use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ProvenanceException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class ExperimentsResource method post.
@ApiOperation(value = "Create or update an experiment", response = ExperimentDTO.class)
@AllowedProjectRoles({ AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_OWNER, AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_SCIENTIST })
@JWTRequired(acceptedTokens = { Audience.API, Audience.JOB }, allowedUserRoles = { "HOPS_ADMIN", "HOPS_USER" })
public Response post(@PathParam("id") String id, ExperimentDTO experimentDTO, @QueryParam("type") ExperimentOperationType type, @Context HttpServletRequest req, @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context SecurityContext sc) throws DatasetException, ProvenanceException, PythonException, MetadataException, ProjectException, GenericException, ExperimentsException {
if (experimentDTO == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Experiment configuration was provided");
Users user = jwtHelper.getUserPrincipal(sc);
Project experimentProject = project;
switch(type) {
case INIT:
String experimentPath = Utils.getProjectPath(project.getName()) + Settings.HOPS_EXPERIMENTS_DATASET + "/" + id + "/" + Settings.ENVIRONMENT_FILE;
experimentDTO.setEnvironment(environmentController.exportEnv(experimentProject, user, experimentPath));
try {
String program = experimentsController.versionProgram(experimentProject, user, experimentDTO.getJobName(), experimentDTO.getKernelId(), id);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not version notebook " + e.getMessage());
Project modelProject = getModelsProjectAndCheckAccess(experimentDTO);
experimentsController.attachModel(user, experimentProject, id, modelProject, experimentDTO.getModel());
// no need to update the summary in any way
throw new GenericException(RESTCodes.GenericErrorCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, Level.INFO, "unhandled experiment summary operation type:" + type);
experimentsController.attachExperiment(user, experimentProject, id, experimentDTO);
UriBuilder builder = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().path(id);
switch(type) {
case INIT:
return Response.created(;
return Response.ok(;
throw new GenericException(RESTCodes.GenericErrorCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, Level.INFO, "unhandled experiment summary operation type:" + type);
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ProvenanceException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class ProjectService method example.
public Response example(@PathParam("type") String type, @Context HttpServletRequest req, @Context SecurityContext sc) throws DatasetException, GenericException, KafkaException, ProjectException, UserException, ServiceException, HopsSecurityException, FeaturestoreException, JobException, IOException, ElasticException, SchemaException, ProvenanceException {
TourProjectType demoType;
try {
demoType = TourProjectType.fromString(type);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type must be one of: " + Arrays.toString(TourProjectType.values()));
ProjectDTO projectDTO = new ProjectDTO();
Project project = null;
projectDTO.setDescription("A demo project for getting started with " + demoType.getDescription());
Users user = jWTHelper.getUserPrincipal(sc);
String username = user.getUsername();
List<String> projectServices = new ArrayList<>();
// save the project
String readMeMessage = null;
switch(demoType) {
case KAFKA:
// It's a Kafka guide
projectDTO.setProjectName("demo_" + TourProjectType.KAFKA.getTourName() + "_" + username);
populateActiveServices(projectServices, TourProjectType.KAFKA);
readMeMessage = "jar file to demonstrate Kafka streaming";
case SPARK:
// It's a Spark guide
projectDTO.setProjectName("demo_" + TourProjectType.SPARK.getTourName() + "_" + username);
populateActiveServices(projectServices, TourProjectType.SPARK);
readMeMessage = "jar file to demonstrate the creation of a spark batch job";
case FS:
// It's a Featurestore guide
projectDTO.setProjectName("demo_" + TourProjectType.FS.getTourName() + "_" + username);
populateActiveServices(projectServices, TourProjectType.FS);
readMeMessage = "Dataset containing a jar file and data that can be used to run a sample spark-job for " + "inserting data in the feature store.";
case ML:
// It's a TensorFlow guide
projectDTO.setProjectName("demo_" + TourProjectType.ML.getTourName() + "_" + username);
populateActiveServices(projectServices, TourProjectType.ML);
readMeMessage = "Jupyter notebooks and training data for demonstrating how to run Deep Learning";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type must be one of: " + Arrays.toString(TourProjectType.values()));
DistributedFileSystemOps dfso = null;
DistributedFileSystemOps udfso = null;
try {
project = projectController.createProject(projectDTO, user, req.getSession().getId());
dfso = dfs.getDfsOps();
username = hdfsUsersBean.getHdfsUserName(project, user);
udfso = dfs.getDfsOps(username);
ProvTypeDTO projectMetaStatus = fsProvenanceController.getProjectProvType(user, project);
String tourFilesDataset = projectController.addTourFilesToProject(user.getEmail(), project, dfso, dfso, demoType, projectMetaStatus);
// TestJob dataset
datasetController.generateReadme(udfso, tourFilesDataset, readMeMessage, project.getName());
} catch (Exception ex) {
projectController.cleanup(project, req.getSession().getId());
throw ex;
} finally {
if (dfso != null) {
if (udfso != null) {
return noCacheResponse.getNoCacheResponseBuilder(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(project).build();
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ProvenanceException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class ProjectController method createProject.
* Creates a new project(project), the related DIR, the different services in
* the project, and the master of the
* project.
* <p>
* This needs to be an atomic operation (all or nothing) REQUIRES_NEW will
* make sure a new transaction is created even
* if this method is called from within a transaction.
* @param projectDTO
* @param owner
* @param sessionId
* @return
public Project createProject(ProjectDTO projectDTO, Users owner, String sessionId) throws DatasetException, GenericException, KafkaException, ProjectException, UserException, HopsSecurityException, ServiceException, FeaturestoreException, ElasticException, SchemaException, IOException {
Long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// check that the project name is ok
String projectName = projectDTO.getProjectName();
FolderNameValidator.isValidProjectName(projectUtils, projectName);
List<ProjectServiceEnum> projectServices = new ArrayList<>();
if (projectDTO.getServices() != null) {
for (String s : projectDTO.getServices()) {
ProjectServiceEnum se = ProjectServiceEnum.valueOf(s.toUpperCase());
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, () -> "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 1: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
DistributedFileSystemOps dfso = null;
Project project = null;
try {
dfso = dfs.getDfsOps();
* create a project in the database
* if the creation go through it means that there is no other project with
* the same name.
* this project creation act like a lock, no other project can be created
* with the same name
* until this project is removed from the database
try {
project = createProject(projectName, owner, projectDTO.getDescription(), dfso);
} catch (EJBException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, null, ex);
Path dummy = new Path("/tmp/" + projectName);
try {
dfso.rm(dummy, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
throw new ProjectException(RESTCodes.ProjectErrorCode.PROJECT_EXISTS, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + projectName, ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 2 (hdfs): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
verifyProject(project, dfso, sessionId);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 3 (verify): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
// Run the handlers.
try {
ProjectHandler.runProjectPreCreateHandlers(projectHandlers, project);
} catch (ProjectException ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, null, true, owner);
throw ex;
List<Future<?>> projectCreationFutures = new ArrayList<>();
// This is an async call
try {
projectCreationFutures.add(certificatesController.generateCertificates(project, owner));
} catch (Exception ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures, true, owner);
throw new HopsSecurityException(RESTCodes.SecurityErrorCode.CERT_CREATION_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + project.getName() + "owner: " + owner.getUsername(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
String username = hdfsUsersController.getHdfsUserName(project, owner);
if (username == null || username.isEmpty()) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures, true, owner);
throw new UserException(RESTCodes.UserErrorCode.USER_WAS_NOT_FOUND, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + project.getName() + "owner: " + owner.getUsername());
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 4 (certs): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
// all the verifications have passed, we can now create the project
// create the project folder
ProvTypeDTO provType = settings.getProvType().dto;
try {
mkProjectDIR(projectName, dfso);
fsProvController.updateProjectProvType(project, provType, dfso);
} catch (IOException | EJBException | ProvenanceException ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures, true, owner);
throw new ProjectException(RESTCodes.ProjectErrorCode.PROJECT_FOLDER_NOT_CREATED, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + projectName, ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 5 (folders): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
// update the project with the project folder inode
try {
setProjectInode(project, dfso);
} catch (IOException | EJBException ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures, true, owner);
throw new ProjectException(RESTCodes.ProjectErrorCode.PROJECT_INODE_CREATION_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + projectName, ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 6 (inodes): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
// set payment and quotas
try {
setProjectOwnerAndQuotas(project, dfso, owner);
} catch (IOException | EJBException ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures, true, owner);
throw new ProjectException(RESTCodes.ProjectErrorCode.QUOTA_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + project.getName(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 7 (quotas): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
try {
hdfsUsersController.addProjectFolderOwner(project, dfso);
createProjectLogResources(owner, project, dfso);
} catch (IOException | EJBException ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures);
throw new ProjectException(RESTCodes.ProjectErrorCode.PROJECT_SET_PERMISSIONS_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + projectName, ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 8 (logs): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
// inconsistencies
try {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 9 (elastic cleanup): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
} catch (ElasticException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Error while cleaning old project indices", ex);
logProject(project, OperationType.Add);
// enable services
for (ProjectServiceEnum service : projectServices) {
try {
projectCreationFutures.addAll(addService(project, service, owner, dfso, provType));
} catch (RESTException | IOException ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures);
throw ex;
try {
for (Future f : projectCreationFutures) {
if (f != null) {
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while waiting for the certificate generation thread to finish. Will try to " + "cleanup...", ex);
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures);
throw new HopsSecurityException(RESTCodes.SecurityErrorCode.CERT_CREATION_ERROR, Level.SEVERE);
// Run the handlers.
try {
ProjectHandler.runProjectPostCreateHandlers(projectHandlers, project);
} catch (ProjectException ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures);
throw ex;
try {
project = environmentController.createEnv(project, owner);
} catch (PythonException | EJBException ex) {
cleanup(project, sessionId, projectCreationFutures);
throw new ProjectException(RESTCodes.ProjectErrorCode.PROJECT_ANACONDA_ENABLE_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + projectName, ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 10 (env): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
return project;
} finally {
if (dfso != null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PROJECT CREATION TIME. Step 11 (close): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ProvenanceException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class FeaturegroupService method deleteFeaturegroupContents.
* Endpoint for deleting the contents of the featuregroup.
* As HopsHive do not support ACID transactions the way to delete the contents of a table is to drop the table and
* re-create it, which also will drop the featuregroup metadata due to ON DELETE CASCADE foreign key rule.
* This method stores the metadata of the featuregroup before deleting it and then re-creates the featuregroup with
* the same metadata.
* <p>
* This endpoint is typically used when the user wants to insert data into a featuregroup with the write-mode
* 'overwrite' instead of default mode 'append'
* @param featuregroupId the id of the featuregroup
* @throws FeaturestoreException
* @throws HopsSecurityException
@AllowedProjectRoles({ AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_OWNER, AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_SCIENTIST })
@JWTRequired(acceptedTokens = { Audience.API, Audience.JOB }, allowedUserRoles = { "HOPS_ADMIN", "HOPS_USER" })
@ApiKeyRequired(acceptedScopes = { ApiScope.FEATURESTORE }, allowedUserRoles = { "HOPS_ADMIN", "HOPS_USER" })
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete featuregroup contents")
public Response deleteFeaturegroupContents(@Context SecurityContext sc, @ApiParam(value = "Id of the featuregroup", required = true) @PathParam("featuregroupId") Integer featuregroupId) throws FeaturestoreException, ServiceException, KafkaException, SchemaException, ProjectException, UserException {
Users user = jWTHelper.getUserPrincipal(sc);
// Verify that the user has the data-owner role or is the creator of the featuregroup
Featuregroup featuregroup = featuregroupController.getFeaturegroupById(featurestore, featuregroupId);
try {
FeaturegroupDTO newFeatureGroup = featuregroupController.clearFeaturegroup(featuregroup, project, user);
return Response.ok().entity(newFeatureGroup).build();
} catch (SQLException | IOException | ProvenanceException | HopsSecurityException e) {
throw new FeaturestoreException(RESTCodes.FeaturestoreErrorCode.COULD_NOT_CLEAR_FEATUREGROUP, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + project.getName() + ", featurestoreId: " + featurestore.getId() + ", featuregroupId: " + featuregroupId, e.getMessage(), e);
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ProvenanceException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class FeaturegroupService method createFeaturegroup.
* Endpoint for creating a new featuregroup in a featurestore
* @param featuregroupDTO JSON payload for the new featuregroup
* @return JSON information about the created featuregroup
* @throws HopsSecurityException
@AllowedProjectRoles({ AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_OWNER, AllowedProjectRoles.DATA_SCIENTIST })
@JWTRequired(acceptedTokens = { Audience.API, Audience.JOB }, allowedUserRoles = { "HOPS_ADMIN", "HOPS_USER" })
@ApiKeyRequired(acceptedScopes = { ApiScope.FEATURESTORE }, allowedUserRoles = { "HOPS_ADMIN", "HOPS_USER" })
@ApiOperation(value = "Create feature group in a featurestore", response = FeaturegroupDTO.class)
public Response createFeaturegroup(@Context SecurityContext sc, FeaturegroupDTO featuregroupDTO) throws FeaturestoreException, ServiceException, KafkaException, SchemaException, ProjectException, UserException {
Users user = jWTHelper.getUserPrincipal(sc);
if (featuregroupDTO == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input JSON for creating a new Feature Group cannot be null");
try {
if (featuregroupController.featuregroupExists(featurestore, featuregroupDTO)) {
throw new FeaturestoreException(RESTCodes.FeaturestoreErrorCode.FEATUREGROUP_EXISTS, Level.INFO, "project: " + project.getName() + ", featurestoreId: " + featurestore.getId());
FeaturegroupDTO createdFeaturegroup = featuregroupController.createFeaturegroup(featurestore, featuregroupDTO, project, user);
GenericEntity<FeaturegroupDTO> featuregroupGeneric = new GenericEntity<FeaturegroupDTO>(createdFeaturegroup) {
return noCacheResponse.getNoCacheResponseBuilder(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(featuregroupGeneric).build();
} catch (SQLException | ProvenanceException | IOException | HopsSecurityException e) {
throw new FeaturestoreException(RESTCodes.FeaturestoreErrorCode.COULD_NOT_CREATE_FEATUREGROUP, Level.SEVERE, "project: " + project.getName() + ", featurestoreId: " + featurestore.getId(), e.getMessage(), e);