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Example 1 with XMLStartElement

use of io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement in project georocket by georocket.

the class AbstractMergeStrategy method finish.

public void finish(WriteStream<Buffer> out) {
    // close all parent elements
    for (int i = parents.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        XMLStartElement e = parents.get(i);
        out.write(Buffer.buffer("</" + e.getName() + ">"));
Also used : XMLStartElement(io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement)

Example 2 with XMLStartElement

use of io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement in project georocket by georocket.

the class FirstLevelSplitterTest method oneChunk.

 * Test if an XML string with one chunk can be split
 * @throws Exception if an error has occurred
public void oneChunk() throws Exception {
    String xml = XMLHEADER + "<root>\n<object><child></child></object>\n</root>";
    List<Result<XMLChunkMeta>> chunks = split(xml);
    assertEquals(1, chunks.size());
    Result<XMLChunkMeta> chunk = chunks.get(0);
    XMLChunkMeta meta = new XMLChunkMeta(Arrays.asList(new XMLStartElement("root")), XMLHEADER.length() + 7, xml.length() - 8);
    assertEquals(meta, chunk.getMeta());
    assertEquals(xml, chunk.getChunk());
Also used : XMLStartElement(io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement) XMLChunkMeta( Result(io.georocket.input.Splitter.Result) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with XMLStartElement

use of io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement in project georocket by georocket.

the class FirstLevelSplitterTest method twoChunks.

 * Test if an XML string with tow chunks can be split
 * @throws Exception if an error has occurred
public void twoChunks() throws Exception {
    String xml = XMLHEADER + "<root><object><child></child></object>" + "<object><child2></child2></object></root>";
    List<Result<XMLChunkMeta>> chunks = split(xml);
    assertEquals(2, chunks.size());
    Result<XMLChunkMeta> chunk1 = chunks.get(0);
    Result<XMLChunkMeta> chunk2 = chunks.get(1);
    List<XMLStartElement> parents = Arrays.asList(new XMLStartElement("root"));
    XMLChunkMeta meta1 = new XMLChunkMeta(parents, XMLHEADER.length() + 7, XMLHEADER.length() + 7 + 32);
    XMLChunkMeta meta2 = new XMLChunkMeta(parents, XMLHEADER.length() + 7, XMLHEADER.length() + 7 + 34);
    assertEquals(meta1, chunk1.getMeta());
    assertEquals(meta2, chunk2.getMeta());
    assertEquals(XMLHEADER + "<root>\n<object><child></child></object>\n</root>", chunk1.getChunk());
    assertEquals(XMLHEADER + "<root>\n<object><child2></child2></object>\n</root>", chunk2.getChunk());
Also used : XMLStartElement(io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement) XMLChunkMeta( Result(io.georocket.input.Splitter.Result) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with XMLStartElement

use of io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement in project georocket by georocket.

the class FirstLevelSplitterTest method attributes.

 * Test if an XML string with two chunks and a attributes can be split
 * @throws Exception if an error has occurred
public void attributes() throws Exception {
    String root = "<root key=\"value\" key2=\"value2\">";
    String xml = XMLHEADER + root + "<object ok=\"ov\"><child></child></object>" + "<object><child2></child2></object></root>";
    List<Result<XMLChunkMeta>> chunks = split(xml);
    assertEquals(2, chunks.size());
    Result<XMLChunkMeta> chunk1 = chunks.get(0);
    Result<XMLChunkMeta> chunk2 = chunks.get(1);
    List<XMLStartElement> parents = Arrays.asList(new XMLStartElement(null, "root", new String[] { "", "" }, new String[] { "key", "key2" }, new String[] { "value", "value2" }));
    XMLChunkMeta meta1 = new XMLChunkMeta(parents, XMLHEADER.length() + root.length() + 1, XMLHEADER.length() + root.length() + 1 + 40);
    XMLChunkMeta meta2 = new XMLChunkMeta(parents, XMLHEADER.length() + root.length() + 1, XMLHEADER.length() + root.length() + 1 + 34);
    assertEquals(meta1, chunk1.getMeta());
    assertEquals(meta2, chunk2.getMeta());
    assertEquals(XMLHEADER + root + "\n<object ok=\"ov\"><child></child></object>\n</root>", chunk1.getChunk());
    assertEquals(XMLHEADER + root + "\n<object><child2></child2></object>\n</root>", chunk2.getChunk());
Also used : XMLStartElement(io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement) XMLChunkMeta( Result(io.georocket.input.Splitter.Result) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with XMLStartElement

use of io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement in project georocket by georocket.

the class FirstLevelSplitterTest method utf8.

 * Test if an XML string with an UTF8 character can be split
 * @throws Exception if an error has occurred
public void utf8() throws Exception {
    String xml = XMLHEADER + "<root>\n<object><child name=\"\u2248\"></child></object>\n</root>";
    List<Result<XMLChunkMeta>> chunks = split(xml);
    assertEquals(1, chunks.size());
    Result<XMLChunkMeta> chunk = chunks.get(0);
    XMLChunkMeta meta = new XMLChunkMeta(Arrays.asList(new XMLStartElement("root")), XMLHEADER.length() + 7, xml.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length - 8);
    assertEquals(meta, chunk.getMeta());
    assertEquals(xml, chunk.getChunk());
Also used : XMLStartElement(io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement) XMLChunkMeta( Result(io.georocket.input.Splitter.Result) Test(org.junit.Test)


XMLStartElement (io.georocket.util.XMLStartElement)17 XMLChunkMeta ( Test (org.junit.Test)13 Buffer (io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer)7 Result (io.georocket.input.Splitter.Result)6 BufferWriteStream ( DelegateChunkReadStream ( Async (io.vertx.ext.unit.Async)4 TestContext (io.vertx.ext.unit.TestContext)4 VertxUnitRunner (io.vertx.ext.unit.junit.VertxUnitRunner)4 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)4 Pair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair)4 RunWith (org.junit.runner.RunWith)4 ChunkMeta ( ChunkReadStream ( GeoJsonChunkMeta ( RunTestOnContext (io.vertx.ext.unit.junit.RunTestOnContext)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Rule (org.junit.Rule)2 Observable (rx.Observable)2