use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.DatasetException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class ModelUtils method getModelsAccessor.
public ModelsController.Accessor getModelsAccessor(Users user, Project userProject, Project modelProject, Project experimentProject) throws DatasetException {
DistributedFileSystemOps udfso = null;
try {
String hdfsUser = hdfsUsersController.getHdfsUserName(experimentProject, user);
udfso = dfs.getDfsOps(hdfsUser);
return new ModelsController.Accessor(user, userProject, modelProject, experimentProject, udfso, hdfsUser);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (udfso != null) {
throw new DatasetException(RESTCodes.DatasetErrorCode.DATASET_OPERATION_ERROR, Level.INFO);
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.DatasetException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class RequestService method requestAccess.
public Response requestAccess(RequestDTO requestDTO, @Context SecurityContext sc) throws DatasetException, ProjectException {
RESTApiJsonResponse json = new RESTApiJsonResponse();
if (requestDTO == null || requestDTO.getInodeId() == null || requestDTO.getProjectId() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("requestDTO was not provided or was incomplete!");
Users user = jWTHelper.getUserPrincipal(sc);
Inode inode = inodes.findById(requestDTO.getInodeId());
// requested project
Project proj = datasetCtrl.getOwningProject(inode);
Dataset ds = datasetFacade.findByProjectAndInode(proj, inode);
// requesting project
Project project = projectFacade.find(requestDTO.getProjectId());
Dataset dsInRequesting = datasetFacade.findByProjectAndInode(project, inode);
if (dsInRequesting != null) {
throw new DatasetException(RESTCodes.DatasetErrorCode.DESTINATION_EXISTS, Level.INFO);
ProjectTeam projectTeam = projectTeamFacade.findByPrimaryKey(project, user);
ProjectTeam projTeam = projectTeamFacade.findByPrimaryKey(proj, user);
if (projTeam != null && proj.equals(project)) {
throw new ProjectException(RESTCodes.ProjectErrorCode.TEAM_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS, Level.FINE);
DatasetRequest dsRequest = datasetRequest.findByProjectAndDataset(project, ds);
// email body
String msg = "Hi " + proj.getOwner().getFname() + " " + proj.getOwner().getLname() + ", \n\n" + user.getFname() + " " + user.getLname() + " wants access to a dataset in a project you own. \n\n" + "Dataset name: " + ds.getInode().getInodePK().getName() + "\n" + "Project name: " + proj.getName() + "\n";
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(requestDTO.getMessageContent())) {
msg += "Attached message: " + requestDTO.getMessageContent() + "\n";
msg += "After logging in to Hopsworks go to : /project/" + proj.getId() + "/datasets " + " if you want to share this dataset. \n";
// or the prior request is from a data owner do nothing.
if (dsRequest != null && (dsRequest.getProjectTeam().getTeamRole().equals(projectTeam.getTeamRole()) || dsRequest.getProjectTeam().getTeamRole().equals(AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_OWNER))) {
throw new DatasetException(RESTCodes.DatasetErrorCode.DATASET_REQUEST_EXISTS, Level.FINE);
} else if (dsRequest != null && projectTeam.getTeamRole().equals(AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_OWNER)) {
} else {
Users to = userFacade.findByEmail(proj.getOwner().getEmail());
String message = "Hi " + to.getFname() + "<br>" + "I would like to request access to a dataset in a project you own. <br>" + "Project name: " + proj.getName() + "<br>" + "Dataset name: " + ds.getInode().getInodePK().getName() + "<br>" + "To be shared with my project: " + project.getName() + ".<br>" + "Thank you in advance.";
String preview = user.getFname() + " would like to have access to a dataset in a project you own.";
String subject = Settings.MESSAGE_DS_REQ_SUBJECT;
String path = "project/" + proj.getId() + "/datasets";
// to, from, msg, requested path
Message newMsg = new Message(user, to, null, message, true, false);
dsRequest = new DatasetRequest(ds, projectTeam, requestDTO.getMessageContent(), newMsg);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new DatasetException(RESTCodes.DatasetErrorCode.DATASET_REQUEST_ERROR, Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), null, ex);
try {
emailBean.sendEmail(proj.getOwner().getEmail(), RecipientType.TO, "Access request for dataset " + ds.getInode().getInodePK().getName(), msg);
} catch (MessagingException ex) {
json.setErrorMsg("Could not send e-mail to " + project.getOwner().getEmail());
return noCacheResponse.getNoCacheResponseBuilder(Response.Status.OK).entity(json).build();
json.setSuccessMessage("Request sent successfully.");
return noCacheResponse.getNoCacheResponseBuilder(Response.Status.OK).entity(json).build();
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.DatasetException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class HopsUtils method removeFiles.
private static void removeFiles(String path, String hdfsUsername, DistributedFsService dfs) throws DatasetException {
DistributedFileSystemOps udfso = null;
try {
udfso = dfs.getDfsOps(hdfsUsername);
if (udfso == null) {
throw new DatasetException(RESTCodes.DatasetErrorCode.INODE_DELETION_ERROR, Level.INFO, "Failed to remove files - try to manually remove:" + path, "Could not create udfso to perform operations on the file system");
udfso.rm(path, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DatasetException(RESTCodes.DatasetErrorCode.INODE_DELETION_ERROR, Level.INFO, "Failed to remove files - try to manually remove:" + path, "File system rm operation failure on:" + path);
} finally {
if (udfso != null) {
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.DatasetException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class ExperimentsResource method post.
@ApiOperation(value = "Create or update an experiment", response = ExperimentDTO.class)
@AllowedProjectRoles({ AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_OWNER, AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_SCIENTIST })
@JWTRequired(acceptedTokens = { Audience.API, Audience.JOB }, allowedUserRoles = { "HOPS_ADMIN", "HOPS_USER" })
public Response post(@PathParam("id") String id, ExperimentDTO experimentDTO, @QueryParam("type") ExperimentOperationType type, @Context HttpServletRequest req, @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context SecurityContext sc) throws DatasetException, ProvenanceException, PythonException, MetadataException, ProjectException, GenericException, ExperimentsException {
if (experimentDTO == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Experiment configuration was provided");
Users user = jwtHelper.getUserPrincipal(sc);
Project experimentProject = project;
switch(type) {
case INIT:
String experimentPath = Utils.getProjectPath(project.getName()) + Settings.HOPS_EXPERIMENTS_DATASET + "/" + id + "/" + Settings.ENVIRONMENT_FILE;
experimentDTO.setEnvironment(environmentController.exportEnv(experimentProject, user, experimentPath));
try {
String program = experimentsController.versionProgram(experimentProject, user, experimentDTO.getJobName(), experimentDTO.getKernelId(), id);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not version notebook " + e.getMessage());
Project modelProject = getModelsProjectAndCheckAccess(experimentDTO);
experimentsController.attachModel(user, experimentProject, id, modelProject, experimentDTO.getModel());
// no need to update the summary in any way
throw new GenericException(RESTCodes.GenericErrorCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, Level.INFO, "unhandled experiment summary operation type:" + type);
experimentsController.attachExperiment(user, experimentProject, id, experimentDTO);
UriBuilder builder = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().path(id);
switch(type) {
case INIT:
return Response.created(;
return Response.ok(;
throw new GenericException(RESTCodes.GenericErrorCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, Level.INFO, "unhandled experiment summary operation type:" + type);
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.DatasetException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class DsUpdateOperations method deleteDatasetFile.
* Deletes a file inside a top-level dataset
* @param project the project of the user making the request
* @param user the user making the request
* @param fileName the name of the folder or file to remove
* @return the fullpath of the deleted file
* @throws DatasetException
* @throws ProjectException
public org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path deleteDatasetFile(Project project, Users user, String fileName) throws DatasetException, ProjectException, HopsSecurityException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
boolean success = false;
DistributedFileSystemOps dfso = null;
DsPath dsPath = pathValidator.validatePath(project, fileName);
Dataset ds = dsPath.getDs();
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path fullPath = dsPath.getFullPath();
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path dsRelativePath = dsPath.getDsRelativePath();
if (dsRelativePath.depth() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Use endpoint DELETE /{datasetName} to delete top level dataset)");
try {
String username = hdfsUsersBean.getHdfsUserName(project, user);
// If a Data Scientist requested it, do it as project user to avoid deleting Data Owner files
// Find project of dataset as it might be shared
Project owning = datasetController.getOwningProject(ds);
boolean isMember = projectTeamFacade.isUserMemberOfProject(owning, user);
if (isMember && projectTeamFacade.findCurrentRole(owning, user).equals(AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_OWNER) && owning.equals(project)) {
// do it as super user
dfso = dfs.getDfsOps();
} else {
// do it as project user
dfso = dfs.getDfsOps(username);
success = dfso.rm(fullPath, true);
} catch (AccessControlException ex) {
throw new HopsSecurityException(RESTCodes.SecurityErrorCode.HDFS_ACCESS_CONTROL, Level.FINE, "Operation: delete, path: " + fullPath.toString(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new DatasetException(RESTCodes.DatasetErrorCode.INODE_DELETION_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "path: " + fullPath.toString(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {
if (dfso != null) {
if (!success) {
throw new DatasetException(RESTCodes.DatasetErrorCode.INODE_DELETION_ERROR, Level.FINE, "path: " + fullPath.toString());
return fullPath;