Search in sources :

Example 1 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project oxTrust by GluuFederation.

the class SchemaWebService method getSchemaInstance.

private SchemaResource getSchemaInstance(Class<? extends BaseScimResource> clazz) throws Exception {
    SchemaResource resource;
    Class<? extends BaseScimResource> schemaCls = SchemaResource.class;
    Schema annotation = ScimResourceUtil.getSchemaAnnotation(clazz);
    if (!clazz.equals(schemaCls) && annotation != null) {
        Meta meta = new Meta();
        meta.setLocation(endpointUrl + "/" +;
        resource = new SchemaResource();
        List<SchemaAttribute> attribs = new ArrayList<SchemaAttribute>();
        // paths are, happily alphabetically sorted :)
        for (String path : IntrospectUtil.allAttrs.get(clazz)) {
            SchemaAttribute schAttr = new SchemaAttribute();
            Field f = IntrospectUtil.findFieldFromPath(clazz, path);
            Attribute attrAnnot = f.getAnnotation(Attribute.class);
            if (attrAnnot != null) {
                JsonProperty jsonAnnot = f.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class);
                schAttr.setName(jsonAnnot == null ? f.getName() : jsonAnnot.value());
                schAttr.setMultiValued(!attrAnnot.multiValueClass().equals(NullType.class) || IntrospectUtil.isCollection(f.getType()));
                schAttr.setCanonicalValues(attrAnnot.canonicalValues().length == 0 ? null : Arrays.asList(attrAnnot.canonicalValues()));
                schAttr.setReferenceTypes(attrAnnot.referenceTypes().length == 0 ? null : Arrays.asList(attrAnnot.referenceTypes()));
                if (attrAnnot.type().equals(AttributeDefinition.Type.COMPLEX))
                    schAttr.setSubAttributes(new ArrayList<SchemaAttribute>());
                // root list
                List<SchemaAttribute> list = attribs;
                String[] parts = path.split("\\.");
                for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
                    // skip last part (real attribute name)
                    int j = list.indexOf(new SchemaAttribute(parts[i]));
                    list = list.get(j).getSubAttributes();
    } else
        resource = null;
    return resource;
Also used : Meta(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.Meta) JsonProperty(org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonProperty) Attribute(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute) SchemaAttribute(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.provider.schema.SchemaAttribute) Schema(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Schema) ExtensionField(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.extensions.ExtensionField) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) NullType(javax.lang.model.type.NullType) SchemaAttribute(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.provider.schema.SchemaAttribute) SchemaResource(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.provider.schema.SchemaResource)

Example 2 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project oxTrust by GluuFederation.

the class Scim2PatchService method applyPatchOperationWithValueFilter.

private BaseScimResource applyPatchOperationWithValueFilter(BaseScimResource resource, PatchOperation operation, String valSelFilter, String attribute, String subAttribute) throws SCIMException, InvalidAttributeValueException {
    String path = operation.getPath();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    Class<? extends BaseScimResource> cls = resource.getClass();
    Map<String, Object> resourceAsMap = mapper.convertValue(resource, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {
    List<Map<String, Object>> list;
    Attribute attrAnnot = IntrospectUtil.getFieldAnnotation(attribute, cls, Attribute.class);
    if (attrAnnot != null) {
        if (!attrAnnot.multiValueClass().equals(NullType.class) && attrAnnot.type().equals(AttributeDefinition.Type.COMPLEX)) {
            Object colObject = resourceAsMap.get(attribute);
            list = colObject == null ? null : new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>((Collection<Map<String, Object>>) colObject);
        } else
            throw new SCIMException(String.format("Attribute '%s' expected to be complex multi-valued", attribute));
    } else
        throw new SCIMException(String.format("Attribute '%s' not recognized or expected to be complex multi-valued", attribute));
    if (list == null)"applyPatchOperationWithValueFilter. List of values for {} is empty. Operation has no effect", attribute);
    else {
        try {
            valSelFilter = FilterUtil.preprocess(valSelFilter, cls);
            ParseTree parseTree = filterService.getParseTree(valSelFilter);
            List<Integer> matchingIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                if (filterService.complexAttributeMatch(parseTree, list.get(i), attribute, cls))
                    // Important: add so that resulting list is reverse-ordered
                    matchingIndexes.add(0, i);
            if (subAttribute.length() > 0 && matchingIndexes.size() > 0 && operation.getType().equals(PatchOperationType.REMOVE)) {
                // per spec (section RFC 7644) subAttribute must not be required or read-only
                Attribute subAttrAnnot = IntrospectUtil.getFieldAnnotation(attribute + "." + subAttribute, cls, Attribute.class);
                if (subAttrAnnot != null && (subAttrAnnot.mutability().equals(READ_ONLY) || subAttrAnnot.isRequired()))
                    throw new InvalidAttributeValueException("Cannot remove read-only or required attribute " + attribute + "." + subAttribute);
                Here we differ from spec (see section of RFC7644. If no record match is made, we are supposed to
                return error 400 with scimType of noTarget. But this is clearly inconvenient
  "There are {} entries matching the filter '{}'", matchingIndexes.size(), path);
            for (Integer index : matchingIndexes) {
                if (operation.getType().equals(PatchOperationType.REMOVE)) {
                    if (// Remove the whole item
                    subAttribute.length() == 0)
                        // If intValue is not used, the remove(Object) method is called!
                        // remove subattribute only
                } else
                    applyPartialUpdate(attribute, subAttribute, list, index, operation.getValue(), cls);
            log.trace("New {} list is:\n{}", attribute, mapper.writeValueAsString(list));
            resourceAsMap.put(attribute, list.size() == 0 ? null : list);
            resource = mapper.convertValue(resourceAsMap, cls);
        } catch (InvalidAttributeValueException ei) {
            throw ei;
        } catch (Exception e) {
  "Error processing Patch operation with value selection path '{}'", path);
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new SCIMException(e.getMessage(), e);
    return resource;
Also used : Attribute(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute) InvalidAttributeValueException( SCIMException(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.exception.SCIMException) InvalidAttributeValueException( SCIMException(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.exception.SCIMException) ObjectMapper( ParseTree(org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree)

Example 3 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project oxTrust by GluuFederation.

the class IntrospectUtil method findFieldFromPath.

 * Inspects a class to search for a field that corresponds to the path passed using dot notation. Every piece of the
 * path (separated by the a dot '.') is expected to have a field with the same name in the class inspected. When such
 * a field is found, the remainder of the path is processed using the class associated to the field, until the path is
 * fully consumed.
 * <p>This method starts from an initial class and visits ascendingly the class hierarchy with a route determined
 * by the components found in the path parameter.</p>
 * @param initcls Class to start the search from
 * @param path A string denoting a path to a target attribute. Examples of valid paths can be: displayName, name.givenName,
 *            addresses.locality
 * @return A Field that represents the terminal portion of the path, for instance "locality" field for "addresses.locality".
 * If no such field is found (because at some point, there was no route to go), null is returned.
public static Field findFieldFromPath(Class<?> initcls, String path) {
    Class cls = initcls;
    Field f = null;
    for (String prop : path.split("\\.")) {
        f = findField(cls, prop);
        if (f != null) {
            cls = f.getType();
            if (isCollection(cls)) {
                Attribute attrAnnot = f.getAnnotation(Attribute.class);
                if (attrAnnot != null)
                    cls = attrAnnot.multiValueClass();
        } else
    return f;
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Attribute(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)

Example 4 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project oxTrust by GluuFederation.

the class ResourceValidator method validateCanonicalizedAttributes.

 * Inspects the resource passed in the constructor and for every attribute annotated with a non-empty collection of
 * {@link Attribute#canonicalValues() canonical values}, it checks whether the attribute value matches any of the
 * canonical values supplied.
 * <p>This method should be called after a successful call to {@link #validateRequiredAttributes()}.</p>
 * @throws SCIMException When a validation does not pass (there is no match for any of the attributes inspected)
public void validateCanonicalizedAttributes() throws SCIMException {
    Map<String, List<Method>> map = IntrospectUtil.canonicalCoreAttrs.get(resourceClass);
    for (String attributePath : map.keySet()) {
        Attribute attrAnnot = IntrospectUtil.getFieldAnnotation(attributePath, resourceClass, Attribute.class);
        List<String> canonicalVals = Arrays.asList(attrAnnot.canonicalValues());
        log.debug("Validating values of canonical attribute '{}'", attributePath);
        for (Object val : IntrospectUtil.getAttributeValues(resource, map.get(attributePath))) {
            if (!canonicalVals.contains(val.toString())) {
                log.error("Error validating canonical attribute '{}', wrong value supplied: '{}'", attributePath, val.toString());
                throw new SCIMException(String.format(ATTR_VALIDATION_FAILED, attributePath));
Also used : SCIMException(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.exception.SCIMException) Attribute(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)

Example 5 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project oxTrust by GluuFederation.

the class ScimResourceUtil method traverse.

void traverse(String prefix, Map<String, Object> source, Map<String, Object> destination, boolean replacing) {
    for (String key : source.keySet()) {
        Object value = source.get(key);
        Object destValue = destination.get(key);
        if (value != null && error == null) {
            // Atributes related to extensions evaluate null here
            Attribute attrAnnot = IntrospectUtil.getFieldAnnotation(getNewPrefix(prefix, key), base, Attribute.class);
            if (attrAnnot != null && !attrAnnot.mutability().equals(READ_ONLY)) {
                if (value instanceof Map)
                    value = smallerMap(getNewPrefix(prefix, key), IntrospectUtil.strObjMap(value), destValue, replacing);
                else if (attrAnnot.mutability().equals(IMMUTABLE) && destValue != null && !value.equals(destValue)) {
                    // provokes no more traversals
                    error = "Invalid value passed for immutable attribute " + key;
                    value = null;
                if (value != null) {
                    if (IntrospectUtil.isCollection(value.getClass())) {
                        Collection col = (Collection) value;
                        int size = col.size();
                        if (!replacing) {
                            // we need to add to the existing collection
                            if (destValue != null) {
                                if (!IntrospectUtil.isCollection(destValue.getClass()))
                                    log.warn("Value {} was expected to be a collection", destValue);
                                    col.addAll((Collection) destValue);
                        // Do the arrangement so that only one primary="true" can stay in data
                        value = col.size() == 0 ? null : adjustPrimarySubAttributes(col, size);
                    destination.put(key, value);
Also used : Attribute(org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)


Response ( UserResource (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.user.UserResource)13 ListResponse (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.ListResponse)12 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)12 SCIMException (io.jans.scim.model.exception.SCIMException)11 Attribute (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)11 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)11 InvalidAttributeValueException ( Attribute (org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)11 ExtensionField (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.ExtensionField)10 Extension (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.Extension)9 UserBaseTest (io.jans.scim2.client.UserBaseTest)7 BaseScimResource (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.BaseScimResource)5 NullType (javax.lang.model.type.NullType)5 Path ( SearchRequest (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.SearchRequest)4 ProtectedApi (io.jans.scim.service.filter.ProtectedApi)4 RefAdjusted (io.jans.scim.service.scim2.interceptor.RefAdjusted)4 BaseTest (io.jans.scim2.client.BaseTest)4 URI (