use of in project georocket by georocket.
the class StoreEndpoint method doMerge.
* Perform a search and merge all retrieved chunks using the given merger
* @param merger the merger
* @param data Data to merge into the response
* @param out the response to write the merged chunks to
* @return a single that will emit one item when all chunks have been merged
private Single<Void> doMerge(Merger<ChunkMeta> merger, Single<StoreCursor> data, WriteStream<Buffer> out) {
return -> store.rxGetOne(p.getRight()).flatMapObservable(crs -> merger.merge(crs, p.getLeft(), out).map(// left: count, right: not_accepted
v -> Pair.of(1L, 0L)).onErrorResumeNext(t -> {
if (t instanceof IllegalStateException) {
// ignore it, but emit a warning later
return Observable.just(Pair.of(0L, 1L));
return Observable.error(t);
}).doOnTerminate(() -> {
// don't forget to close the chunk!
})), 1).defaultIfEmpty(Pair.of(0L, 0L)).reduce((p1, p2) -> Pair.of(p1.getLeft() + p2.getLeft(), p1.getRight() + p2.getRight())).flatMap(p -> {
long count = p.getLeft();
long notaccepted = p.getRight();
if (notaccepted > 0) {
log.warn("Could not merge " + notaccepted + " chunks " + "because the merger did not accept them. Most likely " + "these are new chunks that were added while the " + "merge was in progress. If this worries you, just " + "repeat the request.");
if (count > 0) {
return Observable.just(null);
} else {
return Observable.error(new FileNotFoundException("Not Found"));
}).toSingle().map(v -> null);
use of in project georocket by georocket.
the class MultiMergerTest method doMerge.
private void doMerge(TestContext context, Observable<Buffer> chunks, Observable<ChunkMeta> metas, String jsonContents) {
MultiMerger m = new MultiMerger();
BufferWriteStream bws = new BufferWriteStream();
Async async = context.async();
metas.flatMap(meta -> m.init(meta).map(v -> meta)).toList().flatMap(l -><ChunkMeta, Pair<ChunkReadStream, ChunkMeta>>zipWith(l, Pair::of)).flatMap(p -> m.merge(p.getLeft(), p.getRight(), bws)).last().subscribe(v -> {
context.assertEquals(jsonContents, bws.getBuffer().toString("utf-8"));
}, err -> {;
use of in project georocket by georocket.
the class IndexerVerticle method onQuery.
* Write result of a query given the Elasticsearch response
* @param body the message containing the query
* @return an observable that emits the results of the query
private Observable<JsonObject> onQuery(JsonObject body) {
String search = body.getString("search");
String path = body.getString("path");
String scrollId = body.getString("scrollId");
int pageSize = body.getInteger("size", 100);
// one minute
String timeout = "1m";
JsonObject parameters = new JsonObject().put("size", pageSize);
Observable<JsonObject> observable;
if (scrollId == null) {
// Execute a new search. Use a post_filter because we only want to get
// a yes/no answer and no scoring (i.e. we only want to get matching
// documents and not those that likely match). For the difference between
// query and post_filter see the Elasticsearch documentation.
JsonObject postFilter;
try {
postFilter = queryCompiler.compileQuery(search, path);
} catch (Throwable t) {
return Observable.error(t);
observable = client.beginScroll(TYPE_NAME, null, postFilter, parameters, timeout);
} else {
// continue searching
observable = client.continueScroll(scrollId, timeout);
return -> {
// iterate through all hits and convert them to JSON
JsonObject hits = sr.getJsonObject("hits");
long totalHits = hits.getLong("total");
JsonArray resultHits = new JsonArray();
JsonArray hitsHits = hits.getJsonArray("hits");
for (Object o : hitsHits) {
JsonObject hit = (JsonObject) o;
String id = hit.getString("_id");
JsonObject source = hit.getJsonObject("_source");
JsonObject jsonMeta = source.getJsonObject("chunkMeta");
ChunkMeta meta = getMeta(jsonMeta);
JsonObject obj = meta.toJsonObject().put("id", id);
// create result and send it to the client
return new JsonObject().put("totalHits", totalHits).put("hits", resultHits).put("scrollId", sr.getString("_scroll_id"));
use of in project georocket by georocket.
the class IndexerVerticle method onAdd.
* Will be called when chunks should be added to the index
* @param messages the list of add messages that contain the paths to
* the chunks to be indexed
* @return an observable that completes when the operation has finished
private Observable<Void> onAdd(List<Message<JsonObject>> messages) {
return Observable.from(messages).flatMap(msg -> {
// get path to chunk from message
JsonObject body = msg.body();
String path = body.getString("path");
if (path == null) {, "Missing path to the chunk to index");
return Observable.empty();
// get chunk metadata
JsonObject meta = body.getJsonObject("meta");
if (meta == null) {, "Missing metadata for chunk " + path);
return Observable.empty();
// get tags
JsonArray tagsArr = body.getJsonArray("tags");
List<String> tags = tagsArr != null ? -> o != null ? Stream.of(o.toString()) : Stream.of()).collect(Collectors.toList()) : null;
// get properties
JsonObject propertiesObj = body.getJsonObject("properties");
Map<String, Object> properties = propertiesObj != null ? propertiesObj.getMap() : null;
// get fallback CRS
String fallbackCRSString = body.getString("fallbackCRSString");
log.trace("Indexing " + path);
String correlationId = body.getString("correlationId");
String filename = body.getString("filename");
long timestamp = body.getLong("timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis());
ChunkMeta chunkMeta = getMeta(meta);
IndexMeta indexMeta = new IndexMeta(correlationId, filename, timestamp, tags, properties, fallbackCRSString);
// open chunk and create IndexRequest
return openChunkToDocument(path, chunkMeta, indexMeta).map(doc -> Tuple.tuple(path, new JsonObject(doc), msg)).onErrorResumeNext(err -> {, throwableToMessage(err, ""));
return Observable.empty();
}).toList().flatMap(l -> {
if (!l.isEmpty()) {
return insertDocuments(TYPE_NAME, l);
return Observable.empty();
use of in project georocket by georocket.
the class StoreEndpoint method getChunks.
* Retrieve all chunks matching the specified query and path
* @param context the routing context
private void getChunks(RoutingContext context) {
HttpServerResponse response = context.response();
Single<StoreCursor> data = prepareCursor(context);
// Our responses must always be chunked because we cannot calculate
// the exact content-length beforehand. We perform two searches, one to
// initialize the merger and one to do the actual merge. The problem is
// that the result set may change between these two searches and so we
// cannot calculate the content-length just from looking at the result
// from the first search.
// perform two searches: first initialize the merger and then
// merge all retrieved chunks
Merger<ChunkMeta> merger = createMerger(context);
initializeMerger(merger, data).flatMapSingle(v -> doMerge(merger, data, response)).subscribe(v -> {
}, err -> {
if (!(err instanceof FileNotFoundException)) {
log.error("Could not perform query", err);
fail(response, err);