Search in sources :

Example 21 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class IntrospectUtil method traverseClassForNames.

private static void traverseClassForNames(Class clazz, String prefix, List<Field> extraFields, boolean prune) throws Exception {
    List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Field f : fields) {
        Attribute attrAnnot = f.getAnnotation(Attribute.class);
        if (attrAnnot != null) {
            String name = f.getName();
            if (prefix.length() > 0)
                name = prefix + "." + name;
            switch(attrAnnot.returned()) {
                case ALWAYS:
                case DEFAULT:
                case NEVER:
                case REQUEST:
            if (attrAnnot.isRequired())
            if (attrAnnot.canonicalValues().length > 0)
            Validator vAnnot = f.getAnnotation(Validator.class);
            if (vAnnot != null)
            if (!prune && attrAnnot.type().equals(AttributeDefinition.Type.COMPLEX)) {
                // Use <T> parameter of Collection if present
                Class cls = attrAnnot.multiValueClass();
                if (cls.equals(NullType.class)) {
                    cls = f.getType();
                if (clazz.equals(cls)) {
                    // Prevent infinite loop
                    prune = true;
                traverseClassForNames(cls, name, new ArrayList<>(), prune);
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Attribute(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute) Validator(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Validator)

Example 22 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class ScimResourceUtil method traverse.

void traverse(String prefix, Map<String, Object> source, Map<String, Object> destination, boolean replacing) {
    for (String key : source.keySet()) {
        Object value = source.get(key);
        Object destValue = destination.get(key);
        if (value != null && error == null) {
            // Atributes related to extensions evaluate null here
            Attribute attrAnnot = IntrospectUtil.getFieldAnnotation(getNewPrefix(prefix, key), base, Attribute.class);
            if (attrAnnot != null && !attrAnnot.mutability().equals(READ_ONLY)) {
                if (value instanceof Map) {
                    value = smallerMap(getNewPrefix(prefix, key), IntrospectUtil.strObjMap(value), destValue, replacing);
                } else if (attrAnnot.mutability().equals(IMMUTABLE) && destValue != null && !value.equals(destValue)) {
                    // provokes no more traversals
                    error = "Invalid value passed for immutable attribute " + key;
                    value = null;
                if (value != null) {
                    if (IntrospectUtil.isCollection(value.getClass())) {
                        Collection col = (Collection) value;
                        int size = col.size();
                        if (!replacing) {
                            // we need to add to the existing collection
                            if (destValue != null) {
                                if (IntrospectUtil.isCollection(destValue.getClass()))
                                    col.addAll((Collection) destValue);
                                    log.warn("Value {} was expected to be a collection", destValue);
                        // Do the arrangement so that only one primary="true" can stay in data
                        value = col.isEmpty() ? null : adjustPrimarySubAttributes(col, size);
                    destination.put(key, value);
Also used : Attribute(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)

Example 23 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class ComplexSearchUserTest method searchSortByDate.

// This test is disabled to avoid problems in attribute excludeMetaLastMod being inconsistent with updatedAt in testing server
// @Test
public void searchSortByDate() {
    SearchRequest sr = new SearchRequest();
    sr.setFilter("userName pr");
    Response response = client.searchUsersPost(sr);
    assertEquals(response.getStatus(), OK.getStatusCode());
    ListResponse listResponse = response.readEntity(ListResponse.class);
    UserResource[] users = listResponse.getResources().stream().map(usrClass::cast).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new UserResource[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < users.length; i++) {
        String lastMod1 = users[i - 1].getMeta() == null ? null : users[i - 1].getMeta().getLastModified();
        String lastMod2 = users[i].getMeta() == null ? null : users[i].getMeta().getLastModified();
        if (// Both being non null is OK
        lastMod1 != null)
        if (// If second is null, first must be
        lastMod2 == null)
        if (lastMod1 != null && lastMod2 != null) {
            ZonedDateTime dt1 = ZonedDateTime.parse(lastMod1);
            ZonedDateTime dt2 = ZonedDateTime.parse(lastMod2);
            assertTrue(dt1.isEqual(dt2) || dt1.isBefore(dt2));
Also used : Response( ListResponse(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.ListResponse) SearchRequest(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.SearchRequest) ListResponse(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.ListResponse) ZonedDateTime(java.time.ZonedDateTime) UserResource(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.user.UserResource)

Example 24 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class Fido2DeviceTest method updateWithObject.

@Test(dependsOnMethods = "updateWithJson")
public void updateWithObject() throws Exception {
    logger.debug("Updating device to original attributes");
    Response response = client.updateF2Device(device, device.getId(), null, null);
    assertEquals(response.getStatus(), OK.getStatusCode());
    Fido2DeviceResource updated = response.readEntity(fido2Class);
    // Naively compare (property-to-property) the original and new object. It's feasible since all of them are strings
    for (String path : IntrospectUtil.allAttrs.get(fido2Class)) {
        String val = BeanUtils.getProperty(device, path);
        // Exclude metas since they diverge and skip if original attribute was null (when passing null for an update, server ignores)
        if (!path.startsWith("meta") && val != null) {
            assertEquals(BeanUtils.getProperty(updated, path), val);
    // Update an immutable attribute
    response = client.updateF2Device(updated, updated.getId(), null, null);
    assertEquals(response.getStatus(), BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode());
Also used : Response( ListResponse(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.ListResponse) Fido2DeviceResource( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) BaseTest(io.jans.scim2.client.BaseTest)

Example 25 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class FilterListener method enterAttrexp.

public void enterAttrexp(ScimFilterParser.AttrexpContext ctx) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(error)) {
        String path = ctx.attrpath().getText();
        ScimFilterParser.CompvalueContext compValueCtx = ctx.compvalue();
        boolean isPrRule = compValueCtx == null && ctx.getChild(1).getText().equals("pr");
        Type attrType = null;
        Attribute attrAnnot = IntrospectUtil.getFieldAnnotation(path, resourceClass, Attribute.class);
        String ldapAttribute = null;
        boolean isNested = false;
        Boolean multiValued = false;
        if (attrAnnot == null) {
            ExtensionField field = extService.getFieldOfExtendedAttribute(resourceClass, path);
            if (field == null) {
                error = String.format("Attribute path '%s' is not recognized in %s", path, resourceClass.getSimpleName());
            } else {
                attrType = field.getAttributeDefinitionType();
                multiValued = field.isMultiValued();
                ldapAttribute = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(":") + 1);
        } else {
            attrType = attrAnnot.type();
            Pair<String, Boolean> pair = FilterUtil.getLdapAttributeOfResourceAttribute(path, resourceClass);
            ldapAttribute = pair.getFirst();
            isNested = pair.getSecond();
            multiValued = computeMultivaluedForCoreAttribute(path, attrAnnot, ldapAttribute);
        if (error != null) {
        // Intentionally left empty
        } else if (attrType == null) {
            error = String.format("Could not determine type of attribute path '%s' in %s", path, resourceClass.getSimpleName());
        } else if (ldapAttribute == null) {
            error = String.format("Could not determine LDAP attribute for path '%s' in %s", path, resourceClass.getSimpleName());
        } else {
            String subattr = isNested ? path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) : null;
            CompValueType type;
            ScimOperator operator;
            if (isPrRule) {
                type = CompValueType.NULL;
                operator = ScimOperator.NOT_EQUAL;
            } else {
                type = FilterUtil.getCompValueType(compValueCtx);
                operator = ScimOperator.getByValue(ctx.compareop().getText());
            error = FilterUtil.checkFilterConsistency(path, attrType, type, operator);
            if (error == null) {
                Pair<Filter, String> subf =, ldapAttribute, isPrRule ? null : compValueCtx.getText(), attrType, type, operator, multiValued);
                Filter subFilth = subf.getFirst();
                error = subf.getSecond();
                if (subFilth == null) {
                    if (error == null) {
                        error = String.format("Operator '%s' is not supported for attribute %s", operator.getValue(), path);
                } else {
Also used : Attribute(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute) ScimOperator(io.jans.scim.service.antlr.scimFilter.enums.ScimOperator) Type(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.AttributeDefinition.Type) NullType(javax.lang.model.type.NullType) CompValueType(io.jans.scim.service.antlr.scimFilter.enums.CompValueType) ExtensionField(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.ExtensionField) Filter( ScimFilterParser(io.jans.scim.service.antlr.scimFilter.antlr4.ScimFilterParser) CompValueType(io.jans.scim.service.antlr.scimFilter.enums.CompValueType)


Response ( UserResource (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.user.UserResource)13 ListResponse (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.ListResponse)12 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)12 SCIMException (io.jans.scim.model.exception.SCIMException)11 Attribute (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)11 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)11 InvalidAttributeValueException ( Attribute (org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)11 ExtensionField (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.ExtensionField)10 Extension (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.Extension)9 UserBaseTest (io.jans.scim2.client.UserBaseTest)7 BaseScimResource (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.BaseScimResource)5 NullType (javax.lang.model.type.NullType)5 Path ( SearchRequest (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.SearchRequest)4 ProtectedApi (io.jans.scim.service.filter.ProtectedApi)4 RefAdjusted (io.jans.scim.service.scim2.interceptor.RefAdjusted)4 BaseTest (io.jans.scim2.client.BaseTest)4 URI (