use of io.fabric8.maven.core.service.ApplyService in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class Controller method applyEntity.
* Applies the given DTOs onto the Kubernetes master
public void applyEntity(Object dto, String sourceName) throws Exception {
if (dto instanceof Pod) {
applyPod((Pod) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicationController) {
applyReplicationController((ReplicationController) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Service) {
applyService((Service) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Namespace) {
applyNamespace((Namespace) dto);
} else if (dto instanceof Route) {
applyRoute((Route) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof BuildConfig) {
applyBuildConfig((BuildConfig) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof DeploymentConfig) {
DeploymentConfig resource = (DeploymentConfig) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.APPS)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.deploymentConfigs());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof PolicyBinding) {
applyPolicyBinding((PolicyBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof RoleBinding) {
applyRoleBinding((RoleBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Role) {
Role resource = (Role) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.AUTHORIZATION)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.roles());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof ImageStream) {
applyImageStream((ImageStream) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof OAuthClient) {
applyOAuthClient((OAuthClient) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Template) {
applyTemplate((Template) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ServiceAccount) {
applyServiceAccount((ServiceAccount) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Secret) {
applySecret((Secret) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ConfigMap) {
applyResource((ConfigMap) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.configMaps());
} else if (dto instanceof DaemonSet) {
applyResource((DaemonSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().daemonSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Deployment) {
applyResource((Deployment) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().deployments());
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicaSet) {
applyResource((ReplicaSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().replicaSets());
} else if (dto instanceof StatefulSet) {
applyResource((StatefulSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().statefulSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Ingress) {
applyResource((Ingress) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().ingresses());
} else if (dto instanceof PersistentVolumeClaim) {
applyPersistentVolumeClaim((PersistentVolumeClaim) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof HasMetadata) {
HasMetadata entity = (HasMetadata) dto;
try {
String namespace = getNamespace();
String resourceNamespace = getNamespace(entity);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(namespace) && Strings.isNullOrBlank(resourceNamespace)) {
}"Applying " + getKind(entity) + " " + getName(entity) + " from " + sourceName);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to create " + getKind(entity) + " from " + sourceName + ". " + e, e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown entity type " + dto);
use of io.fabric8.maven.core.service.ApplyService in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class Controller method applyEntity.
* Applies the given DTOs onto the Kubernetes master
public void applyEntity(Object dto, String sourceName) throws Exception {
if (dto instanceof Pod) {
applyPod((Pod) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicationController) {
applyReplicationController((ReplicationController) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Service) {
applyService((Service) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Namespace) {
applyNamespace((Namespace) dto);
} else if (dto instanceof Route) {
applyRoute((Route) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof BuildConfig) {
applyBuildConfig((BuildConfig) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof DeploymentConfig) {
DeploymentConfig resource = (DeploymentConfig) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.APPS)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.deploymentConfigs());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof PolicyBinding) {
applyPolicyBinding((PolicyBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof RoleBinding) {
applyRoleBinding((RoleBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Role) {
Role resource = (Role) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.AUTHORIZATION)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.roles());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof ImageStream) {
applyImageStream((ImageStream) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof OAuthClient) {
applyOAuthClient((OAuthClient) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Template) {
applyTemplate((Template) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ServiceAccount) {
applyServiceAccount((ServiceAccount) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Secret) {
applySecret((Secret) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ConfigMap) {
applyResource((ConfigMap) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.configMaps());
} else if (dto instanceof DaemonSet) {
applyResource((DaemonSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().daemonSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Deployment) {
applyResource((Deployment) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().deployments());
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicaSet) {
applyResource((ReplicaSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().replicaSets());
} else if (dto instanceof StatefulSet) {
applyResource((StatefulSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().statefulSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Ingress) {
applyResource((Ingress) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().ingresses());
} else if (dto instanceof PersistentVolumeClaim) {
applyPersistentVolumeClaim((PersistentVolumeClaim) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof HasMetadata) {
HasMetadata entity = (HasMetadata) dto;
try {
String namespace = getNamespace();
String resourceNamespace = getNamespace(entity);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(namespace) && Strings.isNullOrBlank(resourceNamespace)) {
}"Applying " + getKind(entity) + " " + getName(entity) + " from " + sourceName);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to create " + getKind(entity) + " from " + sourceName + ". " + e, e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown entity type " + dto);
use of io.fabric8.maven.core.service.ApplyService in project fabric8-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class ApplyService method applyEntity.
* Applies the given DTOs onto the Kubernetes master
private void applyEntity(Object dto, String sourceName) throws Exception {
if (dto instanceof Pod) {
applyPod((Pod) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicationController) {
applyReplicationController((ReplicationController) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Service) {
applyService((Service) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Route) {
applyRoute((Route) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof BuildConfig) {
applyBuildConfig((BuildConfig) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof DeploymentConfig) {
DeploymentConfig resource = (DeploymentConfig) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClient();
if (openShiftClient != null) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.deploymentConfigs());
} else {
log.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof RoleBinding) {
applyRoleBinding((RoleBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Role) {
Role resource = (Role) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClient();
if (openShiftClient != null) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.rbac().roles());
} else {
log.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof ImageStream) {
applyImageStream((ImageStream) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof OAuthClient) {
applyOAuthClient((OAuthClient) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Template) {
applyTemplate((Template) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ServiceAccount) {
applyServiceAccount((ServiceAccount) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Secret) {
applySecret((Secret) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ConfigMap) {
applyResource((ConfigMap) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.configMaps());
} else if (dto instanceof DaemonSet) {
applyResource((DaemonSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().daemonSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Deployment) {
applyResource((Deployment) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().deployments());
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicaSet) {
applyResource((ReplicaSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().replicaSets());
} else if (dto instanceof StatefulSet) {
applyResource((StatefulSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().statefulSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Ingress) {
applyResource((Ingress) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().ingresses());
} else if (dto instanceof PersistentVolumeClaim) {
applyPersistentVolumeClaim((PersistentVolumeClaim) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof CustomResourceDefinition) {
applyCustomResourceDefinition((CustomResourceDefinition) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Job) {
applyJob((Job) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof HasMetadata) {
HasMetadata entity = (HasMetadata) dto;
try {"Applying " + getKind(entity) + " " + getName(entity) + " from " + sourceName);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to create " + getKind(entity) + " from " + sourceName + ". " + e, e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown entity type " + dto);
use of io.fabric8.maven.core.service.ApplyService in project fabric8-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class ApplyMojo method executeInternal.
public void executeInternal() throws MojoExecutionException {
if (skipApply) {
clusterAccess = new ClusterAccess(getClusterConfiguration());
try {
KubernetesClient kubernetes = clusterAccess.createDefaultClient(log);
applyService = new ApplyService(kubernetes, log);
initServices(kubernetes, log);
URL masterUrl = kubernetes.getMasterUrl();
File manifest;
if (OpenshiftHelper.isOpenShift(kubernetes)) {
manifest = openshiftManifest;
} else {
manifest = kubernetesManifest;
if (!manifest.exists() || !manifest.isFile()) {
if (failOnNoKubernetesJson) {
throw new MojoFailureException("No such generated manifest file: " + manifest);
} else {
log.warn("No such generated manifest file %s for this project so ignoring", manifest);
String clusterKind = "Kubernetes";
if (OpenshiftHelper.isOpenShift(kubernetes)) {
clusterKind = "OpenShift";
KubernetesResourceUtil.validateKubernetesMasterUrl(masterUrl);"Using %s at %s in namespace %s with manifest %s ", clusterKind, masterUrl, clusterAccess.getNamespace(), manifest);
boolean openShift = OpenshiftHelper.isOpenShift(kubernetes);
if (openShift) {
getLog().info("OpenShift platform detected");
} else {
Set<HasMetadata> entities = KubernetesResourceUtil.loadResources(manifest);
String namespace = clusterAccess.getNamespace();
boolean namespaceEntityExist = false;
for (HasMetadata entity : entities) {
if (entity instanceof Namespace) {
Namespace ns = (Namespace) entity;
namespace = ns.getMetadata().getName();
namespaceEntityExist = true;
if (entity instanceof Project) {
Project project = (Project) entity;
namespace = project.getMetadata().getName();
namespaceEntityExist = true;
if (!namespaceEntityExist) {
applyEntities(kubernetes, namespace, manifest.getName(), entities);"[[B]]HINT:[[B]] Use the command `%s get pods -w` to watch your pods start up", clusterAccess.isOpenShiftImageStream(log) ? "oc" : "kubectl");
} catch (KubernetesClientException e) {
KubernetesResourceUtil.handleKubernetesClientException(e, this.log);
} catch (MojoExecutionException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
use of io.fabric8.maven.core.service.ApplyService in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class Controller method applyService.
public void applyService(Service service, String sourceName) throws Exception {
String namespace = getNamespace();
String id = getName(service);
Objects.notNull(id, "No name for " + service + " " + sourceName);
if (isIgnoreServiceMode()) {
LOG.debug("Ignoring Service: " + namespace + ":" + id);
Service old =;
if (isRunning(old)) {
if (UserConfigurationCompare.configEqual(service, old)) {"Service has not changed so not doing anything");
} else {
if (isRecreateMode()) {"Deleting Service: " + id);;
doCreateService(service, namespace, sourceName);
} else {"Updating a Service from " + sourceName);
try {
Object answer =;
logGeneratedEntity("Updated Service: ", namespace, service, answer);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to update Service from " + sourceName + ". " + e + ". " + service, e);
} else {
if (!isAllowCreate()) {
LOG.warn("Creation disabled so not creating a Service from " + sourceName + " namespace " + namespace + " name " + getName(service));
} else {
doCreateService(service, namespace, sourceName);