use of ij.process.FloatProcessor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class ConfigurationTemplateTest method canLoadTemplateImageFromFile.
void canLoadTemplateImageFromFile(RandomSeed seed) throws IOException {
Assertions.assertEquals(0, ConfigurationTemplate.getTemplateNamesWithImage().length);
// Create a dummy image
final int size = 20;
final float[] pixels = new float[size * size];
final UniformRandomProvider r = RngUtils.create(seed.getSeed());
for (int i = pixels.length; i-- > 0; ) {
pixels[i] = r.nextFloat();
final ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("test", new FloatProcessor(size, size, pixels));
final File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".tif");
tmpFile.deleteOnExit();, tmpFile.getPath());
final String name = "canLoadTemplateImageFromFile";
final File file = new File(FileUtils.replaceExtension(tmpFile.getPath(), ".xml"));
ConfigurationTemplate.saveTemplate(name, TemplateSettings.getDefaultInstance(), file);
Assertions.assertEquals(1, ConfigurationTemplate.getTemplateNamesWithImage().length);
final ImagePlus imp2 = ConfigurationTemplate.getTemplateImage(name);
final float[] data = (float[]) imp2.getProcessor().toFloat(0, null).getPixels();
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(pixels, data);
use of ij.process.FloatProcessor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class Image3D method insert.
* Insert a sub-region.
* @param x the x position
* @param y the y position
* @param z the z position
* @param stack the image stack
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the region is not within the data
public void insert(int x, int y, int z, ImageStack stack) {
// Check the region range
final int width = stack.getWidth();
final int height = stack.getHeight();
final int depth = stack.getSize();
if (width < 1 || height < 1 || depth < 1) {
if (x < 0 || (long) x + width > nc || y < 0 || (long) y + height > nr || z < 0 || (long) z + depth > ns) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Region not within the data");
final boolean isFloat = stack.getBitDepth() == 32;
final FloatProcessor fp = (isFloat) ? new FloatProcessor(width, height) : null;
for (int s = 0; s < depth; s++, z++) {
int base = z * nrByNc + y * nc + x;
final float[] region = (float[]) ((isFloat) ? stack.getPixels(1 + s) : stack.getProcessor(1 + s).toFloat(0, fp).getPixels());
for (int r = 0, i = 0; r < height; r++) {
copyFrom(region, i, width, base);
base += nc;
i += width;
use of ij.process.FloatProcessor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class JTransformsTest method canComputeUsingFft.
private static void canComputeUsingFft(boolean convolution) {
final int size = 16;
final int ex = 5;
final int ey = 7;
final int ox = 1;
final int oy = 2;
final FloatProcessor fp1 = createProcessor(size, ex, ey, 4, 4, null);
final FloatProcessor fp2 = createProcessor(size, size / 2 + ox, size / 2 + oy, 4, 4, null);
final float[] input1 = (float[]) fp1.getPixels();
final float[] input2 = (float[]) fp2.getPixels();
final FhtFilter ff = new FhtFilter(input2.clone(), size, size);
ff.setOperation((convolution) ? Operation.CONVOLUTION : Operation.CORRELATION);
final float[] e = input1.clone();
ff.filter(e, size, size);
// Do the same with JTransforms
final float[] data1 = new float[input1.length * 2];
final FloatFFT_2D fft = new FloatFFT_2D(size, size);
System.arraycopy(input1, 0, data1, 0, input1.length);
final float[] data2 = new float[data1.length];
System.arraycopy(input2, 0, data2, 0, input2.length);
for (int i = 0; i < data2.length; i += 2) {
final float a = data1[i];
final float b = data1[i + 1];
final float c = data2[i];
// Get the conjugate for correlation
final float d = (convolution) ? data2[i + 1] : -data2[i + 1];
data1[i] = a * c - b * d;
data1[i + 1] = b * c + a * d;
fft.complexInverse(data1, true);
final float[] o = new float[e.length];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < o.length; i++, j += 2) {
o[i] = data1[j];
Fht.swapQuadrants(new FloatProcessor(size, size, o));
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(e, o, 1e-3f);
use of ij.process.FloatProcessor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class FhtFilterTest method createProcessor.
private static FloatProcessor createProcessor(int size, int x, int y, int width, int height, UniformRandomProvider rng) {
final ByteProcessor bp = new ByteProcessor(size, size);
bp.fillOval(x, y, width, height);
final EDM e = new EDM();
final FloatProcessor fp = e.makeFloatEDM(bp, 0, true);
if (rng != null) {
final float[] d = (float[]) fp.getPixels();
for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
d[i] += rng.nextFloat() * 0.01;
return fp;
use of ij.process.FloatProcessor in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class FrcTest method canComputeMirrored.
void canComputeMirrored(RandomSeed seed) {
// Sample lines through an image to create a structure.
final int size = 1024;
final double[][] data = new double[size * 2][];
final UniformRandomProvider r = RngUtils.create(seed.getSeed());
final SharedStateContinuousSampler gs = SamplerUtils.createGaussianSampler(r, 0, 5);
for (int x = 0, y = 0, y2 = size, i = 0; x < size; x++, y++, y2--) {
data[i++] = new double[] { x + gs.sample(), y + gs.sample() };
data[i++] = new double[] { x + gs.sample(), y2 + gs.sample() };
// Create 2 images
final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, size, size);
ImageJImagePeakResults i1 = createImage(bounds);
ImageJImagePeakResults i2 = createImage(bounds);
final int[] indices = SimpleArrayUtils.natural(data.length);
PermutationSampler.shuffle(r, indices);
for (final int i : indices) {
final ImageJImagePeakResults image = i1;
i1 = i2;
i2 = image;
image.add((float) data[i][0], (float) data[i][1], 1);
final ImageProcessor ip1 = i1.getImagePlus().getProcessor();
final ImageProcessor ip2 = i2.getImagePlus().getProcessor();
// Test
final Frc frc = new Frc();
FloatProcessor[] fft1;
FloatProcessor[] fft2;
fft1 = frc.getComplexFft(ip1);
fft2 = frc.getComplexFft(ip2);
final float[] dataA1 = (float[]) fft1[0].getPixels();
final float[] dataB1 = (float[]) fft1[1].getPixels();
final float[] dataA2 = (float[]) fft2[0].getPixels();
final float[] dataB2 = (float[]) fft2[1].getPixels();
final float[] numeratorE = new float[dataA1.length];
final float[] absFft1E = new float[dataA1.length];
final float[] absFft2E = new float[dataA1.length];
Frc.compute(numeratorE, absFft1E, absFft2E, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2);
Assertions.assertTrue(checkSymmetry(numeratorE, size), "numeratorE");
Assertions.assertTrue(checkSymmetry(absFft1E, size), "absFft1E");
Assertions.assertTrue(checkSymmetry(absFft2E, size), "absFft2E");
final float[] numeratorA = new float[dataA1.length];
final float[] absFft1A = new float[dataA1.length];
final float[] absFft2A = new float[dataA1.length];
Frc.computeMirrored(size, numeratorA, absFft1A, absFft2A, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2);
// for (int y=0, i=0; y<size; y++)
// for (int x=0; x<size; x++, i++)
// {
// logger.fine(FunctionUtils.getSupplier("[%d,%d = %d] %f ?= %f", x, y, i, numeratorE[i],
// numeratorA[i]);
// }
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(numeratorE, numeratorA, "numerator");
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(absFft1E, absFft1A, "absFft1");
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(absFft2E, absFft2A, "absFft2");
Frc.computeMirroredFast(size, numeratorA, absFft1A, absFft2A, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2);
// Check this.
for (int y = 1; y < size; y++) {
for (int x = 1, i = y * size + 1; x < size; x++, i++) {
Assertions.assertEquals(numeratorE[i], numeratorA[i], "numerator");
Assertions.assertEquals(absFft1E[i], absFft1A[i], "absFft1");
Assertions.assertEquals(absFft2E[i], absFft2A[i], "absFft2");