use of io.cdap.cdap.common.lang.CombineClassLoader in project cdap by caskdata.
the class InMemoryConfigurator method createResponse.
private <T extends Config> ConfigResponse createResponse(Application<T> app, ClassLoader artifactClassLoader) throws Exception {
// This Gson cannot be static since it is used to deserialize user class.
// Gson will keep a static map to class, hence will leak the classloader
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(new CaseInsensitiveEnumTypeAdapterFactory()).create();
// Now, we call configure, which returns application specification.
DefaultAppConfigurer configurer;
File tempDir = DirUtils.createTempDir(baseUnpackDir);
try (PluginInstantiator pluginInstantiator = new PluginInstantiator(cConf, app.getClass().getClassLoader(), tempDir)) {
RuntimeConfigurer runtimeConfigurer = runtimeInfo != null ? new DefaultAppRuntimeConfigurer(appNamespace.getId(), remoteClientFactory, runtimeInfo.getUserArguments(), runtimeInfo.getExistingAppSpec()) : null;
configurer = new DefaultAppConfigurer(appNamespace, artifactId, app, configString, pluginFinder, pluginInstantiator, runtimeConfigurer, runtimeInfo, featureFlagsProvider);
T appConfig;
Type configType = Artifacts.getConfigType(app.getClass());
if (configString.isEmpty()) {
// noinspection unchecked
appConfig = ((Class<T>) configType).newInstance();
} else {
try {
appConfig = gson.fromJson(configString, configType);
} catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid JSON configuration was provided. Please check the syntax.", e);
try {
ClassLoader oldClassLoader = ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(new CombineClassLoader(null, app.getClass().getClassLoader(), getClass().getClassLoader()));
try {
app.configure(configurer, new DefaultApplicationContext<>(appConfig));
} finally {
} catch (Throwable t) {
Throwable rootCause = Throwables.getRootCause(t);
if (rootCause instanceof ClassNotFoundException) {
// Heuristic to provide better error message
String missingClass = rootCause.getMessage();
// If the missing class has "spark" in the name, try to see if Spark is available
if (missingClass.startsWith("org.apache.spark.") || missingClass.startsWith("io.cdap.cdap.api.spark.")) {
// Try to load the SparkContext class, which should be available if Spark is available in the platform
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Spark is not available, it is most likely caused by missing Spark in the platform
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing Spark related class " + missingClass + ". It may be caused by unavailability of Spark. " + "Please verify environment variable " + Constants.SPARK_HOME + " is set correctly", t);
// Spark is available, can be caused by incompatible Spark version
throw new InvalidArtifactException("Missing Spark related class " + missingClass + ". Configured to use Spark located at " + System.getenv(Constants.SPARK_HOME) + ", which may be incompatible with the one required by the application", t);
// then the missing class is most likely due to some missing library in the artifact jar
throw new InvalidArtifactException("Missing class " + missingClass + ". It may be caused by missing dependency jar(s) in the artifact jar.", t);
throw t;
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Exception raised when deleting directory {}", tempDir, e);
ApplicationSpecification specification = configurer.createSpecification(applicationName, applicationVersion);
AppSpecInfo appSpecInfo = new AppSpecInfo(specification, configurer.getSystemTables(), configurer.getMetadata());
return new DefaultConfigResponse(0, appSpecInfo);
use of io.cdap.cdap.common.lang.CombineClassLoader in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DefaultServicePluginConfigurer method createClassLoader.
public ClassLoader createClassLoader() {
Map<String, Plugin> plugins = getPlugins().entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, v -> v.getValue().getPlugin()));
ClassLoader pluginsClassLoader = PluginClassLoaders.createFilteredPluginsClassLoader(plugins, getPluginInstantiator());
return new CombineClassLoader(null, programClassLoader, pluginsClassLoader, getClass().getClassLoader());
use of io.cdap.cdap.common.lang.CombineClassLoader in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MultipleOutputs method getRecordWriter.
// by being synchronized MultipleOutputTask can be use with a MultithreadedMapper.
private synchronized RecordWriter getRecordWriter(String namedOutput) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// look for record-writer in the cache
RecordWriter writer = recordWriters.get(namedOutput);
// If not in cache, create a new one
if (writer == null) {
// get the record writer from context output format
TaskAttemptContext taskContext = getContext(namedOutput);
Class<? extends OutputFormat<?, ?>> outputFormatClass;
try {
outputFormatClass = taskContext.getOutputFormatClass();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
ClassLoader outputFormatClassLoader = outputFormatClass.getClassLoader();
// Use a CombineClassLoader of the output format's classloader and the context classloader
// This is to prevent class not found issues for classes that are visible to the system, but not to the
// program/plugin. More specifically, this happens for XML parsers that are in the Hadoop classpath but usually
// not packaged in programs and plugins.
// see CDAP-14562 for more info
ClassLoader outputClassLoader = new CombineClassLoader(outputFormatClassLoader, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
// This is needed in case the OutputFormat's classloader conflicts with the program classloader (for example,
// TableOutputFormat).
ClassLoader oldClassLoader = ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(outputClassLoader);
try {
// We use ReflectionUtils to instantiate the OutputFormat, because it also calls setConf on the object, if it
// is a org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable.
OutputFormat<?, ?> outputFormat = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(outputFormatClass, taskContext.getConfiguration());
writer = new MeteredRecordWriter<>(outputFormat.getRecordWriter(taskContext), context);
} finally {
// add the record-writer to the cache
recordWriters.put(namedOutput, writer);
return writer;
use of io.cdap.cdap.common.lang.CombineClassLoader in project cdap by caskdata.
the class PluginClassLoaders method createFilteredPluginsClassLoader.
* Returns a {@link ClassLoader} that only allows loading of plugin classes and plugin exported classes.
* It should only be used in context when a single ClassLoader is needed to load all different kinds of user classes
* (e.g. in MapReduce/Spark).
public static ClassLoader createFilteredPluginsClassLoader(Map<String, Plugin> plugins, @Nullable PluginInstantiator pluginInstantiator) {
if (plugins.isEmpty() || pluginInstantiator == null) {
return new CombineClassLoader(null);
try {
// Gather all explicitly used plugin class names. It is needed for external plugin case.
Multimap<Plugin, String> artifactPluginClasses = getArtifactPluginClasses(plugins);
List<ClassLoader> pluginClassLoaders = new ArrayList<>();
for (Plugin plugin : plugins.values()) {
ClassLoader pluginClassLoader = pluginInstantiator.getPluginClassLoader(plugin);
if (pluginClassLoader instanceof PluginClassLoader) {
// A ClassLoader to allow loading of all plugin classes used by the program.
Collection<String> pluginClasses = artifactPluginClasses.get(plugin);
if (!pluginClasses.isEmpty()) {
pluginClassLoaders.add(createClassFilteredClassLoader(pluginClasses, pluginClassLoader));
// A ClassLoader to allow all export package classes to be loadable.
pluginClassLoaders.add(((PluginClassLoader) pluginClassLoader).getExportPackagesClassLoader());
return new CombineClassLoader(null, pluginClassLoaders);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
use of io.cdap.cdap.common.lang.CombineClassLoader in project cdap by caskdata.
the class PluginClassLoader method createParent.
static ClassLoader createParent(ClassLoader templateClassLoader) {
// Find the ProgramClassLoader from the template ClassLoader
ClassLoader programClassLoader = templateClassLoader;
while (programClassLoader != null && !(programClassLoader instanceof ProgramClassLoader)) {
programClassLoader = programClassLoader.getParent();
// This shouldn't happen
Preconditions.checkArgument(programClassLoader != null, "Cannot find ProgramClassLoader");
// Package filtered classloader of the template classloader, which only classes in "Export-Packages" are loadable.
Manifest manifest = ((ProgramClassLoader) programClassLoader).getManifest();
Set<String> exportPackages = ManifestFields.getExportPackages(manifest);
ClassLoader filteredTemplateClassLoader = new PackageFilterClassLoader(templateClassLoader, exportPackages::contains);
// followed by template export-packages, then by a plugin lib jars.
return new CombineClassLoader(programClassLoader.getParent(), filteredTemplateClassLoader);