_dir + "small");
// ImageSaver.saveAsJpeg(thumb.getProcessor(), tile_dir + "small.jpg", jpeg_quality, ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB != type);
thumb = null;
// 3 - fill directory with tiles
if (edge_length < tileSide) {
// edge_length is the largest length of the tileSide x tileSide tile map that covers an area equal or larger than the desired srcRect (because all tiles have to be tileSide x tileSide in size)
// create single tile per layer
makeTile(layer, srcRect, max_scale, c_alphas, type, clazz, tile_dir + "0_0_0", saver);
} else {
// create pyramid of tiles
if (from_original_images) {
Utils.log("Exporting from web using original images");
// Create a giant 8-bit image of the whole layer from original images
double scale = 1;
Utils.log("Export srcRect: " + srcRect);
// WARNING: the snapshot will most likely be smaller than the virtual square image being chopped into tiles
ImageProcessor snapshot = null;
if (ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB == type) {
Utils.log("WARNING: ignoring alpha masks for 'use original images' and 'RGB color' options");
snapshot = Patch.makeFlatImage(type, layer, srcRect, scale, (ArrayList<Patch>) (List) layer.getDisplayables(Patch.class, true),, true);
} else if (ImagePlus.GRAY8 == type) {
// Respect alpha masks and display range:
Utils.log("WARNING: ignoring scale for 'use original images' and '8-bit' options");
snapshot = ExportUnsignedShort.makeFlatImage((ArrayList<Patch>) (List) layer.getDisplayables(Patch.class, true), srcRect, 0).convertToByte(true);
} else {
Utils.log("ERROR: don't know how to generate mipmaps for type '" + type + "'");
int scale_pow = 0;
int n_et = n_edge_tiles;
final ExecutorService exe = Utils.newFixedThreadPool("export-for-web");
final ArrayList<Future<?>> fus = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();
try {
while (n_et >= best[1]) {
final int snapWidth = snapshot.getWidth();
final int snapHeight = snapshot.getHeight();
final ImageProcessor source = snapshot;
for (int row = 0; row < n_et; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < n_et; col++) {
final String path = new StringBuilder(tile_dir).append(row).append('_').append(col).append('_').append(scale_pow).toString();
final int tileXStart = col * tileSide;
final int tileYStart = row * tileSide;
final int pixelOffset = tileYStart * snapWidth + tileXStart;
fus.add(exe.submit(new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() {
if (ImagePlus.GRAY8 == type) {
final byte[] pixels = (byte[]) source.getPixels();
final byte[] p = new byte[tileSide * tileSide];
for (int y = 0, sourceIndex = pixelOffset; y < tileSide && tileYStart + y < snapHeight; sourceIndex = pixelOffset + y * snapWidth, y++) {
final int offsetL = y * tileSide;
for (int x = 0; x < tileSide && tileXStart + x < snapWidth; sourceIndex++, x++) {
p[offsetL + x] = pixels[sourceIndex];
return ImagePlus(path, new ByteProcessor(tileSide, tileSide, p, GRAY_LUT)), path);
} else {
final int[] pixels = (int[]) source.getPixels();
final int[] p = new int[tileSide * tileSide];
for (int y = 0, sourceIndex = pixelOffset; y < tileSide && tileYStart + y < snapHeight; sourceIndex = pixelOffset + y * snapWidth, y++) {
final int offsetL = y * tileSide;
for (int x = 0; x < tileSide && tileXStart + x < snapWidth; sourceIndex++, x++) {
p[offsetL + x] = pixels[sourceIndex];
return ImagePlus(path, new ColorProcessor(tileSide, tileSide, p)), path);
// works as magnification
scale = 1 / Math.pow(2, scale_pow);
n_et /= 2;
// Scale snapshot in half with area averaging
final ImageProcessor nextSnapshot;
if (ImagePlus.GRAY8 == type) {
nextSnapshot = new ByteProcessor((int) (srcRect.width * scale), (int) (srcRect.height * scale));
final byte[] p1 = (byte[]) snapshot.getPixels();
final byte[] p2 = (byte[]) nextSnapshot.getPixels();
final int width1 = snapshot.getWidth();
final int width2 = nextSnapshot.getWidth();
final int height2 = nextSnapshot.getHeight();
int i = 0;
for (int y1 = 0, y2 = 0; y2 < height2; y1 += 2, y2++) {
final int offset1a = y1 * width1;
final int offset1b = (y1 + 1) * width1;
for (int x1 = 0, x2 = 0; x2 < width2; x1 += 2, x2++) {
p2[i++] = (byte) (((p1[offset1a + x1] & 0xff) + (p1[offset1a + x1 + 1] & 0xff) + (p1[offset1b + x1] & 0xff) + (p1[offset1b + x1 + 1] & 0xff)) / 4);
} else {
nextSnapshot = new ColorProcessor((int) (srcRect.width * scale), (int) (srcRect.height * scale));
final int[] p1 = (int[]) snapshot.getPixels();
final int[] p2 = (int[]) nextSnapshot.getPixels();
final int width1 = snapshot.getWidth();
final int width2 = nextSnapshot.getWidth();
final int height2 = nextSnapshot.getHeight();
int i = 0;
for (int y1 = 0, y2 = 0; y2 < height2; y1 += 2, y2++) {
final int offset1a = y1 * width1;
final int offset1b = (y1 + 1) * width1;
for (int x1 = 0, x2 = 0; x2 < width2; x1 += 2, x2++) {
final int ka = p1[offset1a + x1], kb = p1[offset1a + x1 + 1], kc = p1[offset1b + x1], kd = p1[offset1b + x1 + 1];
// Average each channel independently
p2[i++] = (((// red
((ka >> 16) & 0xff) + ((kb >> 16) & 0xff) + ((kc >> 16) & 0xff) + ((kd >> 16) & 0xff)) / 4) << 16) + (((// green
((ka >> 8) & 0xff) + ((kb >> 8) & 0xff) + ((kc >> 8) & 0xff) + ((kd >> 8) & 0xff)) / 4) << 8) + (// blue
(ka & 0xff) + (kb & 0xff) + (kc & 0xff) + (kd & 0xff)) / 4;
// Assign for next iteration
snapshot = nextSnapshot;
// Scale snapshot with a TransformMesh
AffineModel2D aff = new AffineModel2D();
aff.set(0.5f, 0, 0, 0.5f, 0, 0);
ImageProcessor scaledSnapshot = new ByteProcessor((int)(snapshot.getWidth() * scale), (int)(snapshot.getHeight() * scale));
final CoordinateTransformMesh mesh = new CoordinateTransformMesh( aff, 32, snapshot.getWidth(), snapshot.getHeight() );
final mpicbg.ij.TransformMeshMapping<CoordinateTransformMesh> mapping = new mpicbg.ij.TransformMeshMapping<CoordinateTransformMesh>( mesh );
mapping.mapInterpolated(snapshot, scaledSnapshot, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
// Assign for next iteration
snapshot = scaledSnapshot;
snapshotPixels = (byte[]) scaledSnapshot.getPixels();
} catch (final Throwable t) {
} finally {
} else {
// max_scale; // WARNING if scale is different than 1, it will FAIL to set the next scale properly.
double scale = 1;
int scale_pow = 0;
// cached for local modifications in the loop, works as loop controler
int n_et = n_edge_tiles;
while (n_et >= best[1]) {
// best[1] is the minimal root found, i.e. 1,2,3,4,5 from which then powers of two were taken to make up for the edge_length
// 0 < scale <= 1, so no precision lost
final int tile_side = (int) (256 / scale);
for (int row = 0; row < n_et; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < n_et; col++) {
final int i_tile = row * n_et + col;
Utils.showProgress(i_tile / (double) (n_et * n_et));
if (0 == i_tile % 100) {
// RGB int[] images
releaseToFit(tile_side * tile_side * 4 * 2);
if (this.quit) {
final Rectangle tile_src = new // TODO row and col are inverted
Rectangle(// TODO row and col are inverted
srcRect.x + tile_side * row, srcRect.y + tile_side * col, tile_side, // in absolute coords, magnification later.
// crop bounds
if (tile_src.x + tile_src.width > srcRect.x + srcRect.width)
tile_src.width = srcRect.x + srcRect.width - tile_src.x;
if (tile_src.y + tile_src.height > srcRect.y + srcRect.height)
tile_src.height = srcRect.y + srcRect.height - tile_src.y;
// negative tile sizes will be made into black tiles
// (negative dimensions occur for tiles beyond the edges of srcRect, since the grid of tiles has to be of equal number of rows and cols)
// should be row_col_scale, but results in transposed tiles in googlebrains, so I reversed the order.
makeTile(layer, tile_src, scale, c_alphas, type, clazz, new StringBuilder(tile_dir).append(col).append('_').append(row).append('_').append(scale_pow).toString(), saver);
// works as magnification
scale = 1 / Math.pow(2, scale_pow);
n_et /= 2;
} catch (final Exception e) {
} finally {
// watcher thread
return Bureaucrat.createAndStart(worker, layers[0].getProject());
use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class Loader method importImages.
* <p>Import images from the given text file, which is expected to contain 4 columns or optionally 9 columns:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>column 1: image file path (if base_dir is not null, it will be prepended)</li>
* <li>column 2: x coord [px]</li>
* <li>column 3: y coord [px]</li>
* <li>column 4: z coord [px] (layer_thickness will be multiplied to it if not zero)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>optional columns, if a property is not known, it can be set to "-" which makes TrakEM2 open the file and find out by itself</p>
* <ul>
* <li>column 5: width [px]</li>
* <li>column 6: height [px]</li>
* <li>column 7: min intensity [double] (for screen display)</li>
* <li>column 8: max intensity [double] (for screen display)</li>
* <li>column 9: type [integer] (pixel types according to ImagepPlus types: 0=8bit int gray, 1=16bit int gray, 2=32bit float gray, 3=8bit indexed color, 4=32-bit RGB color</li>
* </ul>
* <p>This function implements the "Import from text file" command.</p>
* <p>Layers will be automatically created as needed inside the LayerSet to which the given ref_layer belongs.</p>
* <p>
* The text file can contain comments that start with the # sign.
* </p>
* <p>
* Images will be imported in parallel, using as many cores as your machine has.
* </p>
* @param calibration_ transforms the read coordinates into pixel coordinates, including x,y,z, and layer thickness.
* @param scale_ Between 0 and 1. When lower than 1, a preprocessor script is created for the imported images, to scale them down.
public Bureaucrat importImages(Layer ref_layer, String abs_text_file_path_, String column_separator_, double layer_thickness_, double calibration_, boolean homogenize_contrast_, float scale_, int border_width_) {
// check parameters: ask for good ones if necessary
if (null == abs_text_file_path_) {
final String[] file = Utils.selectFile("Select text file");
// user canceled dialog
if (null == file)
return null;
abs_text_file_path_ = file[0] + file[1];
if (null == column_separator_ || 0 == column_separator_.length() || Double.isNaN(layer_thickness_) || layer_thickness_ <= 0 || Double.isNaN(calibration_) || calibration_ <= 0) {
final Calibration cal = ref_layer.getParent().getCalibrationCopy();
final GenericDialog gdd = new GenericDialog("Options");
final String[] separators = new String[] { "tab", "space", "comma (,)" };
gdd.addMessage("Choose a layer to act as the zero for the Z coordinates:");
Utils.addLayerChoice("Base layer", ref_layer, gdd);
gdd.addChoice("Column separator: ", separators, separators[0]);
// default: 60 nm
gdd.addNumericField("Layer thickness: ", cal.pixelDepth, 2);
gdd.addNumericField("Calibration (data to pixels): ", 1, 2);
gdd.addCheckbox("Homogenize contrast layer-wise", homogenize_contrast_);
gdd.addSlider("Scale:", 0, 100, 100);
gdd.addNumericField("Hide border with alpha mask", 0, 0, 6, "pixels");
if (gdd.wasCanceled())
return null;
layer_thickness_ = gdd.getNextNumber();
if (layer_thickness_ < 0 || Double.isNaN(layer_thickness_)) {
Utils.log("Improper layer thickness value.");
return null;
calibration_ = gdd.getNextNumber();
if (0 == calibration_ || Double.isNaN(calibration_)) {
Utils.log("Improper calibration value.");
return null;
// not pixelDepth!
layer_thickness_ /= cal.pixelWidth;
ref_layer = ref_layer.getParent().getLayer(gdd.getNextChoiceIndex());
column_separator_ = "\t";
switch(gdd.getNextChoiceIndex()) {
case 1:
column_separator_ = " ";
case 2:
column_separator_ = ",";
homogenize_contrast_ = gdd.getNextBoolean();
final double sc = gdd.getNextNumber();
if (Double.isNaN(sc))
scale_ = 1.0f;
scale_ = ((float) sc) / 100.0f;
final int border = (int) gdd.getNextNumber();
if (border < 0) {
Utils.log("Nonsensical border value: " + border);
return null;
border_width_ = border;
if (Float.isNaN(scale_) || scale_ < 0 || scale_ > 1) {
Utils.log("Non-sensical scale: " + scale_ + "\nUsing scale of 1 instead.");
scale_ = 1;
// make vars accessible from inner threads:
final Layer base_layer = ref_layer;
final String abs_text_file_path = abs_text_file_path_;
final String column_separator = column_separator_;
final double layer_thickness = layer_thickness_;
final double calibration = calibration_;
final boolean homogenize_contrast = homogenize_contrast_;
final float scale = (float) scale_;
final int border_width = border_width_;
return Bureaucrat.createAndStart(new Worker.Task("Importing images", true) {
public void exec() {
try {
// 1 - read text file
final String[] lines = Utils.openTextFileLines(abs_text_file_path);
if (null == lines || 0 == lines.length) {
Utils.log2("No images to import from " + abs_text_file_path);
ContrastEnhancerWrapper cew = null;
if (homogenize_contrast) {
cew = new ContrastEnhancerWrapper();
final String sep2 = column_separator + column_separator;
// 2 - set a base dir path if necessary
String base_dir = null;
// to wait on mipmap regeneration
final Vector<Future<?>> fus = new Vector<Future<?>>();
final LayerSet layer_set = base_layer.getParent();
final double z_zero = base_layer.getZ();
final AtomicInteger n_imported = new AtomicInteger(0);
final Set<Layer> touched_layers = new HashSet<Layer>();
final int NP = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
int np = NP;
switch(np) {
case 1:
case 2:
np = np / 2;
final ExecutorService ex = Utils.newFixedThreadPool(np, "import-images");
final List<Future<?>> imported = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();
final Worker wo = this;
final String script_path;
// If scale is at least 1/100 lower than 1, then:
if (Math.abs(scale - (int) scale) > 0.01) {
// Assume source and target sigma of 0.5
final double sigma = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(1 / scale, 2) - 0.25);
final String script = new StringBuilder().append("import ij.ImagePlus;\n").append("import ij.process.ImageProcessor;\n").append("import ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur;\n").append("GaussianBlur blur = new GaussianBlur();\n").append(// as in ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur
"double accuracy = (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY8 || imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) ? 0.002 : 0.0002;\n").append("imp.getProcessor().setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.NONE);\n").append("blur.blurGaussian(imp.getProcessor(),").append(sigma).append(',').append(sigma).append(",accuracy);\n").append("imp.setProcessor(imp.getTitle(), imp.getProcessor().resize((int)(imp.getWidth() * ").append(scale).append("), (int)(imp.getHeight() * ").append(scale).append(")));").toString();
File f = new File(getStorageFolder() + "resize-" + scale + ".bsh");
int v = 1;
while (f.exists()) {
f = new File(getStorageFolder() + "resize-" + scale + "." + v + ".bsh");
script_path = Utils.saveToFile(f, script) ? f.getAbsolutePath() : null;
if (null == script_path) {
Utils.log("Could NOT save a preprocessor script for image scaling\nat path " + f.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
script_path = null;
Utils.log("Scaling script path is " + script_path);
final AtomicReference<Triple<Integer, Integer, ByteProcessor>> last_mask = new AtomicReference<Triple<Integer, Integer, ByteProcessor>>();
// 3 - parse each line
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() || hasQuitted()) {
// process line
// first thing is the backslash removal, before they get processed at all
String line = lines[i].replace('\\', '/').trim();
final int ic = line.indexOf('#');
// remove comment at end of line if any
if (-1 != ic)
line = line.substring(0, ic);
if (0 == line.length() || '#' == line.charAt(0))
// reduce line, so that separators are really unique
while (-1 != line.indexOf(sep2)) {
line = line.replaceAll(sep2, column_separator);
final String[] column = line.split(column_separator);
if (column.length < 4) {
Utils.log("Less than 4 columns: can't import from line " + i + " : " + line);
// obtain coordinates
double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
try {
x = Double.parseDouble(column[1].trim());
y = Double.parseDouble(column[2].trim());
z = Double.parseDouble(column[3].trim());
} catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
Utils.log("Non-numeric value in a numeric column at line " + i + " : " + line);
x *= calibration;
y *= calibration;
z = z * calibration + z_zero;
// obtain path
String path = column[0].trim();
if (0 == path.length())
// check if path is relative
if ((!IJ.isWindows() && '/' != path.charAt(0)) || (IJ.isWindows() && 1 != path.indexOf(":/"))) {
// path is relative.
if (null == base_dir) {
// may not be null if another thread that got the lock first set it to non-null
// Ask for source directory
final DirectoryChooser dc = new DirectoryChooser("Choose source directory");
final String dir = dc.getDirectory();
if (null == dir) {
// quit all threads
base_dir = Utils.fixDir(dir);
if (null != base_dir)
path = base_dir + path;
final File f = new File(path);
if (!f.exists()) {
Utils.log("No file found for path " + path);
// will create a new Layer if necessary
final Layer layer = layer_set.getLayer(z, layer_thickness, true);
final String imagefilepath = path;
final double xx = x * scale;
final double yy = y * scale;
final Callable<Patch> creator;
if (column.length >= 9) {
creator = new Callable<Patch>() {
private final int parseInt(final String t) {
if (t.equals("-"))
return -1;
return Integer.parseInt(t);
private final double parseDouble(final String t) {
if (t.equals("-"))
return Double.NaN;
return Double.parseDouble(t);
public Patch call() throws Exception {
int o_width = parseInt(column[4].trim());
int o_height = parseInt(column[5].trim());
double min = parseDouble(column[6].trim());
double max = parseDouble(column[7].trim());
int type = parseInt(column[8].trim());
if (-1 == type || -1 == o_width || -1 == o_height) {
// Read them from the file header
final ImageFileHeader ifh = new ImageFileHeader(imagefilepath);
o_width = ifh.width;
o_height = ifh.height;
type = ifh.type;
if (!ifh.isSupportedType()) {
Utils.log("Incompatible image type: " + imagefilepath);
return null;
ImagePlus imp = null;
if (Double.isNaN(min) || Double.isNaN(max)) {
imp = openImagePlus(imagefilepath);
min = imp.getProcessor().getMin();
max = imp.getProcessor().getMax();
final Patch patch = new Patch(layer.getProject(), new File(imagefilepath).getName(), o_width, o_height, o_width, o_height, type, 1.0f, Color.yellow, false, min, max, new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, xx, yy), imagefilepath);
if (null != script_path && null != imp) {
// For use in setting the preprocessor script
cacheImagePlus(patch.getId(), imp);
return patch;
} else {
creator = new Callable<Patch>() {
public Patch call() throws Exception {
final ImageFileHeader ifh = new ImageFileHeader(imagefilepath);
final int o_width = ifh.width;
final int o_height = ifh.height;
final int type = ifh.type;
if (!ifh.isSupportedType()) {
Utils.log("Incompatible image type: " + imagefilepath);
return null;
double min = 0;
double max = 255;
switch(type) {
case ImagePlus.GRAY16:
case ImagePlus.GRAY32:
// Determine suitable min and max
// TODO Stream through the image, do not load it!
final ImagePlus imp = openImagePlus(imagefilepath);
if (null == imp) {
Utils.log("Ignoring unopenable image from " + imagefilepath);
return null;
min = imp.getProcessor().getMin();
max = imp.getProcessor().getMax();
// add Patch
final Patch patch = new Patch(layer.getProject(), new File(imagefilepath).getName(), o_width, o_height, o_width, o_height, type, 1.0f, Color.yellow, false, min, max, new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, xx, yy), imagefilepath);
return patch;
// Otherwise, images would end up loaded twice for no reason
if (0 == (i % (NP + NP))) {
final ArrayList<Future<?>> a = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(NP + NP);
synchronized (fus) {
// .add is also synchronized, fus is a Vector
int k = 0;
while (!fus.isEmpty() && k < NP) {
for (final Future<?> fu : a) {
try {
if (wo.hasQuitted())
} catch (final Throwable t) {
imported.add(ex.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (wo.hasQuitted())
/* */
Patch patch;
try {
patch =;
} catch (final Exception e) {
Utils.log("Could not load patch from " + imagefilepath);
// Set the script if any
if (null != script_path) {
try {
} catch (final Throwable t) {
Utils.log("FAILED to set a scaling preprocessor script to patch " + patch);
// Set an alpha mask to crop away the borders
if (border_width > 0) {
final Triple<Integer, Integer, ByteProcessor> m = last_mask.get();
if (null != m && m.a == patch.getOWidth() && m.b == patch.getOHeight()) {
// Reuse
} else {
// Create new mask
final ByteProcessor mask = new ByteProcessor(patch.getOWidth(), patch.getOHeight());
mask.setRoi(new Roi(border_width, border_width, mask.getWidth() - 2 * border_width, mask.getHeight() - 2 * border_width));
// Store as last
last_mask.set(new Triple<Integer, Integer, ByteProcessor>(mask.getWidth(), mask.getHeight(), mask));
if (!homogenize_contrast) {
synchronized (layer) {
layer.add(patch, true);
wo.setTaskName("Imported " + (n_imported.incrementAndGet() + 1) + "/" + lines.length);
if (0 == n_imported.get()) {
Utils.log("No images imported.");
if (homogenize_contrast) {
setTaskName("Enhance contrast");
// layer-wise (layer order is irrelevant):
} catch (final Exception e) {
}, base_layer.getProject());
use of ij.process.ByteProcessor in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.
the class FSLoader method generateMipMaps.
* Given an image and its source file name (without directory prepended), generate
* a pyramid of images until reaching an image not smaller than 32x32 pixels.
* <p>
* Such images are stored as jpeg 85% quality in a folder named trakem2.mipmaps.
* </p>
* <p>
* The Patch id and the right extension will be appended to the filename in all cases.
* </p>
* <p>
* Any equally named files will be overwritten.
* </p>
protected boolean generateMipMaps(final Patch patch) {
Utils.log2("mipmaps for " + patch);
final String path = getAbsolutePath(patch);
if (null == path) {
Utils.log("generateMipMaps: null path for Patch " + patch);
return false;
if (hs_unloadable.contains(patch)) {
return false;
synchronized (gm_lock) {
try {
if (null == dir_mipmaps)
if (null == dir_mipmaps || isURL(dir_mipmaps))
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
* Record Patch as modified
* Remove serialized features, if any
* Remove serialized pointmatches, if any
* Alpha mask: setup to check if it was modified while regenerating.
final long alpha_mask_id = patch.getAlphaMaskId();
final int resizing_mode = patch.getProject().getMipMapsMode();
try {
ImageProcessor ip;
ByteProcessor alpha_mask = null;
ByteProcessor outside_mask = null;
int type = patch.getType();
// Aggressive cache freeing
releaseToFit(patch.getOWidth() * patch.getOHeight() * 4 + MIN_FREE_BYTES);
// Obtain an image which may be coordinate-transformed, and an alpha mask.
Patch.PatchImage pai = patch.createTransformedImage();
if (null == pai || null == {
Utils.log("Can't regenerate mipmaps for patch " + patch);
return false;
ip =;
// can be null
alpha_mask = pai.mask;
// can be null
outside_mask = pai.outside;
pai = null;
// Old style:
// final String filename = new StringBuilder(new File(path).getName()).append('.').append(patch.getId()).append(mExt).toString();
// New style:
final String filename = createMipMapRelPath(patch, mExt);
int w = ip.getWidth();
int h = ip.getHeight();
// sigma = sqrt(2^level - 0.5^2)
// where 0.5 is the estimated sigma for a full-scale image
// which means sigma = 0.75 for the full-scale image (has level 0)
// prepare a 0.75 sigma image from the original
double min = patch.getMin(), max = patch.getMax();
// (The -1,-1 are flags really for "not set")
if (-1 == min && -1 == max) {
switch(type) {
case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB:
case ImagePlus.COLOR_256:
case ImagePlus.GRAY8:
patch.setMinAndMax(0, 255);
// Find and flow through to default:
case ImagePlus.GRAY16:
((ij.process.ShortProcessor) ip).findMinAndMax();
patch.setMinAndMax(ip.getMin(), ip.getMax());
case ImagePlus.GRAY32:
((FloatProcessor) ip).findMinAndMax();
patch.setMinAndMax(ip.getMin(), ip.getMax());
// may have changed
min = patch.getMin();
max = patch.getMax();
// Set for the level 0 image, which is a duplicate of the one in the cache in any case
ip.setMinAndMax(min, max);
// ImageJ no longer stretches the bytes for ByteProcessor with setMinAndmax
if (ByteProcessor.class == ip.getClass()) {
if (0 != min && 255 != max) {
final byte[] b = (byte[]) ip.getPixels();
final double scale = 255 / (max - min);
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) {
final int val = b[i] & 0xff;
if (val < min)
b[i] = 0;
b[i] = (byte) Math.min(255, ((val - min) * scale));
// Proper support for LUT images: treat them as RGB
if (ip.isColorLut() || type == ImagePlus.COLOR_256) {
ip = ip.convertToRGB();
type = ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB;
final int first_mipmap_level_saved = patch.getProject().getFirstMipMapLevelSaved();
if (Loader.AREA_DOWNSAMPLING == resizing_mode) {
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
final ImageBytes[] b = DownsamplerMipMaps.create(patch, type, ip, alpha_mask, outside_mask);
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) {
if (i < first_mipmap_level_saved) {
// Ignore level i
if (null != b[i])
} else {
boolean written =, i) + filename, b[i].c, b[i].width, b[i].height, 0.85f);
if (!written) {
Utils.log("Failed to save mipmap with area downsampling at level=" + i + " for patch " + patch);
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("MipMaps with area downsampling: creation took " + (t1 - t0) + "ms, saving took " + (t2 - t1) + "ms, total: " + (t2 - t0) + "ms\n");
} else if (Loader.GAUSSIAN == resizing_mode) {
if (ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB == type) {
// TODO releaseToFit proper
releaseToFit(w * h * 4 * 10);
final ColorProcessor cp = (ColorProcessor) ip;
final FloatProcessorT2 red = new FloatProcessorT2(w, h, 0, 255);
cp.toFloat(0, red);
final FloatProcessorT2 green = new FloatProcessorT2(w, h, 0, 255);
cp.toFloat(1, green);
final FloatProcessorT2 blue = new FloatProcessorT2(w, h, 0, 255);
cp.toFloat(2, blue);
FloatProcessorT2 alpha;
final FloatProcessorT2 outside;
if (null != alpha_mask) {
alpha = new FloatProcessorT2(alpha_mask);
} else {
alpha = null;
if (null != outside_mask) {
outside = new FloatProcessorT2(outside_mask);
if (null == alpha) {
alpha = outside;
alpha_mask = outside_mask;
} else {
outside = null;
final String target_dir0 = getLevelDir(dir_mipmaps, 0);
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
return false;
// Generate level 0 first:
if (0 == first_mipmap_level_saved) {
boolean written;
if (null == alpha) {
written =, target_dir0 + filename, 0.85f, false);
} else {
written = + filename, P.asRGBABytes((int[]) cp.getPixels(), (byte[]) alpha_mask.getPixels(), null == outside ? null : (byte[]) outside_mask.getPixels()), w, h, 0.85f);
if (!written) {
Utils.log("Failed to save mipmap for COLOR_RGB, 'alpha = " + alpha + "', level = 0 for patch " + patch);
// Generate all other mipmap levels
// TODO: for best performance, it should start from a direct Gaussian downscaling at the first level to write.
// the scale level. Proper scale is: 1 / pow(2, k)
int k = 0;
do {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
return false;
// 1 - Prepare values for the next scaled image
// 2 - Check that the target folder for the desired scale exists
final String target_dir = getLevelDir(dir_mipmaps, k);
if (null == target_dir)
// 3 - Blur the previous image to 0.75 sigma, and scale it
// will resize 'red' FloatProcessor in place.
final byte[] r = gaussianBlurResizeInHalf(red);
// idem
final byte[] g = gaussianBlurResizeInHalf(green);
// idem
final byte[] b = gaussianBlurResizeInHalf(blue);
// idem
final byte[] a = null == alpha ? null : gaussianBlurResizeInHalf(alpha);
if (null != outside) {
final byte[] o;
if (alpha != outside)
// idem
o = gaussianBlurResizeInHalf(outside);
o = a;
// If there was no alpha mask, alpha is the outside itself
for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
// TODO I am sure there is a bitwise operation to do this in one step. Some thing like: a[i] &= 127;
if ((o[i] & 0xff) != 255)
a[i] = 0;
w = red.getWidth();
h = red.getHeight();
// 4 - Compose ColorProcessor
if (first_mipmap_level_saved < k) {
// Skip saving this mipmap level
if (null == alpha) {
// 5 - Save as jpeg
if (! + filename, new byte[][] { r, g, b }, w, h, 0.85f)) {
Utils.log("Failed to save mipmap for COLOR_RGB, 'alpha = " + alpha + "', level = " + k + " for patch " + patch);
} else {
if (! + filename, new byte[][] { r, g, b, a }, w, h, 0.85f)) {
Utils.log("Failed to save mipmap for COLOR_RGB, 'alpha = " + alpha + "', level = " + k + " for patch " + patch);
} while (// not smaller than 32x32
w >= 32 && h >= 32);
} else {
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Greyscale:
releaseToFit(w * h * 4 * 10);
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
return false;
final FloatProcessorT2 fp = new FloatProcessorT2((FloatProcessor) ip.convertToFloat());
if (ImagePlus.GRAY8 == type) {
// for 8-bit, the min,max has been applied when going to FloatProcessor
// just set it
fp.setMinMax(0, 255);
} else {
fp.setMinAndMax(patch.getMin(), patch.getMax());
// fp.debugMinMax(patch.toString());
FloatProcessorT2 alpha, outside;
if (null != alpha_mask) {
alpha = new FloatProcessorT2(alpha_mask);
} else {
alpha = null;
if (null != outside_mask) {
outside = new FloatProcessorT2(outside_mask);
if (null == alpha) {
alpha = outside;
alpha_mask = outside_mask;
} else {
outside = null;
// the scale level. Proper scale is: 1 / pow(2, k)
int k = 0;
do {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
return false;
if (0 != k) {
// not doing so at the end because it would add one unnecessary blurring
if (null != alpha) {
if (alpha != outside && outside != null) {
w = fp.getWidth();
h = fp.getHeight();
// 1 - check that the target folder for the desired scale exists
final String target_dir = getLevelDir(dir_mipmaps, k);
if (null == target_dir)
if (k < first_mipmap_level_saved) {
// Skip saving this mipmap level
if (null != alpha) {
// If there was no alpha mask, alpha is the outside itself
if (! + filename, new byte[][] { fp.getScaledBytePixels(), P.merge(alpha.getBytePixels(), null == outside ? null : outside.getBytePixels()) }, w, h, 0.85f)) {
Utils.log("Failed to save mipmap for GRAY8, 'alpha = " + alpha + "', level = " + k + " for patch " + patch);
} else {
// 3 - save as 8-bit jpeg
if (! + filename, new byte[][] { fp.getScaledBytePixels() }, w, h, 0.85f)) {
Utils.log("Failed to save mipmap for GRAY8, 'alpha = " + alpha + "', level = " + k + " for patch " + patch);
// 4 - prepare values for the next scaled image
} while (// not smaller than 32x32
fp.getWidth() >= 32 && fp.getHeight() >= 32);
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("MipMaps took " + (t1 - t0));
} else {
Utils.log("ERROR: unknown image resizing mode for mipmaps: " + resizing_mode);
return true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.log("*** ERROR: Can't generate mipmaps for patch " + patch);
return false;
} finally {
// flush any cached tiles
// flush any cached layer screenshots
if (null != patch.getLayer()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// gets executed even when returning from the catch statement or within the try/catch block
synchronized (gm_lock) {
// Has the alpha mask changed?
if (patch.getAlphaMaskId() != alpha_mask_id) {
Utils.log2("Alpha mask changed: resubmitting mipmap regeneration for " + patch);