use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.appender.system.LogPathIdentifier in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FileMetadataTest method testFileMetadataReadWriteAcrossFormats.
public void testFileMetadataReadWriteAcrossFormats() throws Exception {
TransactionRunner transactionRunner = injector.getInstance(TransactionRunner.class);
FileMetaDataWriter fileMetaDataWriter = new FileMetaDataWriter(transactionRunner);
LogPathIdentifier logPathIdentifier = new LogPathIdentifier(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), "testApp", "testFlow");
LocationFactory locationFactory = injector.getInstance(LocationFactory.class);
Location location = locationFactory.create(TMP_FOLDER.newFolder().getPath()).append("/logs");
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long eventTime = currentTime + 20;
long newCurrentTime = currentTime + 100;
// 10 files in new format
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
fileMetaDataWriter.writeMetaData(logPathIdentifier, eventTime + i, newCurrentTime + i, location.append("testFileNew" + Integer.toString(i)));
// reader test
FileMetaDataReader fileMetadataReader = injector.getInstance(FileMetaDataReader.class);
// scan only in new files time range
List<LogLocation> locations = fileMetadataReader.listFiles(logPathIdentifier, eventTime + 2, eventTime + 6);
// should include files from currentTime (1..6)
Assert.assertEquals(6, locations.size());
for (LogLocation logLocation : locations) {
Assert.assertEquals(LogLocation.VERSION_1, logLocation.getFrameworkVersion());
// scan time range across formats
locations = fileMetadataReader.listFiles(logPathIdentifier, currentTime + 2, eventTime + 6);
// should include files from new range (1..6)
Assert.assertEquals(6, locations.size());
for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(LogLocation.VERSION_1, locations.get(i).getFrameworkVersion());
Assert.assertEquals(location.append("testFileNew" + Integer.toString(i + 1)), locations.get(i).getLocation());
use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.appender.system.LogPathIdentifier in project cdap by caskdata.
the class LogCleanerTest method testLogCleanup.
public void testLogCleanup() throws Exception {
TransactionRunner transactionRunner = injector.getInstance(TransactionRunner.class);
FileMetadataCleaner fileMetadataCleaner = new FileMetadataCleaner(transactionRunner);
LocationFactory locationFactory = injector.getInstance(LocationFactory.class);
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
LogPathIdentifier logPathIdentifier = new LogPathIdentifier("testNs", "testApp", "testEntity");
FileMetaDataWriter fileMetaDataWriter = new FileMetaDataWriter(transactionRunner);
long startTime = currentTime - 5000;
Location dirLocation = locationFactory.create("logs");
// create 20 files, add them in past time range
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Location location = dirLocation.append("test" + i);
fileMetaDataWriter.writeMetaData(logPathIdentifier, startTime + i, startTime + i, location);
Assert.assertEquals(20, dirLocation.list().size());
LogCleaner logCleaner = new LogCleaner(fileMetadataCleaner, locationFactory, 100, 60);;
FileMetaDataReader fileMetaDataReader = injector.getInstance(FileMetaDataReader.class);
// all meta data should be deleted
Assert.assertEquals(0, fileMetaDataReader.listFiles(logPathIdentifier, 0, System.currentTimeMillis()).size());
// we are not asserting file existence as the delete could fail and we don't guarantee file deletion.
use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.appender.system.LogPathIdentifier in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FileMetadataCleanerTest method testWithBatchSizeLargerThanNumOfFiles.
public void testWithBatchSizeLargerThanNumOfFiles() throws Exception {
TransactionRunner transactionRunner = injector.getInstance(TransactionRunner.class);
FileMetaDataWriter fileMetaDataWriter = new FileMetaDataWriter(transactionRunner);
FileMetaDataReader fileMetadataReader = injector.getInstance(FileMetaDataReader.class);
FileMetadataCleaner fileMetadataCleaner = new FileMetadataCleaner(transactionRunner);
try {
LogPathIdentifier identifier = new LogPathIdentifier(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), "testApp", String.format("testFlow%s", 0));
LocationFactory locationFactory = injector.getInstance(LocationFactory.class);
Location location = locationFactory.create(TMP_FOLDER.newFolder().getPath()).append("/logs");
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long newCurrentTime = currentTime + 100;
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
fileMetaDataWriter.writeMetaData(identifier, newCurrentTime + j, newCurrentTime + j, location.append("testFileNew" + Integer.toString(j)));
List<LogLocation> locations;
locations = fileMetadataReader.listFiles(identifier, newCurrentTime, newCurrentTime + 10);
// should include files from currentTime (0..9)
Assert.assertEquals(10, locations.size());
long tillTime = newCurrentTime + 4;
List<FileMetadataCleaner.DeletedEntry> deleteEntries = fileMetadataCleaner.scanAndGetFilesToDelete(tillTime, 1000);
Assert.assertEquals(5, deleteEntries.size());
} finally {
// cleanup meta
use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.appender.system.LogPathIdentifier in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FileMetadataCleanerTest method testFileMetadataWithCommonContextPrefix.
public void testFileMetadataWithCommonContextPrefix() throws Exception {
TransactionRunner transactionRunner = injector.getInstance(TransactionRunner.class);
FileMetaDataWriter fileMetaDataWriter = new FileMetaDataWriter(transactionRunner);
FileMetaDataReader fileMetadataReader = injector.getInstance(FileMetaDataReader.class);
FileMetadataCleaner fileMetadataCleaner = new FileMetadataCleaner(transactionRunner);
try {
List<LogPathIdentifier> logPathIdentifiers = new ArrayList<>();
// this should be able to scan and delete common prefix programs like testFlow1, testFlow10 during clenaup.
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
logPathIdentifiers.add(new LogPathIdentifier(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), "testApp", String.format("testFlow%s", i)));
LocationFactory locationFactory = injector.getInstance(LocationFactory.class);
Location location = locationFactory.create(TMP_FOLDER.newFolder().getPath()).append("/logs");
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long newCurrentTime = currentTime + 100;
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
LogPathIdentifier identifier = logPathIdentifiers.get(i - 1);
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
fileMetaDataWriter.writeMetaData(identifier, newCurrentTime + j, newCurrentTime + j, location.append("testFileNew" + Integer.toString(j)));
List<LogLocation> locations;
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
locations = fileMetadataReader.listFiles(logPathIdentifiers.get(i - 1), newCurrentTime, newCurrentTime + 10);
// should include files from currentTime (0..9)
Assert.assertEquals(10, locations.size());
long tillTime = newCurrentTime + 4;
List<FileMetadataCleaner.DeletedEntry> deleteEntries = fileMetadataCleaner.scanAndGetFilesToDelete(tillTime, 100);
// 20 context, 5 entries each
Assert.assertEquals(100, deleteEntries.size());
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
locations = fileMetadataReader.listFiles(logPathIdentifiers.get(i - 1), newCurrentTime, newCurrentTime + 10);
// should include files from time (5..9)
Assert.assertEquals(5, locations.size());
int startIndex = 5;
for (LogLocation logLocation : locations) {
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("testFileNew%s", startIndex), logLocation.getLocation().getName());
} finally {
// cleanup meta
use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.appender.system.LogPathIdentifier in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FileMetadataCleanerTest method testScanAndDeleteNewMetadata.
public // TODO CDAP-14953 ignoring this test until this jira fixed
void testScanAndDeleteNewMetadata() throws Exception {
TransactionRunner transactionRunner = injector.getInstance(TransactionRunner.class);
FileMetaDataWriter fileMetaDataWriter = new FileMetaDataWriter(transactionRunner);
FileMetadataCleaner fileMetadataCleaner = new FileMetadataCleaner(transactionRunner);
try {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long eventTimestamp = currentTime - 100;
LogPathIdentifier logPathIdentifier = new LogPathIdentifier("testNs2", "testApp", "testFlow");
LocationFactory locationFactory = injector.getInstance(LocationFactory.class);
List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Location location = locationFactory.create("testFlowFile" + i);
// values : event time is 100ms behind current timestamp
fileMetaDataWriter.writeMetaData(logPathIdentifier, eventTimestamp + i, currentTime + i, location);
long tillTime = currentTime + 50;
List<FileMetadataCleaner.DeletedEntry> deletedEntries = fileMetadataCleaner.scanAndGetFilesToDelete(tillTime, 100);
// we should have deleted 51 rows, till time is inclusive
Assert.assertEquals(51, deletedEntries.size());
int count = 0;
for (FileMetadataCleaner.DeletedEntry deletedEntry : deletedEntries) {
Assert.assertEquals(expected.get(count), deletedEntry.getPath());
count += 1;
// now add 10 entries for spark
logPathIdentifier = new LogPathIdentifier("testNs2", "testApp", "testSpark");
expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Location location = locationFactory.create("testSparkFile" + i);
// values : event time is 100ms behind current timestamp
fileMetaDataWriter.writeMetaData(logPathIdentifier, eventTimestamp + i, currentTime + i, location);
// lets keep the same till time - this should only delete the spark entries now
deletedEntries = fileMetadataCleaner.scanAndGetFilesToDelete(tillTime, 100);
// we should have deleted 51 rows, till time is inclusive
Assert.assertEquals(10, deletedEntries.size());
count = 0;
for (FileMetadataCleaner.DeletedEntry deletedEntry : deletedEntries) {
Assert.assertEquals(expected.get(count), deletedEntry.getPath());
count += 1;
// now add 10 entries in mr context in time range 60-70
logPathIdentifier = new LogPathIdentifier("testNs2", "testApp", "testMr");
expected = new ArrayList<>();
// flow should come up at the beginning in the expected list
for (int i = 51; i <= 70; i++) {
expected.add(locationFactory.create("testFlowFile" + i).toURI().getPath());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Location location = locationFactory.create("testMrFile" + i);
// values : event time is 100ms behind current timestamp
fileMetaDataWriter.writeMetaData(logPathIdentifier, eventTimestamp + i, currentTime + i, location);
List<String> nextExpected = new ArrayList<>();
logPathIdentifier = new LogPathIdentifier("testNs2", "testApp", "testCustomAction");
for (int i = 90; i < 100; i++) {
Location location = locationFactory.create("testActionFile" + i);
// values : event time is 100ms behind current timestamp
fileMetaDataWriter.writeMetaData(logPathIdentifier, eventTimestamp + i, currentTime + i, location);
tillTime = currentTime + 70;
// lets delete till 70.
deletedEntries = fileMetadataCleaner.scanAndGetFilesToDelete(tillTime, 100);
// we should have deleted 51-70 files of flow and 0-9 files of spark files in that order and 0 files of action.
Assert.assertEquals(30, deletedEntries.size());
count = 0;
for (FileMetadataCleaner.DeletedEntry deletedEntry : deletedEntries) {
Assert.assertEquals(expected.get(count), deletedEntry.getPath());
count += 1;
// now delete till currentTime + 100, this should delete all remaining entries.
// custom action should come first and then flow entries
tillTime = currentTime + 100;
// lets delete till 100.
deletedEntries = fileMetadataCleaner.scanAndGetFilesToDelete(tillTime, 100);
// we should have deleted 90-99 of custom action(10) 71-99 (29) files of flow.
for (int i = 71; i < 100; i++) {
nextExpected.add(locationFactory.create("testFlowFile" + i).toURI().getPath());
Assert.assertEquals(39, deletedEntries.size());
count = 0;
for (FileMetadataCleaner.DeletedEntry deletedEntry : deletedEntries) {
Assert.assertEquals(nextExpected.get(count), deletedEntry.getPath());
count += 1;
// now lets do a delete with till time = currentTime + 1000, this should return empty result
tillTime = currentTime + 1000;
deletedEntries = fileMetadataCleaner.scanAndGetFilesToDelete(tillTime, 100);
Assert.assertEquals(0, deletedEntries.size());
} finally {
// cleanup meta