use of io.cdap.cdap.spi.metadata.MetadataChange in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DatasetMetadataStorage method combineChanges.
private MetadataChange combineChanges(MetadataEntity entity, MetadataDataset.Change userChange, MetadataDataset.Change sysChange) {
Metadata userBefore = new Metadata(USER, userChange.getExisting().getTags(), userChange.getExisting().getProperties());
Metadata sysBefore = new Metadata(SYSTEM, sysChange.getExisting().getTags(), sysChange.getExisting().getProperties());
Metadata before = mergeDisjointMetadata(userBefore, sysBefore);
Metadata userAfter = new Metadata(USER, userChange.getLatest().getTags(), userChange.getLatest().getProperties());
Metadata sysAfter = new Metadata(SYSTEM, sysChange.getLatest().getTags(), sysChange.getLatest().getProperties());
Metadata after = mergeDisjointMetadata(userAfter, sysAfter);
return new MetadataChange(entity, before, after);
use of io.cdap.cdap.spi.metadata.MetadataChange in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AuditMetadataStorage method apply.
public MetadataChange apply(MetadataMutation mutation, MutationOptions options) throws IOException {
MetadataChange change;
try {
change = storage.apply(mutation, options);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
return change;
use of io.cdap.cdap.spi.metadata.MetadataChange in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ElasticsearchMetadataStorage method batch.
public List<MetadataChange> batch(List<? extends MetadataMutation> mutations, MutationOptions options) throws IOException {
if (mutations.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (mutations.size() == 1) {
return Collections.singletonList(apply(mutations.get(0), options));
// first detect whether there are duplicate entity ids. If so, execute in sequence
Set<MetadataEntity> entities = new HashSet<>();
LinkedHashMap<MetadataEntity, MetadataMutation> mutationMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(mutations.size());
boolean duplicate = false;
for (MetadataMutation mutation : mutations) {
if (!entities.add(mutation.getEntity())) {
duplicate = true;
mutationMap.put(mutation.getEntity(), mutation);
if (duplicate) {
// if there are multiple mutations for the same entity, execute all in sequence
List<MetadataChange> changes = new ArrayList<>(mutations.size());
for (MetadataMutation mutation : mutations) {
changes.add(apply(mutation, options));
return changes;
// collect all changes in an order-preserving map. The first time doBatch() is called, it will
// enter all entities in the map. Every time it is retried, the change may get updated, but that
// will not change the order of the map.
LinkedHashMap<MetadataEntity, MetadataChange> changes = new LinkedHashMap<>(mutations.size());
try {
// repeatedly try to read current metadata, apply the mutations and reindex, until there is no conflict
return Retries.callWithRetries(() -> doBatch(mutationMap, changes, options), RetryStrategies.limit(50, RetryStrategies.fixDelay(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)), e -> e instanceof MetadataConflictException);
} catch (MetadataConflictException e) {
throw new MetadataConflictException("After retries: " + e.getRawMessage(), e.getConflictingEntities());
use of io.cdap.cdap.spi.metadata.MetadataChange in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ElasticsearchMetadataStorage method create.
* Creates the Elasticsearch index request for an entity creation or update.
* See {@link MetadataMutation.Create} for detailed semantics.
* @param before the metadata for the mutation's entity before the change
* @param create the mutation to apply
* @return an ElasticSearch request to be executed, and the change caused by the mutation
private RequestAndChange create(VersionedMetadata before, MetadataMutation.Create create) {
// if the entity did not exist before, none of the directives apply and this is equivalent to update()
if (!before.existing()) {
return update(create.getEntity(), before, create.getMetadata());
Metadata meta = create.getMetadata();
Map<ScopedNameOfKind, MetadataDirective> directives = create.getDirectives();
// determine the scopes that this mutation applies to (scopes that do not occur in the metadata are no changed)
Set<MetadataScope> scopes = Stream.concat(meta.getTags().stream(), meta.getProperties().keySet().stream()).map(ScopedName::getScope).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// compute what previously existing tags and properties have to be preserved (all others are replaced)
Set<ScopedName> existingTagsToKeep = new HashSet<>();
Map<ScopedName, String> existingPropertiesToKeep = new HashMap<>();
// all tags and properties that are in a scope not affected by this mutation
Sets.difference(MetadataScope.ALL, scopes).forEach(scope -> {
before.getMetadata().getTags().stream().filter(tag -> tag.getScope().equals(scope)).forEach(existingTagsToKeep::add);
before.getMetadata().getProperties().entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getKey().getScope().equals(scope)).forEach(entry -> existingPropertiesToKeep.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
// tags and properties in affected scopes that must be kept or preserved
directives.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> scopes.contains(entry.getKey().getScope())).forEach(entry -> {
ScopedNameOfKind key = entry.getKey();
if (key.getKind() == MetadataKind.TAG && (entry.getValue() == MetadataDirective.PRESERVE || entry.getValue() == MetadataDirective.KEEP)) {
ScopedName tag = new ScopedName(key.getScope(), key.getName());
if (!meta.getTags().contains(tag) && before.getMetadata().getTags().contains(tag)) {
} else if (key.getKind() == MetadataKind.PROPERTY) {
ScopedName property = new ScopedName(key.getScope(), key.getName());
String existingValue = before.getMetadata().getProperties().get(property);
String newValue = meta.getProperties().get(property);
if (existingValue != null && (entry.getValue() == MetadataDirective.PRESERVE && !existingValue.equals(newValue) || entry.getValue() == MetadataDirective.KEEP && newValue == null)) {
existingPropertiesToKeep.put(property, existingValue);
// compute the new tags and properties
Set<ScopedName> newTags = existingTagsToKeep.isEmpty() ? meta.getTags() : Sets.union(meta.getTags(), existingTagsToKeep);
Map<ScopedName, String> newProperties = meta.getProperties();
if (!existingPropertiesToKeep.isEmpty()) {
newProperties = new HashMap<>(newProperties);
Metadata after = new Metadata(newTags, newProperties);
return new RequestAndChange(writeToIndex(create.getEntity(), before.getVersion(), after), new MetadataChange(create.getEntity(), before.getMetadata(), after));
use of io.cdap.cdap.spi.metadata.MetadataChange in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ElasticsearchMetadataStorage method update.
* Creates the Elasticsearch index request for updating the metadata of an entity.
* This updates or adds the new metadata to the corresponding metadata document in the index.
* @param before the metadata for the mutation's entity before the change, and its version
* @return an ElasticSearch request to be executed, and the change caused by the mutation
private RequestAndChange update(MetadataEntity entity, VersionedMetadata before, Metadata updates) {
Set<ScopedName> tags = new HashSet<>(before.getMetadata().getTags());
Map<ScopedName, String> properties = new HashMap<>(before.getMetadata().getProperties());
Metadata after = new Metadata(tags, properties);
return new RequestAndChange(writeToIndex(entity, before.getVersion(), after), new MetadataChange(entity, before.getMetadata(), after));