use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.meta.Checkpoint in project cdap by caskdata.
the class KafkaLogProcessorPipeline method startUp.
protected void startUp() throws Exception {
LOG.debug("Starting log processor pipeline for {} with configurations {}", name, config);
// Reads the existing checkpoints
Set<Integer> partitions = config.getPartitions();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Checkpoint<KafkaOffset>> entry : checkpointManager.getCheckpoint(partitions).entrySet()) {
Checkpoint<KafkaOffset> checkpoint = entry.getValue();
KafkaOffset kafkaOffset = checkpoint.getOffset();
// Skip the partition that doesn't have previous checkpoint.
if (kafkaOffset.getNextOffset() >= 0 && kafkaOffset.getNextEventTime() >= 0 && checkpoint.getMaxEventTime() >= 0) {
checkpoints.put(entry.getKey(), new MutableCheckpoint(checkpoint));
fetchExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(partitions.size(), Threads.createDaemonThreadFactory("fetcher-" + name + "-%d"));
// emit pipeline related config as metrics
emitConfigMetrics();"Log processor pipeline for {} with config {} started with checkpoint {}", name, config, checkpoints);
use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.meta.Checkpoint in project cdap by caskdata.
the class KafkaLogProcessorPipeline method processMessages.
* Processes log messages for given partition. This method will provide events iterator to event queue processor
* and update checkpoints and offsets based on events processed by event queue processor. If any of the events are
* processed by event queue processor, method returns true, otherwise false.
private boolean processMessages(String topic, int partition, Future<Iterable<MessageAndOffset>> future) throws InterruptedException, KafkaException, IOException {
Iterable<MessageAndOffset> messages;
try {
messages = future.get();
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
try {
throw e.getCause();
} catch (OffsetOutOfRangeException cause) {
// This shouldn't happen under normal situation.
// If happened, usually is caused by race between kafka log rotation and fetching in here,
// hence just fetching from the beginning should be fine
offsets.put(partition, getLastOffset(partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime()));
return false;
} catch (KafkaException | IOException cause) {
throw cause;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// For other type of exceptions, just throw an IOException. It will be handled by caller.
throw new IOException(t);
// process all the messages
ProcessedEventMetadata<KafkaOffset> metadata = eventQueueProcessor.process(partition, new KafkaMessageTransformIterator(topic, partition, messages.iterator()));
// None of the events were processed.
if (metadata.getTotalEventsProcessed() <= 0) {
return false;
// only update checkpoints if some events were processed
unSyncedEvents += metadata.getTotalEventsProcessed();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Checkpoint<KafkaOffset>> entry : metadata.getCheckpoints().entrySet()) {
MutableCheckpoint checkpoint = checkpoints.get(entry.getKey());
Checkpoint<KafkaOffset> checkpointMetadata = entry.getValue();
// Update checkpoints
KafkaOffset kafkaOffset = checkpointMetadata.getOffset();
if (checkpoint == null) {
checkpoint = new MutableCheckpoint(kafkaOffset, checkpointMetadata.getMaxEventTime());
checkpoints.put(entry.getKey(), checkpoint);
} else {
MutableKafkaOffset offset = checkpoint.getOffset();
// For each partition, if there is no more event in the event queue, update the checkpoint nextOffset
for (Int2LongMap.Entry entry : offsets.int2LongEntrySet()) {
if (eventQueueProcessor.isQueueEmpty(entry.getIntKey())) {
MutableCheckpoint checkpoint = checkpoints.get(entry.getIntKey());
long offset = entry.getLongValue();
// it means everything before the process offset must had been written to the appender.
if (checkpoint != null && offset > checkpoint.getOffset().getNextOffset()) {
return true;
use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.meta.Checkpoint in project cdap by caskdata.
the class TimeEventQueueProcessor method process.
* Processes events provided by event iterator for a given partition.
* @param partition log event partition
* @param eventIterator processor events iterator
* @return processed event metadata
public ProcessedEventMetadata<OFFSET> process(int partition, Iterator<ProcessorEvent<OFFSET>> eventIterator) {
int totalEvents = 0;
Map<Integer, Checkpoint<OFFSET>> checkpoints = new HashMap<>();
// iterate through all the events if buffer size has not reached max
while (eventIterator.hasNext()) {
if (eventQueue.getEventSize() >= maxBufferSize) {"Maximum queue size {} reached for log pipeline {}.", maxBufferSize, context.getName());
// Event queue is full. So try to append events to log appenders. If none of the events are appended to log
// appenders, then do not enqueue any more events.
ProcessedEventMetadata<OFFSET> eventsMetadata = append();
if (eventsMetadata.getTotalEventsProcessed() <= 0) {
totalEvents += eventsMetadata.getTotalEventsProcessed();
ProcessorEvent<OFFSET> processorEvent =;
eventQueue.add(processorEvent.getEvent(), processorEvent.getEvent().getTimeStamp(), processorEvent.getEventSize(), partition, processorEvent.getOffset());
// if event queue is full or all the events have been added to the queue, append all the enqueued events to log
// appenders.
ProcessedEventMetadata<OFFSET> eventsMetadata = append();
if (eventsMetadata.getTotalEventsProcessed() > 0) {
totalEvents += eventsMetadata.getTotalEventsProcessed();
return new ProcessedEventMetadata<>(totalEvents, checkpoints);
use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.meta.Checkpoint in project cdap by caskdata.
the class TimeEventQueueProcessorTest method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
LoggerContext loggerContext = LogPipelineTestUtil.createLoggerContext("WARN", ImmutableMap.of("test.logger", "INFO"), MockAppender.class.getName());
LogProcessorPipelineContext context = new LogProcessorPipelineContext(CConfiguration.create(), "test", loggerContext, NO_OP_METRICS_CONTEXT, 0);
TimeEventQueueProcessor<TestOffset> processor = new TimeEventQueueProcessor<>(context, 50, 1, ImmutableList.of(0));
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<ILoggingEvent> events = ImmutableList.of(LogPipelineTestUtil.createLoggingEvent("test.logger", Level.INFO, "1", now - 1000), LogPipelineTestUtil.createLoggingEvent("test.logger", Level.INFO, "3", now - 700), LogPipelineTestUtil.createLoggingEvent("test.logger", Level.INFO, "5", now - 500), LogPipelineTestUtil.createLoggingEvent("test.logger", Level.INFO, "2", now - 900), LogPipelineTestUtil.createLoggingEvent("test.logger", Level.ERROR, "4", now - 600), LogPipelineTestUtil.createLoggingEvent("test.logger", Level.INFO, "6", now - 100));
ProcessedEventMetadata<TestOffset> metadata = processor.process(0, new TransformingIterator(events.iterator()));
// all 6 events should be processed. This is because when the buffer is full after 5 events, time event queue
// processor should append existing buffered events and enqueue 6th event
Assert.assertEquals(6, metadata.getTotalEventsProcessed());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Checkpoint<TestOffset>> entry : metadata.getCheckpoints().entrySet()) {
Checkpoint<TestOffset> value = entry.getValue();
// offset should be max offset processed so far
Assert.assertEquals(6, value.getOffset().getOffset());
use of io.cdap.cdap.logging.meta.Checkpoint in project cdap by caskdata.
the class TestDistributedLogReader method generateCheckpointTime.
private static void generateCheckpointTime(LoggingContext loggingContext, int numExpectedEvents, String kafkaTopic) throws IOException {
FileLogReader logReader = injector.getInstance(FileLogReader.class);
List<LogEvent> events = Lists.newArrayList(logReader.getLog(loggingContext, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, Filter.EMPTY_FILTER));
Assert.assertEquals(numExpectedEvents, events.size());
// Save checkpoint (time of last event)
TransactionRunner transactionRunner = injector.getInstance(TransactionRunner.class);
CheckpointManager<KafkaOffset> checkpointManager = new KafkaCheckpointManager(transactionRunner, Constants.Logging.SYSTEM_PIPELINE_CHECKPOINT_PREFIX + kafkaTopic);
long checkpointTime = events.get(numExpectedEvents - 1).getLoggingEvent().getTimeStamp();
checkpointManager.saveCheckpoints(ImmutableMap.of(stringPartitioner.partition(loggingContext.getLogPartition(), -1), new Checkpoint<>(new KafkaOffset(numExpectedEvents, checkpointTime), checkpointTime)));