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Example 46 with ProjectThing

use of ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class ProjectTree method insertSegmentations.

/* // makes no sense, because there may be multiple projects open and thus the viewport and position may interfere with each other across multiple projects. Saving the collapsed node state suffices.
	public void exportXML(final StringBuffer sb_body, String indent, JScrollPane jsp) {
		Point p = jsp.getViewport().getViewPosition();
		Dimension d = jsp.getSize(null);
		       .append(" width=\"").append(d.width).append('\"')
		       .append(" height=\"").append(d.height).append('\"')
		       .append(" viewport_x=\"").append(p.e).append('\"')
		       .append(" viewport_y=\"").append(p.y).append('\"')
 * Creates a new node of basic type for each AreaList, Ball, Pipe or Polyline present in the ArrayList. Other elements are ignored.
public void insertSegmentations(final Collection<? extends Displayable> al) {
    final TemplateThing tt_root = (TemplateThing) project.getTemplateTree().getRoot().getUserObject();
    // create a new abstract node called "imported_segmentations", if not there
    final String imported_labels = "imported_labels";
    if (!project.typeExists(imported_labels)) {
        // create it
        // yes I know I should check for the project of each Displayable in the ArrayList
        TemplateThing tet = new TemplateThing(imported_labels, project);
        DefaultMutableTreeNode root = project.getTemplateTree().getRoot();
        DefaultMutableTreeNode child_node = addChild(tet, root);
        DNDTree.expandNode(project.getTemplateTree(), child_node);
    // JTree is serious pain
    // it's the same as 'tet' above, unless it existed
    TemplateThing tt_is = project.getTemplateThing(imported_labels);
    // create a project node from "imported_segmentations" template under a new top node
    final DefaultMutableTreeNode project_node = project.getProjectTree().getRoot();
    ProjectThing project_pt = (ProjectThing) project_node.getUserObject();
    final ProjectThing ct = project_pt.createChild(tt_root.getType());
    ProjectThing pt_is = ct.createChild(imported_labels);
    // addChild(pt_is, ctn);
    final DefaultMutableTreeNode node_pt_is = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(pt_is);
    final HashMap<Class<?>, String> types = new HashMap<Class<?>, String>();
    types.put(AreaList.class, "area_list");
    types.put(Pipe.class, "pipe");
    types.put(Polyline.class, "polyline");
    types.put(Ball.class, "ball");
    types.put(Treeline.class, "treeline");
    types.put(AreaTree.class, "areatree");
    types.put(Connector.class, "connector");
    // now, insert a new ProjectThing if of type AreaList, Ball and/or Pipe under node_child
    for (final Displayable d : al) {
        final String type = types.get(d.getClass());
        if (null == type) {
            Utils.log("insertSegmentations: ignoring " + d);
        try {
            final TemplateThing tt = getOrCreateChildTemplateThing(tt_is, type);
            ProjectThing one = new ProjectThing(tt, project, d);
            // addChild(one, node_pt_is);
            // at the end
            node_pt_is.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(one));
        // Utils.log2("one parent : " + one.getParent());
        } catch (Exception e) {
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            DefaultMutableTreeNode ctn = addChild(ct, project_node);
            try {
                ProjectTree.this.scrollPathToVisible(new TreePath(node_pt_is.getPath()));
            } catch (Exception e) {
    DNDTree.expandNode(this, node_pt_is);
Also used : Displayable(ini.trakem2.display.Displayable) ZDisplayable(ini.trakem2.display.ZDisplayable) DefaultMutableTreeNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 47 with ProjectThing

use of ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class ProjectTree method remove.

 * Remove the node, its Thing and the object hold by the thing from the database.
public void remove(DefaultMutableTreeNode node, boolean check, boolean remove_empty_parents, int levels) {
    Object uob = node.getUserObject();
    if (!(uob instanceof ProjectThing))
    ProjectThing thing = (ProjectThing) uob;
    ProjectThing parent = (ProjectThing) thing.getParent();
    if (!thing.remove(check))
    ((DefaultTreeModel) this.getModel()).removeNodeFromParent(node);
    if (remove_empty_parents)
        removeProjectThingLadder(parent, levels);
Also used : DBObject(ini.trakem2.persistence.DBObject) DefaultTreeModel(javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel)

Example 48 with ProjectThing

use of ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class ProjectTree method duplicateChild.

 * Implements the "Duplicate, link and send to next/previous layer" functionality. The 'position' can be zero (before) or 1 (after). The profile has no layer assigned.
public Profile duplicateChild(Profile original, int position, Layer layer) {
    Utils.log2("ProjectTree: Called duplicateChild " + System.currentTimeMillis() + " for original id = " + original.getId() + " at position " + position);
    // find the Thing that holds it
    Thing child = project.findProjectThing(original);
    if (null == child) {
        Utils.log("ProjectTree.duplicateChild: node not found for original " + original);
        return null;
    Profile copy = (Profile) original.clone();
    // for the Z ordering
    ProjectThing new_thing = null;
    try {
        new_thing = new ProjectThing(((ProjectThing) child.getParent()).getChildTemplate(child.getType()), original.getProject(), copy);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
    DefaultMutableTreeNode child_node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) findNode(child, this);
    DefaultMutableTreeNode parent_node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) child_node.getParent();
    ProjectThing parent_thing = (ProjectThing) parent_node.getUserObject();
    // sanity check:
    if (position < 0)
        position = 0;
    else if (position > 1)
        position = 1;
    int index = parent_node.getIndex(child_node) + position;
    if (index < 0)
        index = 0;
    if (index > parent_node.getChildCount())
        index = parent_node.getChildCount() - 1;
    if (!parent_thing.addChild(new_thing, index))
        return null;
    DefaultMutableTreeNode new_node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new_thing);
    ((DefaultTreeModel) this.getModel()).insertNodeInto(new_node, parent_node, index);
    // relist properly the nodes
    TreePath treePath = new TreePath(new_node.getPath());
    return copy;
Also used : DefaultMutableTreeNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) DefaultTreeModel(javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel) Profile(ini.trakem2.display.Profile)

Example 49 with ProjectThing

use of ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class ProjectTree method actionPerformed.

public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent ae) {
    if (!project.isInputEnabled())
    super.dispatcher.exec(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            try {
                if (null == selected_node)
                final Object ob = selected_node.getUserObject();
                if (!(ob instanceof ProjectThing))
                final ProjectThing thing = (ProjectThing) ob;
                int i_position = 0;
                String command = ae.getActionCommand();
                final Object obd = thing.getObject();
                if (command.startsWith("new ") || command.equals("Duplicate")) {
                    ProjectThing new_thing = null;
                    if (command.startsWith("new ")) {
                        // if it's a Displayable, it will be added to whatever layer is in the front Display
                        new_thing = thing.createChild(command.substring(4));
                    } else if (command.equals("Duplicate")) {
                        // just to keep myself from screwing in the future
                        if (Project.isBasicType(thing.getType()) && null != thing.getParent()) {
                            new_thing = ((ProjectThing) thing.getParent()).createClonedChild(thing);
                        // adjust parent
                        selected_node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) selected_node.getParent();
                    // add it to the tree
                    if (null != new_thing) {
                        DefaultMutableTreeNode new_node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new_thing);
                        ((DefaultTreeModel) ProjectTree.this.getModel()).insertNodeInto(new_node, selected_node, i_position);
                        TreePath treePath = new TreePath(new_node.getPath());
                    // bring the display to front
                    if (new_thing.getObject() instanceof Displayable) {
                } else if (command.equals("many...")) {
                    ArrayList<TemplateThing> children = thing.getTemplate().getChildren();
                    if (null == children || 0 == children.size())
                    String[] cn = new String[children.size()];
                    int i = 0;
                    for (final TemplateThing child : children) {
                        cn[i] = child.getType();
                    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Add many children");
                    gd.addNumericField("Amount: ", 1, 0);
                    gd.addChoice("New child: ", cn, cn[0]);
                    gd.addCheckbox("Recursive", true);
                    if (gd.wasCanceled())
                    int amount = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
                    if (amount < 1) {
                        Utils.showMessage("Makes no sense to create less than 1 child!");
                    final ArrayList<ProjectThing> nc = thing.createChildren(cn[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()], amount, gd.getNextBoolean());
                    addLeafs(nc, new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                } else if (command.equals("Unhide")) {
                } else if (command.equals("Select in display")) {
                    boolean shift_down = 0 != (ae.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK);
                    selectInDisplay(thing, shift_down);
                } else if (command.equals("Show centered in Display")) {
                    if (obd instanceof Displayable) {
                        Displayable displ = (Displayable) obd;
                        Display.showCentered(displ.getLayer(), displ, true, 0 != (ae.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
                } else if (command.equals("Show tabular view")) {
                    ((Tree<?>) obd).createMultiTableView();
                } else if (command.equals("Show in 3D")) {
                } else if (command.equals("Remove from 3D view")) {
                } else if (command.equals("Hide")) {
                    // find all Thing objects in this subtree starting at Thing and hide their Displayable objects.
                } else if (command.equals("Delete...")) {
                    // store old state
                    remove(true, thing, selected_node);
                    // store new state
                } else if (command.equals("Rename...")) {
                    // if (!Project.isBasicType(thing.getType())) {
                // }
                } else if (command.equals("Measure")) {
                    // block displays while measuring
                    Bureaucrat.createAndStart(new Worker("Measuring") {

                        public void run() {
                            try {
                            } catch (Throwable e) {
                            } finally {
                    }, thing.getProject());
                } else /* else if (command.equals("Export 3D...")) {
				GenericDialog gd = ControlWindow.makeGenericDialog("Export 3D");
				String[] choice = new String[]{".svg [preserves links and hierarchical grouping]", ".shapes [limited to one profile per layer per profile_list]"};
				gd.addChoice("Export to: ", choice, choice[0]);
				gd.addNumericField("Z scaling: ", 1, 2);
				if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;
				double z_scale = gd.getNextNumber();
				switch (gd.getNextChoiceIndex()) {
					case 0:
						Render.exportSVG(thing, z_scale);
					case 1:
						new Render(thing).save(z_scale);
                if (command.equals("Export project...") || command.equals("Save as...")) {
                    // "Save as..." is for a FS project
                    Utils.log2("Calling export project at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
                    thing.getProject().getLoader().saveTask(thing.getProject(), "Save as...");
                } else if (command.equals("Save")) {
                    // overwrite the xml file of a FSProject
                    // Just do the same as in "Save as..." but without saving the images and overwritting the XML file without asking.
                    thing.getProject().getLoader().saveTask(thing.getProject(), "Save");
                } else if (command.equals("Info")) {
                } else if (command.equals("Move up")) {
                    move(selected_node, -1);
                } else if (command.equals("Move down")) {
                    move(selected_node, 1);
                } else if (command.equals("Collapse nodes of children nodes")) {
                    if (null == selected_node)
                    Enumeration<?> c = selected_node.children();
                    while (c.hasMoreElements()) {
                        DefaultMutableTreeNode child = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) c.nextElement();
                        if (child.isLeaf())
                        collapsePath(new TreePath(child.getPath()));
                } else if (command.equals("Sibling project")) {
                } else {
                    Utils.log("ProjectTree.actionPerformed: don't know what to do with the command: " + command);
            } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Displayable(ini.trakem2.display.Displayable) ZDisplayable(ini.trakem2.display.ZDisplayable) DefaultMutableTreeNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) GenericDialog(ij.gui.GenericDialog) AreaTree(ini.trakem2.display.AreaTree) Tree(ini.trakem2.display.Tree) JTree(javax.swing.JTree) Worker(ini.trakem2.utils.Worker) DBObject(ini.trakem2.persistence.DBObject)

Example 50 with ProjectThing

use of ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class ProjectTree method sendToSiblingProject.

 * When two or more people work on the same XML file, images may be the same but segmentations and the transformations of the images may diverge.
 *  This function provides the means to send VectorData instances, wrapped in tree nodes, from one project to another,
 *  transforming the VectorData as appropriate to fall onto the same locations on the images.
 *  The ids of the copied objects will be new and unique for the target project.
 *  A dialog opens asking for options.
public boolean sendToSiblingProject(final DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
    ArrayList<Project> ps = Project.getProjects();
    if (1 == ps.size()) {
        Utils.log("There aren't any other projects open!");
        return false;
    final ProjectThing pt = (ProjectThing) node.getUserObject();
    if (pt.getTemplate().getType().equals("project")) {
        Utils.log("Cannot transfer the project node.");
        return false;
    final ArrayList<Project> psother = new ArrayList<Project>(ps);
    ps = null;
    // Find all potential landing nodes for this node: those with a TemplateThing type like the parent of node:
    final String parent_type = ((ProjectThing) pt.getParent()).getTemplate().getType();
    final List<ProjectThing> landing_pt = new ArrayList<ProjectThing>(psother.get(0).getRootProjectThing().findChildrenOfTypeR(parent_type));
    final Comparator<ProjectThing> comparator = new Comparator<ProjectThing>() {

        public int compare(ProjectThing t1, ProjectThing t2) {
            return t1.toString().compareTo(t2.toString());

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            return this == o;
    Collections.sort(landing_pt, comparator);
    String[] landing = new String[landing_pt.size()];
    int next = 0;
    if (landing_pt.isEmpty()) {
        landing = new String[] { "-- NONE --" };
    } else
        for (ProjectThing t : landing_pt) landing[next++] = t.toString();
    // Suggest the first potential landing node that has the same title
    String parentTitle = pt.getParent().toString();
    int k = 0;
    boolean matched = false;
    // First search for exact match
    for (final String candidate : landing) {
        if (candidate.equals(parentTitle)) {
            matched = true;
        k += 1;
    // If not matched, find one that contains the string
    if (!matched) {
        k = 0;
        for (final String candidate : landing) {
            if (-1 != candidate.indexOf(parentTitle)) {
                matched = true;
            k += 1;
    if (!matched) {
        k = 0;
    // Ask:
    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Send to sibling project");
    gd.addMessage("Transfering node: " + pt);
    final String[] trmode = new String[] { "As is", "Transformed as the images" };
    gd.addChoice("Transfer:", trmode, trmode[0]);
    String[] ptitles = new String[psother.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < ptitles.length; i++) ptitles[i] = psother.get(i).toString();
    gd.addChoice("Target project:", ptitles, ptitles[0]);
    gd.addChoice("Landing node:", landing, landing[k]);
    final Vector<Choice> vc = (Vector<Choice>) gd.getChoices();
    final Choice choice_project = vc.get(vc.size() - 2);
    final Choice choice_landing = vc.get(vc.size() - 1);
    choice_project.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {

        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) {
            Collections.sort(landing_pt, comparator);
            if (landing_pt.isEmpty()) {
                choice_landing.add("-- NONE --");
            } else
                for (ProjectThing t : landing_pt) choice_landing.add(t.toString());
    if (gd.wasCanceled())
        return false;
    if (choice_landing.getSelectedItem().equals("-- NONE --")) {
        Utils.log("No valid landing nodes!");
        return false;
    final int transfer_mode = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
    final Project target_project = psother.get(gd.getNextChoiceIndex());
    final ProjectThing landing_parent = landing_pt.get(gd.getNextChoiceIndex());
    return rawSendToSiblingProject(pt, transfer_mode, target_project, landing_parent);
Also used : ItemEvent(java.awt.event.ItemEvent) Choice(java.awt.Choice) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Comparator(java.util.Comparator) Project(ini.trakem2.Project) GenericDialog(ij.gui.GenericDialog) DBObject(ini.trakem2.persistence.DBObject) ItemListener(java.awt.event.ItemListener) Vector(java.util.Vector)


ProjectThing (ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing)27 DBObject (ini.trakem2.persistence.DBObject)17 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)17 ZDisplayable (ini.trakem2.display.ZDisplayable)16 Displayable (ini.trakem2.display.Displayable)15 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 DefaultMutableTreeNode (javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode)11 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)10 TreePath (javax.swing.tree.TreePath)10 Project (ini.trakem2.Project)9 TemplateThing (ini.trakem2.tree.TemplateThing)8 Layer (ini.trakem2.display.Layer)7 LayerSet (ini.trakem2.display.LayerSet)7 Map (java.util.Map)7 LayerThing (ini.trakem2.tree.LayerThing)6 GenericDialog (ij.gui.GenericDialog)5 Profile (ini.trakem2.display.Profile)5 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)5 ImagePlus (ij.ImagePlus)4 Display (ini.trakem2.display.Display)3