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Example 41 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class ExtensionService method extensionOfAttribute.

public Extension extensionOfAttribute(Class<? extends BaseScimResource> cls, String attribute) {
    List<Extension> extensions = getResourceExtensions(cls);
    Extension belong = null;
    try {
        for (Extension ext : extensions) {
            if (attribute.startsWith(ext.getUrn() + ":")) {
                attribute = attribute.substring(ext.getUrn().length() + 1);
                for (String fieldName : ext.getFields().keySet()) if (attribute.equals(fieldName)) {
                    belong = ext;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return belong;
Also used : Extension(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.Extension)

Example 42 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class IntrospectUtil method computeGettersMap.

private static Map<String, List<Method>> computeGettersMap(List<String> attrNames, Class baseClass) throws Exception {
    Map<String, List<Method>> map = new HashMap<>();
    for (String attrName : attrNames) {
        List<Method> list = new ArrayList<>();
        Class clazz = baseClass;
        for (String prop : attrName.split("\\.")) {
            Method method = getGetter(prop, clazz);
            if (isCollection(method.getReturnType())) {
                // Use class of parameter in collection
                Field f = findField(clazz, prop);
                Attribute attrAnnot = f.getAnnotation(Attribute.class);
                if (attrAnnot != null)
                    clazz = attrAnnot.multiValueClass();
            } else
                clazz = method.getReturnType();
        map.put(attrName, list);
    return map;
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Attribute(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method)

Example 43 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class ScimResourceUtil method deleteFromResource.

 * Returns a SCIM resource with the same data found in <code>origin</code> object, except for the attribute referenced
 * by <code>path</code> being removed from the output. In other words, this method nullifies an attribute.
 * @param origin The resource having the the original data
 * @param path An attribute path (in dot notation). Examples could be: <code>displayName, emails.type, addresses,
 *             meta.lastModified</code>.
 * @param extensions A list of <code>Extension</code>s associated to <code>origin</code> Object
 * @return The resulting object: data in origin without the attribute referenced by <code>path</code>
 * @throws InvalidAttributeValueException If there is an attempt to remove an attribute annotated as {@link Attribute#isRequired()
 * required} or {@link io.jans.scim.model.scim2.AttributeDefinition.Mutability#READ_ONLY read-only}
public static BaseScimResource deleteFromResource(BaseScimResource origin, String path, List<Extension> extensions) throws InvalidAttributeValueException {
    Field f = IntrospectUtil.findFieldFromPath(origin.getClass(), path);
    if (f != null) {
        Attribute attrAnnot = f.getAnnotation(Attribute.class);
        if (attrAnnot != null && (attrAnnot.mutability().equals(READ_ONLY) || attrAnnot.isRequired()))
            throw new InvalidAttributeValueException("Cannot remove read-only or required attribute " + path);
    Map<String, Object> map = mapper.convertValue(origin, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {
    traversalClass tclass = new traversalClass(origin.getClass());
    if (// Extensions stuff
    f == null)
        deleteCustomAttribute(map, path, extensions);
        tclass.traverseDelete(map, path);
    return mapper.convertValue(map, origin.getClass());
Also used : ExtensionField(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.ExtensionField) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Attribute(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute) InvalidAttributeValueException(

Example 44 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class BaseScimWebService method assignMetaInformation.

protected void assignMetaInformation(BaseScimResource resource) {
    // Generate some meta information (this replaces the info client passed in the request)
    String val = DateUtil.millisToISOString(System.currentTimeMillis());
    Meta meta = new Meta();
    // For version attritute: Service provider support for this attribute is optional and subject to the service provider's support for versioning
    // For location attribute: this will be set after current user creation in LDAP
Also used : Meta(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.Meta)

Example 45 with Attribute

use of io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class SimpleExpression method evaluate.

public Boolean evaluate(Map<String, Object> item) {
        There are 3 categories for attribute operators:
        - eq, ne (applicable to all types)
        - co, sw, ew (applicable to STRING, REFERENCE)
        - gt, ge, lt, le (applicable to STRING, DECIMAL, REFERENCE, DATETIME)
    Boolean val = null;
    Type attrType = null;
    String msg = String.format("%s%s", StringUtils.isEmpty(parentAttribute) ? "" : (parentAttribute + "."), resourceClass.getSimpleName());
    Attribute attrAnnot = getAttributeAnnotation();
    if (attrAnnot == null) {
        if (extService != null) {
            ExtensionField field = extService.getFieldOfExtendedAttribute(resourceClass, attribute);
            if (field == null)
                log.error("SimpleExpression.evaluate. Attribute '{}' is not recognized in {}", attribute, msg);
                attrType = field.getAttributeDefinitionType();
    } else
        attrType = attrAnnot.type();
    if (attrType == null) {
        log.error("SimpleExpression.evaluate. Could not determine type of attribute '{}' in {}", attribute, msg);
    } else {
        String errMsg = FilterUtil.checkFilterConsistency(attribute, attrType, type, operator);
        if (errMsg == null) {
            Object currentAttrValue = item.get(attribute);
            if (type.equals(CompValueType.NULL)) {
                // implies attributeValue==null
                log.trace("SimpleExpression.evaluate. Using null as compare value");
                val = operator.equals(ScimOperator.EQUAL) ? currentAttrValue == null : currentAttrValue != null;
            } else if (currentAttrValue == null) {
                // If value is absent, filter won't match against anything (only when comparing with null as in previous case)
                log.trace("SimpleExpression.evaluate. Attribute \"{}\" is absent in resource data", attribute);
                val = false;
            } else if (// check it's a string or reference
            Type.STRING.equals(attrType) || Type.REFERENCE.equals(attrType))
                val = evaluateStringAttribute(attrAnnot != null && attrAnnot.isCaseExact(), currentAttrValue);
            else if (Type.INTEGER.equals(attrType) || Type.DECIMAL.equals(attrType))
                val = evaluateNumericAttribute(attrType, currentAttrValue);
            else if (Type.BOOLEAN.equals(attrType))
                val = evaluateBooleanAttribute(attrType, currentAttrValue);
            else if (Type.DATETIME.equals(attrType))
                val = evaluateDateTimeAttribute(attrType, currentAttrValue);
        } else
            log.error("SimpleExpression.evaluate. {}", errMsg);
    return val;
Also used : Type(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.AttributeDefinition.Type) CompValueType(io.jans.scim.service.antlr.scimFilter.enums.CompValueType) ExtensionField(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.ExtensionField) Attribute(io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)


Response ( UserResource (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.user.UserResource)13 ListResponse (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.ListResponse)12 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)12 SCIMException (io.jans.scim.model.exception.SCIMException)11 Attribute (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)11 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)11 InvalidAttributeValueException ( Attribute (org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.annotations.Attribute)11 ExtensionField (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.ExtensionField)10 Extension (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.extensions.Extension)9 UserBaseTest (io.jans.scim2.client.UserBaseTest)7 BaseScimResource (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.BaseScimResource)5 NullType (javax.lang.model.type.NullType)5 Path ( SearchRequest (io.jans.scim.model.scim2.SearchRequest)4 ProtectedApi (io.jans.scim.service.filter.ProtectedApi)4 RefAdjusted (io.jans.scim.service.scim2.interceptor.RefAdjusted)4 BaseTest (io.jans.scim2.client.BaseTest)4 URI (