use of io.cdap.cdap.common.metadata.MetadataConflictException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ElasticsearchMetadataStorage method batch.
public List<MetadataChange> batch(List<? extends MetadataMutation> mutations, MutationOptions options) throws IOException {
if (mutations.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (mutations.size() == 1) {
return Collections.singletonList(apply(mutations.get(0), options));
// first detect whether there are duplicate entity ids. If so, execute in sequence
Set<MetadataEntity> entities = new HashSet<>();
LinkedHashMap<MetadataEntity, MetadataMutation> mutationMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(mutations.size());
boolean duplicate = false;
for (MetadataMutation mutation : mutations) {
if (!entities.add(mutation.getEntity())) {
duplicate = true;
mutationMap.put(mutation.getEntity(), mutation);
if (duplicate) {
// if there are multiple mutations for the same entity, execute all in sequence
List<MetadataChange> changes = new ArrayList<>(mutations.size());
for (MetadataMutation mutation : mutations) {
changes.add(apply(mutation, options));
return changes;
// collect all changes in an order-preserving map. The first time doBatch() is called, it will
// enter all entities in the map. Every time it is retried, the change may get updated, but that
// will not change the order of the map.
LinkedHashMap<MetadataEntity, MetadataChange> changes = new LinkedHashMap<>(mutations.size());
try {
// repeatedly try to read current metadata, apply the mutations and reindex, until there is no conflict
return Retries.callWithRetries(() -> doBatch(mutationMap, changes, options), RetryStrategies.limit(50, RetryStrategies.fixDelay(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)), e -> e instanceof MetadataConflictException);
} catch (MetadataConflictException e) {
throw new MetadataConflictException("After retries: " + e.getRawMessage(), e.getConflictingEntities());
use of io.cdap.cdap.common.metadata.MetadataConflictException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ElasticsearchMetadataStorage method executeMutation.
* Executes an ElasticSearch request to modify a document (index or delete), and handles possible failure.
* @throws MetadataConflictException if a conflict occurs
* @throws IOException for any other problem encountered
private void executeMutation(MetadataEntity entity, WriteRequest<?> writeRequest, MutationOptions options) throws IOException {
String requestType = null;
DocWriteResponse response;
setRefreshPolicy(writeRequest, options);
RestHighLevelClient client = getClient();
try {
if (writeRequest instanceof DeleteRequest) {
requestType = "Delete";
response = client.delete((DeleteRequest) writeRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
} else if (writeRequest instanceof IndexRequest) {
requestType = "Index";
response = client.index((IndexRequest) writeRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected WriteRequest of type " + writeRequest.getClass().getName());
} catch (ElasticsearchStatusException e) {
if (isConflict(e.status())) {
LOG.debug("Encountered conflict in {} request for entity {}", requestType, entity);
throw new MetadataConflictException(requestType + " conflict for ${conflicting}", entity);
throw e;
if (isNotFound(response.status())) {
// ignore entities that do not exist - only happens for deletes
if (isConflict(response.status())) {
LOG.debug("Encountered conflict in {} request for entity {}", requestType, entity);
throw new MetadataConflictException(requestType + " conflict for ${conflicting}", entity);
if (isFailure(response)) {
throw new IOException(String.format(requestType + " request unsuccessful for entity %s: %s", entity, response));
use of io.cdap.cdap.common.metadata.MetadataConflictException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ElasticsearchMetadataStorage method executeBulk.
* Executes a bulk request and handles the responses for possible failures, and removes all successful
* mutations from the mutations map.
* @param mutations the mutations represented by this bulk. Every mutation that is successfully executed
* is removed from this map, even if an exception is thrown.
* @throws MetadataConflictException if a conflict occurs for any of the operations in the bulk
* @throws IOException for any other problem encountered
private void executeBulk(BulkRequest bulkRequest, LinkedHashMap<MetadataEntity, MetadataMutation> mutations) throws IOException {
RestHighLevelClient client = getClient();
BulkResponse response = client.bulk(bulkRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
if (response.hasFailures()) {
IOException ioe = null;
List<MetadataEntity> conflictEntities = new ArrayList<>();
for (BulkItemResponse itemResponse : response) {
MetadataEntity entityId;
try {
entityId = toMetadataEntity(itemResponse.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Cannot parse entity id from document id {} in bulk response", itemResponse.getId());
if (!itemResponse.isFailed()) {
// remove this mutation - it was successful
if (isNotFound(itemResponse.status())) {
// only happens for deletes - we consider this successful
// this mutation failed
BulkItemResponse.Failure failure = itemResponse.getFailure();
if (isConflict(failure.getStatus())) {
// not a conflict -> true failure
if (ioe == null) {
ioe = new IOException("Bulk request unsuccessful");
ioe.addSuppressed(new IOException(String.format("%s request unsuccessful for entity %s: %s", itemResponse.getOpType(), entityId, failure.getMessage())));
if (ioe != null) {
throw ioe;
if (!conflictEntities.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Encountered conflicts in batch mutation for entities {}", conflictEntities);
throw new MetadataConflictException("Bulk request conflicts for entities ${conflicting}", conflictEntities);
use of io.cdap.cdap.common.metadata.MetadataConflictException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ElasticsearchMetadataStorage method apply.
public MetadataChange apply(MetadataMutation mutation, MutationOptions options) throws IOException {
MetadataEntity entity = mutation.getEntity();
try {
// repeatedly try to read current metadata, apply the mutation and reindex, until there is no conflict
return Retries.callWithRetries(() -> {
VersionedMetadata before = readFromIndex(entity);
RequestAndChange intermediary = applyMutation(before, mutation);
executeMutation(mutation.getEntity(), intermediary.getRequest(), options);
return intermediary.getChange();
}, retryStrategyOnConflict, e -> e instanceof MetadataConflictException);
} catch (MetadataConflictException e) {
throw new MetadataConflictException("After retries: " + e.getRawMessage(), e.getConflictingEntities());